Victor McLaglen
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Victor Andrew de Bier Everleigh McLaglen (1886ko abenduaren 10a - 1959ko azaroaren 7a) Oscar Saria irabazi zuen aktore ingelesa izan zen. 1920ko hamarkadan ekin zion zinemari, eta berehala aktore ezagun bilakatu zen. Aldez aurretik boxeoa izan zuen bizibide eta nahikoa arrakasta izan zuen. Soldadu ere ibili zen Lehen Mundu Gerran. 1935ean John Fordek zuzendutako The Informer filmean egindako lanagatik Gizonezko aktore onenaren Oscar Saria jaso zuen. 1952an ostera ere izendatua izan zen, berriro ere Forden zuzendaritzapean: The Quiet Man (gizonezko bigarren aktore onenaren sarirako hain zuzen ere). 1959an bihotzekoak jota hil zen.
Victor McLaglen | |
![]() (1935) | |
Bizitza | |
Jaiotza | Royal Tumbridge Wells, 1886ko abenduaren 10a |
Herrialdea | Erresuma Batua Ameriketako Estatu Batuak |
Lehen hizkuntza | ingelesa |
Heriotza | Newport Beach, 1959ko azaroaren 7a (72 urte) |
Hobiratze lekua | Forest Lawn Memorial Park |
Heriotza modua | berezko heriotza: miokardio infartu akutua |
Familia | |
Seme-alabak | ikusi
Haurrideak | |
Hezkuntza | |
Hizkuntzak | ingelesa |
Jarduerak | |
Jarduerak | aktorea, boxeolaria, zinema aktorea eta telebista-aktorea |
Jasotako sariak | ikusi
Genero artistikoa | Westerna |
Zerbitzu militarra | |
Adar militarra | Britainia Handiko Armada |
Parte hartutako gatazkak | Lehen Mundu Gerra |
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Taula honetan ikus daitezke film bakoitzaren zuzendaria, enpresa ekoizlea eta beste izenburuak (gaztelaniaz, frantsesez):
Urtea | Filma | Zuzendaria | Ekoizlea | Izenburuak (es,fr) |
1920 | The Call of the Road | A.E. Coleby | -- | |
1922 | The Crimson Circle | George Ridgwell | -- | |
1922 | A Sailor Tramp | Floyd Martin Thornton | -- | |
1922 | The Glorious Adventure | J. Stuart Blackton | -- | |
1923 | Woman to Woman | Graham Cutts | -- | gaztelaniaz: De mujer a mujer frantsesez: La Danseuse blessée |
1923 | The Romany | Floyd Martin Thornton | -- | |
1923 | In the Blood | Walter West | -- | |
1924 | The Passionate Adventure | Graham Cutts | Gainsborough Pictures | frantsesez: Abnégation |
1924 | The Gay Corinthian | Arthur Rooke | -- | |
1925 | Winds of Chance | Frank Lloyd | First National | |
1925 | The Fighting Heart | John Ford | 20th Century Studios | frantsesez: Le Champion |
1925 | The Unholy Three | Tod Browning | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer | gaztelaniaz: The Unholy Three (película de 1925) frantsesez: Le Club des trois |
1926 | Beau Geste | Herbert Brenon | Famous Players-Lasky Corporation | |
1926 | What Price Glory? (1926 film) | Raoul Walsh | Fox Film Corporation | gaztelaniaz: What Price Glory? frantsesez: Au service de la gloire |
1927 | The Loves of Carmen | Raoul Walsh | Fox Film Corporation | gaztelaniaz: Los amores de Carmen |
1928 | Hangman's House | John Ford | Fox Film Corporation | gaztelaniaz: Legado trágico frantsesez: La Maison du bourreau |
1928 | Mother Machree | John Ford | Fox Film Corporation | frantsesez: Maman de mon cœur |
1928 | A Girl in Every Port | Howard Hawks | Fox Film Corporation | gaztelaniaz: Una novia en cada puerto frantsesez: Une fille dans chaque port |
1928 | The River Pirate | William K. Howard | -- | frantsesez: Minuit à Frisco |
1929 | Hot for Paris | Raoul Walsh | -- | gaztelaniaz: Un marido afortunado |
1929 | Strong Boy | John Ford | -- | frantsesez: Le Costaud |
1929 | Happy Days | Benjamin Stoloff | Fox Film Corporation | |
1929 | Captain Lash | John G. Blystone | -- | |
1929 | The Cock-Eyed World | Raoul Walsh | -- | frantsesez: Têtes brûlées |
1929 | The Black Watch | John Ford | Fox Film Corporation | frantsesez: La Garde noire |
1930 | A Devil with Women | Irving Cummings | -- | gaztelaniaz: El conquistador |
1931 | Wicked | Allan Dwan | -- | gaztelaniaz: Malvada |
1931 | Women of All Nations | Raoul Walsh | -- | gaztelaniaz: ¡Vaya mujeres! |
1931 | Annabelle's Affairs | Alfred L. Werker | -- | |
1931 | Dishonored | Josef von Sternberg | Paramount Pictures | gaztelaniaz: Fatalidad frantsesez: Agent X 27 |
1931 | The Stolen Jools | William C. McGann | Paramount Pictures | frantsesez: Les Bijoux volés |
1932 | Guilty as Hell | Erle C. Kenton | -- | |
1932 | The Gay Caballero | Alfred L. Werker | Fox Film Corporation | gaztelaniaz: Audaz y galante |
1932 | Rackety Rax | Alfred L. Werker | Fox Film Corporation | |
1933 | Hot Pepper | John G. Blystone | 20th Century Studios | gaztelaniaz: Pimienta y más pimienta frantsesez: Fille de feu |
1933 | Laughing at Life | Ford Beebe | -- | |
1933 | Dick Turpin | Victor Hanbury | -- | |
1933 | The Film Parade | J. Stuart Blackton | -- | |
1934 | The Captain Hates the Sea | Lewis Milestone | -- | gaztelaniaz: El capitán odia el mar frantsesez: Le capitaine déteste la mer |
1934 | Murder at the Vanities | Mitchell Leisen | Paramount Pictures | frantsesez: Rythmes d'amour |
1934 | Wharf Angel | William Cameron Menzies | -- | |
1934 | The Lost Patrol | John Ford | RKO Pictures | gaztelaniaz: La patrulla perdida frantsesez: La Patrouille perdue |
1935 | The Great Hotel Murder | Eugene Forde | -- | frantsesez: Meurtre au Grand Hôtel |
1935 | Professional Soldier | Tay Garnett | 20th Century Studios | gaztelaniaz: Soldado profesional |
1935 | Under Pressure | Raoul Walsh | Fox Film Corporation | frantsesez: Rivaux |
1935 | The Informer | John Ford | RKO Pictures | gaztelaniaz: El delator frantsesez: Le Mouchard |
1936 | Magnificent Brute | John G. Blystone | Universal Pictures | frantsesez: La Brute magnifique |
1936 | Under Two Flags | Frank Lloyd | 20th Century Studios | gaztelaniaz: Bajo dos banderas frantsesez: Sous deux drapeaux |
1936 | Klondike Annie | Raoul Walsh | -- | gaztelaniaz: La hermana Annie frantsesez: Annie du Klondike |
1937 | This Is My Affair | William A. Seiter | 20th Century Studios | gaztelaniaz: La contraseña frantsesez: Sa dernière chance |
1937 | Nancy Steele Is Missing! | George Marshall | -- | frantsesez: Nancy Steele a disparu |
1937 | Sea Devils | Benjamin Stoloff | RKO Pictures | gaztelaniaz: Titanes del mar frantsesez: Les Démons de la mer |
1937 | Ali Baba Goes to Town | David Butler | 20th Century Studios | frantsesez: Nuits d'Arabie |
1937 | Wee Willie Winkie | John Ford | 20th Century Studios | gaztelaniaz: La mascota del regimiento frantsesez: La Mascotte du régiment |
1938 | Battle of Broadway | George Marshall | -- | |
1938 | We're Going to Be Rich | Monty Banks | 20th Century Studios | gaztelaniaz: Vamos a ser ricos frantsesez: C'était son homme |
1938 | The Devil's Party | Ray McCarey | Universal Pictures | gaztelaniaz: Cuatro amigos |
1939 | Full Confession | John Farrow | RKO Pictures | gaztelaniaz: Arrepentido |
1939 | Gunga Din | George Stevens | RKO Pictures | |
1939 | Let Freedom Ring | Jack Conway | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer | gaztelaniaz: The Dusty Road |
1939 | Pacific Liner | Lew Landers | RKO Pictures | |
1939 | The Big Guy | Arthur Lubin | -- | gaztelaniaz: El gran jefe |
1939 | Captain Fury | Hal Roach | United Artists Corporation | gaztelaniaz: El capitán Furia frantsesez: Capitaine Furie |
1940 | South of Pago Pago | Alfred Edward Green | Edward Small Productions | gaztelaniaz: Al sur de Pago Pago frantsesez: Pago Pago, île enchantée |
1941 | Call Out the Marines | William Hamilton | RKO Pictures | frantsesez: À nous la marine |
1941 | Broadway Limited | Gordon Douglas | Hal Roach Studios | gaztelaniaz: El expreso de Broadway frantsesez: Le Rapt du rapide 5 |
1942 | China Girl | Henry Hathaway | 20th Century Studios | gaztelaniaz: Infierno en la tierra frantsesez: La Pagode en flammes |
1942 | Powder Town | Rowland V. Lee | RKO Pictures | gaztelaniaz: El rayo exterminador |
1943 | Forever and a Day | René Clair | RKO Pictures | gaztelaniaz: Siempre y un día frantsesez: Et la vie recommence |
1944 | The Princess and the Pirate | David Butler | Samuel Goldwyn Productions | gaztelaniaz: La princesa y el pirata frantsesez: La Princesse et le Pirate |
1944 | Roger Touhy, Gangster | Robert Florey | 20th Century Studios | gaztelaniaz: El último gangster |
1944 | Tampico | Lothar Mendes | 20th Century Studios | |
1945 | Rough, Tough and Ready | Del Lord | -- | |
1946 | Whistle Stop | Léonide Moguy | Nero-Film | gaztelaniaz: Señal de parada frantsesez: Tragique rendez-vous |
1947 | Calendar Girl | Allan Dwan | -- | frantsesez: Musique aux étoiles |
1947 | The Foxes of Harrow | John M. Stahl | 20th Century Studios | gaztelaniaz: Débil es la carne frantsesez: La Fière Créole |
1948 | Fort Apache | John Ford | RKO Pictures | frantsesez: Le Massacre de Fort Apache |
1949 | She Wore a Yellow Ribbon | John Ford | RKO Pictures | gaztelaniaz: La legión invencible frantsesez: La Charge héroïque |
1950 | Rio Grande | John Ford | Republic Pictures | gaztelaniaz: Río Grande |
1952 | The Quiet Man | John Ford | Argosy Pictures | frantsesez: L'Homme tranquille |
1953 | Fair Wind to Java | Joseph Kane | Republic Pictures | gaztelaniaz: Rumbo a Java frantsesez: Toutes voiles sur Java |
1954 | Prince Valiant | Henry Hathaway | 20th Century Studios | gaztelaniaz: El príncipe Valiente (película de 1954) frantsesez: Prince Vaillant |
1955 | Lady Godiva of Coventry | Arthur Lubin | Universal Pictures | gaztelaniaz: Lady Godiva frantsesez: Madame de Coventry |
1955 | Bengazi | John Brahm | RKO Pictures | |
1955 | City of Shadows | William Witney | Republic Pictures | gaztelaniaz: El gran botín |
1955 | Many Rivers to Cross | Roy Rowland | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer | gaztelaniaz: La novia salvaje frantsesez: L'Aventure fantastique |
1956 | Around the World in 80 Days | Michael Anderson | -- | gaztelaniaz: La vuelta al mundo en ochenta días frantsesez: Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours |
1957 | The Abductors | Andrew V. McLaglen | -- | |
1963 | Hollywood Without Make-Up | Rudy Behlmer | -- |
Urtea | Filma | Pertsonaia |
1920 | The Call of the Road | Alf Truscott |
1921 | Carnival | |
Corinthian Jack | Jack Halstead | |
The Sport of Kings | Frank Rosedale | |
The Prey of the Dragon | Brett 'Dragon' Mercer | |
1922 | The Glorious Adventure | Bulfinch |
A Romance of Old Baghdad | Miski | |
The Crimson Circle | ||
A Sailor Tramp | The Sailor Tramp | |
Little Brother of God | King Kennidy | |
1923 | Woman to Woman | Nubiako jopua |
M'Lord of the White Road | Lord Annerley / John | |
Heartstrings | Frank Wilson | |
In the Blood | Tony Crabtree | |
The Romany | Nagusia | |
1924 | The Passionate Adventure | Herb Harris |
The Beloved Brute | Charles Hinges | |
The Gay Corinthian | Squire Hardcastle | |
The Boatswain's Mate | Ned Travers | |
Women and Diamonds | Brian Owen | |
1925 | The Fighting Heart | Soapy Williams |
Winds of Chance | Poleon Doret | |
Percy | Reedy Jenkins | |
The Hunted Woman | Quade | |
The Unholy Three | Herkules indartsua | |
1926 | Men of Steel | Pete Masarick |
The Isle of Retribution | Doomsdorf | |
What Price Glory? | Flagg kapitaina | |
Beau Geste | Hank | |
1927 | The Loves of Carmen | Escamillo |
1928 | The River Pirate | Fritz |
A Girl in Every Port | Spike Madden | |
Mother Machree | Kilkennyko erraldoia (Terence O'Dowd) | |
Hangman's House | Denis Hogan | |
1929 | Hot for Paris | John Patrick Duke |
The Cock-Eyed World | TFlagg | |
Strong Boy | Mutil indartsua | |
Captain Lash | Lash kapitaina | |
The Black Watch | Donald Gordon King kapitaina | |
1930 | A Devil with Women | Jerry Maxton |
On the Level | Biff Williams | |
1931 | Dishonored | Kranau koronela |
Wicked | Scott Burrows | |
Annabelle's Affairs | John Rawson edo Hefly Jack | |
Women of All Nations | Jim | |
The Stolen Jools | Sargentua | |
Three Rogues | Bull Stanley | |
1932 | Rackety Rax | 'Knucks' McGloin |
Guilty as Hell | T.R. McKinley detektibea | |
While Paris Sleeps | Jacques Costaud | |
Devil's Lottery | Jem Meech | |
The Gay Caballero | Don Bob Harkness edo El Coyote | |
1933 | Hot Pepper | Jim |
Dick Turpin | Dick Turpin | |
Laughing at Life | Dennis P. McHale edo Burke edo Captain Hale | |
1934 | The Captain Hates the Sea | Schulte |
Wharf Angel | Turkoa | |
No More Women | Forty-Fathoms | |
The Lost Patrol | Sargentua | |
Murder at the Vanities | Bill Murdock polizia | |
1935 | Professional Soldier | Michael Donovan |
The Great Hotel Murder | Andrew W. 'Andy' McCabe | |
Under Pressure | Jumbo Smith | |
The Informer | Gypo Nolan | |
1936 | Magnificent Brute | 'Big Steve' Andrews |
Under Two Flags | J.C. Doyle | |
Klondike Annie | Bull Brackett | |
1937 | This Is My Affair | Jock Ramsay |
Nancy Steele Is Missing! | Dannie O'Neill | |
Sea Devils | William 'Medals' Malone | |
Wee Willie Winkie | Donald MacDuff sargentua | |
1938 | We're Going to Be Rich | Dobbie |
Battle of Broadway | Big Ben Wheeler | |
Devil's Party | Marty Malone | |
1939 | The Big Guy | Warden Bill Whitlock |
Rio | Dirk | |
Full Confession | McGinnis | |
Captain Fury | Jerry Black edo Blackie | |
Ex-Champ | Tom 'Gunner' Grey | |
Pacific Liner | J.B. 'Crusher' McKay, ingeniaria | |
Gunga Din | 'Mac' MacChesney sargentua | |
Let Freedom Ring | Chris Mulligan | |
1940 | Diamond Frontier | Terrence Regan |
South of Pago Pago | Bucko Larson | |
1941 | Broadway Limited | Maurice 'Mike' Monohan |
1942 | Powder Town | Jeems O'Shea |
Call Out the Marines | Jimmy McGinnis sargentua | |
China Girl | Weed maiorra | |
1943 | Forever and a Day | Archibald Spavin |
1944 | The Princess and the Pirate | Barrett kapitaina edo The Hook |
Roger Touhy, Gangster | Herman 'Owl' Banghart | |
Tampico | Fred Adamson | |
1945 | Love, Honor and Goodbye | Terry O'Farrell |
Rough, Tough and Ready | Owen McCare | |
1946 | Whistle Stop | Gitlo |
1947 | The Foxes of Harrow | Captain Mike Farrell |
The Michigan Kid | Curley | |
Calendar Girl | Matthew O'Neil | |
1948 | Fort Apache | Festus Mulcahy sargentua |
1949 | She Wore a Yellow Ribbon | Quincannon sargentua |
1950 | Rio Grande | Timothy Quincannon sargentua |
1952 | The Quiet Man | Squire 'Red' Will Danaher |
1953 | Fair Wind to Java | O'Brien |
1954 | Prince Valiant | Boltar |
Trouble in the Glen | Parlan | |
1955 | Bengazi | Robert Emmett Donovan |
City of Shadows | Big Tim Channing | |
Many Rivers to Cross | Mr. Cadmus Cherne | |
Lady Godiva of Coventry | Grimald | |
1956 | Around the World in Eighty Days | 'Henrietta' ontziko lemazaina |
1957 | The Abductors | Tom Muldoon |
1958 | Gli Italiani sono matti | |
Sea Fury | Bellew kapitaina | |
Kanpo estekak
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