Davantage d’informations No, Titre ...
1. | Evil within the heart (心魔) | |
2. | The wolf has come (Piano version) (狼來了) | |
3. | Miserable truth (傷感真相) | |
4. | Stranger (陌生人) | |
5. | A lonesome lit-up night (燭光夜) | |
6. | 3-minute passion (三分鐘戀愛熱度) | |
7. | In love, I still found myself (愛戀中也有自我) | |
8. | Called on the wrong person (認錯人) | |
9. | Quarrel (爭執) | |
10. | What have I missed (我錯過了甚麼) | |
11. | The wolf has come (Band version) (狼來了) | |
- album sorti en octobre 1996
Davantage d’informations No, Titre ...
1. | Charitable lover (慈善情人) | |
2. | Intuition (直覺) | |
3. | Cheers to our friendship (友誼萬歲) | |
4. | Mint flavour (薄荷味) | |
5. | Preferably (情願) | |
6. | Rather (乾脆) | |
7. | Flawed beauty (缺陷美) | |
8. | Hope to steal you (想偷你) | |
9. | Goodbye 2nd avenue (再見二丁目) | |
10. | Intuition (Easy listening mix) (直覺) | |
11. | Handwriting (字跡) | |
Davantage d’informations No, Titre ...
1. | Eight and a half steps (8步半) | |
2. | I don't want you to love me (我不要你愛我) | |
3. | Since when (曾幾何時) | |
4. | I have my limits (我有指數) | |
5. | That's why it's because (因為所以) | |
6. | An account out of Egypt (出埃及記) | |
7. | There are no cars at night in Taipei (台北夜沒有車) | |
8. | The element of taste (味之素) | |
9. | That's why it's because (Pythagoras Theorem mix) (因為所以(畢氏定理)) | |
10. | Little lilies in the fields (田中小百合) | |
- album sorti en avril 1998
Davantage d’informations No, Titre ...
1. | Jelly (o者喱) | |
2. | Lift my head up (抬起我的頭來) | |
3. | One o'clock sharp (搭正一點) | |
4. | Summer story (夏天的故事) | |
5. | Lover in the Summer (夏日戀人) | |
6. | It happened before (有發生過) | |
7. | Lack (缺乏) | |
8. | Boom Ba Eh | |
9. | What's up (幹什麼) | |
10. | A mid summer-night's dream (仲夏夜之夢) | |
- album sorti en juillet 1999
Davantage d’informations No, Titre ...
1. | Air | |
2. | Warrior of the new century (新世紀福音戰士) | |
3. | Thousand song (千千闕歌) | |
4. | Ice point (冰點) | |
5. | The wooden puppet's amazing journey (木偶奇遇記) | |
6. | Winter story (冬天的故事) | |
7. | Personal cuisine (私人料理) | |
8. | Elope (私奔) | |
9. | People-searching machine (尋人機器) | |
10. | Zero (零號) | |
11. | Last song (最後的歌) | |
12. | BDA Bomberman (Bonus 2nd Edition) (彈珠人的愛心炸彈) | |
- album sorti en juillet 1999
Davantage d’informations No, Titre ...
1. | Computer data, not playable | |
2. | If I weren't happy in Tokyo (如果東京不快樂) | |
3. | Cute girl (可人兒) | |
4. | A girl's prayer (少女的祈禱) | |
5. | If I weren't happy in Tokyo (如果東京不快樂) | |
6. | Positive response (良性反應) | |
7. | A taste of love (美味情緣) | |
8. | Deep rest (深息) | |
9. | Happiness and sadness (快樂與哀愁 (無線電視劇"美味情緣"插曲)) | |
10. | Fireworks (放煙花) | |
- album sorti en octobre 2000
Davantage d’informations No, Titre ...
1. | Computer data, not playable | |
2. | If I weren't happy in Tokyo (如果東京不快樂) | |
3. | A girl's prayer (少女的祈禱) | |
4. | Everyone has their beloved (個個都有寶 (卡通片"勁爆Bom Bom彈珠人"主題曲)) | |
5. | Fierce girl within (內有惡女) | |
6. | The doll which tells lies (吹牛娃娃) | |
7. | Fireworks (放煙花) | |
8. | Totally off-track (離題萬丈) | |
9. | Fireworks (Mass Production mix) (放煙花) | |
10. | Fierce girl within (LMF mix) (內有惡女) | |
11. | Warrior of the new century (Air max mix) (新世紀福音戰士) | |
- album sorti en octobre 2000
Davantage d’informations CD, No ...
1. | Hot-blooded youth (熱血青年) | |
2. | Photo album (照相本子) | |
3. | Sister (姊妹) | |
4. | Wild child (野孩子) | |
5. | Canned soup (罐頭湯) | |
6. | Purple (紫色) | |
7. | Dark purple (深紫色) | |
8. | King of solemn song (悲歌之王(CR2廣播劇插曲)) | |
9. | If you let me continue to speak (假如讓我說下去) | |
10. | River child (河童) | |
11. | The song which is sung anyhow (亂唱的歌) | |
Davantage d’informations VCD, No ...
1. | Sister (姊妹) | |
2. | Hot-blooded youth (熱血青年) | |
3. | King of solemn song (悲歌之王) | |
- album sorti le 22 août 2001, version Cd et version CD+VCD
Davantage d’informations CD, No ...
1. | Music Box I | |
2. | One's fairytale (一個人的童話) | |
3. | Little flying hero (小飛俠) | |
4. | A pity I'm an Aquarius (可惜我是水瓶座) | |
5. | One thousand and one (一千零一個) | |
6. | How big is my house (家有幾米) | |
7. | Christmas present (聖誕禮物) | |
8. | I am a sheep (我是羊) | |
9. | Tears in smile (笑中有淚) | |
10. | Music Box (音樂盒) | |
11. | Music Box II | |
12. | Hold on at all cost (Bonus 2nd édition) (有愛錯無放過 (電影《行運超人》宣傳曲)) | |
Davantage d’informations VCD, No ...
1. | A pity I'm an Aquarius (可惜我是水瓶座) | |
2. | Tears in smile (笑中有淚) | |
3. | One thousand and one (一千零一個) | |
- album sorti le 22 novembre 2002, 2nd version contient une chanson en plus et un VCD
Davantage d’informations CD, No ...
1. | Enter the dragon (龍爭虎斗) | |
2. | Teddy girl (飛女正傳) | |
3. | The tango lesson (歌舞昇平) | |
4. | Hong Kong folklore (民間傳奇) | |
5. | Accidental tourist (稀客) | |
6. | Laughing wild (啼笑姻緣) | |
7. | Mr Blue and Ms Black (藍与黑) | |
8. | Runaway bride (娃娃夫人) | |
9. | Friends (忌廉溝鮮奶) | |
10. | Morte a Venezia (魂斷威尼斯) | |
11. | Lip Biting (咬唇) | |
12. | 滿場飛 | |
- album sorti le 4 juillet 2003
Davantage d’informations No, Titre ...
1. | Computer data, not playable (PV) | |
2. | Shattered stars (PV) (星之碎片) | |
3. | Elixir of love (PV) (花好月圓夜) | |
4. | Grand opening (開大) | |
5. | Traveling alone (自由行 (百老匯電視廣告主題曲)) | |
6. | Little star (小星星) | |
7. | Shattered stars (星之碎片 (電影"地下鐵"主題曲)) | |
8. | Elixir of love (花好月圓夜 (電影"花好月圓"主題曲)) | |
9. | Phoenix singing in harmony (鸞鳳和鳴 (電影"花好月圓"插曲)) | |
10. | Elixir of love (Mandarin) (花好月圓夜 (電影"花好月圓"國語主題曲)) | |
11. | Leaving fame for million years (萬世流芳 (電影"花好月圓"國語插曲)) | |
- album sorti en janvier 2004
Davantage d’informations CD, No ...
1. | Kissing Everywhere (處處吻 (Budweiser 主題歌)) | |
2. | Bothering Me (吵我) | |
3. | Small City, Big Matter (小城大事) | |
4. | Taxi Driver (的士司機) | |
5. | Alchemy (煉金術 (電影"煎釀三寶"主題曲)) | |
6. | Lights And Shadows (電光幻影) | |
7. | Beautiful Trees And Flowers (柳媚花嬌 (Biotherm 2004 廣告主題曲)) | |
8. | Love To Joke (真愛開玩笑) | |
9. | Stolen Kisses From Truffaut (偷吻杜魯福) | |
10. | Song Of Tomorrow (明日之歌) | |
Davantage d’informations AVCD (2nd édition), No ...
1. | Computer Data, Not Playable | |
2. | Simple Love (PV) (簡愛) | |
3. | Big City, Big Matter (Mand) (PV) (大城大事) | |
4. | Kissing Everywhere (PV) (處處吻) | |
5. | Beautiful Trees And Flowers (PV) (柳媚花嬌) | |
6. | Love To Joke (PV) (真愛開玩笑) | |
7. | Small City, Big Matter (PV) (小城大事) | |
8. | Big City, Big Matter (Mand) - 12 Girls Orchestra ver. (大城大事 - 女子十二樂坊合奏版) | |
- album sorti le 26 juin 2004, il sort en 2 éditions, la 2e est un AVCD
Davantage d’informations CD, No ...
1. | Over-age (超齡) | |
2. | Strange (詭異) | |
3. | Short Message Is Better Than Long Trust (長信不如短訊) | |
4. | Woman Of Integrity (烈女) | |
5. | Single | |
6. | I Wait I Exist (我等我在) | |
7. | Twist To Ten (扭到十) | |
8. | Still Elegant (風采依然) | |
9. | Simple Love (簡愛) | |
10. | Long Hate Brother (長恨哥哥) | |
11. | Short Message Is Better Than Long Trust (Short Pain Is Better Than Long Pain) (長信不如短訊 (長痛不如短痛)) | |
12. | Anna And Alice (花與愛麗絲) | |
Davantage d’informations AVCD (2nd édition), No ...
1. | Computer Data, Not Playable (Visuel) | |
2. | Woman Of Integrity (PV) (烈女) | |
3. | Short Message Is Better Than Long Trust (PV) (長信不如短訊) | |
4. | Over-age (PV) (超齡) | |
5. | Long Hate Brother (PV) (長恨哥哥) | |
6. | Anna And Alice (PV) (花與愛麗絲) | |
7. | My Drunk Lover (我的醉愛 (電影“千杯不醉”主題曲)) | |
- album sorti le 22 avril 2005, il sort en 2 éditions, la 2e est un AVCD
Davantage d’informations CD, No ...
1. | To Kiss Every Girl (吻所有女孩) | |
2. | She Succeeded But He Didn't (她成功了他沒有) | |
3. | Trail Walk (毅行) | |
4. | Watery Moon & Mirrored Flowers (水月鏡花) | |
5. | Big Silly (大傻) | |
6. | My Survival Style (我的生存之道) | |
7. | Yi Shu Said (亦舒說) | |
8. | At Findlay Road (芬梨道上) | |
9. | I Could Only Dance (我只能跳舞) | |
10. | If We Can Never Stop Loving (如果可以不停相愛) | |
11. | The Man Has Come (郎來了 (ROSE)) | |
- album sorti le 15 décembre 2006
Davantage d’informations CD, No ...
1. | Meridian (Interlude) | |
2. | Change (化) | |
3. | Diverging Path (陌路) | |
4. | Collective Memory (集體回憶) | |
5. | Finally Have to Admit It (不認不認還需認) | |
6. | No Love Affair (只談風月不談戀愛) | |
7. | Let Me Hang Out (別阻我開心) | |
8. | Love Sick (同病相愛) | |
9. | Tact (知情識趣) | |
10. | Last Day (最後今天) | |
11. | Outstanding Young Person (傑出青年) | |
12. | Hooked On You (每當變幻時 (電影 每當變幻時 主題曲)) | |
13. | Suave Manner (人情世故 (國語)) | |
14. | Memories (Interlude) | |
Davantage d’informations DVD Moov Live + PV, No ...
1. | Change (化) | |
2. | Diverging Path (陌路) | |
3. | No Love Affair (只談風月不談戀愛) | |
4. | Tact (知情識趣) | |
5. | Finally Have to Admit It (不認不認還需認) | |
6. | Hooked On You (每當變幻時) | |
7. | Collective Memory (集體回憶) | |
8. | Change (PV) (化) | |
9. | Collective Memory (PV) (集體回憶) | |
10. | Love Sick (PV) (同病相愛) | |
11. | Hooked On You (PV) (每當變幻時 (電影 每當變幻時 主題曲)) | |
12. | Suave Manner (PV) (人情世故 (國語)) | |
- album sorti le 14 août 2007, il sort en format CD+DVD et CD+DVD(+Live Concert)
Davantage d’informations CD, No ...
1. | Working As Heroine Falling For The Almighty Hero (當女飛俠愛上萬能俠) | |
2. | See You Tomorrow (明日再會) | |
3. | People That Fish Up The Moon (撈月亮的人) | |
4. | Pistachio Nuts (開心果) | |
5. | A Leaf Boat (一葉舟) | |
6. | Graffitti (塗鴉) | |
7. | The Philanthropists (大慈善家) | |
8. | Loved Before (Mandarin) (愛過 (國語)) | |
9. | Catch That Person (捉伊人) | |
10. | Beautiful Fate (嬅麗緣) | |
11. | Embrace The Memories (擁抱回憶) | |
12. | La La Kwa La La (啦啦誇啦啦) | |
Davantage d’informations DVD Moov Live 2008 Miriam, No ...
1. | La La Kwa La La (啦啦誇啦啦) | |
2. | Last Day (最後今天) | |
3. | The Philanthropists (大慈善家) | |
4. | A Leaf Boat (一葉舟) | |
5. | People That Fish Up The Moon (撈月亮的人) | |
6. | Let Me Hang Out (別阻我開心) | |
7. | See You Tomorrow (明日再會) | |
8. | Pistachio Nuts (開心果) | |
- album sorti le 26 septembre 2008
Davantage d’informations CD, No ...
1. | The Man Of Destiny (真命天子) | 3:37 |
2. | Standing On A Bridge Looking At The Scenery (我在橋上看風景) | 3:44 |
3. | Living Very Happily (原來過得很快樂) | 3:59 |
4. | Are You Happy (你幸福嗎) | 3:35 |
5. | All About Love | 3:41 |
6. | Maltose (麥芽糖) | 4:21 |
7. | The Blue Kite (藍風箏) | 4:18 |
8. | Singing To The Puppet (對木偶唱歌) | 3:36 |
9. | Twin Dolls (孖公仔) | 4:24 |
10. | Circle Gap (OT: The Person Who Fish Up The Moon) (圓缺 (OT:-撈月亮的人)) | 3:41 |
11. | All About Love (Little Orchestra Mix) | 3:21 |
42:20 |
Davantage d’informations DVD, No ...
1. | The Man Of Destiny (真命天子) | |
2. | Standing On A Bridge Looking At The Scenery (我在橋上看風景) | |
3. | Living Very Happily (原來過得很快樂) | |
- album sorti le 16 octobre 2009
Davantage d’informations CD, No ...
1. | Ready or Not | 3:38 |
2. | Nu ren san shi (女人三十 (Women, Thirty)) | 3:09 |
3. | Ku chulai (哭出來 (Could Not Cry)) | 5:01 |
4. | Sheng nu bu bai (聖女不敗) | 4:26 |
5. | You zhong chen mo jiao xiang nian (有種沉默叫想念 (Yearning is a Type of Silence)) | 4:20 |
6. | Xing le (醒了 (Awake)) | 4:22 |
7. | Hai wei wan cheng de pin tu (還未完成的拼圖 (Unfinished Puzzle)) | 4:29 |
8. | Wei wan de ge (未完的歌 (Unfinished Song)) | 4:22 |
9. | Ngo hai ngo (Remix) (我係我 remix (I am Me)) | 4:10 |
38:01 |
Davantage d’informations DVD, No ...
1. | Ready or Not | |
2. | Nu ren san shi (女人三十 (Women, Thirty)) | |
3. | Xing le (醒了 (Awake)) | |
- album sorti le 8 mars 2011
Davantage d’informations No, Titre ...
1. | Beating around the bush (遊花園) | |
2. | Souvenir (手信) | |
3. | Goodbye 2nd avenue (Remix) (再見二丁目 (寰宇風情mix)) | |
4. | Before us (二人前) | |
5. | E-714342 | |
6. | Intuition (Ylk org. mix) (直覺) | |
7. | Souvenir (Mo' music mix) (手信) | |
8. | Count you (數你) | |
Davantage d’informations VCD, No ...
1. | Souvenir (手信) | |
2. | E-714342 | |
- album sorti en novembre 1997
Davantage d’informations No, Titre ...
1. | Flower-like + years (花樣+年華) | |
2. | Continue to work hard (繼續努力) | |
3. | Lover (愛人) | |
4. | Onion (洋蔥) | |
5. | A slice of life (一些生活) | |
6. | Not-for-sale (非買品) | |
- album sorti en novembre 1998
Davantage d’informations CD1 Kiss Me Soft, No ...
1. | Cute girl (可人兒) | |
2. | A girl's prayer (少女的祈禱) | |
3. | If I weren't happy in Tokyo (如果東京不快樂) | |
4. | Positive response (良性反應 (紅絲帶中心"關懷愛滋活動"宣傳歌)) | |
5. | A taste of love (美味情緣 (無線電視劇"美味情緣"主題歌)) | |
6. | Deep rest (深息) | |
Davantage d’informations CD2 Play It Loud, No ...
1. | Fierce girl within (內有惡女) | |
2. | The doll which tells lies (吹牛娃娃) | |
3. | Fireworks (放煙花 ("花樣千嬅演唱會2000"主題歌)) | |
4. | Totally off-track (離題萬丈) | |
5. | Fireworks (Mass production mix) (放煙花) | |
6. | Warrior of the new century (Air max mix) (新世紀福音戰士) | |
Davantage d’informations VCD, No ...
1. | Cute girl (可人兒) | |
2. | A girl's prayer (少女的祈禱) | |
- album sorti le 9 août 2000, la 2nd édition contient un VCD.
Davantage d’informations No, Titre ...
1. | Yeung Chin Wah (楊千嬅 (電影《乾柴烈火》插曲)) | |
2. | Miss Hong Kong (香港小姐) | |
3. | Shining spirit (閃靈) | |
4. | Miss Congeniality (友誼小姐 (電影《乾柴烈火》主題曲)) | |
5. | Love & relations bureau (男女關係科 (電影《新紮師妹》主題曲)) | |
6. | Courage (勇 (電影《新紮師妹》插曲)) | |
7. | Tarot addict (塔羅迷) | |
8. | Yeung Chin Wah (1st remix) (楊千嬅再生版) | |
- album sorti le 15 avril 2002
Davantage d’informations No, Titre ...
1. | Man-Han full feast (滿漢全席) | |
2. | Regular exercise & a balanced diet (適量運動與均衡飲食) | |
3. | Not fast enough (還未夠快) | |
4. | Slow, warm... Hokkaido's Summer (慢熱... 北海道夏) | |
5. | Let's talk about love (談談情探探聽 (無線電視劇《情事緝私檔案》主題曲)) | |
6. | MR. ((電影《慳錢家族》插曲)) | |
7. | The street child who goes on learning (學習街童 (903《饑饉三十》主題曲)) | |
8. | Yeung Chin Wah (2nd remix) (楊千嬅更生版) | |
9. | Save a little (慳D (電影《慳錢家族》主題曲)) | |
Davantage d’informations M vs M (Final), No ...
1. | Walk to the left (向左走) | |
2. | Walk to the left, walk to the right (向左走向右走) | |
3. | Walk to the right (向右走) | |
- album sorti le 29 mai 2002, contient un CD Bonus
Davantage d’informations CD, No ...
1. | Breathing Needs (呼吸需要) | |
2. | High Heels (斗零踭) | |
3. | When Drinking Wine 2.0 (飲酒思源2.0) | |
4. | First Sight (初見) | |
5. | I Am Me (我係我) | |
Davantage d’informations DVD, No ...
1. | Breathing Needs (PV) (呼吸需要) | |
2. | High Heels (PV) (斗零踭) | |
3. | When Drinking Wine (PV) (飲酒思源2.0) | |
4. | First Sight (PV) (初見) | |
- album sorti le 7 octobre 2010, sort en format CD+DVD et CD+DVD+Poster
Albums Concert
Davantage d’informations CD1, No ...
1. | That's why it's because (Remix) (因為所以(畢氏定理)) | |
2. | Not-for-sale (非買品) | |
3. | Flawed beauty (缺陷美) | |
4. | Souvenir (手信) | |
5. | I don't want you to love me (我不要你愛我) | |
6. | Ice point (冰點) | |
7. | Flower-like + years (花樣+年華) | |
8. | A mid Summer-night's dream (仲夏夜之夢) | |
9. | Medley: Nim Jiom Pi Pa Gao commercial song + Summer story (京都念慈菴廣告歌+夏天的故事) | |
10. | The person in my dream (夢裡的人) | |
Davantage d’informations CD2, No ...
1. | Lover (愛人) | |
2. | Count you (數你) | |
3. | Cold rain (冷雨) | |
4. | Do you still love me? (你還愛我嗎?) | |
5. | Goodbye 2nd avenue (再見二丁目) | |
6. | Lift my head up (抬起我的頭來) | |
7. | Last song (最後的歌) | |
8. | BDA Bomberman (彈珠人的愛心炸彈) | |
9. | Continue to work hard (繼續努力) | |
10. | The wolf has come (狼來了 (欣賞版)) | |
Davantage d’informations VCD, No ...
1. | GC Goo Bi Family Drama "Winter Story" (芝See菇Bi Family劇場之"冬天的故事") | |
- album sorti le 30 mars 2000
Davantage d’informations No, Titre ...
1. | Hot-blooded youth (熱血青年) | |
2. | Fireworks (放煙花) | |
3. | King of solemn song (悲歌之王) | |
4. | If I weren't happy in Tokyo (如果東京不快樂) | |
5. | Wild Child (野孩子) | |
6. | Suppress the fanatical love (痴心眼內藏) | |
7. | That's how much I love you (就是這麼愛你) | |
8. | Cute girl (Alex Fong) (可人兒 (方力申)) | |
9. | Male student in a girls' school (Miriam Yeung, Alex Fong) (女校男生 (楊千嬅/方力申)) | |
10. | Who bears to let go (誰願放手) | |
11. | Jade butterfly (玉蝴蝶) | |
12. | If you let me continue to kiss (假如讓我吻下去) | |
13. | If you let me continue to speak (假如讓我說下去) | |
14. | A girl's prayer (少女的祈禱) | |
15. | Sister (姊妹) | |
Davantage d’informations VCD Concert + 5 clips, No ...
1. | Hot-blooded youth (熱血青年) | |
2. | Sister (姊妹) | |
3. | King of solemn song (悲歌之王) | |
4. | Wild Child (野孩子) | |
5. | If you let me continue to speak (假如讓我說下去) | |
- album sorti le 24 décembre 2001
Davantage d’informations CD1, No ...
1. | Opening | |
2. | A girl's prayer (少女的祈禱) | |
3. | Lift my head up/A mid Summer-night's dream (抬起我的頭來/仲夏夜之夢) | |
4. | Photo album (照相本子) | |
5. | Hot-blooded youth (熱血青年) | |
6. | If I weren't happy in Tokyo (如果東京不快樂) | |
7. | Courage (勇) | |
8. | Wild Child (野孩子) | |
9. | Golden Melody (金曲當年情) | |
10. | Mr. | |
11. | Cute girl (可人兒) | |
12. | Walk to the left, walk to the right (向左走向右走) | |
13. | Tarot addict (塔羅迷) | |
14. | The wolf has come (狼來了) | |
15. | Shining spirit (閃靈) | |
16. | Last Song (最後的歌) | |
17. | Slow, warm... Hokkaido's Summer (慢熱... 北海道夏) | |
Davantage d’informations CD2, No ...
1. | Count you (數你) | |
2. | Regular exercise & a balanced diet (適量運動與均衡飲食) | |
3. | Love & relations bureau (男女關係科) | |
4. | River Child (河童) | |
5. | Goodbye 2nd avenue (再見二丁目) | |
6. | If you let me continue to speak (假如讓我說下去) | |
7. | A girl's prayer (少女的祈禱) | |
8. | Yeung Chin Wah (楊千嬅) | |
9. | Sister (姊妹) | |
10. | Ending | |
- album sorti le 29 novembre 2002 contient 2CD, sorti aussi en VCD
Davantage d’informations CD1, No ...
1. | 如果你愛我 (At 17) | |
2. | Enter The Dragon (龍爭虎鬥 (At 17) | |
3. | Infernal Affairs (無間道 (Anthony Wong + Miriam Yeung) | |
4. | 友情歲月 (Anthony Wong + Miriam Yeung) | |
5. | kyōdai (兄弟 (Anthony Wong + Miriam Yeung) | |
6. | Sister (姊妹 (Miriam Yeung) | |
7. | 窮風流 (Anthony Wong) | |
8. | 千金 (Anthony Wong + Miriam Yeung) | |
9. | 現代愛情故事 (Anthony Wong + Miriam Yeung) | |
10. | zài jiàn (再見) Puppy Love (Anthony Wong + Miriam Yeung) | |
11. | 相逢何必曾相識 (Anthony Wong + Miriam Yeung) | |
12. | 世間始終你好 (Anthony Wong + Miriam Yeung) | |
13. | Teddy girl (飛女正傳 (Miriam Yeung) | |
Davantage d’informations CD2, No ...
1. | 下一站天國 (Anthony Wong) | |
2. | Lip Biting (咬唇 (Miriam Yeung) | |
3. | 下落不明 (Anthony Wong + Miriam Yeung) | |
4. | 溫柔的你 (Anthony Wong + Miriam Yeung) | |
5. | 酒杯敲鋼琴 (Anthony Wong + Miriam Yeung) | |
6. | 攞命舞 (Anthony Wong) | |
7. | 一一 (Anthony Wong) | |
8. | If you let me continue to speak (假如讓我說下去 (Miriam Yeung) | |
9. | 身外情 (Anthony Wong) | |
10. | 小王子 (Anthony Wong + Miriam Yeung) | |
- album sorti le 14 janvier 2003
Davantage d’informations CD, No ...
1. | Enter the dragon (龍爭虎斗) | |
2. | Love and relations bureau (男女關係科) | |
3. | Traveling Alone (自由行) | |
4. | Medley: That's why it's because/A girl's prayer (因為所以/少女的祈禱) | |
5. | Medley: Summer story/Cute girl (夏天的故事/可人兒) | |
6. | Medley: Wolf has come/Lover (狼來了/愛人) | |
7. | Medley: The wooden puppet's amazing journey/Sister (木偶奇遇記/姊妹) | |
8. | King of solemn song (悲歌之王) | |
9. | Goodbye 2nd Avenue (再見二丁目) | |
10. | Yeung Chin Wah (楊千嬅) | |
11. | Wild child (野孩子) | |
12. | Next year, Today (明年今日) | |
13. | Little star (小星星) | |
14. | Count you (數你) | |
15. | If you let me continue to speak (假如讓我說下去) | |
16. | Teddy girl (飛女正傳) | |
17. | A pity I'm an Aquarius (可惜我是水瓶座) | |
- album sorti le 6 mai 2004, + CD Bonus : Grand Opening AVEP (開大)
Davantage d’informations CD1, No ...
1. | Music Is Live Intro | |
2. | Qing Yi Liang Xin Jian (情意兩心堅 (Chet Lam) | |
3. | Qian Ying (倩影 (Miriam Yeung) | |
4. | Pian Pian Xi Huan Ni (偏偏喜歡你 (Chet Lam) | |
5. | Xiang Jian Hao (相見好 (Miriam Yeung) | |
6. | Xiao Cheng Gu Shi (小城故事 (Miriam Yeung+Chet Lam) | |
7. | Xiao Cheng Da Shi (小城大事 (Miriam Yeung) | |
8. | Bei Ge Zhi Wang (悲歌之王 (Chet Lam) | |
9. | Zhong Hui Bu La Ge (重回布拉格 (Chet Lam) | |
10. | Gei Zui Kai Xin Di Ren (給最開心的人 (Chet Lam) | |
11. | The Blowers Daughter (Chet Lam) | |
12. | Chao Ling (超齡 (Miriam Yeung) | |
13. | You are So Beautiful (Miriam Yeung+Justin) | |
14. | Hao Ren (好人 (Justin) | |
15. | Lan Yu (藍雨 (Miriam Yeung) | |
16. | Wo Di Zui Ai (我的醉愛 (Miriam Yeung) | |
Davantage d’informations CD2, No ...
1. | Lang La Le / Zi Mei (狼來了/姊妹 (Chet Lam) | |
2. | Yu Jian (遇見 (Miriam Yeung) | |
3. | Wo Xi Xiao Ji Lian / Huang Jin Zhan Shi (我係小忌廉 (Chet Lam) 黃金戰士 (Miriam Yeung) | |
4. | Huai Nu Hai / Bu Ji De Feng (壞女孩 (Chet Lam) 不羈的風 (Miriam Yeung) | |
5. | Hong Cha Guan / Dui Bu Qi Wo Ai Ni (紅茶館 (Chet Lam) 對不起我愛你 (Miriam Yeung) | |
6. | Xiao Wan Yi / You Ge Ren (小玩意 (Chet Lam) 有個人 (Miriam Yeung) | |
7. | Nan Hai Xiang Ni (男孩像你 (Miriam Yeung+Chet Lam) | |
8. | Lie Nu (烈女 (Miriam Yeung+Chet Lam) | |
9. | Yin Yue He (音樂盒 (Miriam Yeung) | |
10. | Qing Cheng Zhi Lain (傾城之戀 (Miriam Yeung+Chet Lam) | |
11. | Leng Re Zhi Jian (冷熱之間 (Chet Lam) | |
12. | Nong Ben Duo Qing (儂本多情 (Miriam Yeung+Chet Lam) | |
- album sorti le 4 octobre 2005
Davantage d’informations CD1, No ...
1. | Opening | |
2. | Ready or Not + 妖女 | |
3. | Woman Of Integrity (烈女) | |
4. | The wolf has come (狼來了) | |
5. | It happened before (有發生過) | |
6. | Lover (愛人) | |
7. | Count you (數你) | |
8. | Big Matter (小城大事) | |
9. | People That Fish Up The Moon (撈月亮的人) | |
10. | Chrysanthemum Flower Bed (菊花台) | |
11. | Yeung Chin Wah (楊千嬅) | |
12. | Lift my head up (抬起我的頭來) | |
13. | Flower-like + years (花樣+年華) | |
14. | Hot-blooded youth (熱血青年) | |
15. | If I weren't happy in Tokyo (如果東京不快樂) | |
16. | Traveling alone (自由行) | |
17. | Goodbye 2nd avenue (再見二丁目) | |
Davantage d’informations CD2, No ...
1. | Nobody | |
2. | 3-minute passion (三分鐘戀愛熱度) | |
3. | 給我愛過的男孩們 | |
4. | High Heels (斗零踭) | |
5. | 封面女郎 | |
6. | 幸福摩天輪 | |
7. | The Man Of Destiny (真命天子) | |
8. | Teddy girl (飛女正傳 (avec 丁子高) | |
9. | A pity I'm an Aquarius (可惜我是水瓶座) | |
10. | If you let me continue to speak (假如讓我說下去) | |
11. | Ice point (冰點) | |
12. | 飲酒思源 | |
13. | A girl's prayer (少女的祈禱) | |
14. | Wild Child (野孩子) | |
- album sorti le 22 décembre 2010
Davantage d’informations No, Titre ...
1. | A different Summer (Miriam Yeung, Eason Chan, Edmond Leung) (不一樣的夏 - 楊千嬅、梁漢文、陳奕迅) | |
2. | The wolf has come (Piano version) (狼來了) | |
3. | Goodbye 2nd avenue (再見二丁目) | |
4. | That's why it's because (Pythagoras Theorem mix) (因為所以(畢氏定理)) | |
5. | E-734142 (Lalala mix) | |
6. | I don't want you to love me (我不要你愛我) | |
7. | Souvenir (手信) | |
8. | Flawed beauty (缺陷美) | |
9. | Charitable lover (慈善情人) | |
10. | An account out of Egypt (出埃及記) | |
11. | Cheers to our friendship (友誼萬歲) | |
12. | Intuition (直覺) | |
13. | 3-minute passion (三分鐘戀愛熱度) | |
14. | Stranger (陌生人) | |
15. | Count you (數你) | |
16. | Let me fly (讓我飛 [無線電視劇"呷醋外父"主題曲]) | |
17. | Happily (怏樂的 [無線電視劇"衝上人間"主題曲]) | |
Davantage d’informations VCD, No ...
1. | That's why it's because (因為所以) | |
2. | I don't want you to love me (我不要你愛我) | |
3. | Souvenir (手信) | |
4. | E-714342 | |
5. | Count you (數你) | |
6. | Goodbye 2nd avenue (再見二丁目) | |
7. | Intuition (直覺) | |
8. | The wolf has come (狼來了) | |
9. | Happily (快樂的) | |
Davantage d’informations No, Titre ...
1. | Summer story (夏天的故事) | |
2. | The wooden puppet's amazing journey (木偶奇遇記) | |
3. | Lover (愛人) | |
4. | Lift my head up (抬起我的頭來) | |
5. | Ice point (冰點) | |
6. | The wolf has come (Piano version) (狼來了) | |
7. | Elope (私奔) | |
8. | It happened before (有發生過) | |
9. | Goodbye 2nd avenue (再見二丁目) | |
10. | Souvenir (手信) | |
11. | Since when (曾幾何時) | |
12. | E-734142 | |
13. | Handwriting (字跡) | |
14. | That's why it's because (因為所以) | |
15. | Count you (數你) | |
16. | For my own good (只要為我好) | |
17. | Last song (最後的歌) | |
- album sorti le 24 août 2001
Davantage d’informations CD1, No ...
1. | My Humble Abode (寒舍) | |
2. | A girl's prayer (少女的祈禱) | |
3. | That's why it's because (因為所以) | |
4. | Intuition (直覺) | |
5. | E-714342 | |
6. | The wolf has come (Piano Version) (狼來了) | |
7. | Souvenir (手信) | |
8. | If I weren't happy in Tokyo (如果東京不快樂) | |
9. | Summer story (夏天的故事) | |
10. | Winter story (冬天的故事) | |
11. | Goodbye 2nd avenue (再見二丁目) | |
12. | King of solemn song (悲歌之王) | |
13. | If you let me continue to speak (假如讓我說下去) | |
14. | Lift my head up (抬起我的頭來) | |
15. | Tears in smile (笑中有淚) | |
16. | Yeung Chin Wah (楊千嬅) | |
Davantage d’informations CD2, No ...
1. | Wild child (野孩子) | |
2. | Teddy girl (飛女正傳) | |
3. | A pity I'm an Aquarius (可惜我是水瓶座) | |
4. | Sister (姊妹) | |
5. | Shining spirit (閃靈) | |
6. | One thousand and one (一千零一個) | |
7. | Little flying hero (小飛俠) | |
8. | Walk to the left, walk to the right (向左走向右走) | |
9. | Enter the dragon (龍爭虎斗) | |
10. | Hot-blooded youth (熱血青年) | |
11. | Miss Congeniality (友誼小姐) | |
12. | How big is my house (家有幾米) | |
13. | Love & relations bureau (男女關係科) | |
14. | MR | |
15. | Lip biting (咬唇) | |
16. | Old place (舊地) | |
- album sorti le 27 novembre 2003
Davantage d’informations No, Titre ...
1. | Silly Boy (傻仔) | |
2. | Sister (姊妹) | |
3. | Teddy girl (飛女正傳) | |
4. | Shining spirit (閃靈) | |
5. | A pity I'm an Aquarius (可惜我是水瓶座) | |
6. | Wild child (野孩子) | |
7. | Lip biting (咬唇) | |
8. | Walk to the left, walk to the right (向左走向右走) | |
9. | Little flying hero (小飛俠) | |
10. | River Child (河童) | |
11. | Accidental Tourist (稀客) | |
12. | One thousand and one (一千零一個) | |
13. | Tears in smile (笑中有淚) | |
14. | King of solemn song (悲歌之王) | |
15. | If you let me continue to speak (假如讓我說下去) | |
16. | I'm a sheep (我是羊) | |
Davantage d’informations VCD, No ...
1. | Silly Boy (傻仔) | |
2. | Yeung Chin Wah (楊千嬅) | |
3. | Hot-blooded youth (熱血青年) | |
4. | Mr. | |
5. | How big is my house (家有幾米) | |
6. | Enter the dragon (龍爭虎斗) | |
Davantage d’informations CD1, No ...
1. | Hot-blooded Youth (熱血青年) | |
2. | Sister (姊妹) | |
3. | Wild Child (野孩子) | |
4. | King Of Solemn Song (悲歌之王) | |
5. | If You Let Me Continue To Speak (假如讓我說下去) | |
6. | River Child (河童) | |
7. | Yeung Chin Wah (楊千嬅) | |
8. | Shining Spirit (閃靈) | |
9. | Miss Congeniality (友誼小姐) | |
10. | Love & Relations Bureau (男女關係科) | |
11. | Slow, Warm... Hokkaido's Summer (慢熱……北海道夏) | |
12. | Let's Talk About Love (談談情探探聽) | |
13. | Mr. | |
14. | Walk To The Left, Walk To The Right (向左走向右走) | |
15. | Save A Little (慳D) | |
Davantage d’informations CD2, No ...
1. | Little Flying Hero (小飛俠 (蔡德才合唱)) | |
2. | A Pity I'm An Aquarius (可惜我是水瓶座) | |
3. | One Thousand And One (一千零一個) | |
4. | How Big Is My House (家有幾米) | |
5. | I'm A Sheep (我是羊) | |
6. | Tears In Smile (笑中有淚) | |
7. | Music Box (音樂盒) | |
8. | To Be Afraid Of Nothing (什麼都不怕 (國)) | |
9. | Enter The Dragon (龍爭虎鬥) | |
10. | Teddy Girl (飛女正傳) | |
11. | Accidental Tourist (稀客) | |
12. | Lip Biting (咬唇) | |
13. | My Humble Abode (寒舍) | |
14. | Old Place (舊地) | |
15. | Silly Boy (傻仔) | |
- album sorti le 4 décembre 2006
Davantage d’informations CD1, No ...
1. | One's Art Gallery (一個人的美術館(國)) | |
2. | Hot-blooded Youth (熱血青年) | |
3. | Sister (姊妹) | |
4. | Wild Child (野孩子) | |
5. | King Of Solemn Song (悲歌之王) | |
6. | If You Let Me Continue To Speak (假如讓我說下去) | |
7. | Yeung Chin Wah (楊千嬅) | |
8. | Shining Spirit (閃靈) | |
9. | Teddy Girl (飛女正傳) | |
10. | Little Flying Hero (小飛俠(楊千嬅/蔡德才)) | |
11. | River Child (河童) | |
12. | Mr. | |
13. | Let's Talk About Love (談談情探探聽) | |
14. | Walk To The Left, Walk To The Right (向左走向右走) | |
15. | A Pity I'm An Aquarius (可惜我是水瓶座) | |
16. | Tears In Smile (笑中有淚) | |
Davantage d’informations CD2, No ...
1. | White Flame (甘願為您) | |
2. | One Thousand And One (一千零一個) | |
3. | I Am A Sheep (我是羊) | |
4. | Yang Mei (揚眉) | |
5. | To Be Afraid Of Nothing (什麼都不怕) | |
6. | Enter The Dragon (龍爭虎鬥) | |
7. | Accidental Tourist (稀客) | |
8. | Hong Kong Folklore (民間傳奇) | |
9. | Lip Biting (咬唇) | |
10. | Love & Relations Bureau (男女關係科) | |
11. | My Humble Abode (寒舍) | |
12. | Silly Boy (傻仔) | |
13. | Phoenix Singing In Harmony (鸞鳳和嗚) | |
14. | Elixir Of Love (花好月圓夜) | |
15. | Little Stars (小星星) | |
16. | Traveling Alone (自由行) | |
Davantage d’informations CD3, No ...
1. | Small City Big Matter (小城大事) | |
2. | Kissing Everywhere (處處吻) | |
3. | Alchemy (煉金術) | |
4. | Lights And Shadows (電光幻影) | |
5. | Super Red (火紅火熱(楊千嬋/梁漢文/鄭中基/何韻詩)) | |
6. | Short Message Is Better Than Long Trust (長信不如短訊) | |
7. | Woman Of Integrity (烈女) | |
8. | The Man Has Come (郎來了) | |
9. | Single | |
10. | I Wait I Exist (我等我在) | |
11. | Anna And Alice (花與愛麗斯) | |
12. | My Drunken Love (我的醉愛) | |
13. | Woman With A Past (有過去的女人) | |
14. | Big Silly (大傻) | |
15. | My Survival Style (我的生存之道) | |
16. | Watery Moon & Mirrored Flowers (水月鏡花) | |
Davantage d’informations DVD (Karaoké), No ...
1. | Watery Moon & Mirrored Flowers (水月鏡花 (視聽版)) | |
2. | My Survival Style (我的生存之道 (視聽版)) | |
3. | Woman With A Past (有過去的女人) | |
4. | Anna And Alice (花與愛麗斯) | |
5. | The Man Has Come (郎來了) | |
6. | Woman Of Integrity (烈女) | |
7. | Short Message Is Better Than Long Trust (長信不如短訊) | |
8. | Super Red (火紅火熱 (楊千嬋/梁漢文/鄭中基/何韻詩)) | |
9. | Kissing Everywhere (處處吻) | |
10. | Small City Big Matter (小城大事) | |
11. | To Be Afraid Of Nothing (什麼都不怕) | |
12. | Tears In Smile (笑中有淚) | |
13. | A Pity I'm An Aquarius (可惜我是水瓶座) | |
14. | Walk To The Left, Walk To The Right (向左走向右走) | |
15. | Little Flying Hero (小飛俠 (楊千嬅/蔡德才)) | |
16. | Teddy Girl (飛女正傳) | |
17. | Shining Spirit (閃靈) | |
18. | If You Let Me Continue To Speak (假如讓我說下去) | |
19. | Wild Child (野孩子) | |
20. | Sister (姊妹) | |
- album sorti le 7 février 2007
Davantage d’informations CD, No ...
1. | Qing Shan San Bu (青山散步) | |
2. | Shang Zhui Ren (傷追人) | |
3. | Hao Xin Hao Bao (好心好報) | |
4. | Ming Ying (命硬) | |
5. | Love Song (情歌) | |
6. | Wei He Ta Hui Li Kai Ni (為何他會離開你) | |
7. | Bi Mu Ru Shen (閉目入神) | |
8. | Hua Sa (花灑) | |
9. | Luo Man Di Ke (羅曼蒂克) | |
10. | Yan Yan Fa [Lan Xie Zi] (掩眼法 (藍鞋子)) | |
11. | Ba Li Gong Lu (八里公路) | |
12. | 501 | |
13. | Ai Shi Zui Da Quan Li (愛是最大權利) | |
14. | Zhao Wo (找我) | |
15. | Pai Dui Dong Wu (派對動物) | |
- album sorti le 12 octobre 2007, reprise de chansons d'artistes comme Sandy Lam, Cookies, Edmond Leung, Leo Ku, Justin Lo, et Alex Fong.
Davantage d’informations CD1, No ...
1. | The wolf has come (狼來了) | |
2. | Goodbye 2nd avenue (再見二丁目) | |
3. | Intuition (直覺) | |
4. | Cheers to our friendship (友誼萬歲) | |
5. | Souvenir (手信) | |
6. | Count you (數你) | |
7. | Da ji xiang (大激想) | |
8. | That's why it's because (因為所以 (畢氏定理)) | |
9. | Lover (愛人) | |
10. | Lift my head up (抬起我的頭來) | |
11. | Summer story (夏天的故事) | |
12. | Ice point (冰點) | |
13. | The wooden puppet's amazing journey (木偶奇遇記) | |
14. | Last song (最後的歌) | |
15. | A girl's prayer (少女的祈禱) | |
16. | If I weren't happy in Tokyo (如果東京不快樂) | |
17. | Cute girl (可人兒) | |
Davantage d’informations CD2, No ...
1. | Sister (姊妹) | |
2. | Wild child (野孩子) | |
3. | King of solemn song (悲歌之王) | |
4. | If you let me continue to speak (假如讓我說下去) | |
5. | River child (河童) | |
6. | Yeung Chin Wah (Remix) (楊千嬅 (變身Remix版)) | |
7. | Shining Spirit (閃靈) | |
8. | Bravo (勇) | |
9. | Walk to the left, walk to the right (向左走向右走) | |
10. | Little flying hero - Yeung Chin Wah/ (小飛俠 –楊千嬅 / 蔡德才) | |
11. | A pity I'm an Aquarius (可惜我是水瓶座) | |
12. | Tears in smile (笑中有淚) | |
13. | I am a sheep (我是羊) | |
14. | Teddy girl (飛女正傳) | |
15. | Accidental tourist (稀客) | |
16. | Lip Biting (咬唇) | |
17. | My Humble Abode (寒舍) | |
Davantage d’informations CD3, No ...
1. | Little Stars (小星星) | |
2. | Traveling Alone (自由行) | |
3. | Small City Big Matter (小城大事) | |
4. | Kissing Everywhere (處處吻) | |
5. | Alchemy (煉金術) | |
6. | Woman Of Integrity (烈女) | |
7. | Shining Spirit (簡愛) | |
8. | Short Message Is Better Than Long Trust (長信不如短訊 (長痛不如短痛)) | |
9. | Anna And Alice (花與愛麗斯) | |
10. | Over-age (超齡) | |
11. | Big City, Big Matter (火紅火熱 (楊千嬅/ 梁漢文/ 鄭中基/ 何韻詩)) | |
12. | My Drunk Lover (我的醉愛) | |
13. | Big Silly (大傻) | |
14. | My Survival Style (我的生存之道) | |
15. | At Findlay Road (芬梨道上) | |
16. | The Man Has Come (郎來了(ROSE)) | |
17. | Get Out (Miriam Yeung / Edmond Leung) (滾 (楊千嬅/梁漢文)) | |
Davantage d’informations DVD, No ...
1. | Goodbye 2nd avenue (再見二丁目) | |
2. | Lover (愛人) | |
3. | Lift my head up (抬起我的頭來) | |
4. | If I weren't happy in Tokyo (如果東京不快樂) | |
5. | Sister (姊妹) | |
6. | Wild child (野孩子) | |
7. | Shining Spirit (閃靈) | |
8. | A pity I'm an Aquarius (可惜我是水瓶座) | |
9. | Alchemy (煉金術) | |
10. | Small City Big Matter (小城大事) | |
11. | The Man Has Come (郎來了) | |
12. | Short Message Is Better Than Long Trust (長信不如短訊) | |
- album sorti le 4 décembre 2009
Davantage d’informations CD1, No ...
1. | Drag On (New) (偷生 (新歌)) | |
2. | Fairy Tale (New) (童話 (新歌)) | |
3. | Woman Of Integrity (烈女) | |
4. | Get Out (Miriam Yeung / Edmond Leung) (滾 (梁漢文+楊千嬅)) | |
5. | Alchemy (煉金術) | |
6. | Short Message Is Better Than Long Trust (長信不如短訊) | |
7. | Love Song (情歌) | |
8. | My Drunk Lover (我的醉愛) | |
9. | Anna And Alice (花與愛麗斯) | |
10. | Watery Moon & Mirrored Flowers (水月鏡花) | |
11. | The Man Has Come (郎來了) | |
12. | Love To Joke (真愛開玩笑) | |
13. | Big City, Big Matter (12 Girls Band Ver.) (大城大事 (女子十二樂坊合奏版)) | |
14. | Little Stars (小星星) | |
Davantage d’informations CD2, No ...
1. | Small City, Big Matter (小城大事) | |
2. | You Take Me Drunk (New) (你把我灌醉 (新歌)) | |
3. | Kissing Everywhere (處處吻) | |
4. | Big Silly (大傻) | |
5. | My Survival Style (我的生存之道) | |
6. | Shower (花灑) | |
7. | Meteor Shower (New) (流星雨 (新歌)) | |
8. | Simple Love (簡愛) | |
9. | Beautiful Trees And Flowers (柳媚花嬌) | |
10. | At Findlay Road (芬梨道上) | |
11. | Long Hate Brother (長恨哥哥) | |
12. | Over-age (超齡) | |
13. | Traveling Alone (自由行) | |
14. | You Are So Hard To Forget (你是如此難以忘記) | |
Davantage d’informations DVD Karaoké, No ...
1. | Small City, Big Matter (小城大事) | |
2. | Woman Of Integrity (烈女) | |
3. | Big Silly (大傻) | |
4. | Get Out (滾) | |
5. | Kissing Everywhere (處處吻) | |
6. | Short Message Is Better Than Long Trust (長信不如短訊) | |
7. | Simple Love (簡愛) | |
8. | The Man Has Come (郎來了) | |
9. | My Survival Style (我的生存之道) | |
10. | Long Hate Brother (長恨哥哥) | |
- album sorti le 5 octobre 2010