More information to swallow; to take, peel; to skin ...
- to embezzle and exploit
然而在出現了這種情形之時,不是日本進攻中國的放鬆,反而是它進攻中國的加緊,因為那時它只剩下了向弱者吞剝的一條路。 [MSC, trad.]
然而在出现了这种情形之时,不是日本进攻中国的放松,反而是它进攻中国的加紧,因为那时它只剩下了向弱者吞剥的一条路。 [MSC, simp.]- From: 1938, 毛澤東 (Mao Zedong), 《論持久戰》 (On Protracted War), 《毛澤東選集》. English translation based on the Foreign Languages Press edition
- Rán'ér zài chūxiàn le zhè zhǒng qíngxíng zhī shí, bù shì Rìběn jìngōng Zhōngguó de fàngsōng, fǎn'ér shì tā jìngōng Zhōngguó de jiājǐn, yīnwèi nàshí tā zhǐ shèngxià le xiàng ruòzhě tūnbō de yī tiáo lù. [Pinyin]
- But in that case, so far from relaxing her aggression against China Japan will intensify it, because then the only way left to her will be to gobble up the weak.
- Synonym of 生吞活剝/生吞活剥 (shēngtūnhuóbō, “to accept uncritically; to copy mechanically”)