Vinyl Box Set

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A Vinyl Box Set a Bright Eyes díszdobozos kiadása, amelyet 2003. szeptember 9-én adott ki a Saddle Creek Records. A csomag hét hanglemezt tartalmaz, amelyeken az első öt album, illetve öt további dal újrakevert változata található meg.[1]

Gyors adatok
Bright Eyes
Vinyl Box Set
Megjelent2003. szeptember 9.
KiadóSaddle Creek Records
Bright Eyes-kronológia
A Christmas Album
Vinyl Box Set
I’m Wide Awake, It’s Morning
Bright Eyesválogatásalbum-kronológia
Vinyl Box Set
Noise Floor (Rarities: 1998–2005)


A Vinyl Box Set a Saddle Creek Records 53. kiadványa.[2]


További információk A Collection of Songs Written and Recorded 1995–1997, Cím ...
A Collection of Songs Written and Recorded 1995–1997
  Cím Hossz
1. The Invisible Gardener 2:23
2. Patient Hope in New Snow 4:04
3. Saturday as Usual 3:36
4. Falling Out of Love at This Volume 2:15
5. Exaltation on a Cool Kitchen Floor 2:36
6. The Awful Sweetness of Escaping Sweat 4:07
7. Puella Quam Amo Est Pulchra 3:08
8. Driving Fast Through a Big City at Night 2:08
9. How Many Lights Do You See? 3:31
10. I Watched You Taking Off 4:02
11. A Celebration Upon Completion 4:12
12. Emily, Sing Something Sweet 2:59
13. All of the Truth 3:41
14. One Straw (Please) 2:47
15. Lila 2:59
16. A Few Minutes on Friday 4:07
17. Supriya 2:27
18. Solid Jackson 4:28
19. Feb. 15th 4:03
20. The ’Feel Good’ Revolution 3:35
További információk Letting Off the Happiness, Cím ...
Letting Off the Happiness
  Cím Hossz
1. If Winter Ends 3:26
2. Padraic My Prince 3:45
3. Contrast and Compare 3:55
4. The City Has Sex 2:11
5. The Difference in the Shades 4:20
6. Touch 3:43
7. June on the West Coast 3:35
8. Pull My Hair 4:05
9. Empty Canyon, Empty Canteen 2:44
10. A Poetic Retelling of an Unfortunate Seduction 4:21
11. Tereza and Tomas 25:46
További információk Every Day and Every Night, Cím ...
Every Day and Every Night
  Cím Hossz
1. A Line Allows Progress, a Circle Does Not 3:24
2. A Perfect Sonnet 3:39
3. On My Way to Work 4:16
4. A New Arrangement 5:14
5. Neely O’Hara 6:26
További információk Fevers and Mirrors, Cím ...
Fevers and Mirrors
  Cím Hossz
1. A Spindle, a Darkness, a Fever, and a Necklace 6:26
2. A Scale, a Mirror and Those Indifferent Clocks 2:43
3. The Calendar Hung Itself… 3:55
4. Something Vague 3:30
5. The Joy in Discovery 1:06
6. The Movement of a Hand 4:07
7. Arienette 3:24
8. When the Curious Girl Realizes She Is Under Glass 3:02
9. Haligh, Haligh, A Lie, Haligh 4:41
10. The Center of the World 4:38
11. Jetsabel Removes The Undesirables 6:09
12. Sunrise, Sunset 4:33
13. An Attempt to Tip the Scales 8:24
14. A Song to Pass the Time 5:35
További információk Don’t Be Frightened of Turning the Page, Cím ...
Don’t Be Frightened of Turning the Page
  Cím Hossz
1. Going for the Gold 5:04
2. Oh, You Are the Roots That Sleep Beneath My Feet and Hold the Earth in Place 3:08
3. I Won’t Ever Be Happy Again 2:40
4. No Lies, Just Love 5:57
5. Kathy, With a K’s Song 5:24
6. Mirrors and Fevers 2:07


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