Borawski, John (1995). "Partnership for Peace and beyond". International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-) 71 (2): 233–246. Consultado o 28/12/2011.
Bohlen, Celestine (12-11-1996). "New Malta Chief Focuses on Neutrality". New York Times. Consultado o 28/12/2011. Within hours of taking office, Mr. Sant withdrew Malta's membership in Partnership for Peace, a NATO military cooperation program that is so loosely defined that its sign-up list now spans the spectrum from Russia to Switzerland. [...] Mr. Sant says none of those moves should be interpreted as anti-European or anti-American, but simply as the best way of insuring Malta's security (Ás poucas horas de asumir o cargo, o Sr. Sant retirou a adhesión de Malta á Asociación para a Paz, un programa de cooperación militar da OTAN que está tan vagamente definido que a súa lista de susbcritores abarca o espectro desde Rusia a Suíza. [...] O Sr. Sant di que este movemento non debe interpretarse de ningunha maneira como antieuropeo ou antiestadounidense, senón simplemente como a mellor maneira de asegurar a seguridade de Malta)
Gambin, Karl (03-04-2008). "Malta reactivates Partnership for Peace membership". DI-VE. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 23-03-2008. Consultado o 28/12/2011 "The cabinet has agreed to reactivate its membership in the Partnership for Peace which was withdrawn in 1996, the government said on Thursday" (O Consello de Ministros acordou reactivar a súa membresía na Asociación para a Paz que fora retirada en 1996, dixo o xoves o portavoz do Goberno).
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (03-04-2008). "Malta re-engages in the Partnership for Peace Programme". Consultado o 28/12/2011 cita= At the Bucharest Summit, NATO Heads of State and Government welcomed Malta’s return to the Partnership for Peace Programme. At Malta's request, the Allies have re-activated Malta's participation in the Partnership for Peace Programme (PfP) (No Cumio de Bucarest, a OTAN e os xefes de Estado e de Goberno celebraron o regreso de Malta á Asociación para a Paz. A petición de Malta, os aliados reactivaron a participación de Malta na Asociación para a Paz (PfP)).