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From Old Norse heill (compare Faroese heilur, Norwegian Nynorsk heil Norwegian Bokmål, Danish, and Swedish hel), from Proto-Germanic *hailaz (compare English whole, hale, Dutch heel, German heil), from Proto-Indo-European *kéh₂ilos (healthy, whole).



heill (comparative heilli, superlative heilastur)

  1. healthy
    Synonym: heilbrigður
  2. complete, entire, whole
    Synonym: allur
    Þetta tók heilt ár!
    This took a whole year!
  3. undamaged, in one piece
    Synonym: óskaddaður


More information strong declension (indefinite), singular ...
strong declension
singular masculine feminine neuter
nominative heill heil heilt
accusative heilan heila
dative heilum heilli heilu
genitive heils heillar heils
plural masculine feminine neuter
nominative heilir heilar heil
accusative heila
dative heilum
genitive heilla
weak declension
singular masculine feminine neuter
nominative heili heila heila
acc/dat/gen heila heilu
plural (all-case) heilu
More information weak declension (definite), masculine ...
weak declension
masculine feminine neuter
singular (all-case) heilli heilli heilla
plural (all-case) heilli
More information strong declension (indefinite), singular ...
strong declension
singular masculine feminine neuter
nominative heilastur heilust heilast
accusative heilastan heilasta
dative heilustum heilastri heilustu
genitive heilasts heilastrar heilasts
plural masculine feminine neuter
nominative heilastir heilastar heilust
accusative heilasta
dative heilustum
genitive heilastra
weak declension
singular masculine feminine neuter
nominative heilasti heilasta heilasta
acc/dat/gen heilasta heilustu
plural (all-case) heilustu

Derived terms

  • heil tala (an integer)
  • heill á geði
  • heill á húfi (safe and sound)
  • heill og sæll (welcome!)
  • heilu og höldnu (safe and sound)
  • með heilum hug
  • ráða heilt (to give sound advice)
  • taka aldrei á heilum sér (to be always in bad health)


heill f (genitive singular heillar, nominative plural heillir) or (in fixed expressions)
heill n pl (plural only, genitive plural heilla)

  1. success, luck, happiness
    árna/óska einhverjum heillato wish someone luck
    heillin (mín) (in direct address)my dear
    vera til heillato be for the best
    vera heillum horfinnto be out of luck
    ... góðu heilliluckily
    ... illu heilliunfortunately


More information singular, plural ...
Declension of heill (feminine)
singular plural
indefinite definite indefinite definite
nominative heill heillin heillir heillirnar
accusative heill heillina heillir heillirnar
dative heill heillinni heillum heillunum
genitive heillar heillarinnar heilla heillanna

or (in fixed expressions)

More information plural, indefinite ...
Declension of heill (pl-only neuter)
indefinite definite
nominative heill heillin
accusative heill heillin
dative heillum heillunum
genitive heilla heillanna

Derived terms

Old Norse

Alternative forms

  • hęill


Inherited from Proto-Germanic *hailaz (whole, safe, sound), from Proto-Indo-European *kéh₂ilos (healthy, whole).



  1. whole
  2. healthy, hale
    heill sé þú
    may you be hale
  3. (before a noun, agreeing with it) hail (interjection)
    • 900s–1000s, Anonymous, Sigrdrífumál (‘the speeches of Sigrdrífa’), stanza 3
      Heill dagr! / Heilir dags synir!
      Heill nótt ok nipt!
      óreiðum augum / litið okkr þinig
      ok gefið sitjǫndum sigr!
      Hail the day! Hail the sons of day! Hail night and her kinswoman! With friendly eyes look ye hither upon us two, and give the sitting ones victory.


More information singular, masculine ...
Strong declension of heill
singular masculine feminine neuter
nominative heill heil heilt
accusative heilan heila heilt
dative heilum heilli heilu
genitive heils heillar heils
plural masculine feminine neuter
nominative heilir heilar heil
accusative heila heilar heil
dative heilum heilum heilum
genitive heilla heilla heilla
More information singular, masculine ...
Weak declension of heill
singular masculine feminine neuter
nominative heili heila heila
accusative heila heilu heila
dative heila heilu heila
genitive heila heilu heila
plural masculine feminine neuter
nominative heilu heilu heilu
accusative heilu heilu heilu
dative heilum heilum heilum
genitive heilu heilu heilu
More information singular, masculine ...
Declension of comparative of heill
singular masculine feminine neuter
nominative heilari heilari heilara
accusative heilara heilari heilara
dative heilara heilari heilara
genitive heilara heilari heilara
plural masculine feminine neuter
nominative heilari heilari heilari
accusative heilari heilari heilari
dative heilurum heilurum heilurum
genitive heilari heilari heilari
More information singular, masculine ...
Strong declension of superlative of heill
singular masculine feminine neuter
nominative heilastr heilust heilast
accusative heilastan heilasta heilast
dative heilustum heilastri heilustu
genitive heilasts heilastrar heilasts
plural masculine feminine neuter
nominative heilastir heilastar heilust
accusative heilasta heilastar heilust
dative heilustum heilustum heilustum
genitive heilastra heilastra heilastra
More information singular, masculine ...
Weak declension of superlative of heill
singular masculine feminine neuter
nominative heilasti heilasta heilasta
accusative heilasta heilustu heilasta
dative heilasta heilustu heilasta
genitive heilasta heilustu heilasta
plural masculine feminine neuter
nominative heilustu heilustu heilustu
accusative heilustu heilustu heilustu
dative heilustum heilustum heilustum
genitive heilustu heilustu heilustu


  • Icelandic: heill
  • Faroese: heilur
  • Norwegian Nynorsk: heil
    • Norwegian Bokmål: heil
  • Old Swedish: hēl
  • Old Danish: hel, hiæl
    • Danish: hel
      • Norwegian Bokmål: hel
  • Middle English: heil

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