Last words in Indiana Jones media

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The numerous deaths across all different media in the Indiana Jones have yielded many memorable last words.


Raiders of the Lost Ark

  • If they knew we were here, they would've killed us already.
    • Who: Barranca
    • He was attempted to escape and eventually got killed by Hovitos.
  • Adios, Señor.
    • Who: Satipo
    • He betrays Indiana Jones and he escapes, not looking at the bright light and gets killed by spike traps.
  • You like her too much I think.
    • Who: Major Arnold Ernst Toht
    • Note: Was walking along with Belloq and Dietrich when Belloq said they were as stubborn as Marion Ravenwood before they witnessed the Ark of the Covenant being taken out of the Well of Souls. Toht didn’t say anything for the rest of the film and is killed when the Ark opened unleashing God’s Wrath melting his face down to his skull.
  • Come on, Fight! Come on, boy! Huh? No! Aaaaaaaah!
    • Who: Nazi Mechanic
    • Note: He knocks Indiana Jones to the ground and tells him to get up and fight but Indiana Jones covers himself and the Nazi Mechanic realizes that a spinning propeller was coming and is shredded to pieces. (These lines are said in German.)
  • If we refuse?
    • Who: Colonel Herman Dietrich
    • Note: Character, the head of the Nazi expedition to secure the Ark of the Covenant, asks Indiana this when the latter demands the release of Marion Ravenwood, who the Nazis captured earlier; Indiana responds by threatening to destroy the Ark, only to captured himself when Belloq calls his bluff. Character is later killed when the Ark is opened and God's wrath is unleashed, shriveling up and crushing his head; these are his final words prior to this.
  • It’s Beautiful!
    • Who: René Emile Belloq
    • Note: His head exploded by the ghost that came from the Ark, kills him along with the Nazis.

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

  • Not this time, my friend...I followed you on many adventures - but into the great Unknown Mystery, I go first, Indy.
    • Who: Wu Han
    • Gets shot by a gun.
  • Om Namah Shivaya! Om Namah Shivaya! Om Namah Shivaya! Om Namah Shivaya! Om Namah Shivaya!
    • Who: Sacrifice Victim
    • He was being taken to the 'ceremony' and he was being slowly goes down into lava and burns him.
  • Your friend has seen, and she has heard. Now she will not talk.
    • Who: Chattar-Lal
  • Jones!
    • Who: Chief Guard
    • Gets crushed by a rolling device and causes blood all over the machine.
  • The Stones are mine!
    • Who: Mola Rim
    • He attemped to being back the stones, but his hand got burned, and loses his balance and falls into the river of crocodiles.

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

  • Grab him, he's getting away! Stop him!
    • Who: "Panama Hat"
    • Notes: The character is a smuggler who Indiana had faced when he was younger. The henchmen of this character were accused by Indy of stealing the Cross of Coranado (which he firmly believed was to be preserved in a museum due to its value). The first time he faced the group, they got away scot-free, but many years later, Indy faces him down again on a cargo ship. This time he manages to incarcerate Panama Hat, and steal the cross back, but the character dies when the ship explodes during Indiana's escape, and presumably drowned.
  • A messenger from God. For the unrighteous, the Cup of Life holdings everlasting damnation.
    • Who: Kazim
      • Notes: As this character dies after being mortally wounded during an attack on the Nazis searching for the Canyon of the Crescent Moon, he gives Elsa and Donovan a warning about the Holy Grail.
  • Ganz gegen die mauer!
    • Who: Colonel Vogel
      • Notes: (German for: "All the way against the wall!") Character says this as he orders the tank driver to try to crush Indy (who is hanging on the side) against the tank going against a rock wall. After the tank driver gets shot, the tank turns away from the wall and Indy manages to climb back on top of the tank. As Indy continues his fight with Vogel, the tank begins to go over a cliff. Indy manages to jump off the tank, but Vogel falls with the tank and gets crushed to death at the bottom.
  • What is happening to me?!
    • Who: Walter Donovan
    • Note: Character did not "choose wisely" when choosing the real Holy Grail and, after drinking from a golden cup, quickly aged until he was reduced to dust.
  • You have chosen wisely. But the Grail cannot pass beyond the Great Seal. That is the boundary and the price of immortality.
    • Who: The Grail Knight
    • Note: Says this after Indiana Jones drank from the Holy Grail, he is last seen waving goodbye to Indy and his father and left as the temple was collapsing sealing the Knight to his fate. He is presumed to have died when the temple collapsed on him.
  • I can reach it...I can reach it...
    • Who: Dr. Elsa Schneider
    • Note: Character was attempting to retrieve the Holy Grail over a large chasm, but fell to her death in the process.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

  • HELP ME!
    • Who: Col. Antonin Dovchenko
    • Note: The Colonel was infested and dragged by the siafu ants after his fight with Indiana. His last words were spoken in Russian.
  • Jonesy...I'm gonna be alright.
    • Who: George "Mac" McHale
    • Note: Mac, holding onto many golden treasures, is about to be sucked into a portal created by the awakening of the aliens. Indiana attempts to save him by letting him hold onto his whip, but Mac utters the above quote, before letting go of the whip. He may or may not be really dead (as he himself assures).
  • No more! Cover it...Cover it...Enough! ENOUGH!
    • Who: Irina Spalko
    • Note: Irina is receiving all the knowledge of the aliens. When it becomes too much, she screams for it to stop, only for the alien to glare at her, making her disintegrate. She is presumed dead.

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

  • Tell us your story, or die.
    • Who: Young Nazi
    • Note: Said while interrogating Indiana. Ultimately killed when a missile lands in the room and explodes underneath his feet.
  • What are you doing here?!
    • Who: Colonel Weber
    • Note: Said while directing the Young SS Officer towards Indiana. Is eventually shot by Basil Shaw and kicked off a train by Indy. His last words were spoken in German.
  • Shit!
    • Who: Young SS Officer
    • Note: Shot by a malfunctioning minigun attached to the train. His last words were spoken in German.
  • Professor Plimpton? Professor Plimpton!
    • Who: Mandy
    • Note: Is shot by Klaber.
  • Mandy...?
    • Who: Professor Plimpton
    • Note: Is shot by Hauke.
  • Can't you see my cab? It's yellow! Now you gonna have to pay for this bodywork, man, I don't...
    • Who: Screaming Cabbie
    • Note: Is strongly implied to be killed by one of the Neo-Nazis, which would line up with Agent Mason's statement of "[Voller's] associates [killing] three American civilians".
  • Alright, buckle up. We're landing in Spain. A C-9 Transport will take you from there to Maxwell.
    • Who: Helicopter Pilot
    • Note: Is kicked out of the helicopter by Klaber.
  • Schmidt...
    • Who: Agent Mason
    • Note: Is shot by Klaber.
  • I don't know, Capitane.
    • Who: Henry
    • Note: In response to Renaldo's question about where his pipe is. Is later killed by the Neo-Nazis.
  • Indy... Not a word to this Nazi!
    • Who: Renaldo
    • Note: Is shot by Jürgen Voller. His last words were partially spoken in Spanish.
  • No, no, no, no, no. The cave is closed for renovation... Oh.
    • Who: Italian Ticket Vendor
    • Note: Is forced to give directions to Voller and company. Later shot.
  • Hey! Give me that! No!
    • Who: Hauke
    • Note: Is handcuffed to an underwater grate and left to drown.
  • The plane won't make it!
    • Who: First German Pilot
    • Note: Is impaled by a trident during the Battle of Syracuse. His last words were spoken in German.
  • Give me the parachute!
    • Who: Jürgen Voller
    • Note: Is shot by Helena Shaw and ultimately perishes when his plane crashes.
  • Sweight hunde!
    • Who: Klaber
    • Note: Ultimately perishes when Voller's plane crashes. His last words were spoken in butchered German.
  • We're losing altitude! We're going down! I've lost control! I've lost control!
    • Who: Second German Pilot
    • Note: Ultimately perishes when Voller's plane crashes. His last words were spoken in German.


Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

  • Do not speak the name...
    • Who: Nephilim Guard
    • Notes: Found in the Resonance Chamber. Dies after a short battle with Indiana. Last words spoken in Adamic.
  • I told you, I am invincible!
    • Who: Viktor Gantz
    • Notes: Voss's right-hand man. Said as he is about to kill Indiana. Impaled by falling debris. In response, Jones says "Congratulations."
  • Maybe if you'd realized my potential -- remembered me, even -- I might have been working for you. Class dismissed, Professor Jones!
    • Who: Annika Lund
    • Notes: A former student of Indiana's, turned archaeologist. Working under Voss, she discovers an idol and attempts to take Jones out via trap door. Later loses her arm offscreen.
  • This is Laura Lombardi aboard the S.S. Kummetz. Voss. If you hear this, your experiment failed spectacularly. The ship is stranded on a mountain. The captain wants me to perform the experiment again to get us back to safety - but I refuse. I'd rather die with the stone than let you have it. I hope you burn in [hell.]
    • Who: Laura Lombardi
    • Notes: Sister of Gina Lombardi. Worked with Voss and the Nazis in an attempt to discover the mystery of the Great Circle before their ship was transported to the top of the Himalayas. Later froze to death alongside the crew.
  • This is my Ark! MY ARK!
    • Who: Emmerich Voss
    • Notes: Killed when the energy of the stones combine and blast through him.
  • Off boat, now! Jump!
    • Who: Brother Locus
    • Notes: Said to Indy, warning him to evacuate Noah's Ark. Drives through a portal to parts unknown shortly after.
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