Significant New Alternatives Policy

EPA program covering regulated chemicals From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Significant New Alternatives Policy (also known as Section 612 of the Clean Air Act or SNAP, promulgated at 40 CFR part 82 Subpart G) is a program of the EPA to determine acceptable chemical substitutes, and establish which are prohibited or regulated by the EPA.[1] It also establishes a program by which new alternatives may be accepted, and promulgates timelines to the industry regarding phase-outs of substitutes.


Originally, Section 612 was limited by ozone-depleting chemicals. However, after passing regulations to phase-out R134a, an HFC refrigerant with no ozone-depleting potential, this phase-out was defended by a subsidiary of DuPont siding with the EPA as it was challenged by a major manufacturer of R134a, and was struck down in 2017. This decision was upheld in 2018.[2][3] In 2021, a new law was passed as part of the appropriations bill extending the EPA's scope to substances with high GWP as well.[4]

The EPA looks at available chemical substitutes in the following industrial sectors:

  • Adhesives, Coatings, and Inks
  • Aerosols
  • Cleaning Solvents
  • Fire Suppression and Explosion Protection
  • Foam Blowing Agents
  • Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
  • Sterilants
  • Tobacco Expansion

Evaluations are ongoing as technological understanding improves, and can only prohibit substance where the EPA has determined other available substitutes that pose less overall risk to human health and the environment.[5]

Submittal process

In order to submit new proposed chemicals, along with general contact and marketing information, for a complete submittal, the EPA requires reports on:

  • Impurities
  • Byproducts
  • Degradation Products
  • Test Marketing
  • Physical Properties including:
    • molecular weight
    • physical state
    • melting point
    • boiling point
    • specific gravity
    • If a blend
      • bubble point
      • dew point
    • If flammable
      • lower flammability limit
      • upper flammability limit
      • flash point
  • Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP)
  • Global Warming Potential (GWP)
  • VOC content
  • Proposed cost
  • Toxicity Limits
    • Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs)
    • Short-Term Exposure Limits (STELs)
    • Threshold Limit Values (TLVs)
    • Recommended Exposure Limits (RELs)
    • Workplace Environmental Exposure Limits (WEELs)
    • acceptable exposure limits (AELs)
    • Toxicological studies
  • SDS
  • Environmental/Health and Safety Law Review
  • Industry/Application-specific Use Profile




One important, changing aspect of SNAP is its effect on the HVAC industry. Particularly because it decides which refrigerants may be legally used, it coordinates refrigerant phaseouts in the U.S., and which are prohibited against venting in concordance with Section 608. The following is a list of accepted refrigerants, or phase-out periods according to the EPA.

More information MVAC Passenger Air Conditioning in Vehicles, MVAC Passenger Air Conditioning in Buses and Trains ...
MVAC Passenger Air Conditioning in Vehicles[7]MVAC Passenger Air Conditioning in Buses and Trains[8]Centrifugal Chillers[9]Positive Displacement Chillers[10]Industrial Process Refrigeration[11]Cold Storage Warehouse[12]Commercial Ice Machines[13]Household Refrigerators and Freezers[14]Ice Skating Rinks[15]Industrial Process Air Conditioning[16]Residential and Light Commercial Air Conditioning and Heat Pumps[17]Residential Dehumidifiers[18]Refrigerated Transport[19]Stand Alone Equipment[20]Refrigerated Food Processing and Dispensing Equipment[21]Remote Condensing Units[22]Typical Supermarket Systems[23]Vending machines[24]Very Low Temperature Refrigeration[25]Water Coolers[26]
Ammonia / Water Absorption Acceptable
Ammonia Absorption AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
Ammonia Vapor Compression AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
Ammonia Vapor Compression with Secondary Loop AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
Chlorine Acceptable
Cryogenic Transport Refrigeration System Acceptable
Desiccant Cooling AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
Direct Nitrogen Expansion AcceptableAcceptable
Evaporative Cooling AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
FOR12A Unacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.Unacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment, as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptableUnacceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2019.Acceptable
FOR12B Unacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.Unacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment, as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptableUnacceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2019Acceptable
Freeze 12 Unacceptable as of MY 2017.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
G2018C AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
GHG-HP Unacceptable as of MY 2017.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
GHG-X5 Unacceptable as of MY 2017.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
HC Blend A Acceptable
HC Blend B Acceptable
HCFC-123 AcceptableAcceptable
HCFC-124 AcceptableAcceptable
HCFC-22 AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
HCFC-22/HCFC-142b AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
HCFO-1233zd(E) AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
HFC-134a Unacceptable as of Model Year (MY) 2021, except where allowed under a narrowed use limit through MY 2025. Unacceptable for all newly manufactured vehicles as of MY 2026.AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit for military marine vessels and human-rated spacecraft and related support equipment, as of January 1, 2024.Unacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit for military marine vessels and human-rated spacecraft and related support equipment, as of January 1, 2024.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment, as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptable, Applicable to new uses below 125 degrees F ambientAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableUnacceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2019.Acceptable
HFC-134a/HBr (92/8) AcceptableAcceptable: Only acceptable for use as the primary heat transfer fluid in secondary-loop equipment for not-in-kind replacements.AcceptableAcceptable: Only acceptable for use as the primary heat transfer fluid in secondary-loop equipment for not-in-kind replacements.Acceptable: Only acceptable for use as the primary heat transfer fluid in secondary-loop equipment for not-in-kind replacements.Acceptable: Only acceptable for use as the primary heat transfer fluid in secondary-loop equipment for not-in-kind replacements.Acceptable: Only acceptable for use as the primary heat transfer fluid in secondary-loop equipment for not-in-kind replacements.
HFC-152a Acceptable with Use ConditionsAcceptable
HFC-227ea Unacceptable, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.Unacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.Acceptable with Use Conditions: When manufactured using any process that does not convert perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) directly to HFC-236fa in a single step.Unacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2023.UnacceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2021.Unacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2017Unacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2017
HFC-23 AcceptableAcceptable
HFC-32 Acceptable with Use Conditions
HFC-236fa Unacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.Acceptable
HFC-245fa Unacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
HFE-347mcc3 (heptafluoropropyl methyl ether) AcceptableAcceptable
HFE-449s1 (methoxynonafluorobutane, iso and normal) Acceptable: Only acceptable for use as a secondary heat transfer fluid in not-in-kind systems.Acceptable: Only acceptable for use as a secondary heat transfer fluid in not-in-kind systems.Acceptable: Only acceptable for use as a secondary heat transfer fluid in not-in-kind systems.Acceptable: Only acceptable for use as a secondary heat transfer fluid in not-in-kind systems.Acceptable: Only acceptable for use as the primary heat transfer fluid in secondary-loop equipment for not-in-kind replacements.Acceptable: Only acceptable for use as a secondary heat transfer fluid in not-in-kind systems.
HFE-569sf2 (ethoxynonafluorobutane, iso and normal) Acceptable: Only acceptable for use as a secondary heat transfer fluid in not-in-kind systems.Acceptable: Only acceptable for use as a secondary heat transfer fluid in not-in-kind systems.Acceptable: Only acceptable for use as a secondary heat transfer fluid in not-in-kind systems.Acceptable: Only acceptable for use as the primary heat transfer fluid in secondary-loop equipment for not-in-kind replacements.Acceptable: Only acceptable for use as a secondary heat transfer fluid in not-in-kind systems.
HFO-1234ze AcceptableAcceptable
HFO-1336mzz(Z) ((Z)-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluorobut-2-ene) AcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
HFO-1336mzz(Z)/dichloroethylene blend (R-514A) AcceptableAcceptable
Ikon A Acceptable with Use ConditionsAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
Ikon B AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
ISCEON 89 Acceptable
NARM-502 AcceptableAcceptable
Pressure stepdown Acceptable
R-1224yd(Z) AcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
R-125/R-134a/R-600a (28.1/70.0/1.9) AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.Unacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
R-125/R-290/R-134a/R-600a (55.0/1.0/42.5/1.5) Unacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.Unacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2023.AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment, as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableUnacceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2019Acceptable
R-170 (Ethane) Acceptable with Use Conditions
R-1270 (Propylene) Unacceptable as of January 3, 2017.Unacceptable as of January 3, 2017.AcceptableUnacceptable, as of January 3, 2017.Unacceptable, as of January 3, 2017.
R-290 (Propane) AcceptableAcceptable with Use ConditionsAcceptable with Use ConditionsAcceptable with Use Conditions: For use in self-contained room air conditioningee rule for detailed conditionsAcceptable with Use ConditionsAcceptable with Use ConditionsAcceptable with Use ConditionsAcceptable with Use Conditions
R-401A AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
R-401B AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
R-402A AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
R-402B AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
R-403B AcceptableAcceptable
R-404A Unacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit for human-rated spacecraft and related support equipment, as of January 1, 2024.Unacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit for human-rated spacecraft and related support equipment, as of January 1, 2024.AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2023.AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment, as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableUnacceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2021.Unacceptable in retrofit equipment as of July 20, 2016.Unacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2018Unacceptable in retrofit equipment as of July 20, 2016. Unacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2017.Unacceptable in retrofit equipment as of July 20, 2016.Unacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2019.AcceptableAcceptable
R-406A Unacceptable as of MY 2017AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
R-407A AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2023.AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment, as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableUnacceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptable
R-407B AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2023.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableUnacceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2021.Unacceptable in retrofit equipment as of July 20, 2016.Unacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2018Unacceptable in retrofit equipment as of July 20, 2016. Unacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2017.
R-407C AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.Unacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableUnacceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2019.AcceptableAcceptable
R-407D Acceptable
R-407F AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment, as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableUnacceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptable
R-407H Acceptable: For use in refrigerated trucks and trailers onlyAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
R-408A AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
R-409A AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
R-410A AcceptableUnacceptable, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.Unacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2023.AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment, as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableUnacceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2019AcceptableAcceptable
R-410B Unacceptable, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.Unacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2023.AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment, as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableUnacceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2019AcceptableAcceptable
R-411A AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
R-411B AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
R-414A Unacceptable as of MY 2017.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
R-414B Unacceptable as of MY 2017.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
R-416A Unacceptable as of MY 2017.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
R-417A AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.Unacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2023.AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment, as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableUnacceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2019Acceptable
R-417C AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
R-420A AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
R-421A Unacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.Unacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2023.AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment, as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableUnacceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2019Acceptable
R-421B AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2023.AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment, as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableUnacceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2021.Unacceptable in retrofit equipment as of July 20, 2016.Unacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2018Unacceptable in retrofit equipment as of July 20, 2016. Unacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2017.Acceptable
R-422A AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2023.AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment, as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptableUnacceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2021.Unacceptable in retrofit equipment as of July 20, 2016.Unacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2018Unacceptable in retrofit equipment as of July 20, 2016. Unacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2017.
R-422B AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.Unacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2023.AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment, as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableUnacceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
R-422C Unacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.Unacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2023.AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment, as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableUnacceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2021.Unacceptable in retrofit equipment as of July 20, 2016.Unacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2018Unacceptable in retrofit equipment as of July 20, 2016. Unacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2017.Unacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2019AcceptableAcceptable
R-422D AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.Unacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2023.AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment, as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableUnacceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2021.Unacceptable in retrofit equipment as of July 20, 2016.Unacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2018Unacceptable in retrofit equipment as of July 20, 2016. Unacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2017.Unacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2019Acceptable
R-423A Unacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2023.AcceptableAcceptable
R-424A AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.Unacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2023.AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment, as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableUnacceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptable
R-426A Unacceptable as of MY 2017.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment, as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableUnacceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2019Acceptable
R-427A AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
R-428A AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2023.AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment, as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptableUnacceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2021.Unacceptable in retrofit equipment as of July 20, 2016.Unacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2018Unacceptable in retrofit equipment as of July 20, 2016. Unacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2017.
R-434A AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.Unacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2023.AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment, as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableUnacceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2021.Unacceptable in retrofit equipment as of July 20, 2016.Unacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2018Unacceptable in retrofit equipment as of July 20, 2016. Unacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2017.Acceptable
R-437A Unacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment, as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableUnacceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2019Acceptable
R-438A AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.Unacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2023.AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment, as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableUnacceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2019Acceptable
R-441A Acceptable with Use ConditionsAcceptable with Use Conditions: For use in self-contained room air conditioningAcceptable with Use ConditionsAcceptable with Use Conditions
R-442A AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
R-443A Unacceptable as of January 3, 2017.Unacceptable as of January 3, 2017.Unacceptable, as of January 3, 2017.Unacceptable, as of January 3, 2017.
R-448A AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable: Low temperature UseAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
R-449A AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable: Low temperature UseAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
R-449B AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable: Low temperature UseAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
R-450A AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
R-452A Acceptable
R-452B Acceptable with Use ConditionsAcceptable: For use in refrigerated trucks and trailers only.
R-452C Acceptable: For use in refrigerated trucks and trailers only.Acceptable
R-453A AcceptableAcceptableAcceptable: For use in refrigerated trucks and trailers only.Acceptable
R-454A Acceptable with Use Conditions
R-454B Acceptable with Use Conditions
R-454C Acceptable with Use Conditions
R-457A Acceptable with Use Conditions
R-458A AcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
R-507, R-507A Unacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.Unacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2023.AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment, as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableUnacceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2021.Unacceptable in retrofit equipment as of July 20, 2016.Unacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2018Unacceptable in retrofit equipment as of July 20, 2016. Unacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2017.Unacceptable in retrofit equipment as of July 20, 2016.Unacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2019.AcceptableAcceptable
R-508A AcceptableAcceptable
R-508B AcceptableAcceptable
R-513A AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable with Use Conditions: Low temperatureAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
R-515B AcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
R-600 (Butane) AcceptableAcceptable with Use ConditionsAcceptable with Use ConditionsAcceptable with Use Conditions
R-744 (Carbon Dioxide, CO2) Acceptable with Use ConditionsAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
RB-276 Unacceptable as of MY 2017.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
RS-24 (2002 formulation) Acceptable with Use ConditionsAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment, as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableUnacceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2019Acceptable
RS-44 (2003 formulation) Unacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.Unacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2023.AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment, as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableUnacceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptable
Self-chilling cans using CO2 AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
SP34E Unacceptable as of MY 2017.AcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.AcceptableAcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment, as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableUnacceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment as of January 1, 2019Acceptable
Stirling Cycle AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
THR-01 Acceptable
THR-02 AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
THR-03 Unacceptable, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.Unacceptable in new equipment, except as otherwise allowed under a narrowed use limit, as of January 1, 2024.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableUnacceptable in new equipment, as of January 1, 2021.AcceptableAcceptableAcceptable with Use Conditions: For use in residential window unit air conditioning.AcceptableUnacceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
THR-04 AcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableAcceptable
Trans-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoroprop-1-ene Acceptable
Water / Lithium Bromide Absorption Acceptable

See also


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