More information enemy; match, I; me ...
- the enemy and us; ourselves and the enemy
敵我之間和人民內部這兩類矛盾的性質不同,解決的方法也不同。簡單地說起來,前者是分清敵我的問題,後者是分清是非的問題。 [MSC, trad.]
敌我之间和人民内部这两类矛盾的性质不同,解决的方法也不同。简单地说起来,前者是分清敌我的问题,后者是分清是非的问题。 [MSC, simp.]- From: 1957, 毛澤東 (Mao Zedong), 《關於正確處理人民內部矛盾的問題》 (On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People), 《毛澤東選集》. English translation based on the Foreign Languages Press edition
- Díwǒ zhījiān hé rénmín nèibù zhè liǎng lèi máodùn de xìngzhì bùtóng, jiějué de fāngfǎ yě bùtóng. Jiǎndān de shuō qilai, qiánzhě shì fēnqīng díwǒ de wèntí, hòuzhě shì fēnqīng shìfēi de wèntí. [Pinyin]
- Since they are different in nature, the contradictions between ourselves and the enemy and the contradictions among the people must be resolved by different methods. To put it briefly, the former entail drawing a clear distinction between ourselves and the enemy, and the latter entail drawing a clear distinction between right and wrong.