(en-US) Doug McAdam, Freedom Summer, New York, Oxford University Press, USA (réimpr.1990) (1reéd. 1988), 373p. (ISBN9780195043679, lire en ligne),
(en-US) John F. McClymer, Mississippi Freedom Summer, Belmont, Californie, Thomson/Wadsworth, , 260p. (ISBN9780534621315, lire en ligne),
(en-US) Stephen Currie, Murder in Mississippi: The 1964 Freedom Summer Killings, San Diego, Californie, Lucent Books, , 112p. (ISBN9781590189344, lire en ligne),
(en-US) David Aretha, Freedom Summer, Greensboro, Caroline du Nord, Morgan Reynolds Pub., , 136p. (ISBN9781599350592, lire en ligne),
(en-US) Bruce Watson, Freedom Summer: The Savage Season of 1964 That Made Mississippi Burn and Made America a Democracy, New York, Viking Press, , 400p. (ISBN9780670021703, lire en ligne),
(en-US) Chris Danielson, After Freedom Summer: How Race Realigned Mississippi Politics, 1965–1986, coll.«New Perspectives on the History of the South» (réimpr.2013) (1reéd. 2011), 320p. (ISBN9780813049557, lire en ligne),
(en-US) Don Mitchell, The Freedom Summer Murders, New York, Scholastic Press, , 264p. (ISBN9780545477253, lire en ligne),
(en-US) Susan Goldman Rubin, Freedom Summer: The 1964 Struggle for Civil Rights in Mississippi, New York, Holiday House, , 136p. (ISBN9780823429202, lire en ligne),
(en-US) Michael Edmonds, Risking Everything: A Freedom Summer Reader, Madison, Wisconsin, Wisconsin Historical Society Press, , 268p. (ISBN9780870206788, lire en ligne),
(en-US) Carla Mooney, Freedom Summer, 1964, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Core Library, coll.«Stories of the Civil Rights Movement», , 26p. (ISBN9781624038785, lire en ligne),
(en-US) John Dittmer, Jeff Kolnick et Leslie Burl McLemore, Freedom Summer: A Brief History with Documents, Boston, Massachusetts, Bedford/St. Martin's, , 196p. (ISBN9781457669330, lire en ligne),
(en-US) Doug McAdam, «Recruitment to High-Risk Activism: The Case of Freedom Summer», American Journal of Sociology, vol.92, no1, , p.64-90 (27 pages) (lire en ligne),
(en-US) Roberto M. Fernandez et Doug McAdam, «Social Networks and Social Movements: Multiorganizational Fields and Recruitment to Mississippi Freedom Summer», Sociological Forum, vol.3, no3, , p.357-382 (26 pages) (lire en ligne),
(en-US) Doug McAdam, «Gender as a Mediator of the Activist Experience: The Case of Freedom Summer», American Journal of Sociology, vol.67, no5, , p.1211-1240 (30 pages) (lire en ligne),
(en-US) John R. Rachal, «We'll Never Turn Back: Adult Education and the Struggle for Citizenship in Mississippi's Freedom Summer», American Educational Research Journal, vol.35, no2, , p.167-198 (32 pages) (lire en ligne),
(en-US) John R. Rachal, «"The Long, Hot Summer": The Mississippi Response to Freedom Summer, 1964», The Journal of Negro History, vol.84, no4, , p.315-339 (25 pages) (lire en ligne),
(en-US) William Sturkey, «“I want to become a Part of History”: Freedom Summer, Freedom Schools and the Freedom News», The Journal of African American History, vol.95, nos3-4, , p.348-368 (21 pages) (lire en ligne),
(en-US) Leslie Etienne, «A Different Type of Summer Camp: SNCC, Freedom Summer, Freedom Schools, and the Development of African American Males in Mississippi», Peabody Journal of Education, vol.88, no4, , p.449-463 (15 pages) (lire en ligne),
(en-US) Jeremiah Clabough et John H. Bickford III, «Freedom Summer and the Foot Soldiers of the Civil Rights Movement: Bottom-Up Historical Inquiry to Combat the Master Narrative», The History Teacher, vol.53, no2, , p.319-353 (35 pages) (lire en ligne),
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