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विकिपीडिया से, मुक्त विश्वकोश
अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय नागर विमानन संगठन या ICAO (आईपीए: /ˌaɪˌkeɪˈoʊ/, EYE-KAY-OH) विमानक्षेत्र कोड या स्थिति परिचायक एक चार अक्षर का एल्फान्यूमेरिक कोड होता है। यह हरेक विमानक्षेत्र के लिए अभिन्न होता है। यह कोड अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय नागर विमानन संगठन द्वारा अभिकल्पित और परिभाषित होता है। इसे ICAO प्रलेख 7910: लोकेशन इंडिकेटर्स अर्थात् स्थान परिचायक, के नाम से प्रशित किया जाता है।
इस लेख में सन्दर्भ या स्रोत नहीं दिया गया है। कृपया विश्वसनीय सन्दर्भ या स्रोत जोड़कर इस लेख में सुधार करें। स्रोतहीन सामग्री ज्ञानकोश के उपयुक्त नहीं है। इसे हटाया जा सकता है। (सितंबर 2014) स्रोत खोजें: "अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय नागर विमानन संगठन विमानक्षेत्र कोड" – समाचार · अखबार पुरालेख · किताबें · विद्वान · जेस्टोर (JSTOR) |
Prefix code | Country |
A - Western South Pacific | |
AG | Solomon Islands |
AN | Nauru |
AY | Papua New Guinea |
B - Iceland/Greenland and Kosovo | |
BG | Greenland |
BI | Iceland |
BK | Kosovo (also LY Serbia because of disputes) |
C - Canada | |
C | Canada |
D - West Africa | |
DA | Algeria |
DB | Benin |
DF | Burkina Faso |
DG | Ghana |
DI | Côte d'Ivoire |
DN | Nigeria |
DR | Niger |
DT | Tunisia |
DX | Togolese Republic |
E - Northern Europe | |
EB | Belgium |
ED | Germany (civil) |
EE | Estonia |
EF | Finland |
EG | United Kingdom |
EH | Netherlands |
EI | Ireland |
EK | Denmark |
EL | Luxembourg |
EN | Norway |
EP | Poland |
ES | Sweden |
ET | Germany (military) |
EV | Latvia |
EY | Lithuania |
F - Southern Africa | |
FA | South Africa |
FB | Botswana |
FC | Republic of the Congo |
FD | Swaziland |
FE | Central African Republic |
FG | Equatorial Guinea |
FH | Ascension Island |
FI | Mauritius |
FJ | British Indian Ocean Territory |
FK | Cameroon |
FL | Zambia |
FM | Comoros, Madagascar, Mayotte, Réunion |
FN | Angola |
FO | Gabon |
FP | São Tomé and Príncipe |
FQ | Mozambique |
FS | Seychelles |
FT | Chad |
FV | Zimbabwe |
FW | Malawi |
FX | Lesotho |
FY | Namibia |
FZ | Democratic Republic of the Congo |
G - Northwestern Africa | |
GA | Mali |
GB | The Gambia |
GC | Canary Islands (Spain) |
GE | Ceuta and Melilla (Spain) |
GF | Sierra Leone |
GG | Guinea-Bissau |
GL | Liberia |
GM | Morocco |
GO | Senegal |
GQ | Mauritania |
GS | Western Sahara |
GU | Guinea |
GV | Cape Verde |
H - Northeastern Africa | |
HA | Ethiopia |
HB | Burundi |
HC | Somalia |
HD | Djibouti (also HF) |
HE | Egypt |
HF | Djibouti (also HD) |
HH | Eritrea |
HK | Kenya |
HL | Libya |
HR | Rwanda |
HS | Sudan |
HT | Tanzania |
HU | Uganda |
K - USA | |
K | Contiguous United States of America |
L - Southern Europe,Israel and Turkey | |
LA | Albania |
LB | Bulgaria |
LC | Cyprus |
LD | Croatia |
LE | Spain |
LF | France, including Saint-Pierre and Miquelon |
LG | Greece |
LH | Hungary |
LI | Italy |
LJ | Slovenia |
LK | Czech Republic |
LL | Israel |
LM | Malta |
LN | Monaco |
LO | Austria |
LP | Portugal, including the Azores |
LQ | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
LR | Romania |
LS | Switzerland |
LT | Turkey |
LU | Moldova |
LV | Areas Under the Control of the Palestinian Authority |
LW | Macedonia |
LX | Gibraltar |
LY | Serbia and Montenegro |
LZ | Slovakia |
M - Central America and Mexico | |
MB | Turks and Caicos Islands |
MD | Dominican Republic |
MG | Guatemala |
MH | Honduras |
MK | Jamaica |
MM | Mexico |
MN | Nicaragua |
MP | Panama |
MR | Costa Rica |
MS | El Salvador |
MT | Haiti |
MU | Cuba |
MW | Cayman Islands |
MY | Bahamas |
MZ | Belize |
N - South Pacific | |
NC | Cook Islands |
NF | Fiji, Tonga |
NG | Kiribati (Gilbert Islands), Tuvalu |
NI | Niue |
NL | Wallis and Futuna |
NS | Samoa, American Samoa |
NT | French Polynesia |
NV | Vanuatu |
NW | New Caledonia |
NZ | New Zealand, Antarctica |
O - Southwest Asia (excluding Israel and Turkey), Afghanistan and Pakistan | |
OA | Afghanistan |
OB | Bahrain |
OE | Saudi Arabia |
OI | Iran |
OJ | Jordan and the West Bank |
OK | Kuwait |
OL | Lebanon |
OM | United Arab Emirates |
OO | Oman |
OP | Pakistan |
OR | Iraq |
OS | Syria |
OT | Qatar |
OY | Yemen |
P - Eastern North Pacific | |
PA | Alaska only |
PB | Baker Island |
PC | Kiribati (Canton Airfield, Phoenix Islands) |
PF | Fort Yukon, Alaska |
PG | Guam, Northern Marianas |
PH | Hawaiʻi only |
PJ | Johnston Atoll |
PK | Marshall Islands |
PL | Kiribati (Line Islands) |
PM | Midway Island |
PO | Oliktok Point, Alaska |
PP | Point Lay, Alaska |
PT | Federated States of Micronesia, Palau |
PW | Wake Island |
R - Western North Pacific | |
RC | Republic of China (Taiwan) |
RJ | Japan (most of country) |
RK | South Korea |
RO | Japan (Okinawa Prefecture and Yoron) |
RP | Philippines |
S - South America | |
SA | Argentina |
SB | Brazil (also SD, SN, SS and SW) |
SC | Chile |
SD | Brazil (also SB, SN, SS and SW) |
SE | Ecuador |
SF | Falkland Islands |
SG | Paraguay |
SK | Colombia |
SL | Bolivia |
SM | Suriname |
SN | Brazil (also SB, SD, SS and SW) |
SO | French Guiana |
SP | Peru |
SS | Brazil (also SB, SD, SN and SW) |
SU | Uruguay |
SV | Venezuela |
SW | Brazil (also SB, SD, SN and SS) |
SY | Guyana |
T - Caribbean | |
TA | Antigua and Barbuda |
TB | Barbados |
TD | Dominica |
TF | Guadeloupe |
TG | Grenada |
TI | U.S. Virgin Islands |
TJ | Puerto Rico |
TK | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
TL | Saint Lucia |
TN | Netherlands Antilles, Aruba |
TQ | Anguilla |
TR | Montserrat |
TT | Trinidad and Tobago |
TU | British Virgin Islands |
TV | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
TX | Bermuda |
U - Russia and former Soviet States | |
U | Russia (except UA, UB, UD, UG, UK, UM and UT) |
UA | Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan |
UB | Azerbaijan |
UD | Armenia |
UG | Georgia |
UK | Ukraine |
UM | Belarus |
UT | Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan |
V - South Asia (except Afghanistan and Pakistan) and mainland Southeast Asia | |
VA | India (West Zone, Mumbai Center) |
VC | Sri Lanka |
VD | Cambodia |
VE | India (East Zone, Kolkata Center) |
VG | Bangladesh |
VH | Hong Kong, China |
VI | India (North Zone, Delhi Center) |
VL | Laos |
VM | Macau, China |
VN | Nepal |
VO | India (South Zone, Chennai Center) |
VQ | Bhutan |
VR | Maldives |
VT | Thailand |
VV | Vietnam |
VY | Myanmar |
W - Maritime Southeast Asia (except the Philippines) | |
WA | Indonesia (also WI, WQ and WR) |
WB | Malaysia (also WM), Brunei |
WI | Indonesia (also WA, WQ and WR) |
WM | Malaysia (also WB) |
WP | Timor-Leste |
WQ | Indonesia (also WA, WI and WR) |
WR | Indonesia (also WA, WI and WQ) |
WS | Singapore |
Y - Australia | |
Y | Australia |
Z - China, Mongolia and North Korea | |
Z | People's Republic of China (except ZK and ZM) |
ZK | North Korea |
ZM | Mongolia |
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