Beavis and Butt-head (1993–1997, 2011, 2022–present) is an American animated television series that originally aired on the cable television channel MTV. It followed the misadventures of two teenagers, Beavis and Butt-head. Season four originally aired from 14 March 1994 to 15 July 1994.
- Gus Baker: You've got The Gus Baker Show, and the first topic: The death penalty! Yes or no?
- Butt-head: Yes!
- Beavis: Yes! The chair! The chair!! The chair!!
- Gus Baker: In my opinion, you betcha!
- Butt-head: Yes!
- Beavis: Yes! The chair!! The chair!!
- Gus Baker: And they call me reactionary…because I believe that criminals should be punished, and ordinary Americans like you and me should have the right to carry guns!
- Butt-head: This dude's cool.
- Gus Baker: Also on today's show: music videos! Who makes these affronts to common decency?! Where I come from, we have a word for garbage like that!!
- Butt-head: Yeah. They suck!!
- Gus Baker: But first, a commercial! Our lines are open! Give us a call!
- Butt-head: We think you're, like, cool.
- Beavis: Yeah, especially the part about giving dudes the chair. The chair!! The chair!!
- Gus Baker: The death penalty?
- Beavis: Yeah, and what you said about bums.
- Butt-head: Yeah. And videos.
- Gus Baker: Well, like they say: great minds think alike! You know, talking to you, boys. I can tell our young people still has the moral strength and character to make this country right again!
- Butt-head: Uhh…what?
- Gus Baker: Last week we heard from two boys whose characters were so impressive we brought them out here for today's show! Please welcome Beavis and, uh, Buth-coat!!
- Gus Baker: Now, people say that yours is a lost generation…violent, lazy, uneducated, sexually active!!
- Butt-head: Huhuh, not Beavis.
- Beavis: Heheh, yeah, Butt-head doesn't get any either.
- Gus Baker: Well, you two are certainly fine upstanding young men…a credit to the youth of America!
- Butt-head: [looking around at the applauding "dittoheads" in the audience] Hey Beavis, you see any chicks?
- Gus Baker: Okay, now, boys, I want to ask you: As decent young men, don't you agree with me that there is something very, very wrong with these so-called "music videos"?
- Beavis and Butt-head: Yeah! Really!!
- Gus Baker: These "rock videos" are immoral! Indecent! Profane! Scurrillous! And blasphemous!
- Beavis: Yeah! They suck! They suck!! Indecent! Profane!
- Butt-head: Yeah, especially Meat Loaf. He sucks!
- Gus Baker: Hey! We're on the air! You can't use that language!
- Beavis: We use language?
- Butt-head: [after Gus Baker whispers into his ear] Hey, Beavis, he says we can't say "sucks."
- Beavis: Really? That sucks.
- Butt-head: Can we say "buttwipe"?
- Beavis: Yeah, how about "bunghole"? Bunghole!
- Butt-head: What about "buttmunch"?
- Beavis: Yeah heheh, "buttmunch." Or "dillhole"?
- Butt-head: "Dillweed"?
- Gus Baker: Hey! Do you use that language at home?
- Butt-head: Uhh…yeah!
- Beavis: Hey Gus, check this out. Yeah… peek-a-boo!! [moons the audience]
- Gus Baker: [running in front of Beavis] Go! Go! Go to the commercial! Go to the commercial!
- Announcer: Make a positive change in america. Pledge $10 to elect Gus Baker President.
- Butt-head: Uhh…do you use that language at home?
- Beavis: Peek-a-boo!! [presumably moons the security guards who pull him and Butt-head off stage]
- Butt-head: [watching a replay in which Beavis's mooning is pixelated] Hey Beavis…what's all that fuzzy stuff on your butt?
- Beavis: I don't know…is it still there? [mooning Butt-head]
- Butt-head: Uh, no…but it wouldn't hurt to wipe once in a while.
- Beavis: Uh…heheh, oh yeah, sorry. I was in a hurry.
- Butt-head: Beavis, get your butt out of my face and into that bathroom, now.
- Beavis: Heheh, oh yeah, sorry.
Note: In the DVD cut, after Beavis moons Butt-head, Butt-head goes straight to simply responding, "Beavis, get your butt out of my face, now," and the episode ends.