oženitIPA(key): [ˈoʒɛɲɪt] oženit pf (imperfective ženit) (reflexive with se) to marry (of man, to take a wife) Jejich syn se oženil se sousedovou dcerou. Their
ženit*ženiti. IPA(key): [ˈʒɛɲɪt] ženit impf (perfective oženit) imperfective form of oženit (reflexive with se) to marry (of man, to take a wife) (transitive)
vdátmarried their daughter to the neighbour's son. provdat vdaná vdavky zavdat oženit “vdáti”, in Příruční slovník jazyka českého (in Czech), 1935–1957 “vdáti”
espouseBulgarian: женя се (ženja se) Czech: vdát se (cs) pf, oženit se (cs) pf, vdávat se (cs) impf, ženit se (cs) impf Dutch: trouwen (nl) met (nl), in het huwelijk
get marriedbrát si (cs) impf, vzít si (cs) pf; ženit se (cs) impf, oženit se (cs) pf (of men); vdávat se (cs) impf, vdát se (cs) pf (of women) Danish: gifte sig Esperanto: