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għamel (imperfect jagħmel, past participle magħmul, verbal noun għamil)
- to do, to make
- Synonym: (obsolete) fagħal
- Il-mastrudaxxa qed tagħmel sodda. ― The carpenter is making a bed.
1970, Anton Buttigieg, “Fil-Ġnien”, in Fl-Arena:Ta’ ferħ u serħ imlietni, u bħall-għasafar
u l-friefet jien għamilt: minn fjur għal fjur
ħsiebi tar bħal farfett, taħt siġra kbira
qalbi fesdqet il-għana bħal għasfur.- (please add an English translation of this quotation)
- to make (somebody do something)
- Synonym: ġiegħel
- to happen
- to organise
- Synonyms: tella’, organizza
Il-kappillan se jagħmel ħarġa għat-tfal.- The parish priest is going to organise an outing for children.
- to spend (time)
Għamilna sena Ljubljana u sena oħra Madrid.- We spent one year in Ljubljana and another year in Madrid.
- to leak, to spring
- to perform
- to play (act in a performance) [with -ha ‘dummy object’ and ta’]
Tagħmilha t’inġiniera f’dal-film.- She is playing the role of an engineer in this movie.
- to like very much [with għal ‘something’]
- Tagħmel għall-imqarrun. ― She likes macaroni very much.
- to place, to put
- Synonyms: qiegħed, poġġa, xeħet, tefa’
- Agħmlu hemm. ― Put it there.
- to bear fruit
- Ix-xogħol qed jagħmel ħafna frott. ― The labour is bearing fruit.
- to cultivate
- to wet [with f’]
- to consider, to believe
1986, Salvatore Frendo De Mannarino, chapter VIII, in Barunissa Maltija, page 51:[...] l-istorja ta’ xi gwerrier li ommu u niesu kienu għamlu mejjet [...]- [...] the story of a warrior whose mother and people considered him to be dead [...]
- to do (something) [with ma’ or għal ‘for someone’]
Ma tapprezzax dak kollu li għamilt miegħek.- You don’t appreciate everything I did for you.
- to fall under [with ma’]
Iż-Żurrieq jagħmel mal-ħames distrett elettorali.- Żurrieq falls under the fifth electoral district.
- to attack [with għal]
- Synonyms: attakka, ħebb
Ix-xufier ħareġ mill-karozza u għamel għall-passiġġier.- The driver got out of the car and attacked the passenger.
- to imitate [with bħal]
- Għala qed tagħmel bħali? ― Why are you imitating me?
- to do a favour or wrong [with lil]
- Għamilna pjaċir lill-ġenituri tagħna. ― We did our parents a favour.
- to pretend [with -ha ‘dummy object’ and tabirruħ]
- Għamilha tabirruħu marid. ― He pretended to be sick.
- to make it [with -ha ‘dummy object’]
- Għamilha! ― He made it!
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