The Fourteen Infallibles

Muhammad, Fatima, and the Twelve Imams in Twelver Shia Islam From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Fourteen Infallibles

The Fourteen Infallibles (Arabic: ٱلْمَعْصُومُون ٱلْأَرْبَعَة عَشَر, al-Maʿṣūmūn al-ʾArbaʿah ʿAšar; Persian: چهارده معصومین, Čahârdah Ma'sūmīn) in Twelver Shia Islam are the Islamic prophet Muhammad, his daughter Fatima, and the Twelve Imams. All are considered to be infallible under the theological concept of Ismah.[1][2] Accordingly, they have the power to commit sin but by their nature are able to avoid doing so, which is regarded as a miraculous gift from God.[3] The Infallibles are believed to follow only God's desire in their actions because of their supreme righteousness, consciousness, and love for God.[4] They are also regarded as being immune to error in practical matters, in calling people to religion, and in the perception of divine knowledge.[5] Some Twelver Shia believe the Fourteen Infallibles are superior to the rest of creation and to the other major prophets.[6]

Arabic calligraphic art, showing stylized names of the 14 Infallibles, arranged in a symbol
Stylized rendition of the names of the 14 infallibles

Family tree

Ali Zayn al-Abideen
(عَلِيّ زَيْن ٱلْعَابِدِين)
Muhammad al-Baqir
(مُحَمَّد ٱلْبَاقِر)
Ja'far al-Sadiq
(جَعْفَر ٱلصَّادِق)
Musa al-Kazim
(مُوسَىٰ ٱلْكَاظِم)
Ali al-Rida
(عَلِيّ ٱلرِّضَا)
Muhammad al-Jawad
(مُحَمَّد ٱلْجَوَّاد)
Ali al-Hadi
(عَلِيّ ٱلْهَادِي)
Hasan al-Askari
(ٱلْحَسَن ٱلْعَسْكَرِيّ)
Hujjat Allah al-Mahdi
(حُجَّة ٱللَّٰه ٱلْمَهْدِيّ)

List of the Infallibles

More information NameKunya, Title Arabic ...
Date of birth and death Importance Cause and place of death
Place of burial[b]
Muhammad ibn Abdullah
مُحَمَّد ٱبْن عَبْد ٱللَّٰه صَلَّىٰ ٱللَّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَآلِهِ

Abu al-Qasim[7]
أَبُو ٱلْقَاسِم
  • Rasūl Allāh
    (رَسُول ٱللَّٰه)
    (Messenger of God)[7]
  • Khātam al-ʾAnbiyāʾ
    (خَاتَم ٱلْأَنْبِیَاء)
    (Seal of the Prophets)[8]
  • al-Muṣṭafā
    (The Chosen)

Makkah, Hijaz[7]
Considered by Muslims to be the last prophet sent by God to mankind. According to Muslims, God revealed to him the Quran, which is God's word.[7] Fell ill and died in Madinah.[7] According to some Shi'as and fewer Sunnis, he was fatally poisoned instead, with the exact circumstances being disputed between them.

Buried in Madinah, Hijaz.[7]

Fatimah bint Muhammad
فَاطِمَة ٱبْنَت مُحَمَّد عَلَيْهَا ٱلسَّلَام
ʾUmm ʾAbīhā[11]
أُمّ أَبِیهَا
  • az-Zahrāʾ
    (The Luminous)[12]
  • Sayyidat Nisā Ahl Al Jannahʾ
    (سَیِّدَة نساء اهل الجنة)
    (The Chief of the Women of Heaven)[13]
  • al-Batūl
    (The Chaste)[14]
  • aṭ-Ṭāhirah
    (The Pure)[15]
  • aṣ-Ṣiddīqah
    (The Honest)[16]

Makkah, Hijaz[19]
Her father Muhammad called her "a part of me".[12] She is also regarded as "the mother of the Imams".[20][21] According to most Shias, Fatimah suffered a fatal injury while defending Ali against the first Sunni caliph.[22]

The exact location of her grave is unknown but is believed to be in Madinah.[13]

Ali ibn Abi Talib
عَلِيّ ٱبْن أَبِي طَالِب عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَام
Abu al-Hasan[23]
أَبُو ٱلْحَسَن
  • ʾAmīr al-Muʾminīn
    (أَمِير ٱلْمُؤْمِنِين)
    (Commander of the Faithful)[24]
  • al-Murtaḍā
    (The Beloved)
  • al-Waṣīy
    (The Successor)
  • al-Walīy
    (The Wali)
  • 600 – 661[24]
  • 22 or 16 BH – 40 AH [25]

Makkah, Hijaz[24]
For all Shia, the son-in-law of Muhammad is the first Shia Imam[26] and the rightful successor to Muhammad.[27] For Sunnis, he is the fourth successor.[18] He holds an important position in almost all Sufi orders, which trace their lineage to Muhammad through him.[24] Assassinated in Kufa, Iraq, by Abd-al-Rahman ibn Muljam, a Kharijite who slashed his head with a poisoned sword while he was praying.[24]
Buried in Najaf, Iraq.[18]
Hasan ibn Ali
ٱلْحَسَن ٱبْن عَلِيّ عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَام
Abu Muhammad[23]
أَبُو مُحَمَّد
  • al-Mujtabā
    (The Chosen)[28]
  • Sibṭ an-Nabīy
    (سِبْط ٱلنَّبِيّ)
    (Grandson of the Prophet)

Madinah, Hijaz[29]
The eldest surviving grandson of Muhammad, through his mother, Fatimah, Hasan succeeded his father Ali as the caliph in Kufa; but after a seven-month reign he relinquished control of Iraq following a peace treaty with Muawiya I.[29] He was poisoned fatally by his wife in Madinah by order of Caliph Muawiya.[30]
Buried in Jannat al-Baqi, Madinah.[29]
Husayn ibn Ali
ٱلْحُسَيْن ٱبْن عَلِيّ عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَام
Abu Abdillah[31]
أَبُو عَبْد ٱللَّٰه
  • Sayyid ash-Shuhadāʾ
    (سَيِّد ٱلشُّهَدَاء)
    (Master of the Martyrs)[32]
  • al-Maẓlūm
    (The Tyrannized)
  • Sibṭ an-Nabīy
    (سِبْط ٱلنَّبِيّ)
    (Grandson of the Prophet)

Madinah, Hijaz[34]
Grandson of Muhammad and younger brother of Hasan, Husayn rejected the legitimacy of Caliph Yazid I, the son of Muawiyah. As a result, he and his family were killed in the Battle of Karbala by Yazid's forces.[18] Ever since the battle, the commemoration of Husayn ibn Ali's martyrdom has been at the core of Shia rituals and identity.[34] Killed and beheaded at the Battle of Karbala.[34]
Buried at the Imam Husayn Shrine, Karbala, Iraq.[34]
Ali ibn Husayn
عَلِيّ ٱبْن ٱلْحُسَيْن ٱلسَّجَّاد عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَام
Abu Muhammad[35]
أَبُو مُحَمَّد
  • as-Sajjād
    (The Consistently Prostrating)[36]
  • Zayn al-ʿĀbidīn
    (زَيْن ٱلْعَابِدِين)
    (Ornament of the Worshippers)[37][38]

Madinah, Hijaz[38]
The author of the prayers in Al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya,[36] ("The Scripture of Al-Sajjad", "The Psalm of the Household of the Prophet").[39] He was fatally poisoned by order of Caliph al-Walid I in Madinah.[39]
Buried in Jannat al-Baqi, Madinah.[36]
Muhammad ibn Ali
مُحَمَّد ٱبْن عَلِيّ ٱلْبَاقِر عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَام
Abu Ja'far[31][40]
أَبُو جَعْفَر
  • Bāqir al-ʿUlūm
    (بَاقِر ٱلْعُلُوم)
    (The Opener of Knowledge)[41][40]

Madinah, Hijaz[40]
Sunni and Shia sources consider Al-Baqir an early and pre-eminent legal scholar who was revered for having educated many students.[36][40] He was fatally poisoned by Ibrahim ibn Walid ibn 'Abdallah in Madinah by order of Caliph Hisham ibn Abd al-Malik.
Buried in Jannat al-Baqi, Madinah[36]
Ja'far ibn Muhammad
جَعْفَر ٱبْن مُحَمَّد ٱلصَّادِق عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَام
Abu Abdillah[42][36]
أَبُو عَبْد ٱللَّٰه
  • aṣ-Ṣādiq
    (The Honest)[43][44]

Madinah, Hijaz[45]
As-Sadiq established the Ja'fari school of jurisprudence and developed the theology of the Twelvers.[36] He taught many scholars in different fields, including Abu Hanifah[36] and Malik ibn Anas in fiqh, Wasil ibn Ata and Hisham ibn Hakam in Islamic theology, and Geber in science and alchemy.[45] He was fatally poisoned in Madinah by order of Caliph Al-Mansur.[45]
Buried in Jannat al-Baqi, Madinah[36]
Musa ibn Ja'far
مُوسَىٰ ٱبْن جَعْفَر ٱلْكَاظِم عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَام
Abu al-Hasan I[46][47]
أَبُو ٱلْحَسَن ٱلْأَوَّل
  • al-Kāẓim
    (The Confined)[48]

Madinah, Hijaz[48]
Al-Kazim was leader of the Shia community during the schism between the Ismaili and other branches of Islam after the death of the previous Imam Jafar al-Sadiq.[49] He established a network of agents who collected the khums in the Shia community of the Middle East and the Greater Khorasan. He holds a high position in the Mahdavia, the members of which trace their lineage to Muhammad through him.[50] He was imprisoned and fatally poisoned in Baghdad, Iraq, by order of Caliph Harun al-Rashid.[51]
Buried in the Kazimayn shrine, Baghdad, Iraq[36][48]
Ali ibn Musa
عَلِيّ ٱبْن مُوسَىٰ ٱلرِّضَا عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَام
Abu al-Hasan II[47]
أَبُو ٱلْحَسَن ٱلثَّانِي
  • ar-Riḍā
    (The Pleasing)[48][52]

Made crown prince by Caliph Al-Ma'mun, Ar-Rida was known for his discussions and debates with both Muslim and non-Muslim religious scholars.[54] He was fatally poisoned in Mashad, Iran, by order of Caliph Al-Ma'mun.[54]
Buried in the Imam Reza shrine, Mashad, Iran[54]
Muhammad ibn Ali
مُحَمَّد ٱبْن عَلِيّ ٱلْجَوَّاد عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَام
Abu Ja'far[31]
أَبُو جَعْفَر
  • al-Jawwād
    (The Generous)[55][56]
  • at-Taqīy
    (The God-Fearing)[54][56]

Al-Jawad was known for his generosity and piety in the face of persecution by the Abbasid caliphate.[57] He was fatally poisoned by his wife, the daughter of Caliph Al-Ma'mun, in Baghdad, Iraq, by order of Caliph Al-Mu'tasim.[56]
Buried in the Kazmain shrine, Baghdad, Iraq.[54]
Ali ibn Muhammad
عَلِيّ ٱبْن مُحَمَّد ٱلْهَادِي عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَام
Abu al-Hasan III[58]
أَبُو ٱلْحَسَن ٱلثَّالِث
  • al-Hādī
    (The Guide)[59][60]
  • an-Naqīy
    (The Pure)[54][60]

Surayya, a village near Madinah, Hijaz[60]
Al-Naqi taught religious sciences until 243/857.[54] He strengthened the network of deputies in the Shia community. He sent them instructions and in turn received financial contributions from the faithful, from the khums and religious vows.[60] He was fatally poisoned in Samarra, Iraq, by order of caliph Al-Mu'tazz.[56]
Buried in the Al Askari Mosque, Samarra, Iraq.[54]
Hasan ibn Ali
ٱلْحَسَن ٱبْن عَلِيّ ٱلْعَسْكَرِيّ عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَام
Abu al-Mahdi[61]
أَبُو ٱلْمَهْدِيّ
  • al-ʿAskarīy
    (The Garrison Town One)[62][63]

Like his father, Al-Askari was placed under house arrest, which would last most of his life, by the Abbasid Caliph Al-Mu'tamid, .[64] During this time, repression of the Shia communities was great because of their growing size and power.[65] He was fatally poisoned by order of Caliph Al-Mu'tamid in Samarra, Iraq.[66]
Buried in the Al Askari Mosque, Samarra, Iraq.[54]
Mohammad ibn al-Hasan
حُجَّة ٱللَّٰه ٱبْن ٱلْحَسَن ٱلْمَهْدِيّ عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَام
Abu al-Qasim[32]
أَبُو ٱلْقَاسِم
  • al-Mahdīy
    (The Guided)[67][68]
  • al-Qāʾim
    (The Riser)[32]
  • al-Ghāʾib
    (The Hidden)[69][70]
  • Sāhib az-Zamān
    (صَاحِب ٱلزَّمَان)
    (The Authority of the Era)[61]
  • Baqīyat Allah
    (بَقِيَّة ٱللَّٰه)
    (Remainder of Allah's)
  • al-Ḥujjah ʾĀl Muḥammad
    (ٱلْحُجَّة آل مُحَمَّد)
    (The Proof of the House of Muhammad)[71]

Samarra, Iraq[73]
According to Twelver Shia doctrine, he is the current Imam and the promised Mahdi, a messianic figure who will return with the prophet Isa (Jesus). He will reestablish the rightful governance of Islam and establish justice and peace in the earth.[74] According to Twelver Shia doctrine, he has been living in the Occultation since 872, and will continue as long as God wills.[72]

See also


  1. The abbreviation CE refers to the Common Era solar calendar, while AH refers to the Islamic Hijri lunar calendar
  2. Except the Twelfth Imam



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