Up (2009 film)

2009 American computer-animated comedy-adventure film From Wikiquote, the free quote compendium

Up is a 2009 film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. It tells a story about an old man named Carl Fredricksen and a young wilderness explorer named Russell who fly to South America in a floating house suspended from helium balloons in order to fulfill a promise to Carl's late wife.

Directed by Pete Docter, co-directed by Bob Peterson. Written by Bob Peterson and Pete Docter.


[First lines]
Newsreel Announcer: Movietown News presents, "Spotlight on Adventure". What you are now witnessing is footage never before seen by civilized humanity: a lost world in South America. Lurking in the shadow of majestic Paradise Falls, it sports plants and animals undiscovered by science. Who would dare set foot on this inhospitable summit? Why, our subject today, Charles Muntz!

Newsreel Announcer: But what's this? Scientists cry foul! The national explorer society accuses Muntz of fabricating the skeleton.
Young Carl: No!
Newsreel Announcer: The organization strips Muntz of his membership.

Carl Fredricksen: Quite a sight, huh, Ellie? [looks at the mailbox] Uh, mail's here. [goes to the mailbox, then getting the cards] Shady Oaks Retirement. Oh, brother. [blows the mailbox with the leaf blower]
Tom: Hello Mr. Fredricksen. Need any help, sir?
Carl Fredricksen: Uh, no...Er, yes. Tell your boss that you boys are ruining our house.
Tom: Well, just to let you know, my boss'll be happy to take this little place off your hands for double his last offer. Whaddaya say to that? [Carl blasts the worker with a leaf blower] I'll...take that as a "no", then.
Carl Fredricksen: I believe I made my position to your boss quite clear.
Tom: You poured prune juice in his gas tank.
Carl Fredricksen: [chuckles] Yeah, that was good. Here, let me talk to him. [the worker hands him a megaphone] You in the suit! Yes, you! Take a bath, hippie.
Tom: [snatches the megaphone back] I am not with him! This is serious! He's out to get your house!
Carl Fredricksen: Tell your boss he can have our house!
Tom: Really?
Carl Fredricksen: When I'm DEAD! [slams door]
Tom: I'll take that as a "maybe".

Russell: Good afternoon, my name is Russell. And I am a Wilderness Explorer in Tribe 54, Sweat Lodge 12. Are you in need of any assistance today, sir?
Carl Fredricksen: No.
Russell: I could help you cross the street.
Carl Fredricksen: No!
Russell: I could help you cross your yard.
Carl Fredricksen: No!
Russell: I could help you cross your porch.
Carl Fredricksen: No!
Russell: Well, I gotta help you cross something.
Carl Fredricksen: Uh...no, I'm doing fine.

[After the constuction tractor backed up to the mailbox, with Carl noticing it]
Carl Fredricksen: Hey! [runs to his mailbox] Hey, you! W-What do you think you're doing?!
Steve: [tries to fix the mailbox] I am so sorry, sir.
Carl Fredricksen: [stops him] Don't touch that!
Steve: No, no, no, l-let me take care of that for you.
Carl Fredricksen: [pulls it away from him] Get away from our mailbox!
Steve: Hey. Sir, I-
Carl Fredricksen: I don't want you to touch it! [accidentally clubs Steve with his cane]
[Then to Carl's horror, Steve's blood has drawn out from his head. Then terribly looks everyone who looks shocked at Carl, realizing what he had done. He retreats back inside his house, ashamed]

[Carl sees Russell clinging onto the porch]
Russell: Hi, Mr. Fredricksen! It's me, Russell!
Carl Fredricksen: What're you doing up here?
Russell: I found the snipe and I followed it under your porch, but this snipe had a long tail and looked more like a large mouse. [the flag flies out of his backpack; long pauses] [Pause: Not my flag is losing! NO!] Please let me in.
Carl Fredricksen: [beat] No. [goes back inside his house; but after a few seconds, he opens the door] Oh, all right. [Russell excitedly enters] You can come... [surprised to see Russell in the living room] ...in.

[In the jungle]
Carl Fredricksen: You got a run away in terror badge?
Russell: No.
Carl Fredricksen: Time to earn it!
[Both screaming]

Carl Fredricksen: Now, we're gonna walk to the Falls quickly and quietly with no rap music or flashdancing.
Russell: Uh-huh.
Carl Fredricksen: We have three days, at best, before the helium leaks out of those balloons. And if we're not at the Falls when that happens, then we're not getting to the Falls.
Russell: I found the sand!
Carl Fredricksen: Don't you worry, Ellie. We'll get our house over there.
Russell: This is fun already, isn't it, Mr. Fredricksen? By the time we get there, you're gonna feel so assisted. Oh, Mr. Fredricksen, if we happen to get separated, use the Wilderness Explorer Call. Caw, caw, raar! Wait, why are we going to Paradise Falls again?
Carl Fredricksen: Let's play a game. It's called "See Who Can Be Quiet The Longest."
Russell: Cool! My mom loves that game! All right then.

Russell: Hey, I like dogs.
Carl Fredricksen: We found your dog! Wonder who he belongs to.
Russell: Sit, boy. Hey, look, he's trained! Shake. Uh-huh. Speak.
Dug: Hi, there!
[Carl and Russell both gasp and tense up]
Carl Fredricksen: [spooked] Did that dog just say "Hi, there"?
Dug: Oh, yes! [Carl screams] My name is Dug. I have just met you and I love you! [jumps up on Carl]
Carl Fredricksen: Wha...
Dug: My master made me this collar. He is a good and smart master and he made me this collar so that I may talk. SQUIRREL! [turns his attention to a rock; slight pauses out] My master is good and smart.
Carl Fredricksen: It's not possible.
Dug: Oh it is, because my master is smart.
Russell: Cool! What do these do, boy? [inspects the collar and twists a dial]
Dug: Hey would you- [click] -cuerdo con tigo- [click] I use that collar- [click] -watashi wa hanashi ma- [click] -to talk with, I would be happy if you stopped.
Carl Fredricksen: Russell, don't touch that. It could be radioactive or something.
Dug: [sniffs the ground around Carl and Russell] I am a great tracker. My pack sent me on a special mission all by myself. Have you seen a bird? I want to find one and I have been on the scent. I am a great tracker, did I mention that? [Kevin tackles Dug and screeches] Hey, that is the bird! I have never seen one up close but this is the bird. May I take your bird back to camp as my prisoner?
Carl Fredricksen: Yes! Take it! And on the way, learn how to bark like a real dog!
Dug: Oh! I can bark! [barks] And here's howling! [howls]
[Kevin screeches]
Russell: Can we keep him? Please, please, please?
Carl Fredricksen: No.
Russell: [falls to his knees, pleading] But it's a talking dog!
Carl Fredricksen: [grabs Russell] It's just a weird trick or something. Let's get to the falls.
Dug: [as he and Kevin follows] Please be my prisoner. Oh please, oh please be my prisoner.

[The dogs are searching in the forest for Kevin]
Gamma: Hang on, I picked up the bird's scent!
Beta: Wait a minute, what's this? [sniffs the ground] Chocolate, I smell chocolate!
Gamma: I'm getting prunes and denture cream! Who are they?
Beta: Oh, man, Master will not be pleased. We better tell him someone took the bird. Right, Alpha?
Alpha: [in a squeaky voice] No. Soon enough the bird will be ours yet again. Find the scent, my compadres, and you too shall have much rewarding from Master for the toil factor you wage.
Beta: [trying his best not to laugh] Hey, Alpha, I think there's something wrong with your collar. You must've bumped it.
Gamma: [not trying to hide his laughter at all] Yeah! Your voice sounds funny!
[They both laugh]
Alpha: Beta! Gamma! [they both stop laughing] Mayhaps you desire - SQUIRREL! [all of them turn their attention to a nearby tree; slight pauses out, Gamma whimpers] Mayhaps you desire to challenge the ranking that I have been assigned by my strength and cunning.
Beta: No, no, no...but maybe Dug would. You might wanna ask him.
Gamma: Yeah. I wonder if he's found the bird on his 'very special mission'.
Alpha: Do not mention Dug to me at this time. His fool's errand will keep him most occupied. Most occupied, indeed. Ha ha ha! Do you not agree with that which I am saying to you now?
Beta: Sure, but the second Master finds out you sent Dug out by himself, none of us will get a treat. [he and Gamma whine]
Alpha: [Lunges and growls at them] You are wise, my trusted lieutenant. [presses a button on Beta's collar with his nose and barks] This is Alpha calling Dug. Come in, Dug.
Dug: [whispering] Hi, Alpha. Hey, your voice sounds funny.
Alpha: [growls] I know, I know! Have you seen the bird?
Dug: Why yes. The bird is my prisoner, now.
Gamma: Yeah, right.
[Screen shows Kevin who screeches]
Alpha: Impossible. Where are you?
Dug: I am here with the bird, and I will bring it back, and then you will like me. Oh, gotta go!
Russell: Hey, Dug. Who are you talking to?
[Screen turns off. The dogs start barking loudly]
Alpha: No, wait! Wait!
Beta: What's Dug doing out there?
Gamma: Why is he with that small mailman?
Beta: Where are they?!
Alpha: [pushes a button that shows where Dug is on the map] There he is. Come on!
[They follow to where Dug is]

Dug: Oh please, oh please, oh please, be my prisoner!
Russell: Dug, stop bothering Kevin!
Dug: That man there says why i could take the bird, and i love that man there like he is my master.
Carl Fredricksen: I am not your master!
Dug: I am warning you once again, bird!
Russell: Hey, quit it!
Dug: I am jumping on you now, bird!
Carl Fredricksen: Russell, at this rate, we'll never get to the falls.
Dug: Here, bird!
[Carl pulls Russell off, but his house bumps into the cavern, causing the window to shatter. Carl glares at Russell, Kevin at Dug.]
Carl Fredricksen: I’m nobody's master, got it? I don't want you here, and I don't want you here! [Kevin screeches] I'm stuck with you! And if you two don't clear out of here by the time I count to three...
Dug: [notices a tennis ball on Carl's cane] A ball! Oh, boy, oh, boy! A ball!! [whimpers]
Carl: A ball? [plucks one tennis ball out of his cane] Here, here. You want it, boy? Huh, huh? Yeah, yeah? Huh?
Dug: Yes I do! I do ever so want the ball!
Carl: [throws it] Go get it!
Dug: [runs off to get the tennis ball] Oh, boy! Oh, boy! I will get it, and then bring it back!
Carl: Hurry, Russell, give me some chocolate.
Russell: Why?
Carl: Just give it to me! [snatches a piece of chocolate] Bird. Bird. [Kevin squawks, he throws it to let Kevin fetch it and pulls Russell along.] Come on, Russell.

Carl Fredricksen: Well, thanks for keeping us dry anyway, Ellie.
Russell: Which one's the front?
Carl Fredricksen: Oh, boy.
Russell: Is this step three or is this step five? There. All done. That's for you. [the pole catapults the tent cover in the air, then it plummets down the cliff] Oh, tents are hard.
Carl Fredricksen: Wait, aren't you super wilderness guy...with the GPMs and the badges?
Russell: Yeah, but...Can I tell you a secret?
Carl Fredricksen: No!
Russell: Alright. Here goes. [quickly] I've never actually built a tent before. There, I said it!
Carl Fredricksen: You've been camping before, haven't you?
Russell: Well...never outside.
Carl Fredricksen: Well, why didn't you ask your dad to help build you a tent?
Russell: Ah, I don't think he wants to talk about this stuff.
Carl Fredricksen: Why don't you try him sometime? Maybe he'll surprise ya.
Russell: Well, he's away a lot. I don't see him much.
Carl Fredricksen: He's gotta be home sometime.
Russell: Well, I call often… but...Phyllis told me I bug him too much.
Carl Fredricksen: Phyllis? You call your own mother by her first name?
Russell: Phyllis isn't my mom.
Carl Fredricksen: Oh...
Russell: But, he promised me he would come to the Wilderness Explorer Ceremony and pin on my Assisting the Elderly badge. So, he can show me about tents then, right?
Carl Fredricksen: Hey, why don't you get some sleep? Don't want to wake up the traveling flea circus.
Russell: Mr. Fredricksen, Dug says he wants to take Kevin prisoner. We have to protect him. [yawns] Can Kevin go with us?
Carl Fredricksen: All right, he can come.
Russell: Promise you won't leave him?
Carl Fredricksen: Yeah.
Russell: Cross your heart?
Carl Fredricksen: Cross my heart. [to himself] What have I got myself into, Ellie?

Beta: Not you!
Gamma: What do we do with Dug?
Alpha: He has lost the bird. Put him in the Cone of Shame.
Dug: I do not like the Cone of Shame.

Charles F. Muntz: Most of the collection is housed in the world's top museums: New York, Munich, London... Of course, I kept the best for myself.
Carl Fredricksen: Did you ever! Will you look at that?
Charles F. Muntz: Oh, yes, the Arsinoitherium. Beast charged while I was brushing my teeth. Used my shaving kit to bring him down. Oh, surprise me. The only way to get it out of Ethiopia at the time was to have it declared as "dental equipment"!
Carl Fredricksen: Oh my gosh, the Giant Somalian Leopard Tortoise!
Charles F. Muntz: Oh, you recognize it? I'm impressed! That's an interesting story there... Hm, excellent choice. I found it on safari with Roosevelt. He and I fell into a habit of playing gin rummy in the evenings, and did he cheat? Oh, he was horrible!
Alpha: [high-pitched voice] Master, dinner is ready.
Charles F. Muntz: Oh, dear, broken translator again. It's that loose wire again. There you go, big fella.
Alpha: [deep scary voice] Thank you, Master.
Russell: I liked his other voice.
Charles F. Muntz: Well, dinner is served! Right this way. So, how are things stateside, huh? Almost tempted to go back a few times, but I have unfinished work here. Please, I hope you're hungry, because Epsilon is the finest chef I've ever had. Oh, Epsilon, you've done it again!
Russell: Yes!! Hey! Hey!
Carl Fredricksen: Oh, my Ellie would've loved all this. You know, it's because of you she had this dream to come down here and live by Paradise Falls.
Charles F. Muntz: I'm honored. And now you've made it.
Carl Fredricksen: You sure we're not a bother? I'd hate to impose.
Charles F. Muntz: No, no! It's a pleasure to have guests- a real treat.
Dog Walla: Treat?! Treat! I want a treat!
Charles F. Muntz: No, no, quiet! Calm down. Calm down...
Russell: Hey!
Charles F. Muntz: I shouldn't have used that word... Having guests is a delight. More often I get thieves, come to steal what's rightfully mine.
Carl Fredricksen: No!
Charles F. Muntz: [picks up the lantern] They called me a fraud, those... [illuminates the room, revealing a skeleton of Kevin's species, festooned with maps of the area] But once I bring back this creature, my name will be cleared! Beautiful, isn't it? Oh, I've spent a lifetime tracking it. Sometimes, years go by between sightings. I've tried to smoke it out of that deathly labyrinth where it lives. You can't go in after it. Once in, there's no way out. I've lost so many dogs. And here they come, these bandits, and think the bird is theirs to take! But they soon find that this mountain...is a very dangerous place.
Russell: [notices the skeleton] Hey, that looks like Kevin!
Charles F. Muntz: "Kevin"?
Russell: Yeah, that's my new giant bird pet. I trained it to follow us.
Charles F. Muntz: Follow you? That's impossible! How?
Russell: [pulls out a chocolate bar] She likes chocolate!
Charles F. Muntz: Chocolate?
Russell: Yeah, I gave her some of my chocolate. She goes ga-ga for it.
Carl Fredricksen: But it ran off! [takes Russell's chocolate bar] It's gone, now.
Charles F. Muntz: [glaring] You know, Carl... [illuminates a shelf of flight caps] These people who pass through here, they all tell pretty good stories. A surveyor, making a map. [knocks one flight cap over] A botanist, cataloguing plants. [knocks another cap over, then picks up a third] An old man, taking his house to Paradise Falls. [drops the cap, glaring at Carl] I mean, that's the best one yet. I can't wait to hear how it ends. [grins sinisterly]
Carl Fredricksen: Well, it's been a wonderful evening, but we'd better be going.
Charles F. Muntz: Oh, you're not leaving.
Carl Fredricksen: We don't want to take advantage of your hospitality. Come on, Russell.
Russell: But we haven't even had dessert yet!
Charles F. Muntz: No, the boy's right! You haven't had dessert! Epsilon here makes a delicious cherries jubilee! Oh, you really must stay! I insist! We have so much more to talk about!

Charles F. Muntz: [groans] You guys lost them?
Beta: No, it was Dug.
Gamma: He's with them, he helps them escape.
Charles F. Muntz: [grunting angrily] Wait. Wait a minute. Dug.
Carl Fredricksen: See anything?
Dug: No, my pack is not following us. Boy, they are dumb.
Carl Fredricksen: This is crazy. I finally meet my childhood hero, and he's trying to kill us. What a joke!

Carl Fredricksen: Darn thing! Come on, Russell, would you hurry up?
Russell: I'm tired and my knee hurts.
Carl Fredricksen: Which knee?
Russell: My elbow hurts, and I have to go to the bathroom.
Carl Fredricksen: I asked you about that five minutes ago!
Russell: I didn't need to goooo theeeeennn! [falls to the ground; the house drags him] I don't want to walk anymore. Can we stop?
Carl Fredricksen: Russell, if you don't hurry up, the tigers will eat you.
Russell: There are no tigers in South America. Zoology.
Carl Fredricksen: Oh, for the love of Pete. Go on into the bushes and do your business.
Russell: Okay, here. Hold my stuff. I always wanted to try this. Mr. Fredricksen, am I supposed to dig the hole before or after?
Carl Fredricksen: None of my concern!
Russell: Oh, it's before!

Russell: Run, Kevin! Run! [Kevin gets caught by a net] Oh No! [Kevin falls over]
Carl Fredricksen: Russell, give me your knife! [cuts only one price of rope]
Charles F. Muntz: Get away from my bird!

[After Muntz kidnaps Kevin and almost burned Carl's house]
Russell: You gave away Kevin. You just...gave her away.
Carl Fredricksen: This is none of my concern. [angrily turns to Russell] I DIDN'T ASK FOR ANY OF THIS!
Dug: [walks to Carl] Master, it's all right.
Carl Fredricksen: [enraged] I AM NOT YOUR MASTER! AND IF YOU HADN'T HAVE SHOWN UP, NONE OF THIS WOULD'VE HAPPENED! BAD DOG!! BAD DOG!!! [Dug sadly walks away] Now whether you assist me or not, I am going to Paradise Falls, if it kills me!

[After arriving at Paradise Falls to put his house down]
Russell: [angrily] Here. [throws his sash on the ground] I don't want this anymore.

[After Carl looks through the scrapbook, heads out to find Russell]
Carl Fredricksen: Russell? [a shadow crosses Carl. He looks up to see Russell floating off, hanging from a bunch of balloons] Russell!
Russell: [furiously] I'm gonna help Kevin, even if you won't! [fires up the leaf blowers and steers himself off to the sky]
Carl Fredricksen: No, Russell! No! (Wait!)

Carl Fredricksen: [hears a knock on his door en route to rescue Russell] Russell? [opens the door to find Dug] Dug!
Dug: I was hiding under your porch because I love you. Can I stay?
Carl Fredricksen: Can you stay? Well, you're my dog, aren't you? And I'm your master!
Dug: [happily] You are my master?! [jumps on Carl in joy] Oh, boy, oh, boy!
Carl Fredricksen: Good boy, Dug! You're a good boy!

Charles F. Muntz: They couldn't believe me, just wait until they get a good look at you.
Alpha: Master, the small mailman has returned.
Charles F. Muntz: What?
Russell: Let me go.
Charles F. Muntz: Where's your elderly friend?
Russell: [bitterly] He's not my friend anymore.
Charles F. Muntz: Well, if you're here, Fredricksen can't be far behind.
Russell: Where are you keeping Kevin? Let me go!
Beta: Scream all you want, small mailman.
Gamma: None of your mailman friends can hear you.
Russell: I'll unleash all my Wilderness Explorer training!
Charles F. Muntz: Alpha, Fredricksen is coming back! Guard that bird! If you see the old man, you know what to do!
Russell: Hey, where are you going?! I'm not finished with you!
Charles F. Muntz: Nice talking with you.

Alpha: I will have many enjoyments from what I am about to do, Dug.
[After Dug put the Cone of Shame on Alpha which his deep voice from translator broke, all dogs gasp]
Dog: He wears the Cone of Shame!
Alpha: [in a squeaky voice] What, what? Do not just continue sitting. Attack! [all the dogs start laughing] No, no! Stop your laughing! Get this off of me!
Dug: Listen, you dog! SIT!
[Alpha obeys, so do the dogs]
Dogs: Yes, Alpha.
Dug: "Alpha"? I am not Alpha, he is...Oh.

Gamma: I hate squirrels.


  • Fly up to Venezula!
  • The greatest adventure is just getting back home.
  • Adventure is out there!
  • From the director of Monsters, Inc.

Pete Docter on Up (2009 film)

The idea came from the idea of escaping the world, actually. For me, there’s definitely days where I feel like I’ve been overwhelmed by people, and I need to get away. So Bob Peterson, who is the lead writer and co-director, he and I were just sitting in a room thinking of ideas. And we were experimenting with this visual idea of a guy in floating house, and it just seemed really intriguing.[1]



  1. Pete Docter - Interview. A.V. Club (2009-05-28).
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