
ọnwa nke itoolu na kalịnda Julia na Gregory mepụtara From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Na iguafọr Gregorian, Septemba bu onwa iteghete na afo, nwere ubochi ruru 30 (iri ato). Na mgbe gara-aga, Septemba bula onwa asaa, site na afo a-di enwela Jenụwarị na Febrụwarị. Mgbe ekere wo, otu afo enweta onwa iri na abuo.

More information obere ụdị nke, Akụkụ nke ...
calendar month
obere ụdị nkemonth of the Gregorian calendar Dezie
Akụkụ nkeJulian calendar, Gregorian calendar, Swedish calendar Dezie
aha njirimaraсентября, września, Tarpuy killa, Haligmonðes Dezie
na-esochiỌgọst Dezie
ndị sotereOctober Dezie
series ordinal9 Dezie
Önwa ụzụ Alụsị -   Önwa mbu -   Önwa abụa -   Önwa ife Eke -   Önwa anọ -   Önwa Agwụ -   Önwa Ifejiọkü -   Önwa Alọm Chi -   Önwa ilo mmụọ -   Önwa ana -   Önwa Okike-Ajana -   Önwa ede Ajana 

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