TvN (saluran TV Korea Selatan)
perusahaan asal Korea Selatan Dari Wikipedia, ensiklopedia bebas
tvN (Total Variety Network) adalah saluran hiburan umum Korea Selatan yang dimiliki oleh CJ E&M, yang tersedia pada kabel, SkyLife, dan platform IPTV.[1]
Artikel atau sebagian dari artikel ini mungkin diterjemahkan dari TvN (saluran TV Korea Selatan) di Isinya masih belum akurat, karena bagian yang diterjemahkan masih perlu diperhalus dan disempurnakan. Jika Anda menguasai bahasa aslinya, harap pertimbangkan untuk menelusuri referensinya dan menyempurnakan terjemahan ini. Anda juga dapat ikut bergotong royong pada ProyekWiki Perbaikan Terjemahan. (Pesan ini dapat dihapus jika terjemahan dirasa sudah cukup tepat. Lihat pula: panduan penerjemahan artikel) |
tvN | |
![]() | |
Negara | Korea Selatan |
Wilayah siaran | Korea Selatan |
Kantor pusat | CJ E&M Center, 66 Sangamsan-ro, Sangam-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea Selatan |
Slogan | Best Korean Entertainment (sejak Desember 2018) |
Bahasa | Korea |
Format gambar | 1080i HDTV |
Pemilik | CJ ENM E&M Division (CJ Group) |
- tvN e-News 9 (acara yang sama dengan KBS News 9 dan JTBC News 9.)
Variety show
- Roller Coaster (롤러코스터; 2009–2013)[2]
- Martian Virus (화성인 바이러스; 2009–2013)[3][4]
- Comedy Big League (코미디빅리그; 2011–present)[5]
- Korea's Got Talent (코리아 갓 탤런트; 2011–2012)[6]
- Saturday Night Live Korea (새터데이 나이트 라이브 코리아; 2011–present)[7][8]
- The Romantic & Idol (더로맨틱&아이돌; 2012-2013)[9]
- Super Diva (슈퍼 디바; 2012)
- WIN: Who Is Next (2013)[10]
- Grandpas Over Flowers (꽃보다 할배; 2013–2015)[11]
- Sisters Over Flowers (꽃보다 누나; 2013)[12]
- Youth Over Flowers (꽃보다 청춘; 2014)[13]
- Three Meals a Day (삼시세끼; 2014)
- The Genius: Rules of the Game (더 지니어스: 게임의 법칙; 2013)
- The Genius: Rule Breaker (더 지니어스: 룰 브레이커; 2013-2014)
- The Genius: Black Garnet (더 지니어스: 블랙가넷; 2014)
- First Day of Work (오늘부터 출근; 2014)
- Three Meals a Day: Fishing Village (삼시세끼-어촌편; 2015)
Talk show
Drama Harian
Senin–Kamis (09:45)
- Yellow Boots (노란 복수초; 2012)[16]
- Glass Mask (유리가면; 2012–2013)
- Crazy Love (미친사랑; 2013) (pindah ke Senin–Jumat)
- Family Secrets (가족의 비밀; 2014–2015)
- A Bird That Doesn't Sing (울지않는 새; 2015)
Senin–Jumat (09:45)
- Crazy Love (미친사랑; 2013)
Drama Senin–Selasa
- A Piece of Your Mind (반의 반; 2020)
- My Unfamiliar Family ((아는 건 별로 없지만) 가족입니다; 2020)
- Record of Youth (청춘기록; 2020)
- Birthcare Center (산후조리원; 2020)
- Awaken (낮과 밤; 2020)
- L.U.C.A.: The Beginning (루카; 2021)
- Navillera (나빌레라; 2021)
- Doom at your Service (어느 날 우리 집 현관으로 멸망이 들어왔다; 2021)
- You Are My Spring (너는 나의 봄; 2021)
- High-Class (하이클래스; 2021)
- Because This is My First Life (이번 생은 처음이라; 2017)
- Cross (크로스; 2018)
- A Poem a Day (시를 잊은 그대에게; 2018)
- About Time (멈추고 싶은 순간: 어바웃타임; 2018)
- 100 Days My Prince (백일의 낭군님; 2018)
- Tale of Fairy (계룡선녀전; 2018)
- The Crowned Clown (왕이 된 남자; 2019)
- He Is Psychometric (사이코메트리 그녀석; 2019)
- Abyss (어비스; 2019)
- Designated Survivor: 60 Days (60일, 지정생존자; 2019)
- The Great Show (위대한 쇼; 2019)
- Catch the Ghost (유령을 찾아라; 2019)
- Black Dog: Being A Teacher (블랙독; 2019–2020)
- The Cursed (방법; 2020)
- Basketball (빠스껫 볼; 2013)
- I Need Romance 3 (로맨스가 필요해 3; 2014)
- I Need Romance (로맨스가 필요해; 2011)
- Birdie Buddy (버디버디; 2011)
- Flower Boy Ramyun Shop (꽃미남 라면가게; 2011)
- Shut Up Flower Boy Band (닥치고 꽃미남밴드; 2012)[17]
- The Wedding Scheme (결혼의 꼼수; 2012)
- I Love Lee Tae-ri (아이러브 이태리; 2012)
- Flower Boys Next Door (이웃집 꽃미남; 2013)
- Nine: Nine Time Travels (나인: 아홉 번의 시간여행; 2013)
- Dating Agency: Cyrano (연애조작단; 시라노; 2013)
- Who Are You? (후아유; 2013)
- Witch's Romance (마녀의 연애; 2014)
- High School King of Savvy (고교처세왕; 2014)
- My Secret Hotel (마이 시크릿 호텔; 2014)
- Liar Game (라이어게임; 2014)[18]
- Valid Love (일리있는 사랑; 2014)
- Hogu's Love (호구의 사랑; 2015)
- Let's Eat 2 (식샤를 합시다 2; 2015)
- Hidden Identity (신분을 숨겨라; 2015)
- Ugly Miss Young-ae musim 14 (2015)
- Bubblegum (풍선껌; 2015)
- Cheese in the Trap (치즈인더트랩; 2016)
- Pied Piper (피리부는 사나이; 2016)
- Another Oh Hae-young (또 오해영; 2016)
- Hey Ghost, Let's Fight (싸우자귀신아; 2016)
- Drinking Solo (혼술남녀; 2016)
- Ugly Miss Young-ae musim 15 (2016)
- Introverted Boss (내성적인 보스; 2017)
- The Liar and His Lover (그녀는 거짓말을 너무 사랑해; 2017)
- Circle (써클; 2017)
- The Bride of Habaek (하백의 신부; 2017)
- Argon (아르곤; 2017)
Selasa (23:00)
- Reply 1997 (응답하라 1997; 2012)
Drama Rabu–Kamis
- Manny (매니; 2011)
- Prison Playbook (슬기로운 감빵생활; 2017)
- Mother (마더; 2018)
- My Mister (나의 아저씨; 2018)
- Avengers Social Club (부암동 복수자들; 2017)
- What's Wrong with Secretary Kim? (김비서가 왜 그럴까; 2018)
- Familiar Wife (아는 와이프; 2018)
- The Smile Has Left Your Eyes (하늘에서 내리는 일억개의 별; 2018)
- Encounter (남자친구; 2018–2019)
- Touch Your Heart (진심이 닿다; 2018)
- Her Private Life (그녀의 사생활; 2019)
- Search: WWW (검색어를 입력하세요: WWW; 2019)
- When the Devil Calls Your Name (악마가 너의 이름을 부를 때; 2019)
- Miss Lee (청일전자 미쓰리; 2019)
- Psychopath Diary (싸이코패스 다이어리; 2019–2020)
- Money Game (머니게임; 2020)
- Memorist (메모리스트; 2020)
- Oh My Baby (오 마이 베이비; 2020)
- Flower of Evil (악의꽃; 2020)
- Tale of the Nine Tailed (구미호뎐; 2020)
- True Beauty (여신강림; 2020)
- Mouse (낮과 마우스; 2021)
- My Roommate is a Gumiho ( 간 떨어지는 동거; 2021)
- The Road; The Tragedy of One (더 로드: 1의 비극; 2021)
- Hyena (하이에나; 2006)
- Mermaid Story (인어 이야기; 2007)
- Romance Hunter (로맨스 헌터; 2007)
- The Great Catsby (위대한 캣츠비; 2007)
- Twelve Men in a Year (일년에 열두 남자; 2012)
- Queen In-hyun's Man (인현왕후의 남자; 2012)
- I Need Romance 2012 (로맨스가 필요해 2012; 2012)
- The 3rd Hospital (제3병원; 2012)
- Criminal Minds (크리미널 마인드; 2017)
Rabu (23:00)
- The Blue Tower (푸른거탑; 2013)
- Fantasy Tower (환상거탑; 2013)
- The Blue Tower ZERO (푸른거탑 제로; 2013)
- The Blue Tower Returns (푸른거탑 리턴즈; 2013)
- The Golden Tower (황금거탑; 2014)
Kamis (21:00)
- Hospital Playlist (슬기로운 의사생활; 2020)
Kamis (23:00)
- She Is Wow (우와한 녀; 2013)
- Let's Eat (식샤를 합시다; 2013)
- The Idle Mermaid (잉여공주; 2014)
Drama Jumat–Sabtu
- The K2 (더 케이투; 2016)
- Guardian: The Lonely and Great God (도깨비; 2016)
- Tomorrow With You (내일 그대와; 2017)
- Chicago Typewriter (시카고타자기; 2017)
- Reply 1994 (응답하라 1994; 2013)
- Emergency Couple (응급남녀; 2014)
- Gap-dong (갑동이; 2014)
- Marriage, Not Dating (연애 말고 결혼; 2014)
- Plus Nine Boys (아홉수 소년; 2014)
- Misaeng (미생; 2014)
- Heart to Heart (하트 투 하트; 2015)
- Super Daddy Yeol (슈퍼대디 열; 2015)
- Ex-Girlfriend Club (구여친 클럽; 2015)
- Oh My Ghostess (오 나의 귀신님; 2015)
- Twenty Again (두번째 스무살; 2015)
- Reply 1988 (응답하라 1988; 2015)
- Signal (시그널; 2016)
- Memory (기억; 2016)
- Dear My Friends (디어 마이 프렌즈; 2016)
- The Good Wife (굿 와이프; 2016)
- Cinderella and Four Knights (신데렐라와 네 명의 기사; 2016)
- Entourage (안투라지; 2016)
Jumat (23:00)
- Fight (맞짱; 2008)
- Mrs. Town (미세스타운 남편이 죽었다; 2009)
- Harvest Villa (위기일발 풍년빌라; 2010)
- Joseon X-Files (기찰비록; 2010)
- Once Upon a Time in Saengchori (원스 어폰 어 타임 인 생초리; 2010-2011)[19]
- Monstar (몬스타; 2013)
- Top Star U-back (톱스타 유백이; 2018)[20]
- Ugly Miss Young-ae musim 17 (2019)
- Pegasus Market (쌉니다 천리마마트; 2019)
Drama Sabtu–Minggu
- Stranger (비밀의 숲; 2017)
- Live Up to Your Name, Dr. Heo (명불허전; 2017)
- Revolutionary Love (변혁의 사랑; 2017)
- The Most Beautiful Goodbye in the World (세상에서 가장 아름다운 이별; 2017)
- A Korean Odyssey (화유기; 2017–2018)
- Live (라이브; 2018)
- Lawless Lawyer (무법 변호사; 2018)
- Mr. Sunshine (미스터 션샤인; 2018)
- Room No. 9 (나인룸; 2018)
- Memories of the Alhambra (알함브라 궁전의 추억; 2018–2019)
- Romance Is a Bonus Book (로맨스는 별책부록; 2019)
- Confession (자백; 2019)
- Arthdal Chronicles – Bagian 1 dan 2 (아스달 연대기; 2019)
- Hotel Del Luna (호텔 델루나; 2019)
- Arthdal Chronicles – Bagian 3 (아스달 연대기; 2019)
- Melting Me Softly (날 녹여주오; 2019)
- Crash Landing on You (사랑의 불시착; 2019–2020)
- Hi Bye, Mama! (하이바이, 마마!; 2020)
- When My Love Blooms (화양연화 – 삶이 꽃이 되는 순간; 2020)
- It's Okay to Not Be Okay (사이코지만 괜찮아; 2020)
- Stranger musim 2 (비밀의 숲; 2020)
- Start-Up (스타트업; 2020)
- Mr. Queen (철인왕후; 2020–2021)
- Vincenzo (빈센조; 2021)
- Mine (마인; 2021)
- The Devil Judge (악마판사; 2021)
- Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha (갯마을 차차차; 2021)
- Jirisan (seri televisi) (지리산; 2021)
- Bulgasal: Immortal Souls (불가살; 2021)
- Twenty-Five Twenty-One (스물다섯 스물하나; On Air)
Drama Minggu (21:00)
- 21st Century Family (21세기 가족; 2012)
- The Three Musketeers (삼총사; 2014)
- Great Stories (위대한 이야기; 2015) (kerjasama produksi dan tayang bersama TV Chosun)
Senin-Kamis (20:50)
- Potato Star 2013QR3 (감자별 2013QR3; 2013–2014)
Kamis-Jumat (19:00)
- Rude Miss Young-ae musim 1 (막돼먹은 영애씨; 2007)[21]
Kamis (23:00)
- Rude Miss Young-ae musim 11 (2012–2013)
- Rude Miss Young-ae musim 12 (2013)
- Rude Miss Young-ae musim 13 (2014)
Jumat (22:00)
- Rude Miss Young-ae musim 2 (2007–2008)
- Rude Miss Young-ae musim 3 (2008)
- Rude Miss Young-ae musim 4 (2008)
- Rude Miss Young-ae musim 5 (2009)
- Rude Miss Young-ae musim 6 (2009–2010)
- Rude Miss Young-ae musim 7 (2010)
- Rude Miss Young-ae musim 8 (2010–2011)
- Rude Miss Young-ae musim 9 (2011–2012)
- Rude Miss Young-ae musim 10 (2012)
- Flower Grandpa Investigation Unit (꽃할배 수사대; 2014)
Jumat (23:30)
- The Superman Age (초인시대; 2015)
Sabtu (01:20)
- Play Guide (플레이가이드; 2013)[22]
Minggu (24:00)
- Roller Coaster Plus Date Big Bang (롤러코스터 플러스 연애빅뱅; 2010)
Pranala luar
Wikiwand - on
Seamless Wikipedia browsing. On steroids.