Andersen a également écrit sur l'histoire danoise des mathématiques et s'est faite le champion de l'utilisation des mathématiques dans les cours d'histoire du secondaire.
Scholz, Erhard; Andersen, Kirsti; Bos, Henk JM; et al. (1990) Geschichte der algebra. (Allemand) [Histoire de l'algèbre] Eine Einführung . [Une introduction] Lehrbücher und Monographien zur Didaktik der Mathematik [Manuels et monographies sur la didactique des mathématiques], 16. Bibliographisches Institut, Mannheim, (ISBN3-411-14411-4).
Andersen, Kirsti (1980) "An impression of mathematics in Denmark in the period 1600–1800", numéro spécial consacré à Olaf Pedersen pour son soixantième anniversaire. Centaurus 24: 316–334.
Andersen, Kirsti (2011) "One of Berkeley's arguments on compensating errors in the calculus", Historia Mathematica 38 (2): 219–231.
(en) Kirsti Andersen, «The Mathematical Treatment of Anamorphoses from Piero della Francesca to Niceron», dans History of Mathematics: States of the Art. Flores Quadrivii – Studies in the Honor of Christoph J. Scriba, Academic Press, .
Kirsti Andersen, Brook Taylor's work on linear perspective: a study of Taylor's role in the history of perspective geometry; including facsimiles of Taylor's two books on perspective, New York, Springer, 1992 (ISBN0387974865).
(en) Kirsti Andersen et Henrik Meyer, «Georg Mohr's three books and theGegenübung auf Compendium Euclidis Curiosi», Centaurus, vol.28, no2, , p.139-144 (DOI10.1111/J.1600-0498.1985.TB00833.X).
Jesper Lützen, Henrik Kragh Sørensen (éd): In honor of Kirsti Andersen, Centaurus, vol 52, 2010, pp 1–3.
1987: "Ancient roots of linear perspective, from ancient omens to statistical mechanics", Acta. Hist. Sci. ANat. Med. Edidit. Bibl. Univ. Haun. 39:75–89 lienMathReviews
1991: "Desargues method of perspective: its mathematical content, its connection to other perspective methods and its relation to Desargues ideas on projective geometry", Centaurus 34(1):44–91 lienMathReviews
1992: Brook Taylor's Work on Linear Perspective: A study of Taylor's role in the history of perspective geometry. Including facsimiles of Taylor's two books on perspective, Springer-Verlag(ISBN0-387-97486-5) lienMathReviews
2007: The Geometry of an Art. The history of the mathematical theory of perspective from Alberti to Monge, Springer (ISBN978-0-387-25961-1) lienMathReviews