This is a list of rivers of Hesse, Germany:
- Salz
- Salzbach, tributary of the Elbbach
- Salzbach, tributary of the Nidda
- Salzbach, tributary of the Seemenbach
- Salzbach, tributary of the Rhine at Wiesbaden
- Salzböde
- Sauerbornsbach
- Saurode
- Schaubach
- Schelde
- Schellenbach
- Schemmerbach
- Schifflache
- Schleichenbach
- Schleiersbach
- Schlichenbach
- Schlitz
- Schlüsselgrund
- Schmale Sinn
- Schmalnau
- Schmiehbach
- Schnepfenbach
- Schorbach
- Schwalbach
- Schwalm
- Schwarzbach, tributary of the Elmbach
- Schwarzbach, tributary of the Main
- Schwarzbach of the Hessian Ried, tributary of the Rhine
- Schweinfe
- Schwingbach
- Schwülme
- Seebach
- Seemenbach
- Seenbach
- Seifenbach
- Selzenbach
- Seulbach
- Siegbach
- Sinn
- Solmsbach
- Solz, tributary of the Fulda near Bebra, downstream of the other Solz
- Solz, tributary of the Fulda near Bad Hersfeld, upstream of the other Solz
- Sontra
- Soode
- Spießbach, tributary of the Nidder
- Spießbach, tributary of the Sauer
- Spolebach
- Steina
- Steinach
- Steinbach, tributary of the Gersprenz
- Steinbach, tributary of the Nidda
- Steinebach
- Stierbach
- Stockheimer Bach
- Straßbach
- Strupbach
- Suhl
- Sulzbach