Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

2024 video game developed by MachineGames From Wikiquote, the free quote compendium

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is a 2024 adventure video game which follows archaeologist Indiana Jones in 1937 as he attempts to thwart various groups who are seeking to harness a power connected to the Great Circle, which refers to mysterious sites around the world that form a perfect circle when connected together on a map.

Directed by Jerk Gustafsson. Written by Tommy Tordsson, based on characters by George Lucas and Philip Kaufman.

Henry "Indiana" Jones, Jr.

  • [exhausted after briefly fighting Locus] Alright, pal. You asked for it.
  • Look, things don't add up and it's driving me crazy. There's more to that cat mummy, and I'm not letting that giant off the hook!
  • His writing certainly is... eccentric.
  • Oh Lord, show us the way...
  • Well, I might not be a priest, but I'm pretty certain stealing is a straight no-hitter with the Ten Commandments.
  • Most cultures have tests of courage, or agility, or wisdom, often meant to prove that a person is ready to be an adult.
  • You have any idea how old that was?!
  • Like pulling teeth with this lady. [to knocked out Blackcoat torturer] You know what I mean.
  • [after entering underground boxing ring] Uh... hi.
  • Myth, or history? Just different ways of interpreting the past.
  • Bad first impressions and all that, but that's water under the bridge! Doesn't mean we can't still talk this out like... civilized-- [Locus punches him in the stomach] I guess not.
  • Nothing would make me happier than feeding your snake, Dame Nawal.
  • You know what? Take this back to Nawal. Tell her she can put it in her museum.
  • [on Marion] It didn't work out. I was... She said I was "too busy chasing the past". Didn't make good on my promises. You know -- fixing the porch. Fancy dinners.
  • [about Aron's love for archaeology] Can't put that fire out, trust me.
  • It's just a snake. Just a snake, just a... a big, big snake.
  • Rule one of archaeology, kid: History is important, but not more important than survival.
  • Rule two, kid: Never step on ancient pressure plates, even if they seem broken.
  • You dropped the idol and reached back to grab it. Guess you reached too far, kid...
  • Get the girl. Get out. Got it.
  • Thousands of years of humanity's thoughts and beliefs, scattered and buried, just waiting to be found...

Gina Lombardi

  • See you around, strambo.
  • Yes, Dr. Jones is an American who is looking for his missing cat.
  • Nazis don't care about history, Dr. Jones. They only care about power.
  • I have a pen, do you know that? I'm a journalist.
  • I may be a nuisance, Dr. Jones, but you can always count on me.
  • I'm glad you're still alive; you're beginning to grow on me, Jones.
  • We all have our weaknesses.
  • I was giving you an opportunity to impress me with your big muscles. My mistake.
  • You are both stuck in the past! And right now, there is a great evil spreading throughout the world. And we can choose to fight against it or each other.
  • Let's get out of here. This place gives me the jeebie-heebies!
  • [about Brother Locus] I think he proved he was worthy.
  • There's a war coming, and I have a hell of a story to tell.

Brother Locus

  • Will the small man never shut up?!
  • A warrior's death is more than you deserve.
  • Knowledge is a curse. It brings only death.
  • You dig too deep. The Earth will swallow you.
  • None of you are free of sin!
  • I must protect the words. I must atone for of my ancestors.
  • I did not know boats could do that.
  • Requiescat in pace!
  • Do not worry about me. Just go and do not look back.
  • [in Adamic] Seventeen stones, seventeen words. When the circle is complete, they who invoke the name of God will be judged.
  • [in Latin] The flood has come.

Emmerich Voss

  • Trust, Your Excellency, is essential to victory.
  • Your own face betrays sins that cry to heaven for vengeance. Revolting crimes against the Holy Ghost.
  • You amuse me, Colonel. In the same way the funny foibles of the village idiot are amusing.
  • Fascinating. Where were the ape sounds... [imitates ape screaming] accompany your embarrassing attempt at dominance?
  • Now that I have their undivided attention, you are welcome to proceed.
  • Let me tell you what you are missing, Doctor Jones. While you were playing your pointless game, I was playing you. Oh, I can hear your gears turning now. You're wondering if maybe you should have built yourself a life of meaning instead of ending up here, dead and forgotten in the sands of Africa...
  • We wouldn't want you to catch a sunburn, would we, Dr. Jones?
  • We are all going around in circles, repeating the same events. Is that the truth of the Great Circle? That the sacred geometry goes around and around and around and around and around again?! Repeats upon itself! Just as humans are cursed to do, making the same mistakes... That traitor to the Fatherland says that time and space are equivalent.
  • I'll give you something to write about, Miss Lombardi. A front row seat to the genesis of an invincible German war machine.
  • I will tell you everything I know... And after, we'll have ample time to knock each other's teeth out.
  • Oh, you should know by now, Indiana Jones... I am always in control.
  • [on the stones with the ability to teleport Noah's Ark] Imagine this gift in the hands of the mighty German Wehrmacht! A panzer division appearing out of nowhere in the middle of Times Square, Washington D.C., or in front of your university. Your friends, your family, your entire nation would be grovelling before our feet within a single day! When you write about this, Miss Lombardi, remember: "Emmerich Voss", with two "m"s and two "s"es. Like "S.S.".
  • I warned you, Indiana... I know Kara-te!
  • [last words] This is MY ARK! MY ARK!

Viktor Gantz

  • [in German, to Voss] I have the full authority of the Wiermacht behind me. I could execute you right now, and no one would even ask me why. Never question my dedication to the Fürher!
  • I have killed many men like you!
  • I endured this dreadful mountain, even if my mind was screaming every step of the way, because of a concept you narrow-minded Americans will never understand! Devotion. Total and absolute devotion to the Fatherland. You have no purpose! What you have is your stupid American cartoons! Choo-choo! Choo-choo! [mock laughter] You laugh and dance, celebrating your own idiocy and drinking the PISS YOU CALL BEER! I will walk through fire for the devoted men of the Reich.
  • I can do this. I can do anything! ...I... I am invincible!
  • I told you, I am invincible!


  • Father Antonio: Subtlety is a virtue.
  • Father Antonio: A Vatican robber in Connecticut. Seems a bit far-fetched, don't you think?
  • Sister Catherine: This, my dear, is a window straight into the insane mind. How fortunate am I to be reading the lost soul in its own words, expressing its grim unraveling? May God protect you, young man. I have a feeling you might need it.
  • Father Ventura: My eyes see everything, Father. And I am not merciful. [in Italian] I will protect myself from my enemies, may God protect me from my friends.
  • Nazi Soldier: How are you able to breathe with so few brain cells?
  • Dame Nawal: Everything is predestined and pre-written, as the Egyptians would say.
  • Hallucination!Dame Nawal: Take better care of her than you did the last one, Doctor Jones. Or there'll be hell to pay.
  • Hallucination!Father Antonio: Ah, what do they say? When one door closes, another one closes. Where do you think this long and dark path will take you?
  • Annika Lund: Maybe if you'd realized my potential -- remembered me, even -- I might have been working for you. Class dismissed, Professor Jones!


[Indiana retrieves a new journal from his personal suitcase.]
Marcus Brody: It's a beautiful journal, isn't it? Who's it from?
[Attached inside the front cover is a note from Marion Ravenwood -- "For your next Adventure."]
Indiana: Doesn't say.
[He crumples up the note and throws it behind him.]

[Marcus reluctantly hands the archaeologist's trademark fedora.]
Marcus: You can't just run away from your problems, Indiana.
[Indiana puts the hat on and flashes him a smirk.]
Indiana: Watch me.

Antonio: But bear in mind that Father Crescenzo was known mainly for one thing.
Indiana: Oh, yeah? What's that?
Antonio: Stark raving brain-sick madness!

Father Ventura: You're here to help with Antonio? He's going deaf, he says. An old war wound, I'm told.
Indiana: Oh, I'm just here to serve God. Aren't we all?

Ernesto: Antonio sent you?
Indiana: Antonio is a friend.
Ernesto: Antonio is a lousy bum who cheats at cards! Goodbye.

Indiana: Should I ask how you know this?
Antonio: You may ask, but do not expect an answer.

Indiana: Is spying on people part of your daily nun routine, Sister?
Gina: I was actually just... bird-watching.
[A blimp passes overhead.]
Indiana: Hell of a bird.

Indiana: That's Emmerich Voss. German archaeologist. Leader of the Fürher's occult research program.
Gina: And you know that how?
Indiana: The Lord revealeth His secret unto His servants.

Indiana: I'm looking for a cat.
Gina: A cat?
Indiana: A mummy.
Gina: A mummy or a cat?
Indiana: It's a cat-mummy.
Gina: Why?
Indiana: Because a giant from the Vatican stole it from me, and I need to figure out why.
Gina: ...You're profoundly strange, Doctor Jones. The answer you give me stirs up more questions.
Indiana: So don't ask.

[A young Blackcoat drags Indiana, in his priestly attire, to a confession booth. Indy opens the divider between them.]
Indiana: [quickly makes sign of the cross] You're forgiven.
Young Blackcoat: Father, wait, I didn't confess yet.
[Indy reopens the divider.]
Indiana: Alright, let's get this over with.
Young Blackcoat: [sobbing] Father, forgive me because I've sinned. I had an affair with my... Mother-in-Law and...
Indiana: It's alright. Just say three Hail Marys--
Young Blackcoat: No, Father, you don't understand. My wife is expecting a child and I fear that...
Indiana: What?
Young Blackcoat: Yeah, let me finish, please? I fear that my Mother-in-Law is with child also!
Indiana: Jesus Christ, what have you done?!
Young Blackcoat: ...wait. You are not a priest.
Indiana: Screw it.
[Indiana punches him in the face, breaking the divider and knocking him out.]
Indiana: Sorry, pal, but you kinda deserved it.

Gina: You know, I could tell right away you were not a priest. They are usually very clean and tidy.
Indiana: Watch it, I shower... Just perhaps less frequently out in the field.

Indiana: I've had a run-in with the Nazis before, and trust me -- it ain't a walk in the park.
Gina: Okay, then! Let's see if you can keep up...
Indiana: If I can keep...? What do you mean, if I can keep up?

Indiana: You know us Americans. Always nosing about.
Father Ventura: With a gun and a whip?
Indiana: You'd be surprised at how often it comes in handy.

[After pulling Indy into a blimp, mid-flight.]
Gina: What were you doing out there?
Indiana: Fresh air!

Gina: There are so many things you don't know about me.
Indiana: Well, it is a long way to Gizeh...

Viktor Gantz: I plan to thoroughly interrogate the giant this afternoon. You don't need to fuss.
Emmerich Voss: Let me know when your inevitable failure has occurred, so I can show you how to do it properly.

Gina: Hm. I would feel very bad taking beautiful things from graves and keeping them for myself.
Indiana: Look, I'm not a grave-- [sighs] History should be unearthed and exposed for everyone. There's a lot you can learn from the past.
Gina: Oops. Seems I struck a nerve, huh?

Gina: That was fun, Dr. Jones.
Indiana: You mean almost dying? A real riot.
Gina: You know what I mean.
Indiana: Well maybe I'm just trying to set things right.

Prof. Omar: Hold on... Dr. Jones? I didn't recognize you without the suit!
Indiana: That's funny; I don't recognize myself when I'm wearing it.

[while wandering through the catacombs, regarding the standing corpses]
Gina: I feel like they're staring at me...
Indiana: Oh, don't worry. They're... very dead.
Gina: I hope they stay that way.

Voss: [to Gantz, in German] How do you plan to address this problem, you idiotic chimp? Will you pray that some miraculous solution simply strikes you out of the blue?
[Gina and Indiana, as if on cue, fall from the ceiling.]

Indiana: [to Voss] You led them right to the Vatican, didn't you?
Voss: And what led you here, Dr. Jones? Oh, no, don't tell me. It's about a woman, yes? It is always about a woman, isn't it?
Indiana: Don't be ridiculous.
Voss: You left her heartbroken, Dr. Jones. For what? Were you afraid of becoming a husband? A father? Oh, you were afraid of becoming your father.
Indiana: Play all the mind games you want, Voss. I'm not the one at gunpoint.

Gina: Tell me where you've taken my sister!
Voss: Now, now, you're overlooking lex parsimonae. Always choose the explanation with the fewest assumptions.
Gina: I'm not assuming anything! Just tell me where she is before I put a bullet into your gut.
Voss: Y-You're assuming that she didn't join my cause out of her own free volition. You are assuming she wants you to find her... When the only assumption that you need to make is that she's happy where she is. Working for me.

Indiana: Let me tell you what you're missing, Voss. Archaeology is a game of wits, of determination, of proper research--!
[The Nazis laugh.]
Voss: Let me tell you what you are missing, Doctor Jones. While you were playing your pointless game, I was playing you. Oh, I can hear your gears turning now. You're wondering if maybe you should have built yourself a life of meaning instead of ending up here, dead and forgotten in the sands of Africa...
[Indy smiles, then headbutts Voss directly on his broken nose. Gantz, enraged, kicks him in the head.]
Gantz: Verdammter Drecksbastard!
Voss: Oh, Dr. Jones. For you, violence is always the answer, yes?

[Both are upon a high point of Mount Everest, looking at a naval ship lodged into the mountain.]
Indiana: Are you seeing this, too?!
Gina: Yeah! It's a ship!
Indiana: Good! Then I'm not crazy.

Gantz: I am surprised, Dr. Jones! Voss told me you were dead.
Indiana: Yeah? I wonder what else he lied to you about.

Gantz: Have you ever heard of höhenangst?
Indiana: "Fear of heights"?
Gantz: Yes! And I have it. I endured this dreadful mountain, even if my mind was screaming every step of the way, because of a concept you narrow-minded Americans will never understand! Devotion. Total and absolute devotion to the Fatherland. You have no purpose! What you have is your stupid American cartoons! Choo-choo! Choo-choo! [mock laughter] You laugh and dance, celebrating your own idiocy and drinking the PISS YOU CALL BEER! I will walk through fire for the devoted men of the Reich. Give me that stone, NOW!
Indiana: Can't give you what I don't have.
Gantz: [pulls a gun] I shall search your corpse to make sure!

Gantz: I told you. I. Am! INVINCIBLE!
[He is immediately impaled by fallen shards of roof.]
Indiana: Congratulations.

Gina: It's a plane! I can fly that thing!
Indiana: You can fly?!
Gina: ...I know it's a long-shot, but do you have another idea?
Indiana: That wasn't an answer...

Indiana: By the way, that was some nice flying back there.
Gina: Yeah?
Indiana: I don't suppose you know how to fly this thing, do ya?
Gina: Excuse me?
Indiana: Nothing. Just might have a little trouble with the landing, that's all...

Locus: Last chance. To leave. Life is precious. Even yours.
Indiana: Is that a threat?
Locus: A kindness.

Gina: For what it's worth... When we first met, I thought you were a heartless grave-robber.
Indiana: Is that a fact?
Gina: Yes.
Indiana: And, uh... What do you think now?
Gina: That I was wrong. You do have a heart.
Indiana: So just a grave-robber, then?
Gina: We all have our weaknesses.

Indiana: [in Thai] Thanks for the help.
Pailin Chaladpukhealom: [in English] You know our language?
Indiana: I know enough to get me into trouble.

Gina: Was any of that true?
Indiana: Every good story's true in one way or another.

Gina: I don't feel safe. Not surrounded by water.
Indiana: Seems to be a good boat, uh...
Gina: Can't swim, okay?
Indiana: Oh. Oh... Ah, well. We all have our weaknesses.

Gina: Are you alright, or have you fallen to your death?
Indiana: Is there a third option?!
Gina: The third option is that you've been eaten by one of the giant snakes from that statue!
Indiana: Not funny!

Marcus: You shouldn't be here. The administration fired you.
Indiana: But... this is my home!
Marcus: Then why did you run away from it? That's your problem; you're never here when people need you!

Indiana: Hello?
Gina!Marion: Indy!
Indiana: Marion, is that you?
Gina!Marion: Of course, I'm me! What are you doing, strambo? I heard the college fired you!
Indiana: It's not fair.
Gina!Marion: You made me fall in love with you, then ran away when I needed you. That's what's not fair.
Indiana: I-- I... I didn't mean--
Gina!Marion: What would your father think?
Indiana: Don't bring him into this.
Gina!Marion: You don't have a job! You don't have a marriage! You gave up everything just so you could run around with some floozy, fighting Nazis. Well, you know what? Some of us have real responsibilities!
Indiana: Marion, listen... You're not Marion.

Uncle Sunan: Did you meet any demons, Indiana Jones?
Indiana: Only my own...

Indiana: This place gives me the heebie-jeebies...
Gina: The heebie what?

Indiana: I need to know what the stones are for!
Locus: You need to know nothing!
Indiana: One way or another, I'm gonna figure it out.
Locus: Then I will stop you.
Indiana: Then I will... just... keep beating you up!

Indiana: You know, Voss won't share credit for anything you find down here.
Annika Lund: Well, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Voss; he believes in me.
Indiana: Believe in yourself, first.

Indiana: That man is not my friend. For one thing, he's a Nazi.
Annika: Yes, well of course I don't agree with him politically, but Voss is a man of science, just like us. We are above politics.
Indiana: Hah!

Luigi: Ezio, take her to a doctor!
Ezio: But Luigi - she is a doctor!
Luigi: Not that kind of doctor, idiot!

[Both have discovered a secret entrance in the ground near a temple]
Indy: We should probably--
Gina: [already jumping in] Let's go!
Indy: through this first!

Locus: A life of ignorance is a blessing. I envy you, little man.
[Voss, in tow with a squadron of Nazis, laughs heartily.]
Voss: The giant is correct! Because that is what you are inside, Dr. Jones. A pathetic. Little. Man.
Indiana: Better than being a Nazi!

Gina: Laura must have despised you. How did you make my sister obey your orders?
Voss: What if I merely aroused your sister's relentless obsession with her research? People like her would gladly compromise their principles for an opportunity to... indulge in their fascinations. In fact, some would even give their very lives.

Locus: There's more here than the stone.
Indiana: What else is there?
[A beat.]
Indiana: You're the least talkative person I've ever met, you know that? Listen. Talk. Communicate. Why is that so hard?
Locus: In the name of--
Indiana: Shh-shh-shh!

Indiana: I can't lose you...
Gina: Oh, come on. Don't you wanna know what this is all about?
[A long pause as Indy wrestles with himself, then...]
Indiana: You're damn right, I do.

Indiana: You stay here with the stones 'til I come back.
[Gina reluctantly accepts the stones.]
Indiana: Okay.
Gina: What if you don't come back?
Indiana: Then you'll have one hell of a story to tell.

Gina: Jones! Find me when all of this is over. Maybe we can have that fancy dinner!
Indiana: I'd like that.


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