city and county seat in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, United States From Wikiquote, the free quote compendium
Pittsburgh is the seat of Allegheny County and with a population of 306,211 is the second-largest city in the United States Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
- The three most beautiful cities in the world are Paris; St. Petersburg, Russia; and Pittsburgh. If Pittsburgh were situated somewhere in the heart of Europe, tourists would eagerly journey hundreds of miles out of their way to visit it. Its setting is spectacular . . .
- Brendan Gill, The New Yorker, January 9, 1989
- My beautiful Grandmother, Caroline Garlinghouse, came from Pittsburgh . . . I never met her but I have followed many of her ideas -- through my mother -- And it has given me a warm spot in my heart for your city.
- Katharine Hepburn June 28, 1984
- This is the only city in America with an entrance. You slide and slither into most downtowns, passing through gradual layers of ever-more-intensely built-up sprawl, and you do not so much enter the center as realize after you are there that it is all around you. Not Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh is entered with glory and drama.
- In a way, I was born twice. I was born in 1934 and again in 1955 when I came to Pittsburgh. I am thankful to say that I lived two lives.
- Boston is among an increasing number of municipalities, universities, and private foundations that have announced plans to divest from fossil fuels. In late October, ahead of the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, better known as COP26, Auckland, New Zealand; Copenhagen, Denmark; Glasgow, Scotland; Paris; Rio de Janeiro; and Seattle announced commitments to divest from fossil fuel companies and increase investments to make cities more sustainable. Also last month, Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott signed a bill that requires the city’s three pension funds to divest from the fossil fuel industry. Those are in addition to divestment commitments made last year by Berlin; Bristol, England; Cape Town, South Africa; Durban, South Africa; London; Los Angeles; Milan; New Orleans; New York City; Oslo; Norway; Pittsburgh; and Vancouver, Canada. “Cities are at the forefront of tackling the climate emergency and there is real momentum to move investments away from fossil fuels and toward climate solutions,” London Mayor Sadiq Khan, who is chair-elect of C40 Cities, a network of mayors working to confront climate change, said in a statement. “I will continue to encourage more cities to join the movement, and urge national governments and private finance institutions to mobilize more finance to invest directly in cities to support a green and fair recovery.”
- The Indispensable American city.
- ...this center of art, science and industry.
- Marshall Foch November 10, 1921.
- This is a great industrial center-one of the greatest in the world. Production here is a very important factor...
- George C. Marshall January 15, 1948.
- You talk about an island in the Darwinian sense. Here's a major American city stuck at the end of a series of river valleys, cut off from the rest of country. It is a Eastern European immigrant city — working class, blue collar — that has reinvented itself over the last 10-20 years with this craftsman approach to life that reminds me of cities like Austin, Portland, Oregon and Portland, Maine. I hate to be one of those people who's like 'Pittsburgh is the next big thing,' but I get around more than most people and I'm telling you, Pittsburgh is like the next big thing. The geography lends itself, it's incredibly lush farmland, and inexpensive city with incredible history. They're renovating 100 year old railroad terminals into city markets. They had chefs who left the city because there was no scene and went to LA, they have the talent to be anywhere in America, and they have come back and can afford to open their own places and do what they want. It's very, very exciting. As a student of these things, there's just enough Fortune 500, sports teams, to feed that group. The art community and food community are kind of leading but there's money following them … why not get a beautiful house on the river? I saw places that are just breathtaking. It's also got the Appalachians running through, so it's got stunning geography. The food scene is cool. Lots of good stuff going on. There are these old bars in these old 'hoods … It's like today's special is goulash, tomorrow's is stuffed cabbage, huge portions. There's like three grandmas and a grandpa making this from scratch, the best stuffed cabbage I've ever had and I grew up on that.
- Andrew Zimmern June, 2013
- The road from D.C. to Pittsburgh is, well, green...to be honest, it was a haze of emerald and photosynthesis in action. It definitely got rockier[.] As for Pittsburgh itself, well, it’s definitely a “must visit.” Like a hipper, organic, authentic version of the cool downtown area near you with the bricks, only they have more bars, better food, and a brilliant arts scene.
- That's a 12-, 13-inch largemouth! You think bass, you think Lake Okeechobee, Florida, or something. But here I am catching a largemouth in downtown Pittsburgh! Under the Liberty Bridge!
- Cities like London, New York, Berlin, Paris, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Detroit, or Glasgow are high spots of slavery in comparison to Albania, Bulgaria, or even Central Africa. The slavery of the watch and clock, the bourgeois, anthropocentric slavery of material prestige and successful competition (to slave in order to keep up standards), the wage slavery of the proletarian, the school slavery of the children, the conscription slavery of the adolescents, the road slavery, the factory slavery, the barrack slavery, the party slavery, the office slavery, the parlor slavery of manners and conventions — all these slaveries make political "freedom" appear a bitter joke.
- Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, The Menace of the Herd (1943), p. 85
- . . . they are my people and this is my town and it does my heart good just to be here.
- Art Rooney circa 1960s
- And I want to tell you something about that bridge to the 21st century. We're gonna build it out of Pittsburgh steel.
- Vice President Al Gore October 30, 1996.
- The Rooneys are the finest people, the people I most respect in American sports ownership. I've always felt that way. And there's no reason to change. They are people of integrity and character . . . I have a whole transcendental feeling for the Steelers and the Rooneys and Pittsburgh.
- Howard Cosell October, 1982.
- Pittsburgh looks fantastic! I've noticed more and more films are using Pittsburgh as a setting, so it must be a great place.
- Beautiful city. It has more bridges than Venice.
- David Letterman and Tom Cruise December 17, 2012
- There's a pawnshop on a corner in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
And I walk up and down 'neath the clock
By the pawnshop on a corner in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
But I ain't got a thing left to hock.- Guy Mitchell, Song Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, January 15, 1952.
- Pennsylvania's western daughter With your tubes of liberty Princess of pig-iron slaughter With your boyfriend Carnegie Oh you were stained glassed You were smoke stacked You were laid in cobblestone You were trolley car tracked And for you the red sky shone.
- Pittsburgh town is a smoky ol' town
Solid iron from McKeesport down
Pittsburgh, Lord God, Pittsburgh- Pete Seeger & Woody Guthrie, Song Pittsburgh Town 1956 or Almanac Singers in 1941
- The Road to the Super Bowl runs through Pittsburgh, sooner or later you've got to go to Pittsburgh.
- Bum Phillips former Houston Oilers head coach.(December 10, 1979)
- Don't take long to spend all the time you want in Pittsburgh. (said in jest)
- If I could start my life all over again . . . you damn well better believe I would be a Pittsburgh Steeler.
- Jack Lambert August 4, 1990
- Come back here perfectly sober tomorrow.
- U.S. Senator James A. Reed while questioning Pittsburgh City Councilmember Charles Anderson about municipal corruption in a Congressional hearing on June 18, 1926
- There are three cities readily accessible to the tourist, which are peculiar, - Quebec, New Orleans, and Pittsburg, - and of these Pittsburg is the most interesting by far. In other towns the traveler can make up his list of lions, do them in a few hours, and go away satisfied; but here all is curious or wonderful, - site, environs, history, geology, business, aspect, atmosphere, customs, everything. Pittsburg is a place to read up for, to unpack your trunk and settle down at, to make excursions from, and to study as you would study a group of sciences. To know Pittsburg thoroughly is a liberal education in "the kind of culture demanded by modern times."
- James Parton January 1868 The Atlantic Monthly
- Pittsburgh is, consequently the great petroleum mart of the world.
- James Parton January 1868 The Atlantic Monthly
- The total value of glass made at Pittsburg every year is about seven millions of dollars, which is almost exactly one half of the value of our whole annual product of glass-ware. This is one item of the yearly work done by Pittsburg coal at Pittsburg.
- James Parton January 1868 The Atlantic Monthly
- Of the iron consumed in the United States, it appears that about two fifths are manufactured at Pittsburg, in those hundred and thirteen iron-works mentioned before. There is not one of thsoe establishments in which an intelligent person may not find wonders enough to entertain him all day; but in the compass of one brief article we can do little more than allude to one or two of the more famous and established "lions". Pittsburg, as we have before remarked, is densley packed with marvels. Go where you will, you will find something of the most particular interest, that demands to be examined, and most richly rewards examination. If ever we establish a college, we shall arrange it so, that the senior class shall spend six weeks at and near Pittsburg, in order to vivify their knowledge of geology, chemistry, and the other sciences.
- James Parton January 1868 The Atlantic Monthly
- There can never be any dandies here.
- James Parton January 1868 The Atlantic Monthly
- What energy, what a fury of industry! All Pittsburg at work before the dawn of day! This surpasses Chicago. What would luxurious St. Louis say of such reckless devotion to business as this?" Revolving such thoughts, it occurred to us, at length, that it would be only proper for an inquisitive traveller to follow this example, and do in Pittsburg as the Pittsburghers had already done. This bold conception was executed. A match was felt for and found, the gas was lighted, and the first duties of the day were performed with that feeling of moral superiority to mankind in general which is apt to steal over the soul of a person who dresses by gas-light for the first time in many years. "Would Brown do this? would Jones? would Robinson? What vigor there must be in that traveller who gets up to study his town before the first streak of dawn!"
- James Parton January 1868 The Atlantic Monthly
- There is one evening scene in Pittsburg which no visitor should miss. Owing to the abruptness of the hill behind the town, there is a street along the edge of the bluff, from which you can look directly down upon all that part of the city which lies low, near the level of the rivers. On the evening of this dark day, we were conducted the edge of the abyss, and looked over the iron railing upon the most striking spectacle we ever beheld. The entire space lying between the hills was filled with the blackest smoke, from out of which the hidden chimneys sent forth tongues of flame, while from the depths of the abyss came up the noise of hundreds of steam-hammers. There would be moments when no flames were visible; but soon the wind would force the smoky curtains aside, and the whole black expanse would be dimly lighted with dull wreaths of fire. It is an unprofitable business, view-hunting; but if any one would enjoy a spectacle as striking as Niagara, he may do so by simply walking up a long hill to Cliff Street in Pittsburg, and looking over into - hell with the lid taken off.
Such is the kind of day of which Pittsburg boasts. The first feeling of the stranger is one of compassion for the people who are compelled to live in such an atmosphere. When hard pressed, a son of Pittsburg will not deny that the smoke has its inconveniences. He admits that is does prevent some inconsiderate people from living there, who, but for the prejudice against smoke in which they have been educated, would become residents of the place. He insists, however, that the smoke of bituminous coal kills malaria, and saves the eyesight. The smoke, he informs you, is a perpetual public sun-shade and color-subduer. There is no glare in Pittsburg, except from fire and red-hot iron; no object meets the eye that demands much of that organ, and consequently diseases of the eyes are remarkably rare. It is interesting to hear a Pittsburgher discourse on this subject; and it much relieves the mind of a visitor to be told, and to have the assertion proved, that the smoke, so far from being an evil, is a blessing. The really pernicious atmospheres, say the Pittsburg philosophers, convey to man no intimation of the poison with which they are laden, and we inhale death while enjoying every breath we draw; but this smoke is an evil only to the imagination, and it destroys every property of the atmosphere which is hostile to life. In proof of which the traveller is referred to the tables of mortality, which show that Pittsburg is the most favorable city in the world to longevity. All this is comforting to the benevolent mind. Still more so is the fact, that the fashion of living a few miles out of the smoke is beginning to prevail among the people of Pittsburg. Villages are springing up as far as twenty miles away, to which the business men repair, when, in consequence of having inhaled the smoke all day, they feel able to bear the common country atmosphere through the night. It is probable that, in the coming years, the smoky abyss of Pittsburg will be occupied only by factories and "works," and that nearly the whole population will deny themselves the privilege of living in the smoke. With three rivers and half a dozen railroads, the people have ready means of access to places of almost unequalled beauty and plesantness.- James Parton January 1868 The Atlantic Monthly
See also
External links
- Official City of Pittsburgh web site.
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