This is a list of members of the Virginia House of Burgesses from 1619 to 1775 from the references listed at the end of the article. The members of the first assembly in 1619, the members of the last assembly in 1775 and the Speakers of the House are designated by footnotes. Surviving records do not include lists of members for some years, especially before 1676, and do not include all the members for some of the sessions. Some of these omissions may be covered by the names of persons who served in several sessions. This list does not include officials of the assembly, such as chaplains or clerks, who were not burgesses, or persons who were elected but denied a seat.[1][2]
"(Burgess)" is used in many titles of linked articles or planned articles below to distinguish members of the Virginia House of Burgesses from other persons with the same name. Two burgesses of the same name are distinguished by showing the first year served in the assembly after the word "burgess" in the link. "Burgess" may need to be added to some titles of unwritten articles if articles of similar name are written first and need for disambiguation arises. Militia officer grades are shown only if they are identified as such or included with a military grade title (e.g. captain) on a list of burgesses in a source or in a thumbnail or other biography. These grades, or ranks, were generally, but not always, shown on original lists of members of sessions. The absence of such a grade before a name on the list should not be assumed to mean the burgess was not a militia officer at some time in his life.
- Robert Abrahall (sometimes spelled Robert Abrell)
- John Ackiss
- William Acrill, Jr.[3]
- William Acrill, Sr.
- Richard Adams[3]
- Robert Adams (sometimes spelled Robert Addams)
- Thomas Adams
- William Aitchison
- Gerard Alexander
- John Alexander[3]
- (Major) Arthur Allen II[4]
- Edmund Allen
- Edward Allen
- John Allen
- William Allen
- William Allen
- Isaac Allerton Jr.
- Willoughby Allerton
- Thomas Allonby
- Edward Ambler
- John Ambler
- Charles Anderson
- George Anderson
- John Anderson
- Matthew Anderson
- Richard Anderson
- Robert Anderson
- William Anderson
- William Andrews
- William Andrews, Jr.
- John Appleton
- (Captain) Henry Applewhaite, Jr.
- Henry Applewhaite, Sr.
- Anthony Armistead
- Anthony Armistead, Jr.
- Gill Armistead
- (Colonel) Henry Armistead
- John Armistead
- Robert Armistead
- Robert Armistead
- William Armistead
- John Arundell
- Charles Ashton
- Henry Ashton
- Peter Ashton
- (Lt. Colonel) Walter Aston
- John Atkins
- Henry Aubrey
- William Aubrey
- William Aylett
- William Aylett
- William Aylett[3]
- John Bacon
- James Bagnall
- Roger Bagnall
- Henry Bagnell
- Henry Bagwell
- Thomas Bagwell
- Thomas Bailey
- William Bailey
- Benjamin Baker
- Henry Baker, Jr.
- Henry Baker, Sr.
- (Captain) Lawrence Baker
- Richard Baker
- Thomas Baker
- William Baker
- Robert Baldry
- Thomas Baldridge
- George Ball, Jr.
- George Ball, Sr.
- Henry Ball
- (Colonel) James Ball, Jr.
- (Major) James Ball, Sr.
- Spencer Ball, Jr. (sometimes shown as Spencer Mottrom Ball)
- (Colonel) Spencer Ball, Sr.
- (Colonel) William Ball, III
- (Captain) William Ball, Jr.
- William Ball, Sr.
- Francis Ballard
- Robert Ballard
- (Colonel) Thomas Ballard Jr.[4]
- John Banister[3]
- Charles Barber
- Thomas Barber
- William Barber, Jr.
- William Barber
- Thomas Barbour[3]
- Anthony Barham
- William Barker
- Lancelot Barnes
- Thomas Barnett
- Edward Barradall
- Charles Barret
- William Barrett
- Robert Barrington
- (Captain) Nathaniel Basse
- Burwell Bassett, Sr.[3]
- William Bassett
- William Bassett
- John Bates
- (Captain) John Battaile
- Henry Batte
- William Batte
- John Baugh
- (Captain) James Baughan
- Arthur Bayley
- Richard Bayley
- John Baylis
- John Baylor, Sr.
- John Baylor, Jr.
- Alexander Baynham
- Robert Beasley
- Henry Bell
- John Bell
- (Captain) James Benn
- Philip Bennett
- Richard Bennett
- Thomas Bennett
- William Bentley
- Edmund Berkeley[3]
- (Captain) William Berkeley
- (Captain) Thomas Bernard (sometimes shown as Thomas Barnett)
- Peter Beverley[4]
- Robert Beverley Jr.
- William Beverley (sometimes spelled William Beverly)
- William Bibb[3]
- Richard Bigge
- John Bill
- Abraham Bird[3]
- William Bird
- John Bishop
- James Bisse
- Richard Blackburn
- Thomas Blackburn[3]
- William Blackey
- Joseph Blackwell
- Samuel Blackwell
- William Blacky
- Henry Blagrave
- Archibald Blair
- John Blair, Sr.
- John Blair, Jr.
- (Captain) John Blake
- Peregrine Bland
- Richard Bland
- Richard Bland[3]
- Theodorick Bland of Cawsons
- Theodorick Bland of Westover[4]
- Edward Blany (sometimes spelled "Edward Blaney")
- Thomas Blayton
- Richard Blunt
- Michael Blow[3]
- Alexander Bolling
- John Bolling
- Robert Bolling
- Robert Bolling
- (Colonel) Robert Bolling[3]
- (Major) John Bond
- Edmund Booker
- Edward Booker
- Edward Booker, Jr.
- Richard Booker
- Robert Booth
- Daniel Boucher
- (Captain) Robert Bourne
- Maximillian Boush
- Samuel Boush, Jr.
- Samuel Boush, Sr.
- John Bowdoin[3]
- Peter Bowdoin
- John Bowyer[3]
- John Boys (sometimes spelled John Boyse)[5]
- Cheney Boyse
- Luke Boyse
- William Bradley
- Christopher Branch
- John Branch
- John Brasseur
- Carter Braxton[3]
- George Braxton, Sr.
- George Braxton, Jr.
- James Bray
- James Bray Jr.
- Robert Bray
- Thomas Breman
- George Brent
- John Brewer
- Richard Brewster
- James Bridger
- (Colonel) Joseph Bridger
- Samuel Bridger
- (Colonel) William Bridger
- Gray Briggs
- Charles Broadwater[3]
- Walter Brodhurst
- Edward Brodnax[6]
- William Brodnax Jr.
- William Brodnax Sr.
- George Brooke[3]
- Devereaux Browne
- Henry Browne
- John Browne
- William Browne
- John Browning
- John Buckner
- Richard Buckner
- Samuel Buckner
- Thomas Buckner
- William Buckner
- Charles Burgess
- Thomas Burgess (sometimes spelled Thomas Burges)
- John Burnham
- Rowland Burnham
- Zacariah Burnley
- Benoni Burrows
- Christopher Burrows
- John Burton
- Armistead Burwell
- Carter Burwell
- James Burwell
- Lewis Burwell
- Lewis Burwell[3]
- Nathaniel Burwell
- Robert Carter Burwell
- John Bushrod
- Thomas Bushrod
- William Butler
- Thomas Butt
- (Colonel) William Byrd II
- William Byrd III
- Samuel Earle
- John Eaton
- Matthew Edlowe (sometimes spelled Edlow or Edloe)
- Matthew Edlowe, Jr. (sometimes spelled Edlow, Jr. or Edloe, Jr.)
- James Edmondson[3]
- John Edmunds
- Thomas Edmunds
- James Edmundson
- Thomas Edmundson (sometimes spelled Edmondson)
- Nathaniel Edwards
- William Edwards, 1652
- William Edwards, 1703
- Joseph Eggleston
- Jacob Elligood
- Anthony Elliott (sometimes spelled Anthony Ellyott)
- (Captain) Robert Ellyson
- Henry Embry
- William Embry
- William Emerson
- John English
- William English
- (Captain) Francis Eppes
- (Colonel) Francis Eppes
- (Colonel) Francis Eppes
- Francis Eppes
- Isham Eppes
- John Eppes
- Littlebury Eppes
- Richard Eppes
- (Colonel) George Eskridge
- Samuel Ewell
- Solomon Ewell
- Littleton Eyre
- Robert Eyre (sometimes spelled Eyres)
- Severn Eyre
- Thomas Fallowes
- George William Fairfax
- William Fairfax
- Thomas Farley
- Lodowick Farmer
- Thomas Farmer
- (Lieutenant Colonel) John Farrar
- (Colonel) William Farrar Jr.
- (Major) William Farrar III
- Nicholas Faulcon, Jr.[3]
- Thomas Fawcett
- George Fawdon (sometimes spelled Fawdoin or Faudoun or Fawdown)
- (Colonel) Moore Fauntleroy
- William Fauntleroy
- Thomas Fawcett (sometimes spelled Fossett)
- John Feild
- Peter Feild
- (Captain) Robert Felgate (sometimes spelled Fellgate)
- Henry Field, Jr. (sometimes spelled Feild, Jr.)[3]
- Henry Filmer
- George Fitzhugh
- Henry Fitzhugh
- Henry Fitzhugh
- (Major) John Fitzhugh
- William Fitzhugh
- William Fitzhugh
- William Fitzhugh
- (Colonel) William Fitzhugh
- William Fitzhugh[3]
- John Fleming
- John Fleming, Jr.
- Robert Fleming
- Henry Fleet
- George Fletcher
- Richard Flint
- (Lieutenant) Thomas Flint
- John Flood
- Charles Floyd
- Thomas Follis
- Richard Ford
- (Captain) Richard Fossaker
- Thomas Fossett
- Joseph Foster
- (Captain) Richard Foster
- Gerrard Fowke (brother of Thomas Foulke below)
- Thomas Fowke (sometimes spelled Foulke)
- Francis Fowler
- David Fox
- Henry Fox
- Henry Fox, Jr.
- William Fox
- Thomas Francis
- Ferdinand Franklin
- Bridges Freeman
- Henry Fry
- John Fry
- Joshua Fry
- Francis Fulford
- Harry Gaines
- John Gaddes (sometimes spelled Gadis)
- Thomas Gale
- James Garnett
- Thomas Gaskins
- Thomas Glasscock
- (Colonel) John George
- (Lieutenant) John Gibbs[5][9]
- Jonathan Gibson
- John Giles (sometimes spelled Gyles)
- (Captain) Stephen Gill
- Matthew Godfrey
- Joseph Godwin
- (Colonel) Thomas Godwin[4]
- Thomas Godwin, Jr.
- William Gooch
- Charles Goodrich
- Edward Goodrich
- Edward Goodrich, Jr.
- John Goodrich
- James Goodwin
- Daniel Gookin
- John Gookin
- Matthew Gough
- Nathaniel Gough
- William Gough
- Francis Gouldman (burgess)
- Thomas Gouldman
- Edward Gourgainy[5][10]
- Abell Gower
- Captain Thomas Graves[5]
- (Colonel) Edwin Gray[3]
- Francis Gray
- (Colonel) Joseph Gray
- William Gray
- William Gray, Jr.
- John Green
- William Green
- David Greenhill
- Paschall Greenhill
- Richard Gregory
- Thomas Gregson
- Edward Grendon (sometimes spelled Grindon or Grindall)
- Thomas Grendon
- Thomas Grendon, Jr.
- Thomas Griffin
- Edward Griffth
- Benjamin Grymes
- Charles Grymes
- John Grymes
- Philip Ludwell Grymes
- George Gwillen
- David Gwyn
- Hugh Gwyn
- Barnaby Kearne
- William Keeling
- John Keeton
- James Keith
- Matthew Kemp[4]
- Matthew Kemp
- William Kempe
- William Kendall[4]
- William Kendall Jr.
- Richard Kenner
- Rodham Kenner
- Rodham Kenner[3]
- Richard Kennon
- Richard Kennon
- William Kennon
- Thomas Key
- Henry King[3]
- Joseph King
- Richard Kingsmill (sometimes spelled Kingsmell)
- Thomas Kingston
- (Captain) Peter Knight
- John Knowles
- Thomas Oldis
- Edward Osborne, Jr.
- Richard Osborne
- (Captain) Thomas Osborne
- Thomas Osborne
- (Captain) Thomas Ousley
- Edward Tabb
- John Tabb[3]
- Thomas Tabb
- John Talbot[3]
- John Taliaferro
- Walker Taliaferro
- William Taliaferro
- John Tarpley
- John Tatem
- John Tayloe I
- John Tayloe II
- William Tayloe (the nephew)
- William Tayloe (the immigrant)
- Ethelred Taylor
- George Taylor
- Henry Taylor[3]
- James Taylor[3]
- John Taylor
- Philip Taylor
- Thomas Taylor
- William Taylor
- William Taylor
- William Taylor
- Henry Tazewell[3]
- Foushee Tebbs
- Nathaniel Terry[3]
- Edwin Thacker
- Cornelius Thomas
- Edward Thomas
- William Thomas
- George Thompson
- John Thompson
- Samuel Thompson
- Thomas Thornbury
- Francis Thornton
- (Major) John Thornton
- (Colonel) John Thornton
- Peter Thornton[3]
- Presley Thornton
- William Thornton
- William Thornton
- William Thornton
- Otho Thorpe
- Adam Thoroughgood sometimes spelled Thorowgood
- Adam Thoroughgood sometimes spelled Thorowgood
- John Thoroughgood sometimes spelled Thorowgood
- Malachi Thruston
- Robert Todd
- Richard Townsend
- John Trahorne
- Raleigh Travers
- Samuel Travers
- (Colonel) William Travers[4]
- Champion Travis[3]
- Edward Travis
- Edward Champion Travis
- Richard Tree
- Alexander Trent
- Stephen Trigg[3]
- John Trussell
- (Colonel) Robert Tucker
- Robert Tucker
- (Captain) William Tucker[5]
- James Tuke sometimes spelled Took
- Edward Tunstall
- (Colonel) Richard Tunstall
- John Turberville
- Harry Turner
- Thomas Turner
- (Major) William Underwood
- John Upshaw
- (Captain) John Upton
- John Utie (sometimes spelled Utey or Uty)
- Robert Vaulx
- Thomas Veal
- George Veale
- Abraham Venable
- Nathaniel Venable
- Francis Yeardley (sometimes spelled Yardley)
- George Yeardley
- Hugh Yeo
- Leonard Yeo
- (Captain) Thomas Yowell (sometimes spelled Youell)
- Richard Yarborough
In 1653, Rev. Robert Bracewell and in 1699, Rev. John Waugh, were denied seats because they were clergymen. Swem, E.G. The Disqualification of Ministers in State Constitutions. William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, Volume 26. October 1917. Richmond, VA: Whittet and Shepperson, 1918. OCLC 865941007. Pages 74–75. Retrieved February 6, 2014. Bracewell and Waugh are not listed as members of the House of Burgesses in Hening, Statutes at Large Vol. 1, 2d ed. 1823, Stanard, 1902 or Tyler, 1915. Rev. Waugh's son, John or Jno. Waugh, later served as a burgess.
Thomas Pierse was sergeant-at-arms of the first general assembly at Jamestown on July 30, 1619. Tyler, Volume 1, 1915, p. 303.
Member of Last Assembly of 1775–1776; last official session met beginning June 1, 1775, later meetings had no quorum. Stanard, 1902, pp. 197–200.
A speaker of the House. Stanard, 1902, pp. 51–52.
Member of First Assembly, July 30, 1619. Stanard, 1902, p. 52.
Died before taking his seat in 1748.
Stanard, 1902, p. 52 shows his last name as "Capp."
The Compendium of American Genealogy, Vol VII, p845
Stanard, 1902, p. 52 shows his name as "Lieutenant Gibbes."
Stanard, 1902, p. 52 shows his name as "Mr. Gourgainy"
Tyler, Volume 1, 1915, p. 257 says the name was pronounced "Howard" and that John was the ancestor of the Howard family of York County, Virginia.
Stanard, 1902, p. 52 shows his name as "Mr. Jefferson."
Some sources have Philip Ludwell, Sr., rather than his son Philip Ludwell, Jr., as Speaker of the House in 1695–1696.
See the article for a full explanation of the variations of the name referring to the same person.
Hening, 1823, p. 374 shows James Pyland as a "returned Burgesse for the upper parish of the Isle of Wight."
Hening, 1823, p. 506 shows James Pyland among the names of Burgesses for Isle of Wight County in the Grand Assembly of 1658-59.
Should not be confused with Beverley Randolph, governor of Virginia from 1788 to 1791.
Stanard, 1902, p. 52 shows his name as "Ensign Rossingham."
Smith changed his name to Francis Dade after he moved to Westmoreland County, Virginia after his term as speaker for the 1658 assembly. He died in 1662. Tyler, Volume 1, 1915, p. 326.
Tyler, Volume 1, 1915, p. 328.
Stanard, 1902, p. 52 shows his name as "Captain Ward."
Stanard, 1902, p. 52, and Tyler, Volume 1, 1915, p. 352, show his name as "Ensign Washer." Only one source was found for the article on Washer which states that his first name was "Thos" (Thomas).
- Hening, William Waller. The Statutes at Large; being a Collection of all the Laws of Virginia, from the First Session of the Legislature, in the year 1619, Volume I. New York: Published pursuant to an act of the General Assembly of Virginia, passed on the Fifth day of February One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eight, Printed for the Editor by R. and W. and G. Bartow, 1823 (Second Edition).
- Leonard, Cynthia Miller. The General Assembly of Virginia, July 30, 1619-January 11, 1978, A Bicentennial Register of Members. Richmond: Published for the General Assembly of Virginia by the Virginia State Library, 1978. ISBN 978-0-88490-008-5.
- Stanard, William G. and Mary Newton Stanard. The Virginia Colonial Register. Albany, NY: Joel Munsell's Sons Publishers, 1902. OCLC 253261475, Retrieved July 15, 2011.
- Tyler, Lyon Gardiner, ed. Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography. Volume 1. New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1915. OCLC 2576742. Retrieved July 15, 2011.