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L'ordre des Nuages propices (chinois: 卿雲勳章) est une distinction civile de la république de Chine. Créée le , elle est remise pour contributions exceptionnelles de fonctionnaires, non-fonctionnaires ou étrangers. Elle est divisée en neuf classes[2].
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Ordre des Nuages propices (zh) 卿雲勳章
Cordon, insigne, étoile, médaille et épinglette de l'ordre des Nuages propices.
«Title:Orders Act CH», sur 全國法規資料庫 Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (consulté le ) : «Article 1 Citizens of the Republic of China offering honorable services to the nation or society may be awarded an order. Orders may also be awarded to foreigners to promote diplomatic relationship.»
(en + zh) Chinese Ministry of Information, China Yearbook [«China Handbook 1937-1945 A Comprehensive Survey of Major Developments in China in Eight Years of War»], New York, Macmillan Company, , 98, 186 (lire en ligne)
(zh-TW) «zh:總統贈勳並接見美國在台協會理事主席薄瑞光», sur Office of the President of the Republic of China (Taiwan), (consulté le ) : «陳總統水扁先生今天上午代表我國政府與人民頒贈美國在台協會理事主席薄瑞光(Raymond F. Burghardt)「大綬卿雲勳章」,以表彰他致力於促進台灣與美國之間友好關係所作的卓越貢獻。»
«Republic of China honors Senator Jesse Helms», sur Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States, (consulté le ) : «On behalf of Republic of China (ROC) President Chen Shui-bian, Representative C. J. (Chien-Jen) Chen, the ROC's chief representative in the United States, presented Senator Jesse Helms (R-NC) with the Order of Propitious Clouds with Grand Cordon October 24 at the senator's office in recognition of his contributions to promoting friendly relations between Taiwan and the United States.»
«Two Ancient Lands Strengthen Their Ties», sur Taiwan Today, (consulté le ) : «President Chiang decorated King Bhumibol with the Special Grand Cordon of the Order of Brilliant Jade and Queen Sirikit with the Special Grand Cordon of the Order of Propitious Clouds.»
«Two friends from afar», sur Taiwan Today, (consulté le ) : «The evening's dinner was given by Vice President Yen at the Chungshan Building on Yangmingshan. In an earlier ceremony, Vice President Yen decorated the Crown Prince with the order of the Special Grand Cordon of the Order of Propitious Clouds.»
«The month in Free China», sur Taiwan Today, Taiwan Review, (consulté le ) : «Outgoing Dominican Ambassador Jose Villannueva received the Order of Propitious Clouds with Grand Cordon from Foreign Minister Chow Shu-kai. The ambassador's tenure exceeded seven years.»
(zh-TW) «zh:總統親頒勳章 王進旺:一生最大榮耀», sur Conseil des affaires communautaires d'outre-mer, (consulté le ) : «總統馬英九(左)12日在總統府主持贈勳典禮,頒授二等卿雲勳章給前海巡署長王進旺(右),感謝他在海巡署長任內所做的貢獻。»
«On the 5th of March 2004, only two weeks before the 2004 presidential election, CHEN SHUIBIAN 陳水扁 awarded the monk YINSHUN the er deng qing yun xun zhang 二等卿雲勳章 (Second-Class Order of Propitious Clouds).»