Wehrmacht foreign volunteers and conscripts

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Wehrmacht foreign volunteers and conscripts

Among the approximately one million foreign volunteers and conscripts who served in the Wehrmacht during World War II were ethnic Belgians, Czechs, Dutch, Finns, Danes, French, Hungarians, Norwegians, Poles,[1] Portuguese, Swedes,[2] Swiss along with people from Great Britain, Ireland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and the Balkans.[3] At least 47,000 Spaniards served in the Blue Division.[4]

Andrey Vlasov and General Zhilenkov (center) of the Russian Liberation Army meeting with Joseph Goebbels (February 1945)
Soldier of the Free Arabian Legion in Greece, September 1943

Many Soviet citizens (Russians and other non-Russian ethnic minorities) joined the Wehrmacht forces as Hiwis (or Hilfswillige).[5] The Ukrainian collaborationist forces were composed of an estimated number of 180,000 volunteers serving with units scattered all over Europe.[6] Russian émigrés and defectors from the Soviet Union formed the Russian Liberation Army or fought as Hilfswillige within German units of the Wehrmacht primarily on the Eastern Front.[7] Non-Russians from the Soviet Union formed the Ostlegionen (literally "Eastern Legions"). The East Legions comprized a total of 175,000 personnel.[8] These units were all commanded by General Ernst August Köstring (1876−1953).[9] A lower estimate for the total number of foreign volunteers that served in the entire German armed forces (including the Waffen SS) is 350,000.[10]

These units were often under the command of German officers and some published their own propaganda newssheets.

List of units

Foreign volunteer battalion in the Wehrmacht. Soldiers of the Free Arabian Legion in Greece, September 1943.
Spanish volunteer forces of the Blue Division entrain at San Sebastián, 1942
The Ukrainian Liberation Army's oath to Adolf Hitler
Ingrian Wehrmacht volunteers of the 664th Eastern Battalion, 1943

Soviet Union

More information Unit name, Description ...
Unit nameDescription
Armenian LegionMostly Soviet Armenians
Azerbaijani LegionMostly Soviet Azeris
Georgian LegionMostly Soviet Georgians
HiwiSoviet civilians and prisoners of war
XV SS Cossack Cavalry CorpsUntil 1 February 1945 under command of the Wehrmacht, then the Corps was transferred to the Waffen-SS[11]
Kalmykian Voluntary Cavalry CorpsMostly Kalmyks
Litauische Bau-BataillonenMostly conscripted Lithuanians
Fatherland Defense ForceLand unit composed of Lithuanians
Luftwaffen-Legion LettlandAir unit composed of Latvians.
Nachtigall BattalionUkrainians of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists
OstlegionenConsisting mostly of Caucasians
Roland BattalionA.k.a. Special Group Roland. Second Polish Republic citizens of Ukrainian ethnicity
Russian Liberation ArmyMostly ethnic Russians
162nd Turkoman DivisionFormed in May 1943 and comprised 5 Azeri and 6 Turkestani artillery/infantry units.[12]
Ukrainian Liberation ArmyUkrainians
Ukrainian National ArmyUkrainians


Middle East

  • Legion Freies Arabien (Arab volunteers)
    • Deutsch-Arabische Lehr-Abteilung (Arab volunteers)
    • Deutsch-Arabisches Bataillon Nr. 845 (Arab volunteers)
  • Freiwilligen-Stamm-Regiment 1 (Turkish volunteers)

Azerbaijani, Georgian and Armenian volunteers

North Caucasian volunteers

  • Kaukasisch-Mohammedanische Legion (Azerbaijani, Circassian, Daghestani, Chechen, Ingush, and Lezghin volunteer units)
  • Kaukasischer-Waffen-Verband der SS or Freiwilligen Brigade Nordkaukasien (volunteers from the North Caucasus region)
  • Nordkaukasische Legion ("North Caucasian Legion" volunteers from the North Caucasus region)
  • Freiwilligen-Stamm-Regiment 1 (North Caucasian volunteers)
  • Sonderverband Bergmann (North Caucasian volunteers)
    • II. Sonderverband Bergmann Battalion (North Caucasian volunteers)
  • SS-Waffengruppe Nordkaukasus (North Caucasian volunteers; Chechens, Ingush & Dagestani)

Central Asian volunteers

  • 162. (Turkistan) Infanterie-Division (Turkestani volunteers)
  • Muselmanischen SS-Division Neu-Turkistan (Turkestani volunteers)
  • Turkistanische Legion (volunteers from Central Asia; Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Kyrgyzs & Turkmen)
  • Böhler-Brigade (Turkestani volunteers)
  • 1. Turkestanisches-Arbeits-Battalion (Turkestani volunteers)
  • 2. Turkestanisches-Arbeits-Battalion (Turkestani volunteers)
  • 3. Turkestanisches-Arbeits-Battalion (Turkestani volunteers)
  • Osttürkischer Waffen-Verband der SS or 1. Ostmuselmanisches SS-Regiment (Central Asia volunteers)
  • Turkestanisches-Arbeits-Ersatz-Battalion (Turkestani volunteers)
  • Waffen-Gruppe Turkistan (Central Asian volunteers)

Kalmykian volunteers

  • Kalmüken Verband Dr. Doll (Kalmykian volunteers)
  • Abwehrtrupp 103 (Kalmykian volunteers)
  • Kalmücken Legion or Kalmücken-Kavallerie-Korps (Kalmykian volunteers)

Tatar volunteers

  • Tatar Legion
  • SS-Waffengruppe Idel-Ural (Turkic volunteers from Volga/Ural area)
  • Waffen-Gebirgs-Brigade der SS (Tatar Nr. 1) (Tatar volunteers)
  • 30. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (Russische Nr. 2) (Armenian & Tatar volunteer units)
  • Wolgatatarische Legion (Volga Tatars and Volga-Finns)
  • Tataren-Gebirgsjäger-Regiment der SS (Crimean Tatar volunteers)
  • Waffen-Gruppe Krim (Crimean Tatar volunteers)
  • Schutzmannschaft Battalion (Crimean Tatar volunteers)

Cossack volunteers

  • 1. Kosaken-Kavallerie-Division (volunteers from Cossacks in Cherson, from February 1945 XV. SS-Kosaken-Kavallerie-Korps)
  • Kosaken-Reiter-Brigade Kaukasus II (Caucasus Cossack volunteers)
  • Kuban-Kosaken-Reiter-Regiment 3 (Kuban Cossack volunteers)
  • Don-Kosaken-Reiter-Regiment 5 (Don Cossack volunteers)
  • Terek-Kosaken-Reiter-Regiment 6 (Terek Cossack volunteers)
  • Kosaken-Artillerie-Regiment 2 (Caucasian Cossack volunteers)
  • Sibirisches Kosaken-Reiter-Regiment 2 (Siberian Cossack volunteers)
  • XV. Kosaken-Kavallerie-Korps (Kotelnikovo Cossack volunteers)
  • Freiwilligen-Stamm-Regiment 5 (Cossack volunteers)

Caucasian mixed volunteer units

Caucasian, Central Asian, Crimean and Ural mixed volunteer units

  • Waffen-Gruppe Turkistan
  • Waffen-Gruppe Idel-Ural
  • Waffen-Gruppe Azerbaijan
  • Waffen-Gruppe Krim

Propaganda newspapers for Caucasian and Cossack units

  • Azerbajçan – Azerbaijani Legion
  • Kalmyckij Boec ("Kalmyk Soldier") – Kalmyk Cavalry Corps
Kosaken (Cossack Nation)
  • Kosaken-Illustrierte ("Cossack Illustrated") – 1st Cossack Cavalry Division (trilingual)
  • La terra dei cosacchi ("The Land of the Cossacks") – Cossack units in upper Italy
Krimtürken (Crimean Tatars)
  • Kirim ("Crimea") – Weekly paper for the Crimean Tatar volunteers, Berlin 1944–1945
Tataren (Tatar nation)
  • Deutsch-tatarisches Nachrichtenblatt ("German-Tatar News Journal") – Volga Tatar Legion, monthly publication, Berlin 1944–1945 (bilingual)
Turkestaner (Central Asian nation)
  • Yeni Türkistan ("New Turkestan") – Turkistan Legion
  • Svoboda ("Freedom") – 162nd Turkoman Division
  • Türk Birligi ("Turkish Unity") – Osttürkischer Waffen-Verband der SS, weekly publication, Berlin 1944–1945

German commanders of Central Asian, Caucasian and Cossack units

These German commanders also received honorary military or leading titles between their units at charge; for example Helmuth von Pannwitz received the title of "Ataman" from his Cossack units.

German representative of the Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories

Central Asian, Caucasian and Cossack political leaders

Puppet governments and organizations in the USSR


See also


Further reading

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