Satelit Saturnus

Satelit Alam di planet Saturnus Dari Wikipedia, ensiklopedia bebas

Satelit Saturnus

Satelit-satelit Saturnus adalah satelit alami yang mengelilingi planet Saturnus. Satelit ini ukurannya bervariasi antara kurang dari 1 km hingga lebih besar dari planet Merkurius. Saturnus memiliki 146 satelit, Tujuh satelit cukup besar sehingga bersifat elipsoidal. Beberapa satelit terpenting Saturnus adalah Titan, satelit terbesar kedua di Tata Surya dengan atmosfer mirip Bumi yang kaya akan nitrogen dan bentang alam yang berisi danau-danau hidrokarbon dan jaringan sungai kering,[1] dan Enseladus, yang mengeluarkan gas dan debu dan mungkin memiliki air di wilayah kutub selatannya.[2]

Saturnus dan satelit-satelitnya.
Diagram ini menunjukkan orbit satelit ireguler Saturnus. Di tengah, orbit Titan, sebuah satelit yang reguler, ditandai dengan warna merah sebagai perbandingan.


Informasi lebih lanjut Saturnus, dibandingkan dengan Bulan, Nama ...
Satelit utama Saturnus, dibandingkan dengan Bulan
Radius orbit
Periode orbit
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Diagram orbit bulan-bulan Saturnus

Bulan-bulan Saturnus di daftar ini diurutkan berdasarkan periode orbit (atau sumbu semi-mayor), dari yang terpendek hingga terpanjang. Bulan yang cukup masif dilambangkan dengan huruf tebal, sedangkan bulan yang tidak beraturan dilambangkan dengan warna merah, oranye, dan abu-abu.

Informasi lebih lanjut Lambang ...

Bulan es yang besar


Kelompok inuit

Kelompok Gallic

Kelompok norse


Bulan yang telah dikonfirmasi

Informasi lebih lanjut Urutan, Label ...
Urutan Label Nama Pengucapan Gambar Magnitudo absolut Diameter (km)[a] Massa
(×1015 kg) [b]
Sumbu semi-mayor (km)[c] Periode orbit (h)[c][d] Inklinasi [c][e] Eksentrisitas Tahun penemuan[9] Penemu
1S/2009 S/2009 S 1≈20?≈ 0,3< 0,0001≈ 117.000≈ 0,47≈ 0°≈ 02009Cassini[10]
(bulan kecil)A noisy image showing a few bright dots marked by circles?0.04 hingga 0.4< 0,0001≈ 130.000≈ 0,55≈ 0°≈ 02006Cassini
2XVIIIPan Pan/ˈpæn/A bright fuzzy band (rings of Saturn) is running from the left to right. In the center a bright irregularity shaped body is superimposed on its upper edge. A narrow grayish band, which is a part of the main band, partially covers the body.9.128,2±2,6
(34 × 31 × 20)
4,95±0,75133.584+0,575050.001°0,0000351990M. Showalter
3XXXVDaphnis Daphnis/ˈdæfnɪs/Two bright bands run from the left to right. In the narrow gap between them (Keeler gap), which has wavy edges, a small oblong object can be seen.12.07,6±1,6
(9 × 8 × 6)
0,084±0,012136.505+0,59408≈ 0°≈ 02005Cassini
4XVAtlas Atlas/ˈætləs/An irregularly shaped body is fully illuminated. The body, which looks like a cone viewed from the south pole, is elongated downward.10.730,2±1,8
(41 × 35 × 19)
6,6±0,045137.670+0,601690.003°0,00121980Voyager 1
5XVIPrometheus Prometheus/prˈmθiəs/An irregularly shaped oblong body is fully illuminated. It is elongated in the direction from the right to left. Its surface is covered by craters. There is valley at the top.6.586,2±5,4
(136 × 79 × 59)
159,5±1,5139.380+0,612990.008°0,00221980Voyager 1
6XVIIPandora Pandora/pænˈdɔːrə/An irregularly shaped body is half illuminated from the bottom. The terminator runs from the left to right. The surface is covered by numerous craters.6.681,4±3,0
(104 × 81 × 64)
137,1±1,9141.720+0,628500.050°0,00421980Voyager 1
7aXIEpimetheus Epimetheus/ɛpɪˈmθiəs/A partially-illuminated irregular body, which has a shape remotely resembling a cube. The body's surface consists of ridges and valleys and is covered by craters.5.6116,2±3,6
(130 × 114 × 106)
526,6±0,6151.422+0,694330.335°0,00981977J. Fountain, and S. Larson
7bXJanus Janus/ˈnəs/An irregular body, whose outline looks like an approximate circle in this image. It is illuminated from the bottom-left. The terminator runs from the top-left to bottom-right. The surface is covered by craters.4.7179,0±2,8
(203 × 185 × 153)
1.897,5±0,6151.472+0,694660.165°0,00681966A. Dollfus
9LIIIAegaeon Aegaeon/ˈən/Image of Aegaeon.≈20.3?≈ 0,5≈ 0,0001167.500+0,808120.001°0,00022008Cassini
10IMimasMimas/ˈmməs/A spherical body is half illuminated from the left. The terminator runs from the top to bottom in the vicinity of the right limb. A large crater with a central peak sits on the terminator slightly to the right and above the center of the body. It makes the body look like the Death Star. There are numerous smaller craters.4.2396,4±0,8
(416 × 393 × 381)
37.493±31185.404+0,9424221.566°0,02021789W. Herschel
11XXXIIMethone Methone/mɪˈθn/From May 2012 flyby13.83,2±1,2≈ 0,02194.440+1,009570.007°0,00012004Cassini
12XLIXAnthe Anthe/ˈænθ/14.81,8≈ 0,0015197.700+1,050890.1°0,00112007Cassini
13XXXIIIPallene Pallene/pəˈln/In the center is Pallene, a moon of Saturn12.95,0±1,2
(6 × 6 × 4)
≈ 0,05212.280+1,153750.181°0,00402004Cassini
14IIEnseladusEnseladus/ɛnˈsɛlədəs/A spherical body is half illuminated from the right. The terminator runs from the top to bottom in the vicinity of the left limb. In the center and at the top there are heavily cratered areas.1.7504,2±0,4
(513 × 503 × 497)
108.022±101237.950+1,3702180.010°0,00471789W. Herschel
15IIITetisTetis/ˈtθɪs/A spherical heavily cratered body is illuminated from the bottom. The terminator runs from the left to right in the vicinity of the top limb. There is a wide curved graben running from the center of the body to the bottom. It is Ithaca Chasma.0.31062±1,2
(1077 × 1057 × 1053)
617.449±132294.619+1,8878020.168°0,00011684G. Cassini
15aXIIITelesto Telesto/tɪˈlɛst/8.724,8±0,8
(33 × 24 × 20)
≈ 9,41294.619+1,8878021.158°0,00001980B. Smith, H. Reitsema, S. Larson, and J. Fountain
15bXIVCalypso Calypso/kəˈlɪps/An oblong reddish body is seen in this low resolution image.8.721,4±1,4
(30 × 23 × 14)
≈ 6,3294.619+1,8878021.473°0,00001980D. Pascu, P. Seidelmann, W. Baum, and D. Currie
18IVDioneDione/dˈn/A spherical body is half illuminated from the right. The terminator is running from the top to bottom slightly to the left off the center. The central part of the body is smooth and has only a few craters. A heavily cratered terrain is near the right limb. A part of a large crater is intersected by the terminator in the lower-left corner. To the left of it there is a long crack running parallel to the terminator.0.41.122,8±0,8
(1128 × 1123 × 1119)
1.095.452±168377.396+2,7369150.002°0,00221684G. Cassini
18aXIIHelene Helene/ˈhɛlɪn/An irregularly shaped body illuminated from the left. Its surface is covered by numerous impact craters.7.335,2±0,8
(43 × 38 × 26)
≈ 24,46377.396+2,7369150.212°0,00221980P. Laques and J. Lecacheux
18bXXXIVPolydeuces/pɒliˈdjsz/A small oblong body is barely resolved in this image.13.52,6±0,8
(3 × 2 × 1)
≈ 0,03377.396+2,7369150.177°0,01922004Cassini
21VReaRea/ˈrə/A spherical body is almost fully illuminated. The terminator is running near the top edge. The surface is covered by numerous craters. Two partially overlapping large craters can be seen above the center. One that is younger is above and to the right from the older one.-0.21.527,0±1,2
(1530 × 1526 × 1525)
2.306.518±353527.108+4,5182120.327°0,0012581672G. Cassini
(5149 × 5149 × 5150)
134.520.000±20.0001.221.930+15,945420.3485°0,02881655C. Huygens
23VIIHyperionHyperion/hˈpɪəriən/An irregularly shaped oblong body is illuminated from the left. The terminator is near the right limb. The body is elongated in the top-bottom direction. The surface is punctured by numerous impact craters, which make it look like a sponge or cheese.4.8270±8
(360 × 266 × 205)
5620±501.481.010+21,276610.568°0,1230061848W. Bond
G. Bond
W. Lassell
24VIIIIapetusIapetus/ˈæpɪtəs/A walnut shaped body illuminated from the bottom-left. The terminator runs from the top to right along the top-right limb. An equatorial ridge runs from the left to right and is convex in the direction of the bottom-left. Above and below it there are dark areas. Above the upper dark area and below the lower one there are bright poles. There numerous craters. Three among them are very large: one sits on the limb at the right another is in the center above the ridge. The third is below the ridge near the left limb.0.61.468,6±5,6
(1491 × 1491 × 1424)
1.805.635±3753.560.820+79,321515.47°0,0286131671G. Cassini
25XXIVKiviuqKiviuq/ˈkɪviək/12.7≈ 16≈ 2,7911.294.800+448,1649.087°0,32882000B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, et al.
26XXIIIjiraqIjiraq/ˈɪrɒk/13.2≈ 12≈ 1,1811.355.316+451,7750.212°0,31612000B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, et al.
27IXPhoebe ♣†Phoebe/ˈfb/An approximately spherical heavily cratered body is illuminated from the bottom-right. The terminator runs near the left and top limbs. There is huge crater at the top, which affects the shape, and another slightly smaller at the bottom.2.0213,0±1,4
(219 × 217 × 204)
8292±1012.869.700−545,09173.047°0,1562421899W. Pickering
28XXPaaliaqPaaliaq/ˈpɑːliɒk/11.9≈ 22≈ 7,2515.103.400+692,9846.151°0,36312000B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, et al.
29XXVIISkathiSkathi/ˈskɑːði/14.2≈ 8≈ 0,3515.672.500−732,52149.084°0,2462000B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, et al.
30 S/2019RS/2004 S 3715.9≈ 4≈ 0,0515.892.000−748,18162.937°0.49652019S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna
31 S/2007AS/2007 S 215.7≈ 4≈ 0,0516.055.000−759,71176.65°0,23702007S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, B. Marsden
32XXVIAlbiorixAlbiorix/ˌælbiˈɒrɪks/11.4≈ 32≈ 22,316.266.700+774,5838.042°0,4772000M. Holman
33 S/2019JS/2004 S 2915.8≈ 4≈ 0,0516.981.000+826,4445.102°0,44012019S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, B. Marsden
34XXXVIIBebhionnBebhionn/bɛˈvn/14.9≈ 6≈ 0,1517.153.520+838,7740.484°0,3332004S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna
35XXVIIIErriapusErriapus/ɛriˈæpəs/13.7≈ 10≈ 0,6817.236.900+844,8938.109°0,47242000B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, et al.
36XLVIISkollSkoll/ˈskɒl/15.4≈ 6≈ 0,1517.473.800−862,37155.624°0,4182006S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna
37 S/2019LS/2004 S 3115.6≈ 4≈ 0,0517.568.000+869,6548.815°0,24032019S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, B. Marsden
38XXIXSiarnaqSiarnaq/ˈsɑːrnək/10.6≈ 40≈ 43,517.776.600+884,8845.798°0,249612000B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, et al.
39LIITarqeqTarqeq/ˈtɑːrkk/14.8≈ 7≈ 0,2317.910.600+894,8649.904°0,10812007S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna
40 (hilang)S/2004BS/2004 S 1315.6≈ 6≈ 0,1518.056.300
2004S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna
41LIGreipGreip/ˈɡrp/15.3≈ 6≈ 0,1518.065.700−906,56172.666°0,37352006S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna
42XLIVHyrrokkinHyrrokkin/hɪˈrɒkɪn/14.3≈ 8≈ 0,3518.168.300−914,29153.272°0,36042006S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna
43LJarnsaxaJarnsaxa/jɑːrnˈsæksə/15.7≈ 6≈ 0,1518.556.900−943,78162.861°0,19182006S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna
44XXITarvosTarvos/ˈtɑːrvəs/12.8≈ 15≈ 2,318.562.800+944,2334.679°0,53052000B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, et al.
45XXVMundilfariMundilfari/mʊndəlˈværi/14.5≈ 7≈ 0,2318.725.800−956,70169.378°0,1982000B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, et al.
46 S/2006S/2006 S 115.5≈ 6≈ 0,1518.930.200−972,41154.232°0,13032006S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna
47 (hilang)S/2004CS/2004 S 1716.0≈ 4≈ 0,0519.099.200
2004S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna
48XXXVIIIBergelmirBergelmir/bɛərˈjɛlmɪər/15.1≈ 6≈ 0,1519.104.000−985,83157.384°0,1522004S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna
49XXXINarviNarvi/ˈnɑːrvi/14.6≈ 7≈ 0,2319.395.200−1.008,45137.292°0,3202003S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna
50 S/2019AS/2004 S 2015.8≈ 3≈ 0,0319.418.000−1.010,55162.570°0,1972019S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna
51XXIIISuttungrSuttungr/ˈsʊtʊŋɡər/14.3≈ 7≈ 0,2319.579.000−1.022,82174.321°0,1312000B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, et al.
52XLIIIHatiHati/ˈhɑːti/13.5≈ 6≈ 0,1519.709.300−1.033,05163.131°0,2912004S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna
53 (hilang)S/2004AS/2004 S 1215.7≈ 5≈ 0,0919.905.900
2004S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna
54 S/2019HS/2004 S 2715.3≈ 6≈ 0,1519.976.000−1.054,45167.804°0,12202019S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, B. Marsden, R. Jacobson
55XLFarbautiFarbauti/fɑːrˈbti/15.6≈ 5≈ 0,0919.984.800−1.054,78158.361°0,2092004S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna
56XXXThrymrThrymr/ˈθrɪmər/14.3≈ 7≈ 0,2320.278.100−1.078,09174.524°0,4532000B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, et al.
57 S/2019KS/2004 S 3016.2≈ 3≈ 0,0320.396.000−1.087,84156.3°[12]0.11292019S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna
58XXXVIAegirAegir/ˈ.ɪər/15.4≈ 6≈ 0,1520.482.900−1.094,46167.425°0,2372004S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna
59 (hilang)S/2007BS/2007 S 315.7≈ 5≈ 0,0920.518.500
≈ −1100
2007S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna
60XXXIXBestlaBestla/ˈbɛstlə/14.7≈ 7≈ 0,2320.570.000−1.101,45147.395°0,51452004S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna
61 (hilang)S/2007CS/2004 S 715.2≈ 6≈ 0,1520.576.700
2004S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna
62 S/2019CS/2004 S 2216.1≈ 3≈ 0,0320.636.000−1.107,132177.321°0,25132019S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna
63 S/2019DS/2004 S 2315.6≈ 4≈ 0,0521.163.000−1.149,82176.988°0,37292019S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna
64 S/2019FS/2004 S 2515.9≈ 4≈ 0,0521.174.000−1.150,69172.996°0,44242019S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna
65 S/2019MS/2004 S 3215.6≈ 4≈ 0,0521.214.000−1.153,96159.091°0,25052019S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna
66 S/2006S/2006 S 315.6≈ 6≈ 0,1521.308.000−1.161,65152.878°0,47072006S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna
67 S/2019SS/2004 S 3815.9≈ 4≈ 0,0521.908.000−1.211,024154.090°0,43662019S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna
68XLIFenrirFenrir/ˈfɛnrɪər/15.9≈ 4≈ 0,0521.930.644−1.212,53162.832°0,1312004S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna
69 S/2019IS/2004 S 2815.8≈ 4≈ 0,0522.020.000−1.220,31170.322°0,14282019S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, B. Marsden
70XLVIIISurturSurtur/ˈsɜːrtər/15.7≈ 6≈ 0,1522.288.916−1.242,36166.918°0,36802006S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna
71XLVKariKari/ˈkɑːri/14.9≈ 7≈ 0,2322.321.200−1.245,06148.384°0,34052006S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna
72 S/2019PS/2004 S 3515.5≈ 6≈ 0,1522.412.000−1.253,08176.717°0,18372019S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, B. Marsden
73XIXYmirYmir/ˈɪmɪər/12.3≈ 18≈ 3,9722.429.673−1.254,15172.143°0,33492000B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, et al.
74 S/2019BS/2004 S 2116.3≈ 3≈ 0,0322.645.000−1.272,61159.950°0,31832019S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna
75 S/2019E S/2004 S 2416.0≈ 3≈ 0,0322.901.000+1.294,2535.538°0.08462019S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, B. Marsden
76XLVILogeLoge/ˈlɔɪ./15.4≈ 6≈ 0,1522.984.322−1.300,95166.539°0,13902006S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna
77 S/2019QS/2004 S 3616.1≈ 3≈ 0,0323.192.000−1.319,07154.992°0,74842019S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna
78 S/2019TS/2004 S 3916.3≈ 3≈ 0,0323.575.000−1.351,83166.579°0.08042019S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna
79 S/2019NS/2004 S 3315.9≈ 4≈ 0,0524.168.000−1.403,18160.471°0,39942019S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna
80 S/2019OS/2004 S 3416.1≈ 3≈ 0,0324.299.000−1.414,59166.039°0,23522019S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna
81XLIIFornjotFornjot/ˈfɔːrnjɒt/15.3≈ 6≈ 0,1524.504.879−1.432,16167.886°0,1862004S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna
82 S/2019GS/2004 S 2615.8≈ 4≈ 0,0526.676.000−1.627,18171.369°0,16452019S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, B. Marsden

Bulan yang belum dikonfirmasi

Benda-benda berikut (diamati oleh Cassini) belum dikonfirmasi sebagai satelit Saturnus. Belum jelas apakah ini benar-benar satelit atau gumpalan dalam Cincin F.[13]

Informasi lebih lanjut Nama, Gambar ...
Nama Gambar Diameter (km) Sumbu semi-mayor (km)[7] Periode orbit (h)[7] Posisi Tahun Penemuan
S/2004 S 6 A bright narrow band runs from the top to bottom. To the right of it in the diffuse halo the is a bright small object. ≈ 3–5 ≈ 140.130 +0,61801 benda tidak jelas di sekitar Cincin F. 2004
S/2004 S 3/S 4 ≈ 3–5 ≈ 140.300 ≈ +0,619 2004
S/2001 S 7 ??? ??? ??? Cincin F 2001
S/2001 S 4 ??? 122 124 0.633 19 Cincin F 2001

Catatan kaki

  1. Diameter dan dimensi dari satelit bagian dalam: Pan, Janus, Methone, Pallene, Telepso, Calypso, Helene, Hyperion dan Phoebe diambil dari Thomas 2010, Tabel 3.[3] Diameter dan dimensi Mimas, Enseladus, Tetis, Dione, Rea, dan Iapetus diambil dari Thomas 2010, Tabel 1.[3] Perkiraan ukuran satelit Saturnus lainnya berasal dari situs web Scott Sheppard.[6]
  2. Massa dari bulan-bulan besar diambil dari Jacobson, 2006.[4] Massa Pan, Daphnis, Atlas, Prometheus, Pandora, Epimetheus, Janus, Hyperion dan Phoebe diambil dari Thomas, 2010, Tabel 3.[3] Massa bulan-bulan kecil lainnya dihitung dengan asumsi massa jenis 1.3 g/cm3.
  3. Parameter orbit diambil dari Spitale, et al. 2006,[7] IAU-MPC Natural Satellites Ephemeris Service,[8] dan NASA/NSSDC.[5]
  4. Periode orbit negatif menunjukkan orbit retrograde di sekitar Saturnus (berlawanan dengan rotasi planet).
  5. Ke ekuator Saturnus untuk satelit reguler, dan ke ekliptika untuk satelit ireguler.


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