Tha Frontier County ann an Nebraska, na Stàitean Aonaichte. 'S e Stockville am prìomh-bhaile.

Taigh-cùirt ann am Frontier County, Nebraska


Chaidh an siorrachd a chruthachadh ann an 1872.[1] Fhuair e an t-ainm sin oir anns an 19mh linn bha e air crìochan nan Stàitean.[2]

Siorrachdan ri a thaobh

  • Gosper County (ear)
  • Furnas County (ear-dheas)
  • Red Willow County (deas)
  • Hitchcock County (iar-dheas)
  • Hayes County (iar)
  • Lincoln County (tuath)
  • Dawson County (ear-thuath)


  • Curtis
  • Eustis
  • Freedom
  • Maywood
  • Moorefield
  • Orafino
  • Stockville (prìomh-bhaile)


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