Elle est régulièrement publiée dans les revues et magazines tels que: Boston Review[5], Asymptote, Best American Poetry Blog[6], Gulf Coast[7], Lana Turner, Washington Sqare[8], G A M M M[9], Zoland[10], The Brooklyn Rail[11], Bombay Gin[12], The Paper Nautilus[13], American Poetry review[14], Sibila[15], Poetry[16], etc.
Recueils de poèmes
co écrit avec Lyn Hejinian & Etel Adnan, The Belladonna Elders Series #5, Belladonna Books, , 74p. (ISBN9780982338704),
The Republic of Exit 43: Outtakes & Scores from an Archaeology and Pop-Up Opera of the Corporate Dump, Berkeley, Californie, Atelos, , 189p. (ISBN9781891190407)[17],
From A chorus fosse, Madison, Wisconsin, Oxeye Press, , 8p. (OCLC1013976068),
Killing the Moonlight: Modernism in Venice, New York, Columbia University Press, , 464p. (ISBN9780231164320)[18],
(en-US) «Site Surfeit: Office for Soft Architecture Makes the City Confess», Chicago Review, Vol. 51/52, Vol. 51, , p.70-76 (7 pages) (lire en ligne),
(en-US) «Utopia Interrupted: Archipelago as Sociolyric Structure in A Draft of XXX Cantos», MLA Journals, Volume 122, N° 1, , p.105–123 (19 pages) (ISSN0030-8129, lire en ligne),
(en-US) «“Più mOndo i: / tUtti!”: Traffics of Historicism in Jackson Mac Low’s Contemporary Lyricism», Modern Philology, Volume 105, N° 1, , p.185-212 (28 pages) (lire en ligne),
(en-US) «Response to Jennifer Ashton Bachelorettes, Even: Strategic Embodiment in Contemporary Experimentalism by Women», Modern Philology, Volume 105, N° 1, (lire en ligne)
(en-US) «Versus Seamlessness: Architectonics of Pseudocomplicity in Tan Lin's Ambient Poetics», Boundary 2, , p.63–76 (lire en ligne),
(en-US) «Tuning as Lyricism: The Performances of Orality in the Poetics of Jerome Rothenberg and David Antin», Critical Inquiry, Vol. 37, No. 4, , p.782-786 (5 pages) (lire en ligne),
«Une Arcadie des ordures», ,Vacarme N° 79, , p.104-107. (lire en ligne),
(en-US) «Of Fishiness, Flesh, and the Radical Undead», Boston Review, (lire en ligne),
(en-US) «Festina Lente: Invention of the Modernist Poet as Editor in the City of Aldus», Paideuma: Modern and Contemporary Poetry and Poetics, Vol. 42, , p.57-84 (28 pages) (lire en ligne),
(en-US) «The thick and the slow of knowledge», Jacket 2, (lire en ligne),
(it) «La santità dei santi padri», Alfabeta 2, (lire en ligne),
(it) «Venezia ovvero il presente discontinuo», Alfabeta 2, (lire en ligne),
(en-US) «Chloris in Plural Voices: Performing Translation of A “Moonstriking Death”», Translation Review, Volume 95, n°1, (lire en ligne),
(en-US) «I 0we v. I/O. Poetics of veil-piercing on a corporate planet», Jacket 2, (lire en ligne),
Locomotrix: Selected Poetry and Prose of Amelia Rosselli, a Bilingual Edition, University of Chicago Press, , 340p. (ISBN9780226728834)[19].
Of the Monitor’s Fight, exposée à la Una Vetrina Gallery, Rome, September 2015[20],
Leave Loom: A Memory, à la WUHO Gallery de la Woodbury University, 2015[21],
Trash Triptych, Descrizione del Mondo, exposée à la Unione Culturale Antonicelli de Turin, printemps - été 2015[22],
Neosuprematist Webtexts, exposée à Gand et organisée par Infusoria[23], 2009[24].
(en) «American Poetry Review - Amelia Rosselli - "Two Poems, translated from the Italian by Jennifer Scappettone"», American Poetry Review, (lire en ligne, consulté le )