Madras treeshrew (Anathana ellioti)
tree shrew (plural tree shrews)
- A small mammal native to the tropical forests of Southeast Asia, resembling the shrew, in order Scandentia.
small shrew-like animal
- Afrikaans: boomspitsmuis
- Finnish: tupaija (fi)
- German: Spitzhörnchen n
- Hungarian: mókuscickány
- Indonesian: tupai (id)
- Malay: tupai tanah
- Mandarin: 樹鼩目 / 树鼩目, 树鼩目
- Russian: тупа́йя (ru) f (tupájja)
- Tagalog: please add this translation if you can
- Thai: please add this translation if you can
- Turkish: sivri sincapçık
- Vietnamese: chuột chù cây