associative array (plural associative arrays)
- (computing) An array-like data structure where the indices (called keys) are not limited to integers.
- abstract data structure
- array
An array-like data structure
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: 關聯數組/关联数组 (guānliánshùzǔ)
- Czech: slovník (cs) m, asociativní pole n
- Dutch: bijbehorende matrix f
- Finnish: hakemisto (fi), assosiatiivinen taulukko (fi), assosiaatiotaulu hakurakenne, sanakirja (fi), mäppi
- French: tableau associatif (fr) m, dictionnaire (fr) m, table d’association (fr) f
- German: assoziative Datenfeld n
- Hungarian: asszociatív tömb (hu)
- Indonesian: please add this translation if you can
- Japanese: 連想配列 (rensōhairetsu), 辞書 (ja) (じしょ, jisho)
- Latin: glossarium n, index verborum
- Polish: tablica asocjacyjna m, słownik (pl) m inan
- Portuguese: array associativo m, dicionário (pt) m
- Romanian: tablou asociativ n
- Russian: слова́рь (ru) m (slovárʹ)
- Swahili: kamusi (sw)
- Thai: please add this translation if you can
- Ukrainian: словни́к (uk) m (slovnýk)
- Vietnamese: mảng kết hợp (vi)