Sam Wood
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Samuel Grosvenor (Sam) Wood (Philadelphia, 1883ko uztailaren 10 – Hollywood, 1949ko irailaren 22) Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako zinema zuzendaria zen, nahiz eta batzuetan, ekoizlea, gidoigilea eta (gutxiagotan) aktorea ere bazen.
Sam Wood | |
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Bizitza | |
Jaiotza | Filadelfia, 1883ko uztailaren 10a |
Herrialdea | Ameriketako Estatu Batuak |
Lehen hizkuntza | ingelesa |
Heriotza | Hollywood, 1949ko irailaren 22a (66 urte) |
Hobiratze lekua | Forest Lawn Memorial Park |
Heriotza modua | berezko heriotza: miokardio infartu akutua |
Hezkuntza | |
Hizkuntzak | ingelesa |
Jarduerak | |
Jarduerak | film-zuzendaria, gidoilaria, aktorea, zinema aktorea, zinema ekoizlea eta errealizadorea |
Jasotako sariak | ikusi
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Cecil B. DeMillerekin hasi zen zinemagintzan 1915ean. Bakarrik zuzendutako lehen filma 1919koa da. 1920ko hamarkadan Paramount Pictures konpainiako izar handiekin lan egin zuen, hala nola Gloria Swanson eta Wallace Reid. MGM konpainiarekin 1927an hasi zen, eta Marion Davies, Clark Gable, zein Jimmy Durante aktoreak izan zituen bere zuzendaritzapean.
- Ambush (1949)
- The Stratton Story (1949)
- Command Decision (1948)
- Ivy (1947)
- Heartbeat (1946)
- Saratoga Trunk (1945)
- Guest Wife (1945)
- Casanova Brown (1944)
- For Whom the Bell Tolls (1943)
- The Pride of the Yankees (1942)
- Kings Row (1942)
- The Devil and Miss Jones (1941)
- Kitty Foyle (1940)
- Rangers of Fortune (1940)
- Our Town (1940)
- Raffles (1940)
- Gone with the Wind (1939) (kredituetan agertu gabe)
- Goodbye, Mr. Chips (1939)
- Stablemates (1938)
- Lord Jeff (1938)
- Navy Blue and Gold (1937)
- Madame X (1937)
- A Day at the Races (1937)
- The Unguarded Hour (1936)
- Whipsaw (1935)
- A Night at the Opera (1935)
- Rendezvous (1935) (kredituetan agertu gabe)
- Let 'em Have It (1935)
- The Girl from Missouri (1934) (kredituetan agertu gabe)
- Stamboul Quest (1934)
- Hollywood Party (1934) (kredituetan agertu gabe)
- The Cat and the Fiddle (1934) (kredituetan agertu gabe)
- Christopher Bean (1933)
- Hold Your Man (1933) (kredituetan agertu gabe)
- The Barbarian (1933)
- Prosperity (1932) (kredituetan agertu gabe)
- Huddle (1932)
- New Adventures of Get Rich Quick Wallingford (1931)
- The Man in Possession (1931)
- A Tailor Made Man (1931)
- Paid (1930)
- Way for a Sailor (1930)
- The Sins of the Children (1930) (kredituetan agertu gabe)
- The Girl Said No (1930)
- They Learned About Women (1930)
- Queen Kelly (1929) (kredituetan agertu gabe)
- It's a Great Life (1929)
- So This Is College (1929)
- Telling the World (1928)
- Latest from Paris, The (1928)
- The Fair Co-Ed (1927)
- A Racing Romeo (1927)
- Rookies (1927)
- One Minute to Play (1926)
- Fascinating Youth (1926)
- The Re-Creation of Brian Kent (1925)
- The Mine with the Iron Door (1924)
- The Female (1924)
- Bluff (1924)
- The Next Corner (1924)
- His Children's Children (1923)
- Bluebeard's Eighth Wife (1923)
- Prodigal Daughters (1923)
- My American Wife (1922)
- The Impossible Mrs. Bellew (1922)
- Beyond the Rocks (1922)
- Her Gilded Cage (1922)
- Her Husband's Trademark (1922)
- Don't Tell Everything (1921)
- Under the Lash (1921)
- The Great Moment (1921)
- Peck's Bad Boy (1921)
- The Snob (1921)
- Her First Elopement (1920)
- Her Beloved Villain (1920)
- A City Sparrow (1920)
- What's Your Hurry? (1920)
- Sick Abed (1920)
- Dancin' Fool, The (1920)
- Excuse My Dust (1920)
- Double Speed (1920)
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