Ranks and insignia of Royal Danish Army

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The ranks and insignia of Royal Danish Army follows the NATO system of ranks and insignia, as does the rest of the Danish Defence. The ranks are based around German and French military terms.[1]

Current ranks


The current insignia for the Royal Danish Army was introduced along with the introduction of the MultiCam uniform. This sand coloured insignia replaced the older standard green slip-on and all other special slip-ons.[2]


The officers can be split into two groups: the leadership level (OF-9–OF-4) and the management level (OF-3–OF-1).[3]

The highest rank is General which is reserved for the Monarch and Chief of Defence (only when this seat is occupied by an army/air force officer). Lieutenant general is reserved for the Chief of the Defense Staff and the Chief of Acquisition, previously the Chief of the Royal Danish Army, which is now a Major general. Other major generals include Commander, Joint Arctic Command, Commander, Special Operations Command and Chief of Defence Estate Agency. Brigade general is usually the chief of a brigade as well as keepers of high-office positions.

More information NATO code, OF-10 ...
NATO codeOF-10OF-9OF-8OF-7OF-6OF-5OF-4OF-3OF-2OF-1
Group[3] Leadership level (Chefniveau) Management level (Lederniveau)
Combat uniform
 Royal Danish Army[4]
General Generalløjtnant Generalmajor Brigadegeneral Oberst Oberstløjtnant Major Kaptajn Premierløjtnant Løjtnant Sekondløjtnant
Medical[5] Generallæge Stabslæge I
Stabstandlæge I
Stabsdyrlæge I
Stabslæge II
Stabstandlæge II
Stabsdyrlæge II
Reservelæge I
Reservetandlæge I
Reservedyrlæge I
Reservelæge II
Reservetandlæge II
Reservedyrlæge II
Reservelæge III
Reservetandlæge III
Reservedyrlæge III
Danish Pay Grade[6]M406M405M404M403M402M401M332

Other ranks


The rank insignia of non-commissioned officers and enlisted personnel.

More information NATO code, OR-9 ...
NATO codeOR-9OR-8OR-7OR-6OR-5OR-4OR-3OR-2OR-1
Group[3] Middle management level (Mellemlederniveau) Manual level (Manuelt niveau)
Combat uniform
 Royal Danish Army[4]
Chefsergent Seniorsergent Oversergent Sergent Sergent
Korporal Overkonstabel af 1. grad Overkonstabel Konstabel
Danish Pay Grade[6]M232M231M221M212M211M113M112

Additional ranks

More information NATO Code, OR-9 ...
Combat uniform[4]
Service uniform
Danish Hærchefsergenten Regiments-, brigade- og skole chefsergent Regiments- og brigade-, seniorsergent Sergentelev Overkonstabel 1. grad, meniggruppefører Overkonstabel, meniggruppefører Konstabel, meniggruppefører Konstabelelev Meniggruppefører
English[7] Sergeant Major of the Army Command sergeant major Command sergeant major Sergeant trainee Lance corporal, section commander Private first class, section commander Private, section commander Private recruit Conscript, section commander

Clerical personnel

Types of rank insignia

More information Rank (example), TAN499 ...
TAN499[8] MTS[8] M/69 Galla
Shoulder Shirt Sleeve Red Blue
Chefsergent None[a]
Kaptajn None

Historical ranks


Officer ranks

In 1801, new uniforms were introduced for the whole army. Along with the new uniforms, epaulette ranks were introduced for officers.[9][10] Following the defeat in the English Wars in 1812, Denmark was on the brink of financial bankruptcy, resulting in drastic reductions in the military.[11] Therefore, only generals were allowed to wear epaulettes, with other ranks reverting to cuff insignia.[11] In 1822, epaulettes were introduced to all ranks.[12]


Order of precedence
More information Rank group, First class ...
Rank group First class Third class Fourth class Fifth class Sixth class Seventh class Eight class Ninth class
1671–1680[13] Ober-Feldt-Marskalk Feldt-Marschalks General Feldt-Tøymester Feldtmarskal Lieutenant Generaler til Hest eller Fods General-Lieutenant til Hest eller til Foeds General-Major Obersten over Liv-Guarden Oberster til Hest og til Foeds Oberstlieutenant over Vores Liv-Guarde General-Qvarteermester Oberstlieutenant Major
1693–1699[14] General-Feldtmarskalk Feldtmarskalk General-Feldt-Tøygmester Feldtmarskalk-Lieutenant General til Hest eller Fods General-Lieutenant til Hest eller Fods General-Major Oberst af Garderne eller Artolleriet Brigadier Oberst over Lif-Regimenterne Oberst til Hest eller Fods Oberst-Lieutenant af Garderne Oberst-Lieutenant af Lif-Regimenterne og Artolleriet Oberst-Lieutenant Major af Garderne General-Qvarteer-Mester Major over Lif-Regimenterne og Artolleriet Major Ritmester og Capitain af Garderne Ritmester og Capitain ved Lif-Regimenterne og Artolleriet Ritmester/ Capitain-Lieutenanter ved Garderne, Capitainer til Lands Premier-Lieutenanter ved Garderne
1717–1730[15] General Feltmarskalk Feltmarskalk Feltmarskalk-Lieutenant General-Feldt-Tøygmester General til Hest eller Fods General-Lieutenant til Hest eller Fods General-Major Oberst af Garderne eller Artolleriet Brigadier Oberst over Lif-Regimenterne Oberst til Hest eller Fods Oberst-Lieutenant af Garderne Oberst-Lieutenant af Lif-Regimenterne og Artolleriet Oberst-Lieutenant Major af Garderne General-Qvarteer-Mester Major over Lif-Regimenterne og Artolleriet Major Ritmester og Capitain af Garderne General-Qvarteer-Mester-Lieutenant Ritmester og Capitain Premier-Lieutenant ved Garderne Premier-Lieutenant Second Lieutenant ved Garderne Second Lieutenant Cornet og Fendrich ved Garderne Cornet og Fendrich
Rank group First class Third class Fourth class Fifth class Sixth class Seventh class Eight class Ninth class
Modern ranks
More information Rank group, General / flag officers ...
Rank group General / flag officers Senior officers Junior officers
Feltmarskal General General-Lieutenant General-Major Oberst Oberst-Lieutenant Major Capitain Premier-Lieutenant Second-Lieutenant Fendrich
Feltmarskal General Generallieutenant Generalmajor Oberst Oberst-Lieutenant Major Capitain Premier-Lieutenant Second-Lieutenant
No insignia
Feltmarskal General Generallieutenant Generalmajor Oberst Oberstlieutenant Major Captain Premierlieutenant Secondlieutenant
No insignia
Feltmarskal General Generallieutenant Generalmajor Oberst Oberstlieutenant Major Captain Premierlieutenant Secondlieutenant
No insignia
Feltmarskal General Generallieutenant Generalmajor Oberst Oberstlieutenant Major Captain Premierlieutenant Secondlieutenant
General Generallieutenant Generalmajor Oberst Oberstlieutenant Major Captain Premierlieutenant Secondlieutenant
General Generallieutenant Generalmajor Oberst Oberstlieutenant Major Captain Premierlieutenant Secondlieutenant
General[b] Generallieutenant Generalmajor Oberst Captain Premierlieutenant Lieutenant af Forstærkningen Sekondlieutenant
General Generallieutenant Generalmajor Oberst Oberstlieutenant Captain Premierlieutenant Lieutenant af Forstærkningen Sekondlieutenant
General Generalløjtnant Generalmajor Oberst Oberstløjtnant Kaptajn Premierløjtnant Løjtnant Sekondløjtnant
General Generalløjtnant Generalmajor Oberst Oberstløjtnant Kaptajn Intendant Premierløjtnant Løjtnant Sekondløjtnant
Thumb Thumb Thumb Thumb Thumb Thumb Thumb Thumb Thumb
General Generalløjtnant Generalmajor Oberst Oberstløjtnant Kaptajn Premierløjtnant Løjtnant af Reserven Sekondløjtnant
General Generalløjtnant Generalmajor Oberst Oberstløjtnant Kaptajn Kaptajnløjtnant Premierløjtnant Løjtnant af Reserven Sekondløjtnant
General Generalløjtnant Generalmajor Oberst Oberstløjtnant Major Kaptajn Premierløjtnant Løjtnant af Reserven Sekondløjtnant
General Generalløjtnant Generalmajor Brigadegeneral Oberst Oberstløjtnant Major Kaptajn Premierløjtnant Løjtnant af Reserven Sekondløjtnant
General Generalløjtnant Generalmajor Brigadegeneral Oberst Oberstløjtnant Major Kaptajn Premierløjtnant Løjtnant Sekondløjtnant
NATO codeOF-10OF-9OF-8OF-7OF-6OF-5OF-4OF-3OF-2OF-1

Other ranks

From 1789 up to 1812, ncos were typically told apart from rank & file by a short epaulette, worn on the right shoulder, and by gold lace on their hats. Most of them also carried a cane, and up to 1805, a polearm. Sergeants were typically told apart by wearing metallic lace edging on their shoulder straps.

During the 1801 - 1803 period, lance-corporals of most branches of the army but the line infantry adopted lighter distinctions, such as silver cords on their hats, sword knots, metallic shoulder straps, NCO belt buckles (in the cavalry) and prickers (in the light infantry).

In 1806, corporals were allowed to wear short epaulettes on both shoulders, in those corps where lance-corporals wore a single epaulette themselves.

Around 1808, the sergeant's epaulette became much wider, and they were also allowed to wear double cords on their new shakos.

As of 1806, the sergeant-major was told apart by a metallic sword knot and tassel. It should be noted, however, that the ranks of "commandeer-sergeant" and "sergeant" were pretty much the same in most branches of the army during this time period, with the exception of the artillery. There was typically a single sergeant or commandeer-sergeant per company, both paid at the same rate. The distinction was typically in the company itself. While grenadier and centre companies had sergeants, light and rifle companies had sergeant-majors.[38]

In 1812, with the adoption of cuff insignia, standardized distinctions were finally introduced. Lance-corporals were allowed to wear a single chevron and a yellow and red sword knot, corporals were allowed 2 and the same sword knot, sergeants were allowed 3 and had silver thread mixed into the sword knot. Additional grades were told apart by a rosette, worn in the middle of the cuff. These distinctions were sewn on the cuffs themselves, not right above them like those of field officers.


More information Rank group, NCO ...
Rank groupNCOEnlisted


Fyrværker (Artillery)

Over-Vagtmester (Cavalry)

Vagtmester (Guides)


Commandeer-Sergeant (Light Infantry & Artillery)

Vagtmester (Cavalry)

Corporal (Guides)


Sergeant (Artillery)

Qvarteermester (Cavalry)


Over-Jæger (Light Infantry)

Bombardeer (Artillery)

Guide (Guides)

Over-Constabel (Artillery)


Jæger (Light Infantry)

Constabel (Artillery)

Vice-Corporal (Cavalry)


Under-Jæger (Light Infantry)

Under-Constabel (Artillery)

Overkommandersergent Kommandersergent Sergeant Korporal Underkorporal Menig
Overkommandersergent Kommandersergent Sergeant Korporal Underkorporal Menig
Stabssergent Oversergent Sergent Korporal Underkorporal Menig
Stabssergent Oversergent Sergent Korporal Underkorporal Menig
Stabssergent Oversergent Sergent Kornet Korporal Underkorporal Menig
1915–1923 Thumb Thumb Thumb
Stabssergent Oversergent Sergent Kornet Korporal Underkorporal Menig
Oversergent Sergent Kornet Korporal Underkorporal Menig
Oversergent Sergent Korporal Befalingsmandselev Math Mathelev
Oversergent Sergent Korporal Overkonstabel Konstable Konstabelelev
Seniorsergent af 1. grad Seniorsergent af 2. grad Oversergent Sergent Korporal Overkonstabel Konstable Konstabelelev
Seniorsergent af 1. grad Seniorsergent af 2. grad Oversergent Sergent Korporal Overkonstabel af 1. grad Overkonstabel af 2. grad Konstable Konstabelelev
Chefsergent Seniorsergent Oversergent Sergent Korporal Overkonstabel af 1. grad Overkonstabel Konstable Konstabelelev
Chefsergent Seniorsergent Oversergent Sergent Korporal Overkonstabel af 1. grad Overkonstabel Konstable Konstabelelev
NATO codeOR-9OR-8OR-7OR-5OR-4OR-3OR-2OR-1

Warrant officers

In 1922, a new reform of the Army was adopted. Here Underofficer af Linien (Non-commissioned officers of the line) were replaced with Officiantgruppen.[50]

Kaptajn (Ritmester) af Reserven Premierløjtnant Løjtnant af Reserven Sekondløjtnant
Korpsofficiant af 1. Grad Korpsofficiant af 2. Grad Stabsofficiant Overofficiant Officiant
More information Rank group, Warrant officers ...
Rank groupWarrant officers
Korpsofficiant Stabsofficiant Overofficiant Officiant
Overfenrik Fenrik


  1. NCOs of the Guard Hussar Regiment, Royal Life Guards wear the Queen's monogram, NCOs in the Jutland Dragoon Regiment wear Prince Henrik's monogram.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000001D-QINU`"'
  2. Between 1867 and 1880, only a single "general" rank existed. Generals wore one–star. However, the King still wore three–stars, while former Generallieutenants were allowed to keep their two–stars.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000039-QINU`"'


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