From Italian nullo (“no, not any; null”) or French nul (“no, no one”), from Middle French nul (“nobody; no one”), from Old French nul (“nobody; no one”), both from Latin nūllus (“no one, none, not any”), from Proto-Italic *ne oinolos, from Proto-Italic *oinos (“one”), from Proto-Indo-European *óynos, perhaps from *éy (“he, she, it”) + *-nós (creates verbal adjectives).
The interjection, noun and pronoun are all derived from the numeral itself.
- Rhymes: -ɔl
- Hyphenation: nul
- zero (the cardinal number occurring before one and that denotes no quantity or amount at all, represented in Arabic numerals as 0)
- nul huller og nul grader ― zero holes and zero degrees
- nul komma fem ― very short time; a moment
- patient nul ― patient zero
1991, BT:Jeg knoklede og knoklede for at sælge biler. Men når året så var omme, kunne jeg kun præstere en fortjeneste på nul kroner- I worked and worked hard to sell cars. But when the year was over, I could only make a profit of zero kroner
1992, Bo Bedre:Ryglænet skubbes fremad, fjedermekanismen udløses, og i løbet af nul komma fem er sofaen forvandlet til seng- The backrest is pushed forward, the spring mechanism is released, and during a short moment the sofa is turned into a bed
2020, BT:Jhvad ved vi om selve virussens 'fødsel'? Og hvem er den såkaldte patient nul, der bar smitten som den første?- what do we know about the 'birth' of the virus itself? And who is the so-called patient zero who carried the infection as the first?
2017, Zetland:En fransk analyse af virussens DNA har via elegante teknikker fundet frem til udbruddets begyndelse, til patient nul- A French analysis of the virus' DNA has, via elegant techniques, found the beginning of the outbreak, to patient zero
- zero (the point on a scale at which numbering or measurement originates)
- Synonym: nulpunkt
- at være, gå eller stå på nul ― to be, go to or stay at zero
1989, Ib Michael, Kilroy Kilroy:I cockpittets glasæg har alle instrumentvisere fundet sig et leje og dirrer omkring et punkt; kun brændstofmåleren falder langsomt tilbage mod nul- In the glass egg of the cockpit, all instrument indicators have found a bearing and vibrate around a point; only the fuel gauge slowly drops back to zero
1998, Berlingske Tidende:den økonomiske status for Danmark er ene og alene betalingsbalancen, og den er i nul- the economic status of Denmark is solely the balance of payments, and it is at zero
Derived terms
- nulte (“zeroth”), nulstille (“reset”)
- (colloquial) no way (absolutely not; under no circumstances)
- Synonyms: niks, nix, du kan tro nej
- nul Putte/putte ― used to reject something or someone
1991, Weekendavisen:hun må da have en vilje og en karakter af jern. Flere gange har jeg tænkt: Nu må hun da bøje af, men nul!- she must then have a will and a character of iron. Several times I have thought: Now she must bend down, but no way!
1985, Klaus Lynggaard, Martin & Victoria:Jeg kunne selvfølgelig være gået på biblioteket igen, men hvis hun nu troede, at jeg fulgte efter hende? Ah-ah, nul putte, det indtryk skulle hun heller ikke få- I could of course have gone to the library again, but what if she now thought I was following her? Ah-ah, whatever then, she shouldn't get that impression either
nul n (singular definite nullet, plural indefinite nuller)
- the numeric symbol that represents the cardinal number zero.
En million er et ettal med seks nuller efter.- One million is a one followed by six zeros.
Ganger vi med 100, sætter vi bare to nuller efter 53 og får så 5300.- If we multiply by 100, we just put [place] two zeros after 53 and then get 5300.
- zero (the number sign 0 as an expression of an assessment or a result)
- holde nullet ― keep the opponents from scoring during a football match
1991, B.T.:Fru Boel Jørgensen leder ikke teatret! Det eneste hun gør, er at prøve at nå et nul i regnskabet inden udgangen af dette år- Mrs. Boel Jørgensen does not lead the theater! All she does is try to reach a zero in the accounts before the end of this year
2011, Sørensen holdt nullet i Stoke-sejr. Landsholdsmålmand Thomas Sørensen fik tiltrængt spilletid og holdt buret rent i Stokes 1-0-sejr over Thun- Thomas Sørensen kept a clean sheet in Stoke's victory. National team goalkeeper Thomas Sørensen got much-needed playing time and kept the cage clean in Stokes' 1-0 victory over Thun
1999, Politiken:Næstved holdt nullet i 68 minutter, så blev bolden hamret forbi Finn Jeppesen af Brøndbys 18-årige topscorer: Michael Laudrup- Næstved held zero for 68 minutes, then the ball was hammered past Finn Jeppesen by Brøndby's 18-year-old top scorer: Michael Laudrup
2000, Politiken:Den debuterende målmandsreserve stod en brandkamp og holdt nullet i en for hans vedkommende travl affære- The debutant goalkeeper reserve stood a great match and kept zero in a busy affair for him
- (figuratively) a nobody, a nonentity
- Synonym: nullert
1984, Frank Jensen, Organisationen:Han var, rent ud sagt, en lille lort, halvdranker, halvjunkie, småtyv – der altid blev taget. Et nul- He was, quite frankly, a little shit, half-drunk, half-junkie, petty thief - who was always taken. A nobody
- (in the plural) 2000s (the first decade of the 21st century)
More information neuter gender, singular ...
nul (uninflected)
- (determiner) no, nothing
- Synonyms: ingen, intet
- nul og niks ― absolutely nothing; meaningless, worthless
1991, B.T.:sigtbarheden var lig nul, men alligevel fortsatte vi med at lede sammen med de øvrige skibe i området i adskillige timer- visibility was zero, but still we continued to lead with the other ships in the area for several hours
1998, Sven Bugtrup, Nu får jeg tid til kærlighed:[han] er klar til at betale prisen. Ingen kærester, nul spiritus, sund mad og tidligt i seng- [he] is ready to pay the price. No girlfriends, zero booze, healthy food and early to bed
1986, Femina:da jeg vågnede søndag morgen, var der nul og niks tilbage af min energi fra dagen før- when I woke up Sunday morning, there was absolutely nothing left of my energy from the day before
1991, B.T.:Hvad med landsholdet? "I den sammenhæng har jeg altid været nul og niks .."- What about the national team? "In that context, I have always been worthless .."