This article is a list of modern pagan temples and other religious buildings and structures, sorted alphabetically by country and city.
Piaga Temple (Templo Piaga ), Vila Pagã, José de Freitas , Piauí
Piaga Temple of Souls (Templo Piaga das Almas ), Vila Pagã, José de Freitas
Templo Casa Telucama, Lauro de Freitas , Bahia
Templo de Atégina e Endovélico , Vila Pagã, Piauí
Templo de Janus, Vila Pagã, Piauí
Santuário dos Lobos , São José do Rio Preto , São Paulo
Hellenic temple in Oraiokastro , Greece
Tempio di Minerva Medica a Pordenone
Temple of Jupiter (Templum Iovis ), Torre Gaia, Rome [5]
Aedes of Apollo Pithian Hyperborean (Templum Apollinis Pithi Hyperborei ), Rome
Aedes Roma Pietatis, Torre Gaia, Rome[6]
Aedes Minerva, Torre Gaia, Rome
Aedes Martis, Torre Gaia, Rome
Temple of Aegeria (Templum Aegeria ), Torre Gaia, Rome
Temple of Venus Verticordia (Templum Veneris Verticordiae ), Torre Gaia, Rome
Temple of Neptune (Templum Neptuni ), Torre Gaia, Rome
Temple of Mercury (Templum Mercurii ), Torre Gaia, Rome
Aedes Martis, Appia Antica, Rome
Temple of Apollo (Templum Apollinis ), Ardea[7]
Temple of Apollo (Templum Apollinis ), Palermo[8]
Temple of Neptune (Temple Neptuni ), Palermo[9]
Temple of Ceres (Templum Cereris ), Enna, Leonforte
Temple of Herakles (Templum Herculis ), Enna, Leonforte
Temple of Apollo (Templum Apollinis ), Taranto [10] [11]
Temple of Minerva Medica (Templum Minervae Medicae ), Pordenone[12]
A wedding ceremony at Templo de Gaut in Spain
RUNVira Temple of Mother Ukraine-Oryana, Spring Glen, New York
Aquarian Tabernacle Church , Index, Washington
Baldrshof , Asatru Folk Assembly temple, Murdock, Minnesota [25]
Church of Eternal Light, Pagan Spiritualist , Bristol , Connecticut [26]
Odinshof , Brownsville , Yuba County , California[27] [28]
Njörðshof , Asatru Folk Assembly temple, White Springs, Florida [29]
RUNVira Temple of Mother Ukraine-Oryana, Spring Glen, New York , in the Catskill Mountains [30]
Sekhmet Temple, Cactus Springs, Nevada [31]
Temple to Aphrodite, Camp Midian , Springville, Indiana [32]
Temple of the Nightshadow , Colorado Springs, Colorado
The Catskills Phygianum of the Maetreum of Cybele , Palenville , New York [33]
Thorshof , Asatru Folk Assembly temple, Linden, North Carolina [34]
Wolfsong Temple, Colorado
The temple of Iuppiter Perunus in Poltava
Hof Ásatrúarfélagsins is being built by Ásatrúarfélagið in Reykjavík , Iceland. It has been delayed several times and is now being built in separate stages.[36]
A Slavic Native Faith temple is being built in Wrocław , Poland.[37]
Centre of the Rodnover Communities of Krasnoyarsk "Rodunitsa" (Общины Родноверов Красноярья "Родуница"; for short: ОРКхолл, ORKxoll ), the gorodok (citadel) of the Rodnover communities of Krasnoyarsk , Russia (in progress);[38]
Ynglist Church temples (planned):[39]
Temple of Veles (Капища Велеса), Omsk, Russia;
Temple of Yngly (Капища Инглии), Omsk, Russia.
Slavic Temple in Khabarovsk , Russia (planned).[40]
Atlanta Heathen Hof, a temple of the group Vör Forn Siðr, is being built 10 miles outside Atlanta , Georgia in the United States . Its projected completion date is 2022.[41]
The plans for a Native Ukrainian National Faith religious building in the village of Zmiinets outside Lutsk in Ukraine were approved by the local authorities on 7 June 2019.[42]
"Pagan Community Notes: Week of November 14, 2022 - Europe, News, Pagan Community Notes, Paganism, Religion, the Wild Hunt, TWH Features, U.S., Witchcraft, World" . 15 November 2022.
Dawid Szymański (2020). "Chram "Stokroć" ". Gniazdo - rodzima wiara i kultura . Vol. 1. Chomęcice: Wydawnictwo As Pik. pp. 24–25. ISSN 2081-9072 .
Dariusz Borowiec (2019). "Trzebiszcze w masywie Ślęży". Gniazdo - rodzima wiara i kultura . Vol. 1. p. 47. ISSN 2081-9072 .