Roman Catholic Diocese of Porto, Portugal

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Roman Catholic Diocese of Porto, Portugal

The Diocese of Porto (Latin: Dioecesis Portugallensis) (Oporto) is a Latin Church diocese of the Catholic Church in Portugal. It is a suffragan of the archdiocese of Braga. Its see at Porto is in the Norte region, and the second largest city in Portugal.[3]

Quick Facts Diocese of PortoDioecesis Portugallensis Diocese do Porto, Location ...
Diocese of Porto

Dioecesis Portugallensis

Diocese do Porto
Ecclesiastical provinceBraga
MetropolitanArchdiocese of Braga
Area3,010 km2 (1,160 sq mi)
- Total
- Catholics
(as of 2016)
2,088,000 (est.)
1,890,000 (est.) (90.5%)
DenominationRoman Catholic
Sui iuris churchLatin Church
RiteRoman Rite
CathedralCathedral of the Assumption of Our Lady in Porto
Patron saintAssumption of Mary
Secular priests286 (diocesan)
179 (Religious Orders)
93 Permanent Deacons
Current leadership
BishopManuel da Silva Rodrigues Linda
Metropolitan ArchbishopJorge Ferreira da Costa Ortiga
Auxiliary BishopsPio de Souza
Armando Esteves Domingues
Vitorino Soares[1][2]
Bishops emeritusJoão Miranda Teixeira Auxiliary Bishop (1983-2011)
Website of the Diocese



The diocese was probably founded in the middle of the sixth century. At the third Council of Toledo (589) the Arian bishop Argiovittus, though he condemned the Arian belief and accepted the Catholic belief, was deposed in favour of bishop Constantinus.[4] In 610 Bishop Argebertus assisted at the Council of Toledo, summoned by King Gundemar to sanction the metropolitan claims of Toledo.[5] Bishop Ansiulfus was present at the Sixth Council of Toledo (638),[6] and Bishop Flavius at the Tenth (656).[7]

Bishop Froaricus was one of eight bishops who attended the provincial council of Braga (675),[8] and the Twelfth (681),[9] Thirteenth (683),[10] and Fifteenth (688)[11] Councils of Toledo. His successor Felix appeared at the Sixteenth Council (693).[12] No other bishop is recorded under the Visigothic monarchy.

Arab occupation

In 716 the Arabs began their invasion and conquest of Portugal, including Lisbon, Porto, Braga, Tuy, Lugo, and Orense. The areas were depopulated.[13] After the Arab invasion Justus seems to have been the first bishop (c. 882). He is only a name.[14] Gomado was probably elected in 872, when King Affonso III won back the city. The names of only four other prelates have been preserved: Froarengus (906),[15] Hermogius (912),[16] Hordonius (attested in 931),[17] and Didacus (Diego) (c. 962?).[18]

Porto fell again into Moorish hands.


On the recovery of Porto for Christianity, which was being promoted by the Burgundian Count Henry, son-in-law of King Alfonso VI of Castile and governor of the lands from the Minho River to the banks of the Tagus, priests and prelates were being imported, especially those with connections to Cluny in Burgundy.[19] Hugo (Hugh) became bishop (1114-1136). He had been a Canon of the Cathedral of Compostella, and under the patronage of Bishop Diego Gelmirez, a Cluniac, he was said to have been a co-author of the Historia Compostellana.[20] In 1103-1104 he was sent to Rome on an embassy for the Church of Compostella, and obtained a bull granting numerous privileges, one of which was the right of the Bishop of Compostella to name Cardinals of Compostella. Hugo became a Cardinal.[21] In 1109 he was Archdeacon of Compostella, but at the time of his election to the diocese of Porto and not yet ordained. He was ordained a priest on the day before Passion Sunday, and was consecrated a bishop on 23 March 1113 by Archbishop Mauricio Burdino of Braga, another Cluniac.[22] As Bishop of Porto he secured from Pope Paschal II, by a bull granted on 15 August 1115, exemption of his diocese from the supervisory control of the Archbishop of Braga.[23] He greatly enlarged his diocese and the cathedral patrimony increased by the donations he secured; thus, in 1120, he received from D. Theresa jurisdiction over the City of Porto with all the rents and dues thereof.[24] Bishop Hugo was present at the Council of Compostella in 1114, the Council of Sagunto in 1121 (under the presidency of Cardinal Boso, the papal Legate), and the Synod of Compostella in 1122.[25]

John Peculiar was promoted to Braga (1138), his nephew, Pedro Rabaldis, succeeding at Porto. Next came D. Pedro Pitões (1145 to 1152 or 1155), D. Pedro Sénior (d. 1172), and D. Fernão Martins (d. 1185). Martinho Pires instituted a chapter and was promoted to Braga in 1189 or 1190. Martinho Rodrigues ruled from 1191 to 1235. He quarreled with the chapter over their share of the rents of the see. Later on, fresh disagreements arose in which King Sancho I intervened against the bishop, who was deprived of his goods and had to flee, but was restored by the king when Innocent III espoused the bishop's cause. Another quarrel soon arouse between prelate and king, and the bishop was imprisoned; but he escaped and fled to Rome, and in 1209 the king, feeling the approach of death, made peace with him. His successor, Pedro Salvadores, figured prominently in the questions between the clergy and King Sancho II, who refused to ecclesiastics the right of purchasing or inheriting land. Portugal fell into anarchy, in which the clergy's rights were violated and their persons outraged, though they themselves were not guiltless. Finally, Pope Innocent IV committed the reform of abuses to Afonso III, brother of Sancho II who lost his crown.

Under Bishop Julian (1247–60) the jurisdiction difficulty became aggravated. A settlement was effected at the Cortes of Leiria (1254), which the bishop refused to ratify, but he had to give way. When King Afonso III determined (1265) that all rights and properties usurped during the disorders of Sancho's reign should revert to the Crown, nearly all the bishops, including the Bishop of Porto, then D. Vicente, protested; and seven went to Rome for relief, leaving Portugal under an interdict. When the king was dying, in 1278, he promised restitution. Vicente (d. 1296) was one of the negotiators of the Concordat of 1289 and the supplementary Accord of Eleven Articles. He was succeeded by Sancho Pires, who ruled until 1300. Geraldo Domingues resigned in 1308 to act as counsellor of the King's daughter Constança, future Queen of Castile. Tredulo was bishop for two and a half years. The Minorite Frei Estêvão was succeeded in 1313 by his nephew Fernando Ramires. Both uncle and nephew quarrelled with King Denis and left the realm.

Owing to the hostility of the citizens, Bishop Gomes lived mostly outside his diocese. When Pedro Afonso became bishop in 1343, he had a quarrel over jurisdiction and, like his predecessor, departed, leaving the diocese under interdict. Six years later he returned, but again the monarch began to encroach, and it was not until 1354 that the bishop secured recognition of his rights. His successor was Afonso Pires. Egídio is probably the bishop represented in the old Chronicles as being threatened with scourging by King Pedro for having lived in sin with a citizen's wife The accusation was probably groundless, but Egídio left the city, which for twelve years had no bishop.

Other bishops were: John de Zambuja, or Estêvão; and Gil, who in 1406 sold the episcopal rights over Oporto to the Crown for an annual money payment, reduced in the reign of D. Manuel to 120 silver marks; Fernando Guerra, who in 1425 was created Archbishop of Braga; and Vasco. Antão Martins de Chaves, who succeeded Vasco in 1430, was sent by the pope to Constantinople to induce the Greek emperor to attend the Council of Basle. He succeeded, and as a reward was made cardinal. He died in 1447. Succeeding incumbents were: Durando; Gonçalves de Óbidos; Luis Pires (1454–64), a negotiator of the Concordat of 1455 and a reforming prelate; João de Azevedo (1465–1494), a benefactor of the cathedral and chapter, as was his successor Diego de Sousa, afterwards Archbishop of Braga and executor of King Manuel I. The see was then held by two brothers in succession, Diogo da Costa (1505-7) and D. Pedro da Costa (1511–39), who restored the bishop's palace and enriched the capitular revenues from his own purse; Belchior Beliago; and the Carmelite Frei Baltazar Limpo (1538–52), the fiftieth bishop. He held a diocesan synod in 1540.

In the time of Rodrigo Pinheiro, a learned humanist, Porto was visited by St. Francis Borgia and the Jesuits established themselves in the city. Aires da Silva, ex-rector of Coimbra University, after ruling four years, fell in the battle of Alcácer Quibir in 1578 with King Sebastião. Simão Pereira was followed by the Franciscan Frei Marcos de Lisboa, chronicler of his order. He added to the cathedral and convoked a diocesan synod in 1585. In 1591 another ex-rector of Coimbra, Jerónimo de Menezes, became bishop; he was succeeded by the Benedictine Frei Gonçalo de Morais, a zealous defender of the rights of the Church. He built a new sacristy and chancel in the cathedral. In 1618 Bishop Rodrigo da Cunha, author of the history of the Bishops of Oporto, was appointed. His "Catalogo", the earliest surviving account of the diocese, describes the state of the cathedral and enumerates the parishes of the diocese with their population and income in 1623. His successor was Frei João de Valadares, transferred from the See of Miranda. Gaspar do Rego da Fonseca held the see four years (1635–39). King Philip III named Francisco Pereira Pinto, but the revolution in 1640 prevented his taking possession; moreover he never received his bulls of consecration and installation from Pope Urban VIII, and therefore he could not be consecrated or installed as bishop.[26] The diocese was considered vacant until 1670, being ruled by administrators appointed by the Chapter of the Cathedral (Vicars capitular). In 1641 King John IV chose D. Sebastião César de Menezes as bishop, but the pope, influenced by Spain, would neither recognize the new King of Portugal nor confirm his nominations. Next came Frei Pedro de Menezes; Nicolau Monteiro took possession in 1671; and Fernando Correia de Lacerda in 1673, who was succeeded by João de Sousa. Frei José Saldanha (1697–1708), famed for his austerity, never relinquished his Franciscan habit, a contrast to his successor Tomás de Almeida, who in 1716 became the first Patriarch of Lisbon. The see remained vacant until 1739, and, though Frei John Maria was then elected, he never obtained confirmation. In the same year Frei José Maria da Fonseca, formerly Commissary General of the Franciscans, became bishop. Several European States selected him as arbiter of their differences. He contributed to the canonization of a number of saints, and founded and restored many convents and hospitals.

Next in order were: Frei António de Távora (d. 1766), Frei Aleixo de Miranda Henriques, Frei João Rafael de Mendonça (1771–73), and Lourenço Correia de Sá Benevides (1796–98). Frei Antonio de Castro became Patriarch of Lisbon in 1814, being followed at Porto by João Avelar. Frei Manuel de Santa Inês, though elected, never obtained confirmation, but some years after his death, relations between Portugal and the Holy See were re-established by a concordat and Jerónimo da Costa Rebelo became bishop in 1843. From 1854 to 1859 the see was held by António da Fonseca Moniz; on his death it remained vacant until 1862, when João de Castro e Moura, who had been a missionary in China, was appointed (d.1868). The see was again vacant until the confirmation of Américo Ferreira dos Santos Silva in 1871. This prelate was obliged to combat the growing Liberalism of his flock and the Protestant propaganda in Porto. A popular lawyer named Mesquita started a campaign against him, because the bishop refused to dismiss some priests; a reputed reactionary, who served the Aguardente Chapel, got himself elected judge of the Brotherhood of the Temple and provoked a great platform agitation with the result that the chapel was secularized and became a school under the patronage of the Marquis of Pombal Association. In 1879 Américo was created cardinal and on his death (1911) Bishop António Barroso, an ex-missionary, was transferred from the see of Mylapore to that of Porto.[27]


The Porto Cathedral was dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven. It had a Chapter, a corporation composed of eight dignities (not dignitaries) and twelve Canons.[28] The dignities included: the Dean, the Cantor, the Master of the Schola, the Theologus and the Archdeacon of Porto.[29] On 9 September 1455 Bishop Luis Pires (1453-1464) instituted a second Archdeacon, the Archdeacon of Oliveira.



Partial list of the bishops of Porto. Bishops who were later elevated to the rank of cardinal are shown in bold typeface.

from 1100 to 1400

More information #, Name ...
#NameDate of BirthAppointedRetiredDate of Death
Vacant see (1091–1113)
13Hugo 23 March 11137 December 11367 December 1136
14João Peculiar, C.C.S.C.[30] 1136[31]1138[32]3 December 1175
15Pedro I RabaldesC.C.S.C.[33] by October 1138[34]29 June 1145[35]29 June 1145
16Pedro II Pitões[36] before 1 July 11461152[37] 
17Pedro III Sénior 1154 ?1174 ? 
18Fernando I Martins 11761185 
19Martinho I Pires 11861189 
19bMartinho Rodrigues 11911227[38] 
20Julianus 1227[39]1230 1230 
21Pedro Salvadores 1231[40]24 June 124724 June 1247
22Julião Fernandes 124731 October 126031 October 1260
23Vicente Mendes[41] 1261shortly after 24 April 1296after 24 April 1296[42]
24Sancho Pires 3 June 12967 January 13007 January 1300
25Geraldo Palentino (Domingues) 19 March 1300before 16 September 1307[43]5 March 1321
26Frédole Capelier 16 September 1307[44]30 June 1309[45]30 June 1309[46] 
27Stephanus, O. Min.[47] 11 February 1310[48]8 October 1313[49]28 March 1326[50]
28Fernando II Ramires 19 March 13141322 
29João II Gomes 25 March 13235 December 13275 December 1327
30Vasco Martins[51] 15 January 132825 September 1342[52] 
31Pedro Alfonso[53] 25 September 1342[54]13571358 ? 
32Afonso Pires 13576 September 13726 September 1372
33Lourenço Vicente[55] 27 March 13736 November 1373[56] 
34João III[57] 9 February 1373[58]c. 1388c. 1388
35Martinho Gil 4 June 1390[59]15 February 1391[60] 
36João Afonso de Azambuja[61] 15 February 13911398[62]23 January 1415[63]

from 1400 to 1700

More information #, Name ...
#NameDate of BirthAppointedRetiredDate of Death
37Gil Alma 6 August 139914071415
38João V Afonso Aranha 14071414 
39Fernando da Guerra139018 June 1414[64]15 December 1417[65]26 September 1467[66]
39aJoannes Alfonsi 26 January 1418[67]? 
40Vasco Petri 2 April 1421[68]1423[69]1428
41António Martins de Chaves[70] 10 March 142314475 July 1447[71]
43Gonçalo I de Óbidos[72] 18 August 1477[73]1453 
44Luís Pires[74] 24 August 1453[75]26 November 1464[76]March 1480[77]
45João VI de Azevedo 14651494 
46Diogo I de Sousa 14941505 
47Diogo II Álvares da Costa 15051507 
48Pedro VI Álvares da Costa148412 February 15078 January 153520 February 1563
49Belchior Beliago 15351538 
50Baltazar Limpo 15381552 
51Rodrigo I Pinheiro 15521574 
52Aires da Silva 15744 August 15784 August 1578
53Simão de Sá Pereira (bishop)[78] 13 November 1579[79] March 1581 
54Marcos de Lisboa, O.Min.[80] 20 October 1581[81]13 September 159113 September 1591 
55Jerónimo I de Menezes[82] 22 May 1592[83]12 December 160012 December 1600[84] 
56Gonçalo de Morais. O.S.B.[85]154326 June 1602[86] 20 October 1617[87]20 October 1617[88] 
57Rodrigo II da Cunha[89]September, 157712 November 1618[90]27 January 1627[91]3 January 1643[92]
58João VII de Valadares, O.E.S.A. 30 August 1627[93]23 May 163523 May 1635 
59Gaspar do Rego da Fonseca 9 June 1636[94]13 July 163913 July 1639 
Vacant see (1640–1670)
XFrancisco Pereira Pinto[95]Nominated in 1640 by Philip III of Portugal but did not receive approval from Pope Urban VIII.
XSebastião César de MenezesNominated in 1641, 1659, and 1669 by John IV of Portugal, but not approved by the Pope
XPedro VII de Menezes
XLuis de Souza
60Nicolau MonteiroDecember 1581[96]15 December 1670[97]20 December 167220 December 1672[98]
61Fernando IV Correia de Lacerda[99] 17 July 1673[100]before 1 September 16831 September 1685
62João de Sousa[101]16476 December 1683[102]24 September 1696[103]28 September 1710

from 1700 to present

More information #, Name ...
#NameDate of BirthAppointedRetiredDate of Death
63José Saldanha, O.F.M.Disc.[104] 17 December 1696[105]26 September 170826 September 1708[106]
64Tomás de Almeida[107]5 October 167022 July 17097 December 1716[108]22 February 1754
Vacant see (1716–1741)
XJoão MariaAppointed in 1739 but not confirmed by Pope Clement XII
65José Maria da Evora,[109] O.F.M. Obs.December 16902 January 1741[110]16 June 175216 June 1752 
66António de Távora, O.E.S.A.[111]September 169028 March 1757[112]17664 June 1766[113]
67Aleixo de Miranda Henriques, O.P. 1766[114]1771 
68João Rafael de Mendonça24 April 17171771[115]17931793
69Lourenço Correia de Sá Benevides25 March 1741[116]18 December 179517986 June 1798
70António de São José, O.Cart.April 1745[117]13 November 1798[118]12 April 1814[119]12 April 1814
71João Magalhães de Avelar22 December 175429 April 1816[120]16 May 183316 May 1833
72Manuel de Santa InêsElected in 1833 but unconfirmed by Gregory XVI
73Jerónimo da Costa Rebelo 184318541854
74António Fonseca Moniz 185418591859
Vacant see (1859–1862)
75João de França Castro e Moura 186216 October 1868[121]16 October 1868
Vacant see (1868–1871)
76Americo Ferreira dos Santos Silva16 January 182926 June 187121 January 189921 January 1899
77António José de Sousa Barroso[122]4 November 185420 May 189931 August 191831 August 1918
78António Barbosa Leão[123]17 October 186016 July 191921 June 192921 June 1919
79António Augusto de Castro Meireles[124]13 August 188521 June 1929[125]29 March 1942[126]29 March 1942
80Agostinho de Jesus e Sousa[127]7 March 187716 May 1942[128]21 February 195221 February 1952
81António Ferreira Gomes[129]10 May 190613 July 19522 May 198213 April 1989
82Júlio Tavares Rebimbas21 January 192212 February 198213 June 19976 December 2010
83Armindo Lopes Coelho13 February 193113 June 199722 February 200729 September 2010
84Manuel José Macário do Nascimento Clemente[130]16 July 194822 February 200718 May 2013
Vacant see (2013–2014)
85António Francisco dos Santos29 August 194821 February 201411 September 201711 September 2017
86Manuel da Silva Rodrigues Linda15 April 195615 March 2018

See also



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