List of Google products

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The following is a list of products, services, and apps provided by Google. Active, soon-to-be discontinued, and discontinued products, services, tools, hardware, and other applications are broken out into designated sections.

Web-based products

More information Product, Description ...
Search tools
Google SearchA web search engine and Google's core product.
Google AlertsAn email notification service that sends alerts based on chosen search terms whenever it finds new results. Alerts include web results, Google Groups results, news, and videos.
Google AssistantA virtual assistant.
GeminiA conversational generative artificial intelligence chatbot.
Google BooksA search engine for books.
Google Dataset SearchAllows searching for datasets in data repositories and local and national government websites.
Google FlightsA search engine for flight tickets.
Google ImagesA search engine for images online.
Google ShoppingA search engine to search for products across online shops.
Google TravelA trip planner service.
Google VideosA search engine for videos.
Groupings of articles, creative works, documents, or media
Chrome Music Lab A website for experimenting or creating music through interactive learning.
Google Arts & CultureAn online platform to view artworks and cultural artifacts.
Google BooksA website that lists published books and hosts a large, searchable selection of scanned books.
Google FinanceSearchable US business news, opinions, and financial data.
Google NewsAutomated news compilation service and search engine for news in more than 20 languages.
Google PatentsA search engine to search through millions of patents, each result with its own page, including drawings, claims, and citations.
Google ScholarA search engine for the full text of scholarly literature across an array of publishing formats and scholarly fields. Includes virtually all peer-reviewed journals.
YouTubeA video hosting website.
Advertising services
Google AdsAn online advertising platform.
AdMobA mobile advertising network.
Google AdSenseA contextual advertising program for web publishers that delivers text-based advertisements that are relevant to site content pages.
Google Ad ManagerAn advertisement exchange platform.
Google Marketing PlatformAn online advertising and analytics platform.
Google Tag ManagerA tag management system to manage JavaScript and HTML tags, including web beacons, for web tracking and analytics.
Local Service AdsAn online advertising platform for lead generations that provide local businesses with a Google guaranteed green check mark.
Communication and publishing tools
BloggerA weblog publishing tool.
FeedBurnerA tool in web feed management services, including feed traffic analysis and advertising facilities.
Google ChatAn instant messaging software with the capability of creating multi-user "rooms".
Google SavedA collections app.
Google ClassroomA content management system for schools that aids in the distribution and grading of assignments and provides in-class communication.
Google FontsA webfont hosting service.
Google GroupsAn online discussion service that also offers Usenet access.
Google MeetA video conferencing platform.
Google VoiceA VoIP system that provides a phone number that can be forwarded to actual phone lines.
Google SitesA webpage creation and publication tool.
Productivity tools
GmailAn email service.
Google AccountControls how a user appears and presents themselves on Google products.
Google CalendarAn online calendar with Gmail integration, calendar sharing, and a "quick add" function to create events using natural language.
Google ChartsAn interactive, web-based chart image generation from user-supplied JavaScript.
Google Docs EditorsA productivity office suite with document collaboration and publishing capabilities.
Google DriveA file hosting service with synchronisation option; tightly integrated with Google Docs Editors.
Google TranslateA service that allows carrying out machine translation of any text or web page between pairs of languages.
Google KeepA note-taking service.
Google DrawingsA diagramming software.
Google SlidesA presentation editing software.
Google SheetsA spreadsheet editing software.
Map-related products
Google MapsA mapping service that indexes streets and displays satellite and street-level imagery, providing directions and local business search.
Google My MapsA social custom map making tool based on Google Maps.
Google EarthA virtual 3D globe that uses satellite imagery, aerial photography, GIS from Google's repository.
Google Street ViewProvides interactive panoramas from positions along many streets in the world.
Google Santa TrackerSimulates tracking Santa Claus on Christmas Eve.
Google MoonNASA imagery of the moon through the Google Maps interface.
Google MarsImagery of Mars using the Google Maps interface.

Developer tools

More information Product, Description ...
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)An open-source project and service to accelerate content on mobile devices. Provides a JavaScript library for developers and restricts the use of third-party JS.[1][2][3]
Google App EngineWrite and run web applications.
Google DevelopersOpen source code and lists of API services. Provided project hosting for free and open source software until 2016.
Material Design A design language created in 2014, that focuses on creating user interfaces with a consistent visual language.
DartA structured web programming language.
FlutterA mobile cross-platform development tool for Android and iOS.
GoA compiled, concurrent programming language.
OpenSocialAPIs for building social applications on many websites.
Google PageSpeed ToolsOptimize webpage performance.
Google Web ToolkitAn open source Java software development framework that allows web developers to create Ajax applications in Java.
Google Search ConsoleA web service that helps website owners, webmasters, and SEO professionals monitor and maintain a site's presence in Google Search results.
GNMeta-build system generating Ninja build configurations. Replaced GYP in Chromium.[4]
GerritA code collaboration tool.
GoogletestTesting framework in C++.[5]
BazelA build system.
FlatBuffersA serialization library.
Protocol BuffersA serialization library similar to FlatBuffers.
ShadercTools and library for compiling HLSL or GLSL into SPIRV.
American fuzzy lopA security-oriented fuzzer.
Google GuavaCore libraries for Java.
Google Closure ToolsJavaScript tools.
Google CollaboratoryWrite Python code using a Jupyter notebook.
Security Tools
reCAPTCHAA user-dialogue system used to prevent bots from accessing websites.
Google Safe BrowsingA blacklist service for web resources that contain malware or phishing content.
TitanA security hardware chip.[6][7]
Titan Security KeyA U2F security token.[8]
Titan MUsed in Pixel smartphones starting with the Pixel 3.[9]
Titan M2Successor starting with the Pixel 6 based on RISC-V.[10]
Titan CUsed in Google-made Chromebooks such as the Pixel Slate.[11]

Operating systems

More information Product, Description ...
AndroidA Linux-based operating system for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, developed by Google and the Open Handset Alliance.
Wear OSA version of Android designed for smartwatches and other wearable items.
Android AutoA version of Android optimized for automobiles, offering enhanced connectivity and in-car experience.
Android TVA version of Android tailored for smart TVs, offering apps, games, and content streaming.
Google CastA version of Google Cast powering some Google Nest devices.
ChromeOSA Linux-based operating system designed for web applications and lightweight devices.[12]
ChromiumOSA free and open-source Linux-based operating system designed for web applications and browsing the World Wide Web.
Fitbit OSAn operating system developed for Fitbit devices.
FuchsiaAn operating system based on the Zircon kernel.

Desktop applications

More information Product, Description ...
AdWords EditorA desktop application to manage Google AdWords accounts; enables users to make campaign changes offline before synchronizing with the online service.
ChromiumFree and open-source web browser primarily developed and maintained by Google.
Drive File StreamFile synchronization software for the business edition of Google Drive.
Google ChromeA popular web browser developed by Google.
Google IMEAn input method editor allowing users to enter text in supported languages using a Roman keyboard.[13]
Google Japanese InputA Japanese input method editor.
Android StudioAn integrated development environment (IDE) designed for Android app development.
Google Web DesignerA WYSIWYG editor for creating rich HTML5 pages and ads optimized for various devices.
Backup and SyncClient software that synchronizes files between a user’s computer and Google Drive.
Tilt BrushA virtual reality painting application designed for the Vive and Oculus Rift.
Google Trends ScreensaverA screensaver for macOS displaying the latest Google Trends in a customizable, colorful grid.
Chrome Remote DesktopA desktop and browser application enabling users to remotely access another Windows, Mac, or Linux system.


More information Product, Description ...
Product Description
Jigsaw Google Jigsaw is a technology incubator that develops tools and strategies to address global security challenges, including combating online harassment, disinformation, and censorship, while promoting digital safety and open access to information.

Mobile applications


Product families


More information Product, Description ...
Nexus One3.7" phone running Android 2.3 "Gingerbread"
Nexus S4" phone running Android 4.1 "Jelly Bean"
Nest Learning Thermostat (first generation)Smart thermostat
Galaxy Nexus4.7" phone running Android 4.3 "Jelly Bean"
Nexus QMedia streaming entertainment device in the Google Nexus product family
Nexus 7 (2012)7" tablet running Android 5.1 "Lollipop"
Nexus 1010" tablet running Android 5.1 "Lollipop"
Nest Learning Thermostat (second generation)Smart thermostat
Nexus 44.7" phone running Android 5.1 "Lollipop"
Chromebook Pixel (2013)Laptop running ChromeOS
Nexus 7 (2013)7" tablet running Android 6.0 "Marshmallow"
Nexus 54.95" phone running Android 6.0 "Marshmallow"
Nest Protect (first generation)Smoke alarm
Nexus 65.96" phone running Android 7.1.1 "Nougat"[14]
Nexus 99" tablet running Android 7.1 "Nougat"
Nexus PlayerStreaming media player running Android 8.0 "Oreo"
Chromebook Pixel (2015)Laptop running ChromeOS
Nest Cam IndoorSecurity camera
Nest Protect (second generation)Smoke alarm
Nest Learning Thermostat (third generation)Smart thermostat
Nexus 5X5" phone running Android 8.1 "Oreo"
Nexus 6P5.7" phone running Android 8.1 "Oreo"
Pixel C10.2" convertible tablet running Android 8.1 "Oreo"
Nest Cam OutdoorSecurity camera
Pixel5" smartphone running Android 10
Pixel XL5.5" smartphone running Android 10
Daydream View (first generation)Virtual reality headset for smartphones
Google HomeSmart speaker
Google WifiWireless router
Nest Cam IQ IndoorSecurity camera
Nest Thermostat ESmart thermostat
Nest HelloSmart video doorbell
Nest Cam IQ OutdoorSecurity camera
Nest × YaleSmart lock
Pixel 25" smartphone running Android 11
Pixel 2 XL6" smartphone running Android 11
Daydream View (second generation)Virtual reality headset for smartphones
Home MiniSmart speaker
Home MaxSmart speaker
Pixel Buds (first generation)Wireless earbuds
PixelbookLaptop running ChromeOS
Pixel 35.5" smartphone running Android 11
Pixel 3 XL6.3" smartphone running Android 11
Pixel Slate2-in-1 PC running ChromeOS
Pixel StandWireless charger
Nest HubSmart display
Stadia ControllerGaming controller for Stadia
Pixel 3a5.6" smartphone running Android 11
Pixel 3a XL6" smartphone running Android 11
Nest Hub MaxSmart display
Pixel 45.7" smartphone running Android 11
Pixel 4 XL6.3" smartphone running Android 11
Pixelbook GoLaptop running ChromeOS
Nest MiniSmart speaker
Nest WifiWireless router
Pixel Buds (second generation)Wireless earbuds
Pixel 4a5.8" smartphone running Android 11
Pixel 4a (5G)6.2" smartphone running Android 11
Pixel 56" smartphone running Android 11
Nest AudioSmart speaker
Nest ThermostatSmart thermostat
Pixel Buds A-SeriesWireless earbuds
Pixel 5a6.3" smartphone running Android 11
Pixel 66.4" smartphone running Android 12
Pixel 6 Pro6.7" smartphone running Android 12
Pixel 6a6.1" smartphone running Android 12
Pixel 76.3" smartphone running Android 13
Pixel 7 Pro6.7" smartphone running Android 13
Pixel WatchSmartwatch
Pixel TabletTablet
Pixel 7a6.1" smartphone running Android 13
Pixel FoldFoldable smartphone
Pixel 86.2" smartphone running Android 14
Pixel 8 Pro6.7" smartphones running Android 14
Pixel Watch 2Smartwatch
Pixel 8a6.1" smartphone running Android 14
Pixel 96.3" smartphone running Android 14
Pixel 9 Pro6.3" smartphone running Android 14
Pixel 9 Pro XL6.8" smartphone running Android 14
Pixel 9 Pro FoldFoldable smartphone running Android 14
Pixel Watch 3Smartwatch
Pixel Buds Pro 2Wireless earbuds



More information Service, Description ...
Google Cloud PlatformA modular cloud-based service for software development.
Google Crisis ResponseA public project covering disasters, turmoils, and other emergencies with alerts.
Google Fi WirelessA MVNO offering simple plans and pricing.
Google Get Your Business OnlineAims to increase the web presence of small businesses and cities, offering advice on search engine optimization and maintaining updated business profiles.[15]
Google Public DNSA publicly accessible DNS server.
Google Person FinderAn open-source tool to help people reconnect with others after a disaster.
Google FirebaseA real-time database providing an API for developers to store and sync data across multiple clients.
Google CastA platform to display entertainment and apps from a phone, tablet, or laptop directly on a TV or speakers.[16]
Google PayA digital wallet platform and online payment system.
YouTube TVAn over-the-top internet television service offering live TV.

Scheduled to be discontinued

Applications that are no longer in development and scheduled to be discontinued in the future:


  • Google URL ShortenerURL shortening service. Started to turn down support on March 30, 2018, was discontinued on March 30, 2019, and will stop working on August 25, 2025.[17]
  • Firebase Dynamic Links – URL shortening service. Will shut down on August 25, 2025.[18]
  • Google Fit API – Will drop support on June 30, 2025.[19] The app's future remains uncertain as of February 2025.

Discontinued products and services


Google has retired many offerings, either because of obsolescence, integration into other Google products, or lack of interest.[20] Google's discontinued offerings are colloquially referred to as Google Graveyard.[21][22]


  • Jamboard – Discontinued on December 31.[23]
  • Stack – An app that allows users to scan and organize documents and receipts on their mobile devices. Shut down on September 23.[24]
  • Chromecast – Discontinued on August 6.[25] Replaced by Google TV Streamer.
  • VPN by Google One – Shut down on June 20, citing low usage.[26]
  • Google Pay (for US only) – Payment app developed by Google. Shut down on June 4 and replaced by Google Wallet.[27]
  • People Cards - New profiles can no longer be created after April 7 but gave users the option to download or save content until they were removed the following month. Google cited that the feature wasn't that useful as they intended it to be.[28]
  • Dropcam – Shut down on April 8.[29]
  • Nest Secure – Pulled from Google Store in October 2020. Shut down on April 8.[29]
  • Google Podcasts – Shut down on April 2 and replaced by YouTube Music.[30]
  • Keen – Shut down on March 24 and the website is no longer accessible.[31]
  • Google Search's Cache link – Discontinued in February consisting no longer necessary.[32]
  • Google Earth View – Website with a collection of satellite-captured wallpapers and Chromecast backgrounds. Shut down in mid-January.[33]
  • Basic HTML View on Gmail – Discontinued in January.[34]


  • Google Optimize - freemium web analytics and testing tool. Shut down on September 30.
  • Google Glass (Enterprise Edition) – wearable computer with an optical head-mounted display and camera that allows the wearer to interact with various applications and the Internet via natural language voice commands. Discontinued on September 15.[35]
  • Google Duo - Free high quality video calling service for mobiles and desktops
  • Google Domains - Shut down on September 7 after migrating to Squarespace.[36]
  • Google Pixel Pass – Discontinued on August 29.[37]
  • Google Cloud IoT Core Service – Shut down on August 16.[38]
  • Google Album Archive – Discontinued on July 19.[39]
  • Google Code Competitions – Discontinued on July 1.
  • Google Universal Analytics – Shut down on July 1 and replaced by Google Analytics 4.[40]
  • Conversational Actions – Extended the functionality of Google Assistant by allowing 3rd party developers to create custom experiences, or conversations, for users of Google Assistant. Shut down in June.
  • Grasshopper – Shut down on June 15.[41]
  • Google Now Launcher – Discontinued in May.[42]
  • Jacquard – Shut down in April 24.
  • Google Currents – internal enterprise communication tool, formerly Google+ for G Suite. Shut down on March, with users migrated to Spaces in Google Chat.[43]
  • Google Street View (standalone app) – Shut down on March 21.[44] The Street View Studio app and the ability to use Street View in the main Google Maps app rendered the Street View app redundant, however it is now required to purchase a 360 camera to contribute to Street View, as the app allowed you to create photospheres with any supported smartphone camera. The "Photo Paths" feature, which allowed any smartphone to create a 2D capture of any road not yet covered by Street View was completely removed, requiring users to either purchase a 360 camera or migrate to a third-party service such as Mapillary.[45]
  • Stadia – Shut down on January 18.[46][47]


  • YouTube Originals – discontinued on December 31.[48]
  • Google OnHub – stopped receiving support on December 19.[49]
  • Google Hangouts – discontinued on November 1, after migrating all users to Google Chat.[50][51][52]
  • Google Surveys – a survey app shut down in favor of Google Forms.
  • YouTube for Wii U – Shut down in October.[53]
  • YouTube Go – An app aimed at making YouTube easier to access on mobile devices in emerging markets through special features like downloading video on WiFi for viewing later. It was shut down in August.[54]
  • Google My Business – An app that allowed businesses to manage their Google Maps Business profiles. It was shut down in July.
  • Kormo Jobs – An app that allowed users in primarily India, Indonesia, and Bangladesh to help them find jobs nearby that match their skills and interests. It was shut down in July.
  • Android Auto for phone screens – An app that allowed the screen of the phone to be used as an Android Auto interface while driving, intended for vehicles that did not have a compatible screen built in. It was shut down in July.
  • Google Chrome Apps – Apps hosted or packaged web applications that ran on the Google Chrome browser. Support for Windows and other Operating systems dropped in June and shut down on ChromeOS in January 2025. For ChromeOS devices enrolled in the LTS channel, Chrome apps will be supported until October 2028. [55]
  • G Suite (Legacy Free Edition) – A free tier offering some of the services included in Google's productivity suite.[56]
  • Google Assistant Snapshot – The successor to Google Now that provided predictive cards with information and daily updates in the Google app for Android and iOS.
  • Cameos on Google – Cameos allows celebrities, models and public figure to record video-based Q&A. Shut down on February 16.[22]
  • Android Things – A part of Google Internet of Things (IoT). Shut down on January 5.[57]


  • AngularJS – Open source web application framework. Shut down on December 31.[58]
  • Google Clips – a miniature clip-on camera device. Pulled from Google Store on October 15, 2019.[59] Discontinued on December 31.[60]
  • Google Toolbar – web browser toolbar with features such as a Google Search box, pop-up blocker and ability for website owners to create buttons. Shut down on December 12.[61]
  • My Maps – an Android app that enabled users to create custom maps for personal use or sharing on their mobile device. Shut down on October 15[62] and users were asked to migrate to the mobile web version of the app.
  • Google Bookmarks – Online bookmarking service. Discontinued on September 30.[63]
  • Tour Builder – allowed users to create and share interactive tours inside Google Earth. Shut down in July, replaced by new creation tools in Google Earth.[64]
  • Poly – a service to browse, share and download 3D models.[65] Shut down on June 30.
  • Google Expeditionsvirtual reality (VR) platform designed for educational institutions. Discontinued on June 30. The majority of Expedition's tours were migrated to Google Arts & Culture.[66]
  • Tour Creator – allowed users to create immersive, 360° guided tours in the Expeditions app that could be viewed with VR devices. Shut down on June 30.[67][68]
  • Timely – an Android app that provided alarm, stopwatch and timer functions with synchronization across devices. Timely servers were shut down on May 31.[64]
  • Google Go Links – a URL shortening service that also supported custom domain for customers of Google Workspace. Discontinued on April 1.[64]
  • Google Public Alerts – an online notification service that sent safety alerts to various countries. Shut down on March 31 and functions moved to Google Search and Google Maps.[64]
  • Google Crisis Map – a service that visualized crisis and weather-related data. Shut down March 30. Improvements to Google Search and Maps rendered this service redundant.[69]
  • Google App Maker – allowed users to develop apps for businesses. Shut down on January 19[70] due to Google's acquisition of AppSheet.


  • Google Cloud Print – a cloud-based printing solution that has been in beta since 2010. Discontinued on December 31.[71][72]
  • Google Play Music – Google's music streaming service. Discontinued on December 3 and replaced by YouTube Music and Google Podcasts.[73][74]
  • Google Station – service that allowed users to Spread Wi-Fi hotspots. Shut down on September 30.[75]
  • Hire by Google – applicant tracking system and recruiting software. Shut down on September 1.[76][77]
  • Password Checkup – an extension that warned of breached third-party logins. Shut down in July after it had been integrated with Chrome.[78]
  • Google Photos Print – a subscription service that automatically selected the best ten photos from the last thirty days which were mailed to users' homes. Shut down in June.[79]
  • Shoelace – an app used to find group activities with others who share your interests. Shut down in May.[80]
  • Neighbourly – an experimental mobile app designed to help you learn about your neighborhood by asking other residents. Shut down on May 12.[81]
  • Fabric – modular SDK platform launched by Crashlytics in 2014. Google acquired Crashlytics in 2017 and announced plans to migrate all of its features to Firebase. It was shut down on May 4.[82]
  • Material Theme Editor – plugin for Sketch app which allowed you to create a material-based design system for your app. Discontinued in March.[83]
  • YouTube For Wii U Browser [84]
  • Fiber TV – an IPTV service bundled with Google Fiber. Discontinued on February 4.[85]
  • One Today – an app that allowed users to donate $1 to different organizations and discover how their donation would be used. Discontinued in January.[86]
  • Androidify – allowed users to create a custom Android avatar. Discontinued in January.[87]


  • YouTube Annotations – annotations that were displayed over videos on YouTube. On January 15, all existing annotations were removed from YouTube.[88]
  • Google Pinyin – Discontinued in March.
  • Mr. Jingles – Google's notifications widget. Discontinued on March 7.[89]
  • Google Tasks canvas: A full-screen interface of Google Tasks that was discontinued in April.[90][91]
  • Google Allo – Google's instant messaging app. Discontinued on March 12.[92]
  • Google Image Charts  a chart-making service that provided images of rendered chart data, accessed with REST calls. The service was deprecated in 2012, temporarily disabled in February 2019 and discontinued on March 18, 2019.[93][94]
  • Inbox by Gmail – an email application for Android, iOS, and web platform that organized and automated to-do lists using email content. As of April 2, accessing the Inbox subdomain redirects to Gmail proper.[95]
  • Google+ – The consumer edition of Google's social media platform. As of April 2, users receive a message stating that "Google+ is no longer available for consumer (personal) and brand accounts".[96][97]
  • Google Jump – cloud-based video stitching service. Discontinued June 28.[98]
  • Works with Nest  the smart home platform of Google brand Nest.[99] Users were asked to migrate to the Google Assistant platform.[100] Support ended on August 31.[101]
  • YouTube for Nintendo 3DS – official app for Nintendo 3DS. Discontinued on September 3.[102]
  • YouTube Messages – direct messages on YouTube – discontinued after September 18.[103]
  • YouTube Leanback – a web application for control with a remote, intended for use with smart TVs and other similar devices. Discontinued on October 2.[104]
  • Google Daydream View  Google's VR headset (first-gen in late 2016, second-gen in late 2017) was discontinued just after their "Made by Google" event in October The Google Daydream platform itself is being retired as well.[105]
  • Touring Bird – Travel website which facilitated booking tours, tickets and activities in top locations. The service was shut down on November 17.[106]
  • Google Bulletin – "Hyperlocal" news service which allowed users to post news from their neighborhood. It was shut down on November 22.[107]
  • Google Fusion Tables – A service for managing and visualizing data. The service was shut down on December 3.[108]
  • Google Translator Toolkit – An online computer-assisted translation tool designed to allow translators to edit the translations that are automatically generated by Google Translate. It was shut down on December 4, citing declining usage and the availability of other similar tools.[109]
  • Google Correlate – finds search patterns which correspond with real-world trends. It was shut down on December 15, as a result of low usage.[110]
  • Google Search Appliance – A rack mounted device used to index documents. Hardware sales ended in 2017 and initial shutdown occurred in 2018;[111] and was ultimately shut down on December 31, 2019.[112]
  • Google Native Client (NaCL/PNaCl) – sandboxing technology for running a subset of native code. It was discontinued on December 31.
  • Datally – Lets users save mobile data. Removed from Play Store in October.[113]
  • Build with Chrome – an initiative between Lego and Google to build the world using Lego.[114] It was discontinued in March.
  • Google Game Builder – A prototype program that could develop video games in real time and was released on Steam for Windows and MacOS.[115] It used card-based virtual programming and could import models from Google Poly.[116] The source code was released for free on GitHub.[117]


  • Blogger Web Comments (Firefox only) – displays related comments from other Blogger users.
  • City Tours – overlay to Maps that shows interesting tours within a city.
  • Dashboard Widgets for Mac (Mac OS X Dashboard Widgets) – suite of mini-applications including Gmail, Blogger and Search History.
  • Joga Bonito – soccer community site.
  • Local – Local listings service, merged with Google Maps.
  • MK-14 – 4U rack-mounted server for Google Radio Automation system. Google sold its Google Radio Automation business to WideOrbit Inc.[118]
  • Google Music Trends – music ranking of songs played with iTunes, Winamp, Windows Media Player and Yahoo Music. Trends were generated by Google Talk's "share your music status" feature.
  • Google Personalized Search – search results personalization, merged with Google Accounts and Web History.
  • Photos Screensaver – slideshow screensaver as part of Google Pack, which displays images sourced from a hard disk, or through RSS and Atom Web feeds.
  • Rebang (Google China) – search trend site, similar to Google Zeitgeist. As of 2010, part of Google Labs.[119]
  • Spreadsheets – spreadsheet management application, before it was integrated with Writely to form Google Docs & Spreadsheets.
  • University Search – search engine listing for university websites.
  • U.S. Government Search – search engine and personalized homepage that exclusively draws from sites with a .gov TLD. Discontinued June 2006.
  • Video Player – view videos from Google Video.
  • Voice Search – automated voice system for web search using the telephone. Became Google Voice Local Search and integrated on the Google Mobile web site.
  • Google X – redesigned Google search homepage. It appeared in Google Labs, but disappeared the following day for undisclosed reasons.[120]
  • Accessible Search – search engine for the visually impaired.
  • Quick Search Box – search box, based on Quicksilver, easing access to installed applications and online searches.
  • Visigami – image search application screen saver that searches files from Google Images, Picasa and Flickr.
  • Wireless accessVPN client for Google WiFi users, whose equipment does not support WPA or 802.1X protocols.
  • Google Play Newsstand – News publication and magazine store. Replaced by Google News on May 15, removed from Google Play on November 5, and magazines were no longer available on Google News since January 2020.
  • Google News & Weather – News publication app. Merged by Google News on May 15.
  • Google global market finder.
  • QPX Express API – flight search API.[121]
  • Google Contact Lens – was a smart contact lens project capable of monitoring the user's glucose level in tears. On November 16, Verily announced it has discontinued the project because of the lack of correlation between tear glucose and blood glucose.[122]


  • Google Gesture Search - Gesture search is a software that draws letters composed of the name of a program, contact or setting, it can find the latter
  • Google Nexus – Smartphone lineup, replaced by Google Pixel on October 4.
  • Trendalyzer – data trend viewing platform. Discontinued in September.[123]
  • Google Swiffy – convert Adobe Flash files (SWF) into HTML5. Discontinued on July 1.
  • Glass OS – an operating system for Google Glass. Discontinued on June 20.[124]
  • Google Spaces – group discussions and messaging. Discontinued on April 17.[125]
  • Google Map Maker – map editor with browser interface. Discontinued on April 1, replaced by Google Maps and Google Local Guides.
  • Google Hands Free – retail checkout without using your phone or watch. Pilot started in the Bay area March 2016, but discontinued on February 8.[126]
  • Google Maps Engine – develop geospatial applications. Discontinued on February 1.
  • Free Search – embed site/web search into a user's website. Replaced by Google Custom Search.[127]
  • Google Maps for PS Vita, version of Google maps for the PS Vita, discontinued in January 2015, "Sony pulls support for Vita's Maps, YouTube apps". Engadget. Retrieved July 4, 2024.
  • YouTube for PS Vita, discontinued in January 2015, "Sony pulls support for Vita's Maps, YouTube apps". Engadget. Retrieved July 4, 2024.


  • Google Code – Open source code hosting. Discontinued on January 25 and renamed to Google Developers.[128]
  • Picasa – photo organization and editing application. Closed March 15 and replaced by Google Photos.[129]
  • Google Compare – comparison-shopping site for auto insurance, credit cards and mortgages[130]
  • Google Showtimes – movie showtime search engine. Discontinued on November 1.[131]
  • MyTracks – GPS logging. Shut down April 30.[132]
  • Project Ara – an "initiative to build a phone with interchangeable modules for various components like cameras and batteries"[133] was suspended to "streamline the company's seemingly disorganized product lineup".[134] on September 2.
  • Panoramiogeolocation-oriented photo sharing website. Discontinued on November 4.[135] Google's Local Guides program as well as photo upload tools in Google Maps rendered Panoramio redundant.
  • Google Feed API – download public Atom or RSS feeds using JavaScript. Deactivated on December 15.[136]


  • Wildfire by Google – social media marketing software[137]
  • Google Earth Plugin – an application service used to customize Google Earth. Discontinued on December 15.
  • Google Flu Trends – a web service to help predict outbreaks of flu activity. Discontinued on August 9.[138]
  • Google Moderator – rank user-submitted questions, suggestions and ideas via crowdsourcing.[139] Discontinued on June 30.
  • Google Helpouts – Hangout-based live video chat with experts. Discontinued on April 20.[140]
  • Google Earth Enterprise – Google Earth for enterprise use. Discontinued on March 20.
  • BebaPay – prepaid ticket payment system. Discontinued on March 15.[141]
  • Google Glass (Consumer Edition) – wearable computer with an optical head-mounted display and camera that allows the wearer to interact with various applications and the Internet via natural language voice commands. Discontinued on January 19.[142]
  • Speak To Tweet – telephone service created in 2011 in collaboration with Twitter and SayNow allowing users to phone a specific number and leave a voicemail; a tweet was automatically posted on X. Discontinued sometime during 2015.[citation needed]


  • Freebase – an open, Creative Commons, attribution licensed collection of structured data, and a Freebase platform for accessing and manipulating that data via the Freebase API. Discontinued on December 16.
  • Google Questions and Answers – community-driven knowledge market website. Discontinued on December 1.[143][144]
  • Orkut – social networking website. Discontinued on September 30.
  • Google's "discussion search" option. Discontinued in July.[145]
  • Quickoffice – productivity suite for mobile devices. Discontinued in June, merged into Google Drive.
  • Google TV – smart TV platform based on Android. Discontinued and replaced by Android TV in June.
  • Google Offers – service offering discounts and coupons. Shut down on March 31.
  • Google Chrome Frame – plugin for Internet Explorer that allowed web pages to be viewed using WebKit and the V8 JavaScript engine. Discontinued on February 25.
  • Google Schemer – social search to find local activities. Discontinued on February 7.
  • YouTube My Speed. Discontinued in January, replaced by Google Video Quality Report.
  • Google Notifier – alerted users to new messages in their Gmail account. Discontinued on January 31.[146]


  • My Maps, GIS tools for Google Maps.
  • Google Currents – Magazine app. Merged into Google Play Newsstand on November 20.
  • Google Checkout – online payment processing service, aimed at simplifying the process of paying for online purchases. Discontinued on November 20, merged into Google Wallet.
  • iGoogle – customisable homepage, which can contain web feeds and Google Gadgets. Discontinued on November 1.[147]
  • Google Latitude – mobile geolocation tool that lets friends know where users are. Discontinued on August 9, with some functionality moved to Google+.[148]
  • Google Reader – web-based news aggregator, capable of reading Atom and RSS feeds. Discontinued on July 1.[149]
  • Meebo – A social networking website discontinued on June 6.
  • Google Building Maker – web-based building and editing tool to create 3D buildings for Google Earth. Discontinued on June 4.
  • Google Talk – instant messaging service that provided both text and voice communication. Replaced May 15 by Google Hangouts. The service was discontinued by 2017 on all platforms.
  • SMS Search – mobile phone short message service. Discontinued on May 10.[150]
  • Google Cloud ConnectMicrosoft Office plugin for automatically backing up Office documents upon saving onto Google Docs. Discontinued on April 30, in favor of Google Drive.[149]
  • Picnik – online photo editor. Discontinued on April 19,[151] and moved to Google+ photo manager.
  • Google Calendar Sync – sync Microsoft Outlook email and calendar with Gmail and Google Calendar. Synchronization for existing installations stopped on August 1. Replaced with Google Sync, which does not synchronize Outlook calendars, but can sync email using IMAP or POP3. Also, Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government customers can use Google Apps Sync for Microsoft Outlook.[152]


  • Picasa Web Albums Uploader – upload images to the "Picasa Web Albums" service. It consisted of an iPhoto plug-in and a stand-alone application.[153]
  • Google Chart API – interactive Web-based chart image generator, deprecated in 2012 with service commitment to 2015 and turned off in 2019. Google promotes JavaScript-based Google Charts as a replacement, which is not backwards-compatible with the Google Chart API's HTTP methods.
  • Google Apps Standard Edition – Discontinued on December 6.[154]
  • Nexus Qdigital media player. Discontinued in November.
  • Google Refine – data cleansing and processing. It was spun off from Google on October 2, becoming open source; it is now OpenRefine.
  • TV Ads – Method to place advertising on TV networks. Discontinued on August 30,[155] with all remaining active campaigns ending December 16.[156]
  • Knol – write authoritative articles related to various topics. Discontinued October 1.[157]
  • Yinyue (Music) (Google China) – site linking to a large archive of Chinese pop-music (principally Cantopop and Mandopop), including audio streaming over Google's own player, legal lyric downloads, and in most cases legal MP3 downloads. The archive was provided by (i.e., this service does not search the whole Internet) and was available in mainland China only. Discontinued in September, users were given the option to download playlists until October 19.[158]
  • Google Insights for Search – insights into Google search term usage. Discontinued September 27, merged in Google Trends.
  • Listen – subscribe to and stream podcasts and Web audio. Discontinued in August.[159]
  • BumpTop – physics-based desktop application. Discontinued in August.[160]
  • Google Video – a free video hosting service. Shut down and migrated to YouTube (which Google acquired in 2006) on August 20.[161]
  • Google Notebook – online note-taking and web-clipping application.[162] Discontinued in July.
  • Google Website Optimizer – testing and optimization tool. Discontinued on August 1.[163]
  • Google Mini – reduced capacity, lower-cost version of the Google Search Appliance. Discontinued on July 31.[164]
  • Google Wave – online communication and collaborative real-time editor tool that bridge email and chat. Support ended on April 30.[157]
  • – Discontinued on March 6.[165]
  • Google Friend Connect – add social features to websites. Discontinued on March 1, replaced by Google+'s pages and off-site Page badges.[157]
  • Jaikusocial networking, microblogging and lifestreaming service comparable to Twitter. Shut down January 15.
  • Google Code Search – software search engine. Discontinued on January 15.[166]
  • Google Health – store, manage, and share personal health information in one place. Development ceased June 24, 2011; accessible until January 1, 2012; data available for download until January 1, 2013.


  • Google Buzz – social networking service integrated with Gmail allowing users to share content immediately and make conversations. Discontinued in December and replaced by Google+.[167]
  • Google Sidewiki – browser sidebar and service that allowed contributing and reading helpful information alongside any web page. Discontinued in December.
  • Gears – web browser features, enabling some new web applications. Removed from all platforms by November.
  • Squared – creates tables of information about a subject from unstructured data. Discontinued in September.
  • Aardvark – social search utility that allowed people to ask and answer questions within their social networks. It used people's claimed expertise to match 'askers' with good 'answerers'. Discontinued on September 30.
  • Google PowerMeter – view building energy consumption. Discontinued on September 16.
  • Desktopdesktop search application that indexed emails, documents, music, photos, chats, Web history and other files. Discontinued on September 14.
  • Google Fast Flip – online news aggregator. Discontinued September 6.
  • Google Pack – application suite. Discontinued on September 2.
  • Google Directory – collection of links arranged into hierarchical subcategories. The links and their categorization were from the Open Directory Project, sorted using PageRank. Discontinued on July 20.
  • Google Blog Searchweblog search engine. Discontinued in July.
  • Google Labs – test and demonstrate new Google products. Discontinued in July.
  • Image Swirl – an enhancement for an image-search tool in Google Labs. It was built on top of image search by grouping images with similar visual and semantic qualities. Shut down in July due to discontinuation of Google Labs.
  • Google Sets – generates a list of items when users enter a few examples. For example, entering "Green, Purple, Red" emits the list "Green, Purple, Red, Blue, Black, White, Brown". Discontinued mid-year.[168]
  • Directory – navigation directory, specifically for Chinese users.[169]
  • Hotpot – local recommendation engine that allowed people to rate restaurants, hotels etc. and share them with friends. Moved to Google Places service in April.[170]
  • Real Estate – place real estate listings in Google Maps. Discontinued February 10.[171]



  • Audio Ads – radio advertising program for US businesses. Discontinued on February 12.
  • Catalogs – search engine for over 6,600 print catalogs, acquired through optical character recognition. Discontinued in January.
  • Dodgeballsocial networking service. Users could text their location to the service, which would then notify them of nearby people or events of interest. Replaced by Google Latitude.
  • Google Mashup Editor – web mashup creation with publishing, syntax highlighting, debugging. Discontinued in July; migrated to Google App Engine.
  • Google Ride Finder – taxi and shuttle search service, using real time position of vehicles in 14 U.S. cities. Used the Google Maps interface and cooperated with any car service that wished to participate. Discontinued in October.
  • Shared Stuff – web page sharing system, incorporating a bookmarklet to share pages, and a page to view the most popular shared items. Pages could be shared through third-party applications such as Delicious or Facebook. Discontinued on March 30.


  • Google Lively – 3D animated chat. Discontinued December 31.[172]
  • SearchMash – search engine to "test innovative user interfaces". Discontinued on November 24.[173]
  • Google Page Creator – webpage publishing program that could be used to create pages and to host them on Google servers. Discontinued on September 9, with all existing content gradually transferring to Google Sites through 2009.
  • Send to Phone – send links and other information from Firefox to their phone by text message. Discontinued on August 28, replaced by Google Chrome to Phone.[111]
  • Google Browser Sync (Mozilla Firefox) – allowed Firefox users to synchronize settings across multiple computers. Discontinued in June.
  • Hello – send images across the Internet and publish them to blogs. Discontinued on May 15.[174]
  • Web Accelerator – increased load speed of web pages. No longer available for, or supported by, Google as of January 20.


  • Google Video Player – a video player that played back files in Google's own .gvi format and supported playlists in .gvp format. Shut down on August 17, 2007, due to Google's acquisition of YouTube.
  • Google Video Marketplace – discontinued on August 15.[175]
  • Google Click-to-Call – allowed a user to speak directly over the phone without charge to businesses found on Google search results pages. Discontinued on July 20.
  • Related Links – links to information related to a website's content. Discontinued on April 30.
  • Public Service Search – non-commercial organization service, which included Google Site Search, traffic reports and unlimited search queries. Discontinued on February 13, replaced by Google Custom Search.


  • Google Answers – online knowledge market that allowed users to post bounties for well-researched answers to their queries. Discontinued on November 28; still accessible (read-only).
  • Writely – web-based word processor. On October 10, Writely was merged into Google Docs & Spreadsheets.
  • Google Deskbar – desktop bar with a built-in mini browser. Replaced by a similar feature in Google Desktop. Discontinued May 8.

See also


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