List of lynching victims in the United States

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List of lynching victims in the United States

This is a list of lynching victims in the United States. While the definition has changed over time, lynching is often defined as the summary execution of one or more persons without due process of law by a group of people organized internally and not authorized by a legitimate government. Lynchers may claim to be issuing punishment for an alleged crime; however, they are not a judicial body nor deputized by one. Lynchings in the United States rose in number after the American Civil War in the late 19th century, following the emancipation of slaves; they declined in the 1920s. Nearly 3,500 African Americans and 1,300 whites were lynched in the United States between 1882 and 1968.[1] Most lynchings were of African-American men in the Southern United States, but women were also lynched. More than 73 percent of lynchings in the post–Civil War period occurred in the Southern states.[2] White lynchings of black people also occurred in the Midwestern United States and the Border States, especially during the 20th-century Great Migration of black people out of the Southern United States. The purpose for many of the lynchings was to enforce white supremacy and intimidate black people through racial terrorism.[3]

Two Mexican-American men, Francisco Arias and José Chamales, lynched in Santa Cruz, California, in 1877
Postcard commemorating the lynching of Allen Brooks in Dallas in 1910
Postcard of crowd two hours after the lynching of Brooks

According to Ida B. Wells and the Tuskegee University, most lynching victims were accused of murder or attempted murder. Rape or attempted rape was the second most common accusation; such accusations were often pretexts for lynching black people who violated Jim Crow etiquette or engaged in economic competition with white people. Sociologist Arthur F. Raper investigated one hundred lynchings during the 1930s and estimated that approximately one-third of the victims were falsely accused.[4][5]

On a per capita basis, lynchings were also common in California and the Old West, especially of Latinos, although they represented less than 10% of the national total. Native Americans, Asian Americans and Italian-Americans[6][7] were also lynched.[8] Other ethnicities, including Finnish-Americans[9] and German-Americans[10] were also lynched occasionally. At least six law officers were killed trying to stop lynch mobs, three of whom succeeded at the cost of their own lives, including Deputy Sheriff Samuel Joseph Lewis in 1882,[11] and two law officers in 1915 in South Carolina.[12] Three law officers were themselves hanged by lynch mobs (Henry Plummer in 1864; James Murray in 1897; Carl Etherington in 1910).

19th century

More information Name, Age ...
Francis McIntosh26African AmericanSt. LouisSt. LouisMissouriApril 28, 1836Arrested on charge of disturbing the peace, McIntosh stabbed the deputies who told him he would serve five years for the offense.Burned alive. Lynching had broad local support. Reported on by abolitionist editor Elijah Lovejoy, who was soon lynched himself.
Elijah Parish Lovejoy35WhiteAltonMadisonIllinoisNovember 7, 1837Abolitionist newspaper editor and publisherHad moved to Alton to escape violence in St. Louis. Four successive printing presses destroyed. "Not guilty" verdict; jury foreman member of mob.[13]
Joseph Smith38CarthageHancockIllinoisJune 27, 1844Technically, treason against state of Illinois, but lynching was for religious views, especially plural marriage/polygamy.In jail awaiting trial. Richards and Taylor survived. Five men were tried and acquitted.
Hyrum Smith44
Willard Richards40
John Taylor34
John Tuckerabout 45African AmericanIndianapolisMarionIndianaJuly 5, 1845Unprovoked attackBeaten[14]
Paunais or Little Saux22AnishinaabeSt. Croix ValleyWisconsinJune 1848Murder of a white manHanged[15]
Battle Creek massacreTimpanogosBattle CreekUtahUtahMarch 5, 1849Alleged cattle theft4–7 killed by Mormon settlers; attack ordered by Brigham Young
Josefa Segoviaabout 25LatinDownievilleSierraCaliforniaJuly 5, 1851Killing a white manShe was found guilty of murdering a local miner, Frederick Cannon, a man who had attempted to assault her after he had broken into her home.[16]
Robert S. Maynard21WhiteJacksonvilleRogue RiverOregon TerritoryMay 1852Killing of J.C. Platt[17]Lynched by miners who appointed a "committee",[18] via “mob law."[19]
Capistrano LopezAdultsLatinSanta CruzSanta CruzCaliforniaJuly 20, 1852Killing and robbing of Americans, including Latinos[20]Band of Mexican horse thieves and murderers, who "tormented the central coast", frequently boasted of killing and robbing Americans.[21] They were taken by vigilantes out of jail and hanged from a makeshift gallows
Domingo Hernández
Mariano Hernández
John ClareScottishSanta CruzSanta CruzCaliforniaAugust 17, 1853Murder of Hungarian fisherman Andrew CracovichHanged[22]
Nephi massacre10–35GoshuteNephiJuabUtahOctober 2, 1853Believed to pose a danger during Wakara's War7 Native American male children and adults, ages 10–35, were invited into the Mormon settlers' fort when they came seeking peace, but were then executed.[23]
David Thomas34African AmericanDentonCarolineMarylandOctober 1854Beating a white man to death[24]
Aaron WashingtonArkansasJuly 7, 1856Murder
John Aiken25WhiteJuabUtah TerritoryNovember 1857Alleged spyingOrdered by Brigham Young shortly after the Mountain Meadows Massacre. Shot by party including Porter Rockwell and Wild Bill Hickman.
Thomas L. Aiken27
John Achard33
Andrew Jackson Jones
Horace Bucklin
Bill Saul ThompsonAfrican AmericanGreensburgGreenKentucky1858Alleged murder and robbery of wealthy white farmer, "Mr. Simpson."Thompson and Despano were two of four men jailed for allegedly murdering a Mr. Simpson. A mob broke into the jail which was abandoned by the jailor. To avoid lynching, one of the four, Elias Scraggs, slit his own throat. Thompson and Despano were taken by the mob and hanged from a tree. After seeing Scraggs, Thompson and Despano die, a fourth man after "a good deal of reluctance" avoided lynching by implicating five others, including Simpson's own son-in-law, though the son-in-law was "generally considered innocent."[25]
Sloan Despano
Pancho DanielLatinLos AngelesLos AngelesCaliforniaNovember 30, 1858Robbery and murderHanged.
AdamAfrican AmericanTampaHillsboroughFlorida1859In response to the murder of a white man, and "in keeping with local custom, a slave man was selected to be killed in retribution".Adam was tried and convicted of the murder of a white man. He was represented by Ossian Hart, who appealed the conviction. The Florida State Supreme Court declared a mistrial, following which a mob broke into the jail, seized Adam and hanged him.[26]:269
George Marshall Clarke23MilwaukeeMilwaukeeWisconsinSeptember 6, 1861Allegedly exchanged insults and blows with two Irishmen who accused him and a friend of bothering two white women on the street.Hanged from a pile driver by a crowd of fifty to seventy-five Irishmen.
Jacob Hamilton28SmyrnaKent and New CastleDelawareOctober 11, 1861Believed to have assaulted a white woman in her home.While a trial was in progress, preparations to lynch the victim were made outside. When constables walked out with Hamilton, the crowd seized and hanged him.[27][28]
Jim WilsonOaklandCarolineMaryland1862Rape and murder of an eight year old white girl[29]
Great Hanging at Gainesville (number >16)Adult menWhiteGainesvilleCookeTexasOctober 1862Lynching, plus "legal" executions, of Union supporters by Confederate supportersMany lynched before trial was concluded. Prosecution of perpetrators "half-hearted"; only one convicted.[30][31]
Joshua BoydAfrican AmericanDetroitWayneMichiganMarch 6, 1863Beaten by mob of Irishmen
Robert MullinerNewburghOrangeNew YorkJune 21, 1863Alleged rape of Irish womanHanged from a tree by mob of Irishmen
Henry Plummer31WhiteBannockBeaverheadMontana TerritoryJanuary 10, 1864Alleged leader of an outlaw gang.A sheriff who was dragged from his house and lynched; the only evidence of his alleged crimes was in an account written by a lynch mob member to justify lynching; 130 years later Plummer was posthumously tried; the jury reached a split decision (six to six) and a mistrial was declared.[32]
Clubfoot GeorgeNevada CityMadisonMontana TerritoryJanuary 14, 1864OutlawHanged by the Montana Vigilantes
Joseph Alfred Slade33Virginia CityMadisonMontana TerritoryMarch 10, 1864Disturbing the peaceHanged by vigilantes
Bill Sketoe46NewtonDaleAlabamaDecember 3, 1864UnclearBeaten and hanged
John (Jack) CampbellMixed race (White/Dakota)[33]MankatoBlue Earth, Nicollet, and Le SueurMinnesota1865Double murderLynched by a mob after an extrajudicial "trial".[34][35]
Circleville MassacreSouthern PaiuteCirclevillePiuteUtahApril 21, 1866Believed to pose a danger during the Black Hawk War27 Native American children, women, and men were imprisoned and murdered with blunt weapons, knives, and guns by Mormon settlers.[36]
Garrett ThompsonunknownWhiteAlbiaMonroeIowaJune 1866Horse theftThompson was arrested by the county sheriff based on evidence collected by a local vigilance committee, then tried in an extrajudicial jury proceeding and hanged.[37]
John Taylor17African AmericanMasonInghamMichiganAugust 27, 1866Attempted murder of his employer's wife following a wage disputeTaylor was a former slave, and had been a teenage soldier for the Union. A mob dragged him from a jail, tortured him and hanged him from a tree, and mutilated and decapitated his body; no one was prosecuted. In 2018, a local park was named the "John Taylor Memorial Park" after him.[34][38]
Thomas Coleman34Salt Lake CitySalt LakeUtah TerritoryDecember 10, 1866Walking with a White womanColeman, formerly enslaved by White Mormon people, was bludgeoned to death by an unknown number of assailants. His throat was deeply slit and body dumped with a note pinned to his chest stating "Notice to all niggers! Take warning!! Leave white women alone!!!"[39][40]
James PippinunknownWhiteChurch Hill or CentervilleQueen Anne'sMarylandJune 23, 1867Tried for killing a merchant, but acquitted.Angry about Pippin's acquittal, a mob of 20 people dragged him from under the floorboards of his father's house and hanged him.[41][42]
William "Obie" EvansAfrican AmericanLeipsicKentDelawareJuly 24, 1867ArsonHanged from a willow tree[43][44]
Tom McLainunknownCoffeevilleYalobushaMississippiJuly 1868Alleged murder of white overseer.A masked mob broke into the jail cell with sledge hammers, dragged McLain and Quinn from the jail and hanged both from a gum tree with the same rope.[45][46]
Gilbert QuinnunknownAlleged accomplice to murder of white overseer.
Isaac MooreunknownBel AirHarfordMarylandJuly 22, 1868Robbing a white woman of a sum of money.Moore was accused of having other "nepharious designs" not carried out after he was frightened away by the screams of the woman from whom he allegedly took money. Moore was before a magistrate when a crowd took him away and hanged him naked from a tree.[47][48]
Samuel BierfieldJewishFranklinWilliamsonTennesseeAugust 15, 1868NoneA group of masked men appeared at both the rear and front doors of Samuel Bierfield's store. When he refused to open the back door, they broke in. He ran out the front, where he encountered the rest of the group. The masked men shot Bierfield five times. They mortally wounded his black clerk Lawrence Bowman, who had been with him at the store. Henry Morton, another black man, had been sitting and chatting with the pair and escaped without injury during the melee. Bierfield pleaded for his life on the street in front of his dry goods store but was shot to death by the masked men at close range.
Lawrence BowmanAfrican American
Steve LongWhiteLaramieAlbanyWyoming TerritoryOctober 28, 1868MurderHanged from the rafters of an unfinished cabin
Ace Moyer
Con Moyer
Jim QuinnunknownAfrican AmericanJarrettsvilleHarfordMarylandOctober 2, 1869Assaulting a white woman[49][50][51]
Thomas Juricksabout 35PiscatawayPrince George'sMarylandOctober 12, 1869Assault of a white womanSharecropper and father of six, Juricks was "hung from an oak tree before the mob fired a volley of gunshots into his body".[52][53]
Two MexicansLatinLas VegasSan MiguelNew Mexico Territory1870Stealing groceriesA group of masked men had taken the two Mexicans during the night, hanging them from a beam in the jail yard.[54]
Wyatt Outlaw49–50African AmericanGrahamAlamanceNorth CarolinaFebruary 26, 1870Prominent local figure (no crime alleged)Sixty-three indictments, but the North Carolina Legislature, to end their cases, repealed the law they were charged with violating.[55]
Offey JohnsonMonroeOuachitaLouisianaMarch 31, 1870None. A witness in protective custody.Johnson was held in protective custody at jail so he could testify against a prisoner in jail named Beavers. Sheriff John H. Wisner killed by mob who then killed prisoner[56] It is believed Johnson was killed so that he could not testify against Beavers.[57]
Alexander Boyd35WhiteEutawGreeneAlabamaMarch 31, 1870Legal representation of African AmericansShot by Ku Klux Klan members
J.L. ComptonHelenaLewis and ClarkMontana TerritoryApril 30, 1870Accused of murderA one-thousand-member vigilance committee accused the two men of shooting and robbing an old man named George Lenhart. Their fate was decided on the courthouse steps by mock trial, because "the law was tedious, expensive, and uncertain." When law officers interrupted the proceedings, they were imprisoned by the mob.[58]
Joseph Wilson
John W. Stephens35WhiteYancyvilleCaswellNorth CarolinaMay 21, 1870State senator who worked to help freedmenKu Klux Klan; no one charged.
Michel LachenaisFrenchLos AngelesLos AngelesCaliforniaDecember 17, 1870MurderHanged[59]
Jim Williams40–41African AmericanYorkSouth CarolinaMarch 6, 1871Leading a black militia organizationHanged by Ku Klux Klan
Ah Wing and at least 15 othersChineseLos AngelesLos AngelesCaliforniaOctober 24, 1871NoneGroup of Chinese immigrants killed in retaliation for the accidental homicide of a white rancher. See: Chinese massacre of 1871
George JohnsonAdultAfrican AmericanCharlestownClarkIndianaNovember 17, 1871Accused of killing a white man, Cyrus Park, and his familyIndiana Legislature exonerated Johnson, Taylor, and Davis in 2022[60]
Squire Taylor64–65
Charles Davis>60
David JonesNashvilleDavidsonTennesseeMarch 25, 1872Murdering Henry Murray.Taken out of his prison cell and lynched by a mob on the public square.[61][62]
José Castro35LatinSan Juan BautistaSan BenitoCaliforniaApril 1872Alleged conspiracy to rob a stage coach.After Tiburcio Vásquez robbed a stage on the San Benito Road, a group of vigilantes seized José Castro, a local saloon owner, and hanged him from a tree based on the flimsy suspicion that he was associated with the bandit.[63]
Charles G. Kelsey37–38WhiteHuntingtonSuffolkNew YorkNovember 4, 1872Sexual indecencyDied from castration after being tarred and feathered by a mob[64]
James McCrory35–36VisaliaTulareCaliforniaDecember 24, 1872MurderA group of vigilantes broke into the jail, seized McCrory and hanged him from a bridge.[65]
John W. St. ClairBozemanGallatinMontana TerritoryFebruary 1, 1873Both individuals charged with separate murdersBoth men hanged[66]
Z.A. Triplett
James Cullen27/28IrishMapletonAroostookMaineApril 30, 1873Accused of two axe murdersHanged[67]
Jeff DavisSwissRagersvilleTuscarawasOhioJuly 26, 1873Attempted rapeBeaten, shot and hanged[68]
Giovanni Chiesa20ItalianChurchillTrumbullOhioJuly 27, 1873NoneGiovanni Chiesa, the first Italian immigrant lynched in the United States, was clubbed to death by a mob of coal miners.[69][70]
EliAfrican AmericanAlachuaFloridaMay 1874Assaulting a white womanKilled when jail burned down by mob; according to a member of mob participant John Wesley Hardin, the local coroner (also allegedly part of the mob) rendered a verdict that Eli had died after setting fire to the jail himself.[71]
Juan Moyaabout 68Mixed race (Tejano)GoliadTexasJune 8, 1874Murder of the Swift familyJuan Moya and his two sons taken from jail and lynched by a mob
Antonio Moya
Marcello Moya
Rufus P. "Scrap" TaylorWhiteClintonDeWittTexasJune 22, 1874Three men were members of the Taylor faction in the Sutton-Taylor feud. Members of the Sutton faction lynched the three men in revenge for murder of Sutton leader William E. Sutton in Indianola, Texas on March 22, 1874.
John Alfred "Kute" Tuggle
James White
Jo ReedAfrican AmericanNashvilleDavidsonTennesseeApril 30, 1875Killing a police officerTaken out of his jail cell by an unmasked mob and hanged on a suspension bridge. Reed survived and escaped West.[72]
John SimmsAnnapolisAnne ArundelMarylandJune 1875Alleged assault of Adaline Jackson.Simms was shackled and in jail when a mob searched the jailor for his keys and took Simms away, irons and all, and hanged him from a tree. “Many of the lynchers were painted black and some were masked.”.[73][74]
William Keemer23GreenfieldHancockIndianaJune 25, 1875Accused of sexually assaulting a white womanHanged from a structure at the Hancock County fairground
John RandolphOsceolaMississippiArkansasJuly 22, 1875Robbery and murder of Frank WilliamsLynched after allegedly confessing to murder of white man. Shot[75][76]
James G. PattersonYazooMississippiOctober 20, 1875Hiring a man to commit murderHanged
Benjamin FrenchWarsawGallatinKentuckyMay 3, 1876Murder of Lake Jones, an elderly African American manBroken out of jail by a white mob and hanged from a tree.
Mollie French
William Chisolm46WhiteKemperMississippiApril 29, 1877Murder of Democratic sheriff John Gully
Cornelia Chisolm19
John Chisolm14
John Gilmer Sr.33
Angus McLellan
Francisco AriasLatinSanta CruzSanta CruzCaliforniaMay 2, 1877Murder of a man named Henry De ForrestBroken out of jail by a mob and hanged from a tree.[77][78]
José Chamales
Arthur W. St. Clairabout 40African AmericanHernandoFloridaJune 26, 1877Presiding over an interracial marriageShot
Justin ArajoLatinSan Juan BautistaSan BenitoCaliforniaJuly 1877Shooting a man named Manuel ButronBroken out of jail by a disguised mob and hanged from a willow tree.[79]
Simeon GarnettAfrican AmericanOxfordButlerOhioSeptember 1877Assaulting a white woman.Taken from jail and shot[80]
Andrew RichardsWinchesterScottIllinoisSeptember 11, 1877Rape of a white womanHanged
Charlotte Harrisnear HarrisonburgRockinghamVirginiaMarch 6, 1878ArsonHanged from a tree
Christian MutschlerGermantownGlennCaliforniaMay 5, 1878ArsonShot[81]
Michael GreenAfrican AmericanUpper MarlboroPrince George'sMarylandSeptember 1, 1878Arrested for assaulting Miss Alice Sweeny on August 26, 1878Green was being held at the jail in Upper Marlboro. Threats of lynching were openly made and were held off by the vigilance of Sheriff James N.W. Wilson. On September 1, 1878, a band of masked men removed Green from the jail and took him a mile outside of town to the corner of Queen Anne's Road and Hills Lane. There a noose was placed around his neck and he was hanged 15 feet in the air from a cherry tree. His body remained dangling from the tree and was observed the next morning.[82]
Seven menMount VernonPoseyIndianaOctober 11, 1878Accused of rapeLargest recorded lynching in Indiana. No one was ever indicted.
Ami "Whit" KetchumCallowayCusterNebraskaDecember 10, 1878Livestock theft and murder of a posse memberTaken from the custody of the county sheriff and burned alive.[83]
Luther H. Mitchell
Mart Horrell31–32WhiteMeridianBosqueTexasDecember 15, 1878Armed robbery and murderTwo of the five Horrell Brothers, outlaw brothers best known for their involvement in the Horrell–Higgins feud. While awaiting trial for robbery and murder in Texas, they were shot to death by a mob of armed vigilantes who stormed the jail.
Thomas L. Horrell29–30
Albert Easley13–14African AmericanJacksonvilleCalhounAlabamaJanuary 20, 1879Alleged assault and rape of a white womanAccused of assaulting and raping Mrs. Moses Ables, Easley was taken by force from the jail and lynched during the day within the city limits of Jacksonville.[84]
Gilmer, BillMemphisShelbyTennesseeMarch–April 1879Shot attorney Thomas J. WoodShot. Gilmer was accused of shooting Wood, who had whipped Gilmer for using offensive language near his wife.[85][86]
Porter, NevlinStarkvilleOktibbehaMississippiMay 5, 1879Arson[87][88]
Spencer, Johnson
Standing, Joseph24WhiteVarnell StationWhitfieldGeorgiaJuly 21, 1879Being Mormon missionariesAccosted by armed mob. Standing shot, Clawson survived
Clawson, Rudger22
Frost, Elijah29WillitsMendocinoCaliforniaSeptember 4, 1879Theft of a saddle and harnessLocal petty thieves accused without evidence of stealing a saddle and harness. Kidnapped from jail and hanged by 30 members of the local Masonic Temple.
Gibson, Abijah19
McCracken, Tom19
House, T.J.Las VegasSan MiguelNew Mexico Territory1880Murder of Marshal Joe CarsonAccused of murdering a U.S. marshal during the Variety Hall shootout. Hanged by a mob.
West, James
Dorsey, John
Peck, George Washington22African AmericanPoolesvilleMontgomeryMarylandJanuary 10, 1880Accused of assaulting a white girlTaken by a mob and hanged from a tree before he could be transported to Rockville for a trial.[89][90][91]
Smith, NatJonesboroClaytonGeorgiaJanuary 15, 1880Accused of attempted rapeTaken from jail by a mob and hanged then shot in the chest.[92][93]
Jordan, Arthur24–25WarrentonFauquierVirginiaJanuary 19, 1880Eloping with his employer's daughterHanged
Ramírez, RefugioLatinCollinTexasMay 1, 1880Accused of bewitching their neighbors.All three were burned to death[94]
Garcia, Silvestre (wife)
Ines, María (daughter)16–17
Diggs-Dorsey, John23African AmericanRockvilleMontgomeryMarylandJuly 27, 1880Assault and rape of a white womanMarched one mile in shackles and hanged from a cherry tree[95][96]
Scott, GeorgeBrazilClayIndianaDecember 12, 1880RapeHanged from an oak tree.
Parrott, George47WhiteRawlinsCarbonWyoming TerritoryMarch 22, 1881Robbery, murderHanged from a telegraph pole.
Three menAfrican AmericanSevierArkansasMay 1881Attacking a man who requested their help in crossing Rolling Fork CreekHanged from a tree on the bank of the creek[97]
Shorter, JoshEufaulaBarbourAlabamaJune 8, 1881Harassing a white girlHanged from a tree
Pierce, CharlesWhiteBloomingtonMcLeanIllinoisOctober 1, 1881Horse theft and murderHanged from a tree[98]
Three MexicansLatinLos LunasValenciaNew Mexico TerritoryOctober 7, 1881Murder of James LittleA mob took the three Mexicans and hanged them from a tree[99]
Davis, ChristopherAfrican AmericanAthensAthensOhioNovember 21, 1881Rape and assault of a white womanHanged from a bridge
Johnson, JimPine BluffJeffersonArkansasDecember 24, 1881Threatening several men with a shotgun.After being hit on the head with a pistol by Thomas Barksdell, Johnson retaliated by threatening several people with a shotgun and allegedly preventing a doctor from reaching a woman who was in labor.[100]
Harrington, Levi23Kansas CityJacksonMissouriApril 3, 1882Killing a police officerNewspapers reported he was innocent, but no one was held accountable for the lynching.[101][102][103][104]
McManus, FrankWhiteMinneapolisHennepinMinnesotaApril 19, 1882Raping a four-year-old childTaken from jail and lynched[105]
Ellis, GeorgeAshlandBoydKentuckyJune 3, 1882Murder of three teenagersHanged from a sycamore tree[106]
Mentzel, AugustusRatonColfaxNew Mexico TerritoryJune 27, 1882Resisting arrest; killing three citizens and wounding twoDeputy Sheriff William A Bergin was either mortally wounded by suspect[107] or was killed by mob who then killed prisoner[108][109]
Tafoya, Francisco "Navajo Frank"NavajoDemingLunaNew Mexico TerritoryJune 29, 1882Lassoing and dragging a citizenTaken from jail and lynched on telephone pole in railyard.[110][111][112]
Agirer, AugustinLatinAustinTravisTexasAugust 1882Filing a complaint against a white manMr. Agirer had filed a complaint after one of the Anglo men had shot at his dog. In retaliation, the Anglos tracked Mr. Agirer down and fatally shot him in front of his wife[94][113]
Thurber, CharlesAfrican AmericanGrand ForksGrand ForksDakota TerritoryOctober 24, 1882Assaulting and raping two white womenTaken from law officers in jail and lynched from a bridge[114]
Green, JamesWhiteHastingsAdamsNebraskaApril 3, 1883Robbery and murder of a shopkeeperAccused of the robbery and murder of Cassius Millet, a mob forcibly took the pair from the jail and hanged them from a bridge.[115]
Ingraham, Fred
García, Encarnción30–31LatinLos GatosSanta ClaraCaliforniaJune 17, 1883MurderEncarnación García was a nephew of the bandido Tiburcio Vásquez. He was arrested for stabbing another man to death following a card game at the Los Gatos Saloon. A mob broke into the jail, seized García and hanged him from the Los Gatos Creek bridge.[116][117]
Green, CharleyNative AmericanJuneauJuneauAlaska TerritoryJuly/August 1883Murder of rumseller Richard RaineyHanged[118]
Harvey, William "Sam Joe"35BlackSalt Lake CitySalt LakeUtah TerritoryAugust 25, 1883Alleged murder of White police chiefAfter police severely kicked and beat him they handed him over to a White mob of up to 2,000 people who hung Harvey in front of the city jail then dragged his body down the main city street.[119][120]
Conorly, Huie16African AmericanBogalusaWashingtonLouisianaFebruary 18, 1884Attempted rapeA mob of 10 to 15 men broke into the jail, seized Conorly and hanged him on the jail steps.[121]
Heath, John28WhiteTombstoneCochiseArizona TerritoryFebruary 22, 1884Accessory to robberyMob unsatisfied with lenient sentence
Briscoe, George40African AmericanOn a rural road[a]Anne ArundelMarylandNovember 26, 1884Alleged robbery of the residence of George Schievenent."[A]sked the magistrate with an oath what right he had to commit him to jail?" angering the crowd. Hung by "a large party" of masked men.[73][122]
Cook, Townsend21WestminsterCarrollMarylandJune 2, 1885Assaulting a white woman[123][124]
Jackson, AndyElkhartAndersonTexasJune 21, 1885Rape and murder of a white woman[125]
Jackson, Lizzie
Hayes, Frank
Norman, Joe
Rogers, Willie
McChristian, PerryWhiteGrenadaGrenadaMississippiJuly 7, 1885Murder of two peddlers[126][127]
Williams, Felix
James, BartleyAfrican American
Campbell, John
Cooper, Howard15–17TowsonBaltimoreMarylandJuly 12, 1885Assaulting a white womanConvicted of assault and rape after one minute deliberation, his attorneys intended to file an appeal; 75 masked men broke Cooper out of jail and hanged him from a tree.[128][123][129]
Finch, Jerry46ChathamNorth CarolinaSeptember 29, 1885Murder[130][131]
Finch, Harriet30
Tyson, Lee
Pattishall, John
Johnson, Samuel "Mingo Jack"66EatontownMonmouthNew JerseyMarch 5, 1886Rape of a white womanAll suspects acquitted.[132][133]
Villarosa, Federico (Francesco Valoto)ItalianVicksburgWarrenMississippiMarch 25, 1886Attempted rape of a 10-year-old white girlHanged from a tree by a mob despite the efforts of the sheriff and state militia.[134]
Whitley, Charles18African AmericanPrince FrederickCalvertMarylandJune 6, 1886Alleged assault of five-year-old child.A mob of 35–40 heavily armed men broke into the jail, seized Whitley and hanged him from a tree about a mile and a half away.[73][135]
Lockwood, Charles35WhiteMorrisLitchfieldConnecticutJuly 25, 1886Allegedly murdered a 16-year-old girlFound hanged from a tree three days later. Public opinion divided on whether Lockwood committed suicide or was lynched. Coroner's jury returned a verdict of suicide.[136]
Woods, ElizaAfrican AmericanJacksonMadisonTennesseeAugust 19, 1886Supposedly poisoning her employer.Taken from the county jail, stripped naked, hanged in the courthouse yard and her body riddled with bullets and left exposed to view.[137]
Johnson, David50WhiteWesternportAlleganyMarylandSeptember 14, 1886Alleged murder of Edward White.Hanged by a mob. Newspaper accounts describe Johnson as troubled with "religious mania" and regarded as insane.[73][138]
Betters, Peter35African AmericanGreene CountyJamestownOhioJune 12, 1887Alleged assault on Martha ThomasAssault victim Martha Thomas was mixed race and the mob was reportedly led by members of the black community.[139][140]
McCutchen, FrankLatinOakdaleStanislausCaliforniaNovember 26, 1887ArsonFires had been appearing around Oakdale and McCutchen had allegedly been caught in the act of setting fire to a barn. McCutchen was arrested and while being transferred to Modesto jail, a mob overpowered the constable and hanged McCutchen from a tree.[141]
Waldrop, ManseWhitePickensSouth CarolinaDecember 30, 1887Raping and killing a 14 year old African-American girlOne of various unique incidents in which a white person is lynched by African Americans
Salazar, SantosLatinSouth TexasJim WellsTexasJanuary 23, 1888Murdering a white manJake Stafford was found dead two miles away from the road he was on; one of the main suspects of murdering Mr. Stafford was Mexican-American Salazar Santos. When the news spread across the city, a mob hanged Salazar due to the suspicion of him being the murderer[142]
Grandstaff, Andrew22–23WhiteViroquaVernonWisconsinJune 1, 1888Killing two adults and two childrenTaken from the county jail and hung from a tree on courthouse lawn.[143]
Miller, Amos23African AmericanFranklinWilliamsonTennesseeAugust 10, 1888Assaulting a white womanTaken from the courthouse during his trial and lynched on the balcony railings.[144]
Witherell, GeorgeWhiteCañon CityFremontColoradoDecember 4, 1888Murder of L.K. WallHanged from a telephone pole
Meadows, GeorgeAfrican AmericanN/AJeffersonAlabamaJanuary 15, 1889Rape and murderLynched despite calls from his accuser that she could not confirm he was guilty. Sheriff eventually determined he had been innocent, and another man was later arrested.
Fletcher, Magruderabout 35TasleyAccomackVirginiaMarch 14, 1889Raping a white woman in her home[145][146]
Martin, Albert23Port HuronSt. ClairMichiganMay 27, 1889Assault and rapeA mob broke into his jail cell with sledge hammers, dragged him from the jail with a noose around his neck, beat and shot him to death, then hanged his corpse from a bridge.[34][147]
Watson, Ellen28WhiteNatronaWyoming TerritoryJuly 20, 1889Stealing cattleAbducted and hanged
Averell, James38
Bowen, KeithAfrican AmericanAberdeenMonroeMississippiAugust 14, 1889Found with white girlHanged
Bush, George17ColumbiaBooneMissouriSeptember 7, 1889Rape of a five year old white girl[148]
Goto, Katsu28JapaneseHonokaʻaHawaiiHawaii (Kingdom)October 28, 1889Alleged arsonHanged from a telephone pole[149][150]
Anderson, Orion14African AmericanLeesburgLoudounVirginiaNovember 8, 1889"Scaring a teenaged white girl"[151]Hanged from a derrick[146]
Vermillion, Joseph27WhiteUpper MarlboroPrince GeorgeMarylandDecember 3, 1889ArsonHanged from a bridge
Johnson, RipleyAfrican AmericanBarnwell vicinityBarnwellSouth CarolinaDecember 28, 1889Alleged murder of a merchant and another person. Some were only being held as witnesses.A mob of about 100 took the men from the jail to the outskirts of Barnwell and shot them.[152][153]
Adams, Mitchell
Jones, Judgeabout 22
Phoenix, Robertabout 30
Furz, Hughabout 24
Johnson, Harrisonabout 35
Bell, Peterabout 60
Morral, Ralphabout 28
Ladd, Eli20BlountsvilleHenryIndianaFebruary 7, 1890Assault of a white woman, confronting mobShot
Washington, Brown15MadisonMorganGeorgiaFebruary 27–28, 1890Murder of a 9-year-old white girlHanged from a telegraph pole[154]
Williams, WilliamKosseLimestoneTexasApril 3, 1890Rape of an eight year old white girlTaken from his jail cell by a mob, hanged, and shot multiple times.[155][156]
TachoNative AmericanBanningRiversideCaliforniaApril 27, 1890Stealing horses and cattleHanged from a telegraph pole[15]
Salceda, JesusLatinKnickerbockerTom GreenTexasFebruary 4, 1891Seducing a white man's daughterThree white men took Jesus Salceda and hanged him from an oak tree for supposedly seducing one of the white men's daughters. They later found out that they had mistaken Jesus Salceda for another Mexican.[157]
Champion, TonyAfrican AmericanGainesvilleAlachuaFloridaFebruary 17, 1891MurderTaken together from jail by mob and hanged.[158]
Kelly, MichaelIrish
11 Italian AmericansItalianNew OrleansOrleansLouisianaMarch 14, 1891Killing of police chiefThree had been acquitted; three had a mistrial; five were never tried. Lynching organized by local leaders, including future mayor Walter C. Flower and future governor John M. Parker. Grand jury brought no charges.
Hodges, Lewis African American Louisville Winston Mississippi March 14, 1891 Attempted rape of a woman Moved to a separate jail for safekeeping, kidnapped from the second jail by four men, and lynched in public the day after his kidnapping.[159]
Taylor, JimAfrican AmericanFranklinWilliamsonTennesseeApril 30, 1891Shooting a policemanTaken from his jail cell by a mob and lynched on Murfreesboro Road.[160]
Clark, RobertBristolSullivanTennesseeJune 13, 1891Rape[161][162]
Ford, AndrewGainesvilleAlachuaFloridaAugust 24, 1891Beating a man, aiding Harmon MurrayTaken from jail by mob and hanged.[158]
Ortiz, LouisLatinRenoWashoeNevadaSeptember 19, 1891Shooting of Officer Dick NashA repeat, violent, intoxicated offender was arrested for shooting the town's night watchman. Prior to due process, a vigilante crew freed Ortiz from jail at gunpoint and hanged him from the Virginia Street Bridge.[163][164]
Smith, George (AKA Joe Coe)African AmericanOmahaDouglasNebraskaOctober 10, 1891Assault on a white girl of fiveThe Governor and the sheriff tried unsuccessfully to quiet the crowd in front of the courthouse. Pieces of the lynching rope were sold as souvenirs. Despite 16 wounds to his body and three broken vertebrae, Coroner said he died of "fright". Grand jury declined to indict.
Lundy, DickAdultEdgefieldEdgefieldSouth CarolinaDecember 1891Murder of son of sheriffCoroner's jury: "by persons unknown"
UnknownWaldoAlachuaFlorida1892Suspicion of burglary and incendiarismHanged.[158]
Hinson, HenryMicanopyAlachuaFloridaJanuary 12, 1892MurderHanged.[158][165]
Corbin, HenryOxfordButlerOhioJanuary 14, 1892Death of a white woman.Taken from jail and hanged/[80]
Coy, EdwardTexarkanaMillerArkansasFebruary 20, 1892Attacked a white womenBurned[166]
Moss, Thomas38–39MemphisShelbyTennesseeMarch 9, 1892Complaint from competing white grocery store owner.So-called Curve Riot (not a riot). Reported on by Ida B. Wells, whose newspaper was destroyed and had to leave the state.[167]
McDowell, Calvin32
Stewart, WillAdult
Bright, John WesleyWhiteForsythTaneyMissouriMarch 16, 1892Killing his wifeDeputy Sheriff George Williams killed by mob who then shot and killed prisoner[168][169]
Heflin, Lee29FauquierVirginiaMarch 18, 1892Convicted murdererSeized from police when they were trying to move him to a safer location.[146]
Dye, Joseph
Grizzard, HenryAfrican AmericanNashvilleDavidsonTennesseeApril 27, 1892Assaulting two white girls in Goodlettsville.Taken out of his prison cell and lynched on a bridge in downtown Nashville in front of 10,000 onlookers. Later taken back to Goodlettsville.[170]
Grizzard, Ephraim44–45April 30, 1892
Redmond, JimClarkesvilleHabershamGeorgiaMay 17, 1892Arrested for the fatal assault of Toccoa City Marshal James Carter.[171]Due to threats against the suspects, they were transferred to a jail in Clarkesville, 15 miles east of Toccoa. A week after their arrest, a mob surrounded the jail, overpowered the guards, and dragged the three suspects out of their cells. Using chains and padlocks, the three victims were hanged from a single tree.[172]
Roberson, Gus
Addison, Bob
Taylor, James23KennedyvilleKentMarylandMay 19, 1892Accused of the rape of 11-year-old Nettie (Nellie) Silcox on May 16, 1892By 9:00 p.m. on May 19, nearly 1,000 men and women gathered at the jail. A body of masked men carrying an assortment of weapons demanded the Sheriff open the jail's door. When the Sheriff refused, the men used a sledgehammer to breach the door rushed in, and swiftly overpowered the Sheriff and other officers on duty. The mob placed a rope around Taylor's neck and dragged him down the steps and out of the jail into Cross Street. They hanged him from a tree just outside the city limits at a point between the Rockwell House and the old Armstrong Hotel.[173]
Stewart, CharlesPerryvillePerryArkansasMay 21, 1892RapeSuspect killed Deputy Sheriff T Holmes while escaping from jail; lynched by posse.[174][175]
Lewis, Robert28African AmericanPort JervisOrangeNew YorkJune 2, 1892Assaulting a white womanHanged.[176]
Bates, WilliamWhiteShelbyvilleBedfordTennesseeJune 27, 1892Alleged murder of his wifeMob formed as officers were transporting Bates to jail. He was hanged.[177]
Ruggles, John33African AmericanReddingShastaCaliforniaJuly 24, 1892Stagecoach robbery and murderHanged from a derrick
Ruggles, Charles33
Smith, Henry17ParisLamarTexasFebruary 1, 1893Kidnapping and murder of white girl; Smith confessed under duress.Tortured, burned with hot irons, doused in oil and set afire; his remains were sold as souvenirs.
Peterson, JohnAdultDenmarkBamberg (at the time, Barnwell)South CarolinaApril 24, 1893Attack on a white girl
Blount, AlfredChattanoogaHamiltonTennesseeFebruary 9, 1893AssaultBeaten, stabbed, and hanged from Walnut Street Bridge
Bush, Samuel J.DecaturMaconIllinoisJune 3, 1893Rape of a white woman, Minnie Cameron VestHanged from a telephone pole at the corner of Wood and Water streets
Shorter, William17WinchesterN/A (independent city)VirginiaJune 13, 1893Assault on a white woman[146][178][179]
Miller, C.J.BardwellCarlisleKentuckyJuly 7, 1893Killing two white girlsDespite no evidence that he was the murderer, he was taken from jail and hanged and his dead body cremated. Investigated by journalist Ida B. Wells.[180]
Willis, CharlesRochelleAlachuaFloridaJanuary 12, 1894Being a "desperado"[181]Shot and burned in bed.[158]
Puryear, Richardabout 35StroudsburgMonroePennsylvaniaMarch 15, 1894MurderLynched by a mob after escaping from jail.[34][182]
Hicks, AmosRocky SpringsClaiborneMississippiMay 17, 1894ArsonShot
Williams, StephenUpper MarlboroPrince GeorgeMarylandOctober 20, 1894Assaulting a white womanHanged from a bridge and shot
Rawls, WilliamNewnansvilleAlachuaFloridaApril 2, 1895MurderHanged and shot.[158]
Henson, JacobEllicott CityHowardMarylandMay 28, 1895MurderHanged[183]
Divers, EmmettAdultFultonCallawayMissouriAugust 15, 1895Murder of a white woman; Jennie E. Cain"Horrible fury of the mob...500 horsemen." Hanged from bridge until dead, taken down and hanged a second time from a telegraph pole at the fairground, "at the request of the murdered woman's husband, John William Cain". Body and cabin burned.[184]
Black farm hand African


Simpson Mississippi August 30, 1895 Being the father to the child of a 14 year old white girl he had been intimate with. She confessed to being intimate with one of the black farm hands after the child she birthed was black[185] He was captured by an angry mob who took him to a tree and hanged him then riddled his body with bullets.[185]
Suiato, FloantinaLatinCotullaLa SalleTexasOctober 12, 1895Murder10 masked man went into the jail where Suiato was being held, took him to the banks of the Nueces River, where they hanged him from a tree and riddled his body with bullets[186]
Hilliard, Robert HensonAfrican AmericanTylerDewittTexasOctober 29, 1895Rape and murder of a white womanBurned.[187][188]
Smith, GeorgeEnglishRansomvilleNiagaraNew YorkJanuary 10, 1896Alleged murder of his father-on-law and wounding a possemanShot by mob; ruled by coroner as suicide
Castellán, AurelianoLatinSan AntonioBexarTexasJanuary 30, 1896Accused of looking at a white womanShot and burned[189]
Crawford, FosterWhiteWichita FallsWichitaTexasFebruary 26, 1896Bank robbery and killing of cashier Frank DorseyOn February 25, 1896, two cowboys robbed the city national bank, murdered cashier Frank Dorsey and stole $410. They were eventually arrested. On the night of February 26, 1896, a mob stormed the prison, dragged the pair from the jail and hanged them in front of the bank building[190][191]
Lewis, Elmer "Kid"20
Cocking, Joseph34–35EnglishPort TobaccoCharlesMarylandJune 28, 1896Murder of his wife and sister-in-lawHanged on a bridge at the outskirts of town[192]
Randolph, SidneyAdultAfrican AmericanGaithersburgMontgomeryMarylandJuly 4, 1896Killing a white girlTaken from the jail by a mob.[193][194]
Saladino, Lorenzo33–36ItalianHahnvilleSt. CharlesLouisianaAugust 8, 1896MurderSaladino was accused of murdering a wealthy merchant. Arena and Venturella happened to have been in the same prison, accused of a different murder. All were rounded up together and lynched to "teach the lawless Italians a salutary lesson." After the lynching, another person confessed to the murder for which Arena and Venturella had been lynched.[195]
Arena, Salvatore27
Venturella, Giuseppe48
Daniels, AlfredAfrican AmericanGainesvilleAlachuaFloridaNovember 26, 1896Suspicion of arson (barn burning) (no evidence)Taken by mob on way to jail, hanged and shot.[158][196][197]
McCoy, Joseph19AlexandriaN/A (independent city)VirginiaApril 23, 1897Assault on a young girl[146]
Mitchell, Charles23UrbanaChampaignOhioJune 4, 1897Robbery/rapeHanged[198]
Andrews, William17Princess AnneSomersetMarylandJune 9, 1897AssaultHanged from a walnut tree.
Holy Track, Paul19Native AmericanWilliamsportEmmonsNorth DakotaNovember 13, 1897Murder of a white familyHanged from a beef windlass[15]
Coudot, Alex
Ireland, Phillip
Murray, JamesWhiteBonanzaSebastianArkansasDecember 6, 1897Victim was a law officer who was shot and lynched by friends of a man who had been arrested for murder[199][200]
McGeisey, Lincoln18SeminoleMaudOklahoma TerritoryJanuary 8, 1898Alleged rape, murder, and necrophiliaBurned alive
Sampson, Palmer17
Baker, Frazier B.41African AmericanLake CityFlorenceSouth CarolinaFebruary 22, 1898Appointed PostmasterHouse burned by white mob. Infant daughter killed. Grand jury did not indict. Since it was a federal crime (attack on a postmaster), there were 13 Federal indictments; no one was convicted.
Baker, Julia2
King, Garfield18SalisburyWicomicoMarylandMay 25, 1898Shooting a white manHanged from a tree outside the courthouse; shot and beaten.[201]
James, John HenryAdultCharlottesville (near)AlbemarleVirginiaJuly 12, 1898RapeHanged and shot by a mob.
John AndersonLaFayetteChambersAlabamaOctober 23, 1898MurderHanged [202]
Wright Smith56AnnapolisAnne ArundelMarylandOctober 5, 1898Alleged assault of Mary Morrison.Wright Smith was identified by Mary Morrison as the man who broke into her house and assaulted her. Mob broke Smith out of jail and riddled his body with bullets.[73][203]
F. W. StewartAdultLaconMarshallIllinoisNovember 7, 1898Alleged assault of Mary O'BrienO'Brien was the daughter of a miner. About 100 miners broke into the county jail, abducted Stewart, and hanged him.[204]
Eight or morePhoenixGreenwoodSouth CarolinaNovember 1898Phoenix election riotEight or more men were lynched.[205]
Sam Hoseabout 24NewnanCowetaGeorgiaApril 23, 1899Killed his white employer in self-defense. Accusations of rape added to incite lynching.Body parts for sale in a store. Widely publicized and privately investigated.
Francesco DiFattaItalianTallulahMadisonLouisianaJuly 20, 1899Shooting a doctorSicilian immigrant grocery store owners, the DiFatta brothers, quarreled with a local doctor. The doctor fired his pistol at Carlo and was immediately shot and injured by Giuseppe. Sicilian immigrants Cerami and Fiducia were not involved in the dispute and had simply been nearby when the lynching occurred; they were rounded up and lynched alongside the DiFatta brothers because they were Italian.[206]
Giuseppe DiFatta
Pasquale DiFatta
Giovanni Cerami
Rosario Fiducia
Frank EmbreeAfrican AmericanFayetteHowardMissouriJuly 29, 1899Charged with assaulting a 14-year-old girlTaken from officers and lynched[207][208]
Benjamin Thomas16AlexandriaN/A (independent city)VirginiaAugust 8, 1899Attempting to criminally assault an eight-year-old white girl[151]Hanged from a lamppost at Cameron and Lee Sts., site of several lynchings.[146][209]
Martin SevertsWhiteLituya BayUnorganizedAlaska TerritoryOctober 1899Murder of a minerHanged from a tree following a mock trial at his own request[210][211]

20th century



More information Name, Age ...
Watt, W.W.WhiteNewport Newsan independent cityVirginiaJanuary 5, 1900AssaultShot[212]
Gause, AndersonAfrican AmericanHenningLauderdaleTennesseeJanuary 16, 1900Helping two Black prisoners to escape who had killed two law officers.Mr. Gause was hanged from a tree.[212][213][214]
Silsbee, George[215]WhiteFort ScottBourbonKansasJanuary 20, 1900MurderTaken from jail and lynched[216]
Silsbee, Ed
Cotton, WalterAfrican AmericanEmporiaGreensvilleVirginiaMarch 24, 1900Accused of murderCotton killed by a white mob; O'Grady Killed by African-American mob[217]
O'Grady, BrandtWhite
Lee, William29African AmericanHintonSummersWest VirginiaMay 11, 1900Assault on a white woman[218]
Pete, DagoAfrican AmericanTutwilerTallahatchieMississippiJune 1900Assaulted colored womanKilled by African-American mob[212][219]
Wright, Charlotte62WhiteGilmanIroquoisIllinoisAugust 27, 1900Performed an abortion that killed a 16-year-old girlShot during shoot-out with sheriff and angry mob that set fire to her home[220][221]
Mills, Averyabout 22African AmericanForest CityRutherfordNorth CarolinaAugust 29, 1900MurderShot
Porter, Preston15African AmericanLimonColoradoColoradoNovember 16, 1900Rape and murder of a 12 year old white girlBurned alive by a mob[222]
Rowland, BudAfrican AmericanRockportSpencerIndianaDecember 16, 1900MurderHanged from a tree on the east side of the Rockport courthouse before shooting his body with bullets
Henderson, JimShot in his cell, dragged across the courtyard, hanged next to Rowland
Holly, JoeBoonvilleWarrickDecember 17, 1900Hanged in front of the Boonville Courthouse
Alexander, Fred22African AmericanLeavenworthLeavenworthKansasJanuary 15, 1901Rape and murder allegationsLynched and burned at stake[223]
Carter, GeorgeAfrican AmericanParisBourbonKentuckyFebruary 11, 1901"Assaulting a white woman."[224]
Berryman, Peter45African AmericanMenaPolkArkansasFebruary 20, 1901Kicking a young White girlBeaten, shot, and hanged[225]
Ward, GeorgeAfrican AmericanTerre HauteVigoIndianaFebruary 26, 1901Suspected of murder of a white womanStruck in head with sledgehammer. Hanged from bridge, burned; toes and hobnails from boots kept as souvenirs.[226]
Crutchfield, BallieAfrican AmericanRomeSmithTennesseeMarch 15, 1901Revenge for an alleged theft committed by the victim's brotherBound, shot, and thrown in a creek
Rochelle, Fred16African AmericanBartowPolkFloridaMay 29, 1901Murder and rape of a white womanDoused with kerosene and burned. Special train from Lakeland to see the "barbecue".
Godley, William32African AmericanPierceLawrenceMissouriAugust 20, 1901Murder of a white womanSeized from jail by mob and lynched. Mob subsequently went on a rampage in a nearby black community[227]
Godley, French70William's grandfather; shot to death
Hampton, PeterBurned alive in his home
Estes, SilasAfrican AmericanHodgenvilleLaRueKentuckyOctober 31, 1901"Forcing...a 15 year old commit a crime."Mr. Estes was taken from his jail cell at 2:00 a.m. by a mob of 50 or 75 persons and hanged in front of the courthouse.[228]
Yellow Wolf, JohnNative American (Sioux)DeadwoodLawrenceSouth DakotaJanuary 18, 1902Horse stealingAfter being released from jail, he was given a worthless horse and saddle, while on his way to the reservation he grew up in, he spotted a young horse that he wanted. A group of men took over Yellow Wolf and hanged him from a tree near White River.[229]
Carter, James20African AmericanAmherstAmherstVirginiaApril 5, 1902Unknown[230][231]
UnknownAfrican AmericanSavannahChathamGeorgiaApril 16, 1902Accused of assaulting white woman and killing her sonSuspect Richard Young was sought on March 27, 1902, injuring Mrs Fountain and mortally injuring her son Dower Fountain.[232] Victim was hanged and burned in a swamp[233][234] However, victim was not suspect Richard Young-since Richard Young and accomplice James Stewart were captured, tried and sentenced to prison in June 1902[235]
Gillespie, James11African AmericanSalisburyRowanNorth CarolinaJune 11, 1902Murder of a white womanTwo brothers were accused of stoning a neighbor to death. Hanged by a mob of an estimated 400 persons and their bodies shot dozens of times.[236][237]
Gillespie, Harrison13
Craven, Charles22African AmericanLeesburgLoudounVirginiaJuly 31, 1902Assault[146][238]
Price, MannyAfrican AmericanNewberryAlachuaFloridaSeptember 1, 1902MurderTaken by mob on way to jail, hanged and shot.[158]
Scruggs, RobertSuspected accomplice
Tucker, Alonzo28African AmericanMarshfieldCoosOregonSeptember 18, 1902Assaulting a white womanShot, hanged from 7th Street bridge
Brown, Curtis and Burley, GarfieldAfrican AmericanNewbernDyerTennesseeOctober 8, 1902One confessed to murder of a white man and claimed the other was accomplice[239]
Dillard, JamesAfrican AmericanSullivanSullivanIndianaNovember 20, 1902Accused of sexually assaulting two white women[240]
Vazquez and Unknown Mexican17, unknownLatinoHuachuca MountainsCochiseArizona Territory1903Stealing cattle and skinning stolen beefVazquez was found hanging from the tree and was suspected to be one of the Mexicans stealing cattle from the ranch of Will Parker, who discovered the 17 year old. Three Mexicans were also caught nearby skinning stolen beef, with which they tried to escape arrest, but one of the Mexicans who did was fatally shot.[241]
Fambro, WilliamAfrican AmericanGriffinSpaldingGeorgiaFebruary 24, 1903Insulted white home[242]
Johnson, WilliamAfrican AmericanThebesAlexanderIllinoisApril 26, 1903Assaulting a girlHanged[243]
Malone, "Rev" D.M.50WhiteWardell, MissouriPemiscotMissouriMay 3, 1903Suspect had been arrested for living with woman not his wifeWhen mob burned the man's house down, Constable W. J. Monneyhan placed man under arrest in his own home to protect him. Officer was killed by mob, who then shot and killed prisoner.[244][245][246]
Jarvis, Washington25WhiteMadisonMadisonFloridaMay 20, 1903Accused of murdering his cousin.[247]
UnknownAfrican AmericanSt. LouisSt. LouisMissouriJune 1903Assaulted African American woman and a white girlHanged on tripod[248][249]
Wyatt, DavidAfrican AmericanBrooklynSt. ClairIllinoisJune 6, 1903Shooting superintendent Charles HertelHanged from a telephone pole and burned.
White, George24African AmericanWilmingtonNew CastleDelawareJune 23, 1903Accused of sexually assaulting and stabbing to death an 18-year-old girlTaken from the city jail by a mob and burned alive.[250]
Gorman, Jim and Walters, J.P.Basin, WyomingBig HornWyomingJuly 19, 1903each accused of a murderDeputy Sheriff C. E. Pierce was killed by mob, who then shot the prisoners[251][252]
Steers, JennieAdultAfrican Americanrural area near ShreveportCaddoLouisianaJuly 25, 1903Poisoning daughter of a planter[253]:70
Mayfield, J. D.African AmericanDanvilleVermilionIllinoisJuly 25, 1903Murder of Henry Gatterman, member a mob intending to lynch James WilsonHanged from a telephone pole. Body burned, shot, and hacked.
Surasky, Abraham30Jewish-Americanrural area near AikenAikenSouth CarolinaJuly 29, 1903Being a Jewish-American peddler who was helping the murderer's wife carry some things to her house.Murdered by gun and ax; an anti-Semitic murder.[254]
Lee, "General"African AmericanReevesvilleDorchesterSouth CarolinaJanuary 13, 1904Knocking on the door of a white woman's house[255]
Clark, JumboAfrican AmericanHigh SpringsAlachuaFloridaJanuary 14, 1904Assault of 14 year old white girlTaken by mob on way to jail, hanged and shot.[158]
Holbert, LutherAfrican AmericanDoddsvilleSunflowerMississippiFebruary 7, 1904Murder of a white landownerTortured and burned alive; crowd of some 600 attended the lynching.[256]
Unnamed female
Dickerson, RichardAfrican AmericanSpringfieldClarkOhioMarch 7, 1904Murder of a Patrolman Charles B. Collis[257]Shot and then hanged[258][259]
Thompson, MarieAfrican AmericanLebanon JunctionBullittKentuckyJune 15, 1904Killing John Irvin, a white landownerHanged from a tree, escaped and was shot. Died the following day in jail of her injuries.
Cato, WillAfrican AmericanStatesboroBullochGeorgiaAugust 16, 1904Murder of five members of a familySeized by mob from courthouse after conviction for murder, chained to stump and burned
Reed, Paul25–26
Maples, HoraceAfrican AmericanHuntsvilleMadisonAlabamaSeptember 7, 1904MurderMob of 2,000 burned jail where he was held, then hanged and shot him.[260]
Munoz, CarlosLatinoLockhartCaldwellTexas1905Assaulting a White womanAfter assaulting one of the farmers' wives, Munoz ran off where officers captured him and tried protecting him, but were overpowered by the mob of 40+ people who dragged him to into the woods, where they shot and hanged Munoz.[261]
Aycock, AlonzoWhiteWatkinsvilleOconeeGeorgiaJune 30, 1905Murder of a man and his wifeShot[262][263]
Elder, ClaudeAfrican AmericanAccomplice to murder
Robinson, LewisAfrican American
Robinson, RichardAfrican American
Allen, RichardAfrican AmericanMurder
Yerby, GeneAfrican AmericanTheft
Harris, RobertAfrican AmericanAssault
Price, Sandy20African AmericanAttempted rape
Goodman, AugustusAfrican AmericanBainbridgeDecaturGeorgiaNovember 4, 1905Accused of killing Decatur County Sherriff Martin C. Stegall on October 29, 1905[264][265]
Richardson, BunkAfrican AmericanGadsdenEtowahAlabamaFebruary 11, 1906Not chargedWas arrested/held as a witness for one of three defendants accused of rape and murder of a white woman. The three defendants were sentenced to death, but the governor commuted to life one man's sentence. Angry at the lighter sentence, a mob seized Richardson from the jail and hanged him from a train trestle over the Coosa River.[266][267][268][269]
Johnson, Ed23–24African AmericanChattanoogaHamiltonTennesseeMarch 19, 1906Rape of white womanHanged from Walnut Street Bridge. Sheriff and two others sentenced to three months in jail, three others to two months, for abetting the lynching. Only criminal case ever with direct involvement of the U.S. Supreme Court; see United States v. Shipp
Duncan, Horace B.20African AmericanSpringfieldGreeneMissouriApril 14, 1906Assault of white womanFred Coker, Horace B. Duncan, and William (Bill) Allen were lynched by large mob of white citizens, though they were innocent. All three suspects were hanged from the Gottfried Tower, which held a replica of the Statue of Liberty, and burned in the courthouse square by a mob of more than 2,000 citizens. Duncan's and Coker's employer testified that they were at his business at the time of the crime against Edwards, and other evidence suggested that they and Allen were all innocent. After the mass lynching in Springfield, many African Americans left the area in a large exodus. Judge Azariah W. Lincoln called for a grand jury, but no one was prosecuted. The proceedings were covered by national newspapers, the New York Times and Los Angeles Times.
Coker, Fred21
Allen, William25
Gillepsie, NeaseAfrican AmericanSalisburyRowanNorth CarolinaAugust 6, 1906Accused of murdering a familyThe five men were arrested and accused of the murder several members of a local white family, the Lyerlys. When returned for a court hearing and while under heavy guard, a mob led by George Hall pulled Dillingham and the Gillepsies, father and son, from their jail cells. They were paraded through the town and hanged from a tree[270] at the Henderson Ballground near the corner of Long and Henderson Streets.[271] George Hall, a leading member of the mob, was convicted of second degree murder for his involvement and was sentenced to 15 years in prison with hard labor.[271] He was granted clemency by Governor William Walton Kitchin in October 1911.[272]
Gillepsie, John16
Dillingham, "Jack"
Lee, Henry
Irwin, George
Robinson, Dick and ThompsonAfrican AmericanPritchardMobileAlabamaOctober 6, 1906Assaulting white women[273]
Pitts, SlabAfrican AmericanToyahReevesTexasOctober 26, 1906Living with a white womanDragged to death before being hanged.[274]
Davis, HenryAfrican AmericanAnnapolisAnne ArundelMarylandDecember 21, 1906Assaulting a white womanDragged from his jail cell and shot over 100 times. Last known lynching in Anne Arundel County.[123][275]
Cullen, James62White (Irish)Charles CityFloydIowaJanuary 9, 1907Murdered his wife and stepsonHanged[276]
Higgins, LorisWhiteBancroftThurstonNebraskaAugust 27, 1907Murder of a farmer and his wife and rape of daughterMurdered couple killed May 12, 1907; suspect was taken from law officers and lynched from a bridge over creek and then shot[277][278][279][280]
Burns, William22African AmericanCumberlandAlleganyMarylandOctober 6, 1907Alleged murder of Patrolman August Baker.[281]A crowd estimated at 10,000 examined the lynching victim's body.[73]
Long, JackWhiteNewberryAlachuaFloridaFebruary 6, 1908MurderHanged.[158]
Pigot, EliAfrican AmericanBrookhavenLincolnMississippiFebruary 10, 1908Assault on a White girlShot, hanged[282]
Scott, CharleyAfrican AmericanConroeMontgomeryTexasFebruary 28, 1908Peeping Tom looking in windowsHanged on tree[283]
Williams, EarnestAfrican AmericanParkdaleAshleyArkansasJune 1908Using offensive language[284]
Evans, Jerry22African AmericanHemphillSabineTexasJune 15, 1908Murder of two white menFive black men accused of murder were hanged by a mob of an estimated 150[285][286]
Johnson, Will24
Spellman, Moss24
Williams, Cleveland27
Manuel, Will25
Smith, Ted18African AmericanGreenvilleHuntTexasJuly 27, 1908Raping a 16-year old white girlAfter victim identified suspect as the person who assaulted her, Smith was taken by mob from Sheriff and lynched (burned)[287][288][289]
Shaw, LeanderAfrican AmericanPensacolaEscambiaFloridaJuly 29, 1908Attempted murder and rape of 21-year-old Lillie DavisAfter Shaw was identified by Davis, he was arrested and taken to the county jail. An angry white mob broke into the jail and took Shaw, lynching him in Plaza Ferdinand VII.[290]
Riley, JosephAfrican AmericanRussellvilleLoganKentuckyJuly 31, 1908Victims expressed approval of their lodge brother Rufus Browder's killing his employer.Rufus Browder killed his employer with an axe after being shot in the chest. Browder was arrested and sent to Louisville. The lynching victims expressed approval for his actions and were jailed for disturbing the peace. On August 1, 1908, a mob demanded release of the men, and lynched them from a tree. A note pinned to one of the men read, "Let this be a warning to you niggers to let white people alone or you will go the same way."[291][292]
Jones, Virgil
Jones, Robert
Jones, Thomas
Miller, WilliamAfrican AmericanBrightonJeffersonAlabamaAugust 1908Labor activistJefferson County had the highest number of lynchings in Alabama (29).[293]
Patton, Lawson "Nelse"African AmericanOxfordLafayetteMississippiSeptember 8, 1908Killing a white womanProminent attorney and former U.S. Senator William V. Sullivan, in his own words, "led the mob...and I'm proud of it".[294][295][296]
Walker, David,
his wife and
four children
African AmericanHickmanFultonKentuckyOctober 3, 1908Using inappropriate language with a white woman[297]
Hilliard18African AmericanHopeHempsteadArkansas1909Using inappropriate language with a white womanHung[298]
Wades, JakeAfrican-AmericanLakelandPolkFlorida1909Accused of rapeTransported from Gainesville to Lakeland to be identified and lynched[299]
Brown, JoeWhiteWhitmerRandolphWest VirginiaMarch 25, 1909Shooting a law officer[300][273]
Miller, Jim47WhiteAdaPontotocOklahomaApril 19, 1909Suspicion of murder of a lawmanLynched by a mob along with Berry Burrell, Joseph Allen, and Jesse West.[301]
Burrell, Berry38Lynched by a mob along with Jim Miller, Joseph Allen, and Jesse West.[301]
Allen, Joseph43Lynched by a mob along with Jim Miller, Berry Burrell, and Jesse West.[301]
West, Jesse46Lynched by a mob along with Jim Miller, Berry Burrell, and Joseph Allen.[301]
James, WilliamAfrican AmericanCairoAlexanderIllinoisNovember 11, 1909Murder of a white woman three days earlier[302][273]
Salzner, Henry30WhiteCairoAlexanderIllinoisNovember 11, 1909Murder of his wife the previous yearDragged from his jail cell and hanged from a telegraph pole.[303]


More information Name, Age ...
Brooks, Allen60African AmericanDallasDallasTexasMarch 3, 1910Brooks was accused of raping Mary Beuvens, a two-and-a-half year old girlOn March 3, 1910, Brooks was in the Dallas County Courthouse to face trial. A mob tied a rope around his neck and pulled him out of the courthouse window. Brooks landed on his head on the street below. He was dragged by a car to Elks Arch at the intersection of Main Street and Akard Street. There the mob hanged him from a telephone pole.[304]
Etherington, Carl Mayes17WhiteNewarkLickingOhioJuly 8, 1910Killing a man in self defenseEtherington had been sworn in as a law officer by the Granville town mayor to enforce "prohibition" of alcohol in a "wet town"; shot and killed a man who assaulted him; officer taken from jail and lynched by mob in Newark, Ohio[305]
Gentry, HenryAfrican AmericanBeltonBellTexasJuly 24, 1910Murder of Constable J. MitchellShot and burned[306][307][308]
Albano, AngeloItalianTampaHillsboroughFloridaSeptember 1910Complicity in a shooting[309]
Ficarotta, Castenge
Richardson, GrantAfrican AmericanCentrevilleBibbAlabamaOctober 12, 1910RapeShot
Rodriguez, Antonio20LatinoRockspringsEdwardsTexasNovember 3, 1910Accused of murdering White TexanAntonio Rodriguez was a 20 year old migrant worker from Mexico. On November 2, Antonio was accused of murdering a White Texan, which led to him getting arrested and jailed. On November 3, 1910, a mob took him from his jail cell and burned him alive.[310][311]
UnknownAfrican AmericanAndalusiaCovingtonAlabama1911Postcard of victim, postmarked 1911, appeared in Crisis Magazine January 1912 p. 118[312]
Marshall, EugeneAfrican AmericanShelbyvilleShelbyKentuckyJanuary 16, 1911Convicted of murdering an aged negro womanThree men (Eugene Marshall, Wade Patterson, James West) lynched at the same time after the mob broke into jail after threatening the jailor for the keys. All three were hanged from the Chesapeake and Ohio bridge. One rope for two men (Patterson and West) was used, which snapped. Afterward, they were shot multiple times.[47]
Patterson, WadeCharged with detaining Miss Elizabeth Rubel, a white nineteen-year old Shelbyville girl
West, JamesCharged with detaining Miss Mary Coley, a young white girl.
Porter, WillAfrican AmericanLivermoreMcLeanKentuckyApril 20, 1911Shooting a white manShot in an opera house
Nelson, Laura33African AmericanOkemahOkfuskeeOklahomaMay 25, 1911Killing of Deputy Sheriff George H. Loney[313]Gang-raped and lynched together with her son, 14, after trying to protect him during a meat-pilfering investigation.[314]
Nelson, L.D.14
Bradford, WilliamAfrican AmericanChunkyNewtonMississippiJune 16, 1911Accused of attempted murder of two white farmers[315]
Gomez, Antonio14LatinoThorndaleMilamTexasJune 19, 1911Killing a German manAfter trying to escape a mob that surrounded the 14-year-old boy, he ended up killing a German man named Charles Zieschang which led to the 14 year old's arrest. While being transported to the jailhouse, four men intercepted the two people taking Antonio and successfully lynched Antonio Gomez.[310]
Jones, Commodore26African AmericanFarmersvilleCollinTexasAugust 11, 1911Accused of insulting a white woman over the telephone.Crowd of around 75 men and boys gained access to Jones's cell and marched him to the outskirts of town, where he was forced to climb a telephone pole and was hanged.[316][317]
Lee, JohnAfrican AmericanDurantBryanOklahomaAugust 12, 1911Assault and murder of a white womanPicture of victim appeared in Crisis Magazine January 1912 p. 122:[312] Shot and burned[306]
Walker, Zachariah20–24African AmericanCoatesvilleChesterPennsylvaniaAugust 16, 1911Killing of a police officer, possibly in self-defenseTaken from hospital room and burned alive. Fifteen men and teenage boys were indicted, but all were acquitted at trials.[318]
Harrison, ErnestAfrican AmericanWickliffeBallardKentuckySeptember 11, 1911Robbery and murder of an elderly black manThe three men were accused of the robbery and murder of Washington Thomas, an elderly black man.[319]
Reed, Sam
Howard, Frank
2 Unknown menAfrican AmericanPrior to December 1911Picture of victims appeared in Crisis Magazine twice; first, a cropped picture of one victim in December 1911 in article "Jesus Christ in Georgia" (p. 70)[312] and a full picture of both victims in January 1912 p. 122[312]
Johnson, King28African AmericanBrooklynAnne ArundelMarylandDecember 26, 1911Alleged murder of Frederick Schwab.Johnson was to be transported to Annapolis for his safety that same day, but those plans were delayed. Around two o'clock in the morning on December 26, 1911, a mob broke into the unguarded jail where Johnson was kept. When Johnson fought back preventing a noose from being placed on his neck, he was beaten with irons and shot.[73][320]
Lewis, SanfordAfrican AmericanFort SmithSebastianArkansas1912Shooting a constableFive policemen fined $100 each for "nonfeasance of office". Entire police force fired. Mayor voted out. Man charged with lynching acquitted.[321]
UnknownAfrican AmericanFlorida(?)Prior to February 3, 1912Picture of victim appeared in Crisis Magazine March 1912 p. 209:[card purchased 3 Feb 1912 in Palm Beach Florida][312][322]
Davis, Dan25African AmericanTylerSmithTexas1912Assault and rape of a 16 year old white girlBurned alive by a mob[323]
Edwards, RobAfrican AmericanCummingForsythGeorgiaSeptember 1912Alleged murder of 18-year-old womanTaken out of his jail cell by an armed mob; hanged and shot.[324]
Johnson, WalterAfrican AmericanPrincetonMercerWest VirginiaSeptember 4, 1912Assault and rape of a 14-year-old girlTaken out of his jail cell by an armed mob; hanged and shot.[325]
9 MexicansLatinoEl PasoEl PasoTexas1913Being Mexican banditsHanged[326]
Delgadillio, Demecio28LatinoAlbuquerqueBernalilloNew Mexico1913MurderDemecio killed Mrs. Soledad Zarrazino De Pino in a fit of jealous which led to him being hanged in Bernalillo County Jail[327]
White, HenryAfrican AmericanCampvilleAlachuaFlorida1913Found under white woman's bedHanged, noose broke, shot.[158]
Williams, Andrew35African AmericanHoustonChickasawMississippi1913Murder of John C. Williams, Wife of the Deputy Chancery ClerkDragged from jail and hanged at a nearby tree, upon the alleged statement of two African-American women;[328] the women who made the statement were arrested the next day for making a false statement, according to one source[329] and/or disappeared.[330] The day after Williams was lynched, a second African American, named in different reports as 'Divel Rucker', 'Dizell Rucker' and 'Dibrell Tucker; was lynched and burned at the stake on the assumption that he, not Williams, was the actual murderer[331][332]
Rucker, Divel20African AmericanHoustonChickasawMississippi1913Murder of John C. Williams, Wife of the Deputy Chancery ClerkThe day after Andrew Williams was lynched by hanging for this murder, Rucker was presumed by the mob to be the actual murderer and, allegedly, confessed to the crime. He was tied to an iron stake, covered with tar, and set afire. The family of the victim shot him as he was burning[333] According to the New York Sun report, "The Rucker lynching was the most spectacular in the history of Mississippi and there was no attempt at concealment or evasion."[334][332]
Green, Joe16African AmericanHeathCovingtonAlabamaFebruary 25, 1913Fatal shooting of Nobie SpicerShot and killed by a mob led by the victim's husband who identified Green as the murderer.[335] Samuel Spicer Jr. would later be convicted of the murder of his wife, Nobie, and sentenced to life in prison. He was paroled in December 1929, but then fled.[336]
Collins, J.C.about 34African AmericanMondakRooseveltMontanaApril 4, 1913Murder of Sheridan County Sheriff Thomas Courtney and a deputized citizenHanged from a telephone pole[337][338]
Simmons, Bennie/DennisAfrican AmericanAnadarkoCaddoOklahomaJune 13, 1913Killing a 16-year-old girlTaken from officers; was lynched and burned[339]
Richardson, JosephAfrican AmericanLeitchfieldGraysonKentuckySeptember 26, 1913Assaulting a white girlTown drunk who accidentally stumbled near girl; hanged[340]
Padilla, AdolfoLatinoSanta FeSanta FeNew Mexico1914Accused of killing his wifeA mob of masked men seized Padilla from the jail and chopped his body into pieces.[341]
Martínez Jr., León18LatinoPecosReevesTexas1914Killing a White womanOn July 28, 1911, Leon Martinez was tried for the murder of a white woman. They used the forced confessions as evidence of him committing murder and he was sentenced to death but it was postponed due to the outrage. On May 11, 1914, Leon was executed by hanging.
Gonzales, IsidroLatinoOakvilleLive OakTexas1914Choking a county jailer to deathIsidro was accused to have choke Harry Hinton to death and escaped from jail. He was found riddle with bullets after his escape.[342]
Turner, Allen47African AmericanWestern area of Parish (county)UnionLouisianaMarch 1914Accused of assaulting a white man (J.P. McDougall)[343]J.P. McDougall was whipping Allen Turner's son. Allen was defending his son. Taken from deputy sheriff and shot to death. It is said that Allen's body was then dragged through the roads of Spearsville.
Shields, DallasAfrican AmericanFayetteHowardMissouri1914Murdering a police officer[344]
Sullivan, FredAfrican AmericanByhaliaMarshallMississippi1914Alleged barn burning.Fred Sullivan and his wife May confessed after nooses were placed around their necks. The couple were hanged by a mob of more than 100.[345]
Sullivan, May
Unidentified manAfrican AmericanCedarbluffOktibbehaMississippi1915Entering the room of a white woman[346]
11 Mexican-AmericansLatinoLyfordWillacyTexas1915Supposedly were Mexican BanditsAfter hearing news of Luis De La Rose had been killed in battle, Sheriff Vann went to Mission, Texas to see if the news was true, on the way, American troops found the bodies of 11 Mexicans. Commander Blocksom ordered an investigation to investigate the killings. He believed that the Mexicans were not Bandits and were peaceful Mexicans who were killed due to race hatred after the Progreso battle.[347]
Sheffield, Caesar17African AmericanLake ParkLowndesGeorgiaApril 17, 1915Allegedly stealing meat from a smokehouse owned by a white man.Jailors abandoned the jail allowing a mob to take Caesar Sheffield to a field where they shot him multiple times and left his body.[348]
Leon, JoséLatinoSouthern ArizonaPimaArizonaApril 19, 1915OutlawryTwo white police officers interrogated the brothers and accused them of being outlaws. They hung the brothers from a tree and left their bodies to rot in the desert gulch.[341]
Leon, Hilario
Ward, Benjamin E.37WhiteNormanClevelandOklahomaMay 9, 1915Murdering his wifeMob expected him to be freed on grounds of insanity.[349]
Green, AlonzoAfrican AmericanJonesGeorgiaJuly 4, 1915Mob ran into them while hunting for the murderer of white farmer[350]
Green, James D.14
Bostick, William
Manriquez, LorenzoLatinoMercedesHidalgoTexasJuly 23–24, 1915Resisting arrestShot[351]
Manriquez, Gorgonio
Muñóz, AdolfoLatinoBrownsvilleCameronTexasJuly 28, 1915Murder and horse theftWhile being transported by Sheriff Frank Carr, a group of seven to eight men held the Sheriff at gun point, taking Adolfo and later hanging him from a tree.[352]
Stanley, WillAfrican AmericanTempleBellTexasJuly 29–30, 1915Murder of 3 children and assaulting parentsLynched and burned. Stanley Claimed to have been accessory to murders and claimed leader of mob had hired him and other 2 men[353][354]
Frank, Leo31JewishMariettaCobbGeorgiaAugust 17, 1915Killing a 13-year-old girlNo charges filed; posthumously pardoned.
Six MexicansLatinoBrownsvilleCameronTexasAugust 18, 1915MurderTwo of the Mexicans were taken from San Benito jail and the other four Mexicans were taken from Mercedes where they shot to death and bodies burned on the side of a road.[355]
Five Mexicans33, others unknownLatinoSouth TexasCulbersonTexasAugust 30, 1915Horse theftPascual Orozco successfully executed a planned escape to Sierra Blanca where he met up with leaders and future cabinet members where they crossed into Dick Love's ranch who accused them of stealing his horses and later got the Rangers and other law enforcement to look for the men where they found the men camping in a box canyon where they killed all 5 of the men.
Bazán, Jesus67LatinoHidalgoTexasSeptember 27, 1915No accusationJesus and Antonio went to report that a few of their horses had been stolen to the Texas Rangers. After they reported that stuff to the Rangers and left, Ranger Henry Ransom followed Jesus and Antonio and shot both of them dead. Henry Ransom had called for the bodies to be left in the open to spread fear across the town.[311]
Longoria, Antonio49
10 Mexican-AmericansLatinoOlmitoCameronTexasOctober 19, 1915Train wrecking and murderAfter a train wrecking that killed 3 people, the Americans began to hang or shoot Mexicans who they thought were involved in the wreck[356]
Stevenson, CordellaAfrican AmericanColumbusLowndesMississippiDecember 15, 1915Her son was accused of burning a white man's barn, he was unavailable, so they raped and murdered herHer husband Arch was never seen alive after December 15[357]
Brown, JeffAfrican AmericanCedarbluffOktibbehaMississippi1916Bumping into a white girl at a train stationPictures of his lynching were sold to white citizens for five cents each.[358]
Lang, EdAfrican AmericanRiceNavarroTexas1916"Attacking a young woman."Taken from a sheriff's posse and hanged.[359]
Richards, JohnAfrican AmericanGoldsboroWayneNorth CarolinaJanuary 12, 1916murderTaken from jail and lynched[360]
Washington, Jesse17African AmericanWacoMcLennanTexasMay 15, 1916MurderWashington confessed and a jury found him guilty. Dragged behind car, castrated, fingers cut off, ear cut off, burned alive. Professionally photographed; pictures sold as postcards. Lynching of "political value" to Sheriff and to the judge who presided over his trial. "On the way to the scene of the burning, people on every hand took a hand in showing their feelings in the matter by striking the Negro with anything obtainable, some struck him with shovels, bricks, clubs and others stabbed him and cut him until when he was strung up his body was a solid color of red."[361]:5
Buenrostro, Jose25LatinoBrownsvilleCameronTexasMay 19, 1916Murder of A. L. Austin and Charles AustinThe 2 Mexican men were accused of having killed A. L. Austin and his son in raids the fall of 1915, they were hanged in Cameron County Jail[362][363]
Chapa, Melquiades20–23
Hoskins, SilasAfrican AmericanElainePhillipsArkansasSummer of 1916"Vanished"; believed to have been killed because a white man coveted his successful saloon business. Uncle of author Richard Wright.
Lerma, Geronimo18LatinoBrownwoodBrownTexasJune 20, 1916Assaulting a White womanGreonimo was suspected to have assaulted one of the white woman in the town which led to him being shot and left dead.[364]
Baskins, Rev. Josh J.AdultsAfrican AmericanNewberryAlachuaFloridaAugust 18, 1916Helping a man who had shot and killed a constableJames Dennis was shot. The others were hanged. Mary Dennis had two children and was pregnant. Stella Young had four children.[158][365]
Dennis, Bert
Dennis, James
Dennis, Mary
McHenry, Andrew
Young, Stella
Crawford, Anthony51African AmericanAbbevilleAbbevilleSouth CarolinaOctober 21, 1916Offensive languageCoroner's jury: "persons unknown"[366]
Boleta, PauloWhite (Italian American)Greenwich VillageNew York CityNew YorkDecember 14, 1916Murderous assaultRandomly fired a revolver on a crowded street, wounding a bystander. Chased down by mob of 500 men and boys. Beaten and trampled to death.[367]
Daley, Starr26WhitePinalArizonaMay 6, 1917Homicide (Two murders) plus two rapesAccused admitted guilt in trial; taken from sheriff en route to jail and hanged from a telephone pole; last lynching in Arizona
Persons, Ellabout 50African AmericanMemphisShelbyTennesseeMay 22, 1917Raping and killing a white girlNo charges filed.
Scott, Lation32African AmericanDyerDyerTennesseeDecember 2, 1917Rape of a white womanScott was tortured for 3.5 hours and then burned alive by an angry mob on Sunday December 2, 1917.[368]
15 Mexican Americans15–50LatinoPorvenirPresidioTexas1918Accused of stealing and ambushing Texas RangersJanuary 28, 1918, Texas Rangers enter Porvenir and took 15 Mexican American boys and men away from the town and executed all 15 by gun shot[369]
4 MexicansLatinoDouglasCochiseArizona1918Robbery and murderSeized from homes and hanged[370]
McIlherron, JimAfrican AmericanEstill SpringsFranklinTennesseeFebruary 12, 1918Killing two white peopleTortured, then burned alive. Spectators came from as far as 50 miles away.[371][372][373]
McNeel, GeorgeAfrican AmericanMonroeOuachitaLouisianaMarch 16, 1918Accused of Assaulting a white woman [no proof][374][user-generated source]
Prager, Robert30White (German-American)CollinsvilleMadisonIllinoisApril 5, 1918Socialist; sympathy to Germany during World War IForced to sing patriotic songs and kiss the flag, before being hanged.
García, Florencio33LatinoPort IsabelCameronTexasApril 5, 1918RobberyTwo rangers had taken Garcia into custody for a theft investigation. The next day they let Garcia go, and were last seen escorting him on a mule. Garcia was never seen again. A month after the interrogation, bones and Garcia's clothing were found beside the road where the Rangers claimed to have let Garcia go. The Rangers were arrested for murder, freed on bail, and acquitted due to lack of evidence.[375][376]:80
Turner, Hayes25African AmericanMorvenBrooksGeorgiaMay 18, 1918Accused of helping kill an abusive landowner.Wife Mary killed next day for defending him.
Turner, Mary18African AmericanBridge joining Brooks and LowndesGeorgiaMay 19, 1918Publicly opposed and threatened legal action against white people who had murdered her husband, unfairly accused (according to her) of killing an abusive landowner.Hanged upside down from a tree, doused her in gasoline and motor oil and set her on fire. Turner was still alive when a member of the mob split her abdomen open with a knife and her unborn child fell on the ground. The baby was stomped and crushed as it fell to the ground. Turner's body was riddled with hundreds of bullets.[377]
Thompson, AllieAfrican AmericanCulpeperCulpeperVirginia1918Assault[146]
Kinkkonen, Olli38White (Finnish-American)DuluthSt. Louis CountyMinnesotaSeptember 18, 1918Refusal to join the military during World War ITarred and feathered before being hanged.
Taylor, GeorgeAfrican AmericanRolesvilleWakeNorth CarolinaNovember 5, 1918Rape of a white womanNo charges were filed.[378] There is a Web site on this lynching.[379]
Woodson, JoelAfrican AmericanGreen RiverSweatwaterWyomingDecember 10, 1918Argument with a waitressHanged in railroad terminal[380][381]
Clark, Andrew15African AmericanShubuta ("hanging bridge")ClarkeMississippiDecember 20, 1918Alleged murder of dentistDentist had affairs with both sisters, who were pregnant, likely with his child; the brothers had romantic interest in the girls. After the lynching the babies were seen squirming in their mothers bellies.[382]
Clark, Major20
Howze, Alma16
Howze, Maggie20
Ashley, BobAfrican AmericanDublinLaurensGeorgia1919Hoped to shoot someone elseA group of men thought another man might be inside Ashley's house, so they shot into the house, mortally wounding Ashley.[383]
Hamilton, EugeneAfrican AmericanJasperGeorgia1919Convicted by all-white jury of attempting to shoot a white farmer; case before Georgia Court of Appeals.Mob of 60 stopped car of sheriff who was driving him for protection to nearest large city, Macon. Driven to a bridge in Jasper County and shot to death. Governor was "livid".[384]:233–234
Prince, HenryAfrican AmericanHawkinsvillePulaskiGeorgia1919Unknown[385]
Waters, JimAfrican AmericanJohnsonGeorgia1919Rape accusationInvestigation closed in one hour with no witnesses interviewed.[385]
Little, WilburAfrican AmericanBlakelyEarlyGeorgiaApril 1919Wearing uniform of his WWI military service to the United States
Wilkins, WillieAfrican AmericanPerkins (near)JenkinsGeorgiaApril 13, 1919Friend of man believed to have killed lawman.[384]:8
Ruffin, JohnSon of man believed to have killed lawman.[384]:7–8
Ruffin, HenrySon of man believed to have killed lawman.[384]:7–8
Mack, Daniel24African AmericanWorthGeorgiaApril 14, 1919Brushing up against a white man while walkingBeaten; survived by playing dead
Holden, GeorgeAfrican AmericanMonroe (near)OuachitaLouisianaApril 29, 1919Writing a suggestive note to a white woman[386]Mob stopped a train, dragged him off, and shot him.[384]:18
Richards, BennyAfrican AmericanWarrentonWarrenGeorgiaMay 1, 1919Accused of murdering his ex-wife and shooting 5 others300 men lynched Richards, a farmer.[387][388]
Clay, LloydAfrican AmericanVicksburgWarrenMississippiMay 15, 1919False rape accusation1000 men broke through three steel doors to abduct Clay from jail before hanging, shooting, and burning him.[389]
Moore, WillAfrican AmericanTen MileStoneMississippiMay 20, 1919Shooting J.H. RogersLynched[390]
Livingston, Frank25African AmericanEl DoradoUnionArkansasMay 21, 1919False murder accusationOne of many returning WWI veterans lynched in 1919.[391]
Washington, Berry72African AmericanMilanDodge and TelfairGeorgiaMay 26, 1919Defended black girls from white home invaders.Many black homes burned to discourage citizens from coming forward[392]
Lynch, Jay28WhiteMissouriBartonMissouriMay 28, 1919MurderHanged.
Walters, LemuelAfrican AmericanLongviewGreggTexasJune 17, 1919Making "indecent advances" to a white womanThe report of the affair and the subsequent coverup led to the Longview riots.[393]
Robinson, Robert55African AmericanChicagoCookIllinoisJune 23, 1919He was black, and they wanted to kill a blackRobinson was an Army Reserve veteran. Part of the Chicago race riot of 1919.[394][395]
Hartfield, JohnAfrican AmericanEllisvilleJonesMississippiJune 26, 1919Assaulting a young white woman"The biggest newspaper in the state, Jackson Daily News, carried headlines announcing the exact time and place of the coming orgy.[396] Ten thousand people answered the paper's invitation and they were addressed by the District Attorney, T. W. Wilson, while the lynching was going on."[397]:9[398]
Jennings, Chilton28African AmericanGilmerUpshur CountyTexasJuly 24, 1919Assaulted a white women, Mrs. Virgie HaggardHe was arrested and a mob of about 1,000 white people stormed the jail and broke down the door with sledgehammers. A noose was placed around his neck and he was dragged by horse to the town square where he was hanged.[399] Four people were later arrested for the lynching, murder indictments were served for Willie Howell, Charlie Lansdale, Fritz Boyd, and Francis Flanagan.[400][401][402]
Gorman, Samuel17African AmericanDarbyDelawarePennsylvaniaJuly 23, 1919Alleged murderAttempted lynching
Harper, Elisha25African AmericanNewberryNewberrySouth CarolinaJuly 24, 1919Insulting a 14-year-old girlAttempted lynching
Williams, Eugene17African AmericanChicagoCookIllinoisJuly 27, 1919Racial unrestA white officer refused to arrest the murderer, and instead arrested a black man who complained about it.[403][404]
Cox, ObeAfrican AmericanOglethorpeGeorgiaSeptember 10, 1919Accused of murdering a white farmer's wifeTaken to the scene of the crime, his body riddled with bullets and burned at the stake. Several thousand persons witnessed the scene. Controversial as the local Black communisty "thanked" the mob for just killing Cox and not attacking their community.[405]
Gonzalez, JoseLatinoPuebloPuebloColoradoSeptember 13, 1919Killing patrolmanAccused of shooting and killing a patrolman Jeff Evans, which they were arrested and charged for. A mob broke into the jail captured and hung from the girders of a bridge.[406]
Ortez, Salvador
Brown, William41African AmericanOmahaDouglasNebraskaSeptember 28, 1919RapePart of the Omaha race riot of 1919
Phifer, Miles (or Relius)African AmericanMontgomeryMontgomeryAlabamaSeptember 29, 1919Assault of a white womanWas wearing military uniform[407]
Crosky, Robert[407]
Temple, WillieAfrican AmericanMontgomeryMontgomeryAlabamaSeptember 30, 1919Killing a police officer[407]
Jones, PaulAfrican AmericanMacon (near)BibbGeorgiaNovember 2, 1919Assault of a white womanMob of 400 found him, refused to turn him over to sheriff's deputies. Soaked in gasoline, set on fire; shot while he burned.[384]:241 Hanged/shot/burned in railyard.[408][409]
Jameson, Jordan50African AmericanMagnoliaColumbiaArkansasNovember 11, 1919Killing a sheriffBurned to death in the public square.[384]:241
Everest, Wesley28WhiteCentraliaLewisWashingtonNovember 11, 1919HomicideHanged from a bridge during the Centralia Massacre labor conflict
Richardson, Allie/Halley18African AmericanMoberlyRandolphMissouriNovember 16, 1919Assault and robbery of white farmer Edward ThompsonAttempted to hang all four men on one branch, which subsequently broke. Three escaped, one shot and was killed (unclear who).
Adams, George18
Taylor, Sanford20
Anderson, James
Mosely, SamAfrican AmericanLake CityColumbiaFloridaNovember 29, 1919Accused of assaulting a white woman.[410]


More information Name, Age ...
Scott, HenryAfrican AmericanBartowPolkFlorida1920Asking a white woman to wait until he had prepared another woman's train berthShot[411]
Clayton, Elias18–19African AmericanDuluthSt. LouisMinnesotaJune 15, 1920Rape of a teenage girlTaken from jail by mob, given mock trials, beaten and hanged from light-post.[412] Three members of the mob received prison terms of up to 5 years for rioting, albeit none of them were convicted of murder.[413]
Jackson, Elmer23
McGhie, Isaac19–20
Gathers, PhillipAfrican AmericanEffinghamGeorgiaJune 21, 1920MurderShot, burned, and hanged
Arthur, Irving19African AmericanParisLamarTexasJuly 6, 1920MurderPulled from jail and burned alive
Arthur, Herman28
Roach, Edward "Red"25African AmericanRoxboroPersonNorth CarolinaJuly 7, 1920Assaulting of a 13-year-old white girlShot to death, then hanged
Daniels, Lige16–18African AmericanCenterShelbyTexasAugust 3, 1920Accused of murdering a white woman.Taken from jail by a mob of approximately 1,000 to the town square and hanged[414][415]
Belton, Roy18WhiteTulsaTulsaOklahomaAugust 28, 1920Suspicion of murder of cab driver[416]
Perry, Julius "July"52African AmericanOcoeeOrangeFloridaNovember 3, 1920Sign on body: "This is what we do to niggers that vote."Prosperous black farmer.[417]
Thomas, WadeAfrican AmericanJonesboroCraigheadArkansasDecember 26, 1920Murder of a police officerTaken from jail by a mob, hanged from a telegraph pole, then riddled with bullets.[418]
Lowry, Henry
("a negro sharecropper")
African AmericanNodenaMississippiArkansas1921Asked for his wagesBurned to death; crowd of 500[397]:3
Baird, William Roosevelt21WhiteWalkerAlabamaJanuary 13, 1921Union activity; killing in self defenseDragged by automobile, beaten, left for dead tied to a tree in front of Slick Lizard Mine
Tuggles, BrownieAfrican AmericanHopeHempsteadArkansasMarch 15, 1921Assaulting a white woman
Eley, Jesse46African AmericanMurfreesboroHertfordNorth CarolinaJune 20, 1921Owned a 50-acre farm which caused jealousy from some white neighbors.Jesse Eley was returning from the market in Murfreesboro, North Carolina. He bought some grain for his cattle. He had two workers riding with him in his horse-drawn wagon. As he reached the outskirts of town, he entered a path that went into a wooded area. Several men were hiding in the woods entrance waiting for him. As his wagon entered the woods, the men stopped Jesse. They began beating him and eventually hanged him on a tree. Jesse's workers took off running. One of them ran back to Jesse's farm to let the family know what was happening. The family got a horse-drawn buggy and went to rescue him. By the time they got there, Jesse was barely alive. They found him because he raised one of his legs in the air to let them know where he was.

Jesse had a hole in his head, and his stomach was cut open. His throat was seizing up because of the hanging. As they put him into the buggy, he died.[419][420]

Daniel, Eugene16African AmericanPittsboroChathamNorth CarolinaSeptember 18, 1921Walking into a white girl's bedroomHanged from a tree with tire chains, shot
Turner, William18African AmericanHelenaPhillipsArkansasNovember 18, 1921Alleged assault of 15-year-old white girlShot, dragged to the park, doused in gasoline and lit on fire
Cade, Henry25African AmericanSour LakeHardinTexasNovember 26, 1921Rape of an 8 year old white girlTaken from jail and hanged by a mob[421]
Rouse, Fred33African AmericanFort WorthTarrantTexasDecember 11, 1921Shot twoWhile hired as a strikebreaker for a whites-only union, he was attacked and shot two union protesters.
Hackney, "Curley"30WhiteWacoMcLennanTexasDecember 13, 1921Rape of an 8-year-old girlTaken from jail and hanged by a mob[422][423]
Cabeza, Manuel34White (Canarian)Key WestMonroeFloridaDecember 25, 1921Was in a relationship with an African American womanShot a man who tarred and feathered him (because of his common law marriage); lynched by Ku Klux Klan.
McAllister, BillAfrican AmericanNear the border of Williamsburg and Florence CountiesFlorenceSouth CarolinaJanuary 8, 1922Was in a relationship with a white womanBill McAllister was killed by gunshot. The news of this lynching did not reach the national media until January 8, 1922, and so it is recorded as the first lynching of 1922 in America.[424] The United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary recorded five lynching incidents recorded in December 1921, none of which in South Carolina
Hickson, LincolnLincoln Hickson was reportedly killed by gunfire but other sources say he survived the lynching
Jenkins, Willie LeeAfrican AmericanEufaulaBarbourAlabamaJanuary 10, 1922Dispute with his boss' wife. Newspapers reported that he "insulted a white woman."Shot
Brooks, Jake African American Oklahoma City Oklahoma Oklahoma January 14, 1922 Working as a strike breaker Hanged. Five men later pleaded guilty to Brooks's murder and were each sentenced to life in prison.
Strong, Charles African American Mayo Lafayette Florida January 17, 1922 Participated in a shooting that killed mailman W.R. Taylor Hanged
Bell, William Arthur 20 African American Pontotoc Mississippi January 29, 1922 Assault of a white woman Shot[425]
Conner/Connor, Drew 22–23 White Bolinger Choctaw Alabama January 28, 1922 Unknown A charred body of a white man was discovered on January 28, 1922, by H.T. Raines. Investigators determined that he was burned a few weeks earlier. The body was strung between two trees and a large pile of wood was piled around him. It was reported that the body was most likely Drew Connor who went missing Christmas 1921 but the only clues to the identity were some overall buttons found in the ash.[425][426]
Thrasher, Will African American Crystal Springs Copiah Mississippi February 1, 1922 Assault of white woman Hanged
Harrison, John (or Harry Harrison) 38 African American Malvern Hot Spring Arkansas February 2, 1922 Harassing white women Shot[425]
Duarte, Manuel Hispanic Cameron Texas February 2, 1922 Refused to leave farm Shot for not leaving the farm where he worked
Norman, P. African American Texarkana Miller Arkansas February 11, 1922 Forced a deputy to drive at gunpoint Pulled from a car and shot four times by masked men.[425]
Jones, Will 28 African American Ellaville Schley Georgia February 13, 1922 Unknown Shot
Baker, William 18 African American Aberdeen Monroe Mississippi March 8, 1922 Assault on white girl Hanged
Culpepper, Brown White Holly Grove Franklin Louisiana March 11, 1922 Unknown Brown Culpepper was living in Holly Grove, Louisiana with his two kids, his wife having moved to Natchez two years earlier. On Saturday, March 11, 1922, a party of unmasked men came to the house he was staying at; when they did not find him, they went to the house of J.R. Hutto where Culpepper was visiting. They called for him to come out but when he didn't, they stormed into the house and shot Culpepper dead.

Sheriff Jesse Gilbert of Winnsboro arrested eight people for involvement in the murder: P. M. Usery Sr., Albert Farrington, P. M. Usery Jr., J. C. Farrington, Charley Parson, George Wactor, Charlie Calendor and Eugene Bradshaw.[425][427]

Williams, Alfred African American Harlem Columbia Georgia March 12, 1922 Assault with a firearm Alfred Williams was lynched on March 12, 1922, in Harlem, Georgia for allegedly shooting and wounding L.O. Anderson, a white farmer. Anderson recovered from his wounds.
Tompkins, George19African AmericanIndianapolisMarionIndianaMarch 16, 1922No accusation madeMemorial Service Marked the 100th Anniversary of the Event in 2022[428]
Ingram, Jerry African American Crawford Lowndes Mississippi March 17, 1922 Assault on white woman The wife of a popular farmer, Mrs Dewey, was attacked. She was able to yell for help and the attacker fled. Bloodhounds found a man, Jerry Ingram, 8 miles (13 km) from the scene of the attack and he was lynched.[429][430]
Unidentified Man White Okay Wagoner Oklahoma March 19, 1922 Body of a man chained/tied to a tree was discovered in the Arkansas River near Okay, Oklahoma. He was wearing clothes of "an excellent grade" and had a handkerchief with the initial "B"[431][432][425]
Smith, Alex 60 African American Gulfport Harrison Mississippi March 22, 1922 Ran "a house of ill fame" Hanged
Curry, McKinley23African AmericanKirvinFreestoneTexasMay 6, 1922Murder of white, 17-year-old Eula AusleyThe two white men, Claude and Audey Prowell, who were initially arrested, were released and the sheriff released a statement that they were not involved in the murder of Eula Ausley. Author Monte Akers in his book "Flames After Midnight: Murder, Vengeance and the Desolation of a Texas Community", concluded that McKinley "Snap" Curry conspired with Claude and Audey Prowell to kill and murder Eula Ausley and that Mose Jones and Johnny Cornish were innocent. Tom Cornish was killed on May 8, 1922.
Cornish, Johnny (or H. Varney)19
Jones, Mose46
Cornish, TomMay 8, 1922
Early, Thomas (aka Thomas Early, Jim Earlie)25African AmericanPlantersvilleGrimesTexasMay 17, 1922Assault of white womanBurned
Atkins, Charles15African AmericanDavisboroWashingtonGeorgiaMay 18, 1922Murder of white womanBurned
Owens, HullenAfrican AmericanTexarkanaBowieTexasMay 19, 1922MurderHanged (body burned)
Winters, Joe20African AmericanConroeMontgomeryTexasMay 20, 1922Assault of white 14-year-oldBurned
Bozier, Mose60African AmericanAlleytonColoradoTexasMay 20, 1922Assault of a white womanHanged
Wilson, GilbertAfrican AmericanBryanBrazosTexasMay 23, 1922Stealing cattleBeaten to death
Thomas, Jesse23African AmericanWacoMcLennanTexasMay 26, 1922Assault of white woman and murder of her companionShot (body burned)
Byrd, WilliamAfrican AmericanBrentwoodWayneGeorgiaMay 28, 1922ManslaughterShot (body burned)
Collins, RobertAfrican AmericanSummitPikeMississippiJune 20, 1922Assault of a young white womanHanged
Lewis, Warren17African AmericanNew DacusMontgomeryTexasJune 23, 1922Assault of a white womanHanged
Harvey, JamesAfrican AmericanLanes BridgeLibertyGeorgiaJuly 1, 1922Assault of employer's wifeHanged
Jordan, Joe
Tankard, Philip African American Belhaven Beaufort North Carolina July 5, 1922 Rioting Tankard was shot to death after riots following a July 4 celebration by J.F. Burrows who was deputized to help put down the riots.[425][433]
Pemberton, Joe African American Benton Bossier Louisiana July 7, 1922 Shot two Black women Joe Pemberton was in the Bossier Parish jail in Benton, Louisiana for shooting two Black women. A white mob surrounded the jail, overpowered Deputy Sheriff J.A. Wilson, and took Pemberton. His body was later found hanging from a tree in Black Bayou swamp, 2 miles (3.2 km) from Benton.[434][435][425]
Davis, Jake 62 African- merican Miller Georgia July 14, 1922 Consensual relationship with 26-year-old Ethel Skittel Hanged by white mob. After the event, the Miller County Liberal wrote that "hundreds of the citizens throughout the county regret this lynching. Many have said [Ethel Skittel] was guiltier than Jake."[425]
Mack, Oscar 29-years-old during the lynching attempt African American Lake Jennie Jewel Orange Florida July 19, 1922 Shooting death of two white men According to contemporary sources, Mack was reported to be lynched.[425] However, he was able to escape and died at 67-years-old in Ohio.
Anderson, William African American Moultrie Colquitt Georgia July 24, 1922 Assaulting a white 15-year-old girl Three men had seized William Anderson and chained him inside a car. While waiting to drop him off to the police outside the Moultrie, Georgia jail, an unknown man jumped in and sped off. Andersen's bullet-ridden body was later found a few miles away next to the Ellenton, Georgia Reedy Creek Baptist Church. The Colquit county grand Jury was called into special session to investigate the people behind the lynching but was quickly adjourned due to lack of evidence.[436][437][425]
West, John 50 African American Guernsey Hempstead Arkansas July 28, 1922 Fight over West using a drinking cup The newspaper The Little River News reported that West was probably shot and killed "after he flourished a pistol and threatened the men who intended only to whip him."[438][425]
Harris, Gilbert 28 African American Hot Springs Garland Arkansas August 1, 1922 Killing of Maurice Connelly (insurance solicitor) in a burglary gone wrong A white mob, some 500 strong, broke into the jail and seized Gilbert Harris after overpowering the police in the public square (actually a triangle shape in front of the Como hotel). Even though Harris had a history of break and enters, he professed his innocence. The mob later took the corpse back and laid it in the jail.[439][440][425]
Glover, John 35 African American Holton Bibb County Georgia August 2, 1922 Manslaughter of Deputy Sheriff Walter C. Byrd Beaten, tied to a tree, riddled with bullets and lit on fire. Corpse was displayed in the Black community of Macon.
Blackwell, Bayner African American Swansboro Onslow North Carolina August 6, 1922 Murder of Cy Jones Onslow Sheriff claims Blackwell wasn't lynched, rather run out of town. The United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary report claims he was shot.[425]
Steelman, John 35 African American Lambert Quitman Mississippi August 23, 1922 Assault on a white woman, Mrs. Bruce White Mr. Bruce White had hired Steelman for some work. White and Steelman ate breakfast at White's house and then walked to the work site. Steelman made an excuse and returned to White's house where he allegedly attacked Mrs. Bruce White. Her yelling alerted a Black field hand who had run away after Mrs. White started screaming. A mob then hunted him down and, even though he had a gun, were able to capture him. John Steelman was tied to a stake wood piled around him and then the pyre was ignited by Mrs. Bruce White.[425][441][442]
Rivers, Thomas 25 African American Bossier Parish Bossier Louisiana August 30, 1922 Assault of a white woman When Thomas Rivers was arrested, the community threatened to lynch him. He was being moved to the Benton jail when a mob overpowered the officers and took Rivers. His body was found hanging near the Shreveport-Bossier highway about 12 miles (19 km) from Shreveport, Louisiana.[443][444][425]
Daniel, Filmore Watt 35 White Mer Rouge Morehouse Louisiana August 24, 1922 Spoke out against KKK activities Ku-Klux Klan kidnapped the men on August 24, 1922, and the bodies were discovered in nearby Lake Lafourche on December 24, 1922.
Richards, Thomas F. 30
Long, Jim Reed African American Winder Barrow Georgia September 2, 1922 Attack of a white woman, 19-year-old Ms. Violet Wood, daughter of Rev. John H. Wood Ms. Violet Wood was visiting the house of her aunt, Ms. Pearl Saunders, when she interrupted a burglary allegedly undertaken by Jim Reed Long. Startled to find Wood in the house, he struck her with an iron bar. After his arrest, a mob quickly gathered in Winder, demanding that Long be handed over. Sheriff Camp was able to get Long out of the Barrows county jail in Winder but when he was taking him to Atlanta, he was stopped on the roads, overpowered and Jim Reed Long was taken by a mob and hanged.[445][446][447] Some reports say by the Ku-Klux Klan.[425] News media of the time repeated that the lynching was "orderly conducted."[447][446][448]
Johnson, O.J. African American Newton Newton Texas September 7, 1922 Johnson was twice tried with killing a Turpentine camp foreman four years earlier. Hanged from a tree
Johnston, JimAfrican AmericanWrightsvilleJohnsonGeorgiaSeptember 28, 1922Assault of a white womanA mob had gathered in Sandersville, and so Deputy Sheriff Davis and Nixon were driving Johnson to Wrightsville when a posse of 50 men overpowered the deputies and seized Johnson. Hanged on the Cedar Creek bridge, his body was riddled with bullets.[449][450][425]
Everett, Grover C.African AmericanAbileneTaylor and JonesTexasSeptember 28, 1922UnknownShot in his hotel room by four people
Brown, JohnAfrican AmericanMontgomeryMontgomeryAlabamaOctober 3, 1922A race riot broke out on October 3, 1922, after African American Joe Terell was arrested in connection with the murder of George Tilson who in turn was searching for a Black assailant that killed white policeman Albert Sansom. African American Edward Pearl was killed in the race rioting.[451] The report on the lynchings of 1922 by the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary, lists John Brown as being lynched on October 3, 1922, in Montgomery,[425] but newspaper reports write that he was seized, questioned and released.[452][453]
Hartley, Ed40–41WhiteCamdenBentonTennesseeOctober 20, 1922Manslaughter of Connie Hartley, nephew of Ed HartleyShot
Hartley, George21–22
Zarate, Elias V.22HispanicWeslacoHidalgoTexasNovember 11, 1922Fight with co-worker, J.L. Sullivan, in which Sullivan's arm was brokenShot
Dickson, Cupid
(also found as Cubrit Dixon)
African AmericanMadisonMadisonFloridaDecember 5, 1922Shot
Wright, Charles; Young, Albert and an unidentified Black manAfrican AmericanPerryTaylorFloridaDecember 1922Murder of white teacherEscaped convict Wright was taken from sheriff by a large mob, tortured into confession, and burned at the stake. Two other suspects were shot and hanged. Several African American community buildings and homes were burned in the Perry race riot.[454][455]
Smith, Less25African AmericanMorriltonConwayArkansasDecember 9, 1922Murder of Granville Edward FarishDeputy sheriff Granville Edward Farish was trying to collect a debt from Smith when a scuffle broke out. In the fight, Farish smashed a bottle over Smith's head whereupon Smith shot him in the stomach. Smith was arrested and a white mob soon gathered. When officials tried to move Smith to another jail, he was seized, hanged from a tree, and his body riddled with bullets. When the body was taken to the undertaker, the mob burst in to view the body.[456][425]
Gay, George25African AmericanStreetmanFreestone and NavarroTexasDecember 11, 1922Accused of assaulting white 20-year-old Miss Florine GraysonFlorine Grayson could not positively identify George Gay when he was brought before her. The mob ignored this, chained him to a tree and shot him around 300 times.
Carter, Sam45African AmericanRosewoodLevyFloridaJanuary 2, 1923Sexual assault of a white womanFalsely accused, tortured, shot, then hung by white mob which went on a rampage burning homes and killing several other people.
Wilson, Abraham33–34African AmericanNewberryAlachuaFloridaJanuary 17, 1923Cattle stealingServing 6-month sentence when taken from jail and hanged.[158][457]
Scott, James T.35–56African AmericanColumbiaBooneMissouriApril 29, 1923Assaulting a 14 year old white girlAccused of detaining and beating the daughter of a professor at the University of Columbia, where Scott worked as a janitor. Lynched by a mob of over 100 men. Memorial plaque erected in 2016.[458][459]
Simmons, HenryAfrican AmericanPalm BeachPalm BeachFloridaJune 7, 1923Killing of police officerA police officer stopped "three negroes in regards to the butchering of a turtle" on June 3, 1923. After a struggle, the officer was shot and described the assailants before dying 3 days later. A lynch mob first seized James Sands, who was beaten before one of the mob declared he was "not the one". Sands was released. The mob later seized Henry Simmons from a boarding house in West Palm Beach. His body was found the morning of June 7, 1923, at a location on Barton Road on Palm Beach Island, a short distance from The Breakers. The body was shot multiple times and hung from a tree close to where the officer was shot.
Pullen, Joe40African AmericanDrewSunflowerMississippiDecember 14, 1923MurderShot and burned
Bell, William33African AmericanChicagoCookIllinoisOctober 8, 1924Accosting two girlsBeaten to death by a mob in a Jewish neighborhood. The girls, when questioned by police, admitted they were unsure if Bell was in fact the same man who had accosted them. The only lynching in Chicago history.[460]
Smith, Samuel15African AmericanNashvilleDavidsonTennesseeDecember 15, 1924Robbed a grocery store and shot the white owner.Taken out of his hospital room in Nashville and lynched by a mob of masked men where he was first caught.[461]
Washington, Willie22African AmericanJacksonvilleDuvalFloridaJanuary 31, 1925Murdered by a local policeman, Washington's body was later displayed in the county courthouse.[462]
Jordan, JamesAdultAfrican AmericanWaverlySussexVirginiaMarch 20, 1925Married woman "attacked" in her home.The case and two others helped lead to the Virginia Anti-Lynching Law of 1928, the first state law against lynching.[463][464]
Marshall, Robert39–40African AmericanPriceCarbonUtahJune 18, 1925Accused of killing a white guardThe allegation was based on the testimony of two young boys who said they saw a black man running from the scene of the crime. Marshall was lynched in front of a crowd of 1,000. When the sheriff arrived, he cut Marshall down and was putting him in the car when Marshall made noise indicating he was alive. The mob shouted to lynch him again. Afterward, Marshall's body was put on display in the funeral parlor and photos of the lynching were sold door-to-door for 25 cents. In 1998, the community provided a headstone for him.[465]
Ivy, L. Q.17African AmericanRocky Ford (Etta)UnionMississippiSeptember 20, 1925RapeBurned at the stake[466]
Clark, JamesAfrican AmericanEau GallieBrevardFloridaJuly 11, 1926Rape of a white girlTaken from law officers and lynched. No attempt to verify crime nor identify murderers: last known lynching in Brevard County[467][468][469]
Selak, Fred N.61WhiteGrand LakeGrandColoradoJuly 21, 1926NoneMurdered in part because of a fencing dispute, but also to steal money thought to be stashed on his property.[470]
Byrd, Raymond Arthur31African AmericanWytheVirginiaAugust 15, 1926Fathering a child with a white womanBeaten, dragged by a car and hanged from an oak tree
Nunez, Thomas (or Munoz)LatinoRaymondvilleWillacyTexasSeptember 7, 1926MurderAll five were shot after an ambush.[471]
Nunez, Jose
Nunez, Delancio
Gonzales, Cinco
Zaller, MattWhite (Austrian)
Nelson, SamuelAfrican AmericanDelray BeachPalm BeachFloridaSeptember 26–27, 1926Assaulting a white womanNelson was arrested on September 26, 1926 in Delray Beach on charges of assaulting a white woman in Miami. The following morning, the jail door was found torn open and the cell was empty. Later, a body identified as Nelson was found on a canal bank four miles west, with multiple gunshot wounds. The Delray Beach Chief of Police later testified to the City Council that they had refused to release the prisoner to a stranger claiming to be an official from Miami; however, the prisoner was counted in the cell as of midnight on September 26. The Police department was declared "free of blame of neglect" by the City Council. The culpability of the accused suspect for the crime in Miami, 55 miles away, was called into question as a major hurricane had struck eight days earlier, hampering travel[472]
Lowman, Bertha27African AmericanAiken vicinityAikenSouth CarolinaOctober 8, 1926Alleged murder of the sheriffAfter the second day of a retrial, they were taken from the jail to the outskirts of Aiken and shot, with a large crowd in attendance.[473]
Lowman, Demon22
Lowman, Clarence14
Buddington, George55African AmericanWaldoAlachuaFloridaDecember 27, 1926Attempted to collect debt from a white woman at gunpointMob broke lock on jail, took Buddington out of town and shot him to death.[158][474]
Payne, Tom25African AmericanWillisMontgomeryTexasFebruary 1, 1927Arrested in connection with a suspected assault and murder, he was taken by a white mob and hanged from a tree.[475][476]
Carter, John38African AmericanLittle RockPulaskiArkansasMay 4, 1927NoneNo charges filed; "mob" responsible.[477]
Anderson, Dan32African AmericanMaconNoxubeeMississippiMay 20, 1927MurderShot
Sherod, WillAfrican AmericanBraggadocioPemiscotMissouriMay 22, 1927RapeHanged
Raspberry, Bernice23African AmericanLeakesvilleGreeneMississippiMay 25, 1927"Slleged improper conduct with a white woman"Hanged, shot
Flemming, OwenAfrican AmericanMellwoodPhillipsArkansasJune 8, 1927MurderShot
Upchurch, JosephAfrican Americannear ParisHenryTennesseeJune 17, 1927MurderShot
Fox, JimAfrican AmericanLouisvilleWinstonMississippiJune 26, 1927MurderBrothers arrested in connection with a suspected murder of a white man, he was taken by a white mob, tied to a telephone pole with barbed wire, and burned.[478][479]
Fox, Mark
Smith, JoeAfrican AmericanYazoo CityYazooMississippiJuly 7, 1927Attempting to "attack" a "young white girl"Hanged, shot
Williams, AlbertAfrican AmericanChieflandLevyFloridaJuly 21, 1927AssaultShot
Bradshaw, ThomasAfrican AmericanBaileyNashNorth CarolinaAugust 2, 1927RapeShot
Pounds, WinstonAfrican AmericanWilmotAshleyArkansasAugust 25–26, 1927Breaking and entering, assaulting a white womanHanged
Williams, ThomasAfrican AmericanMemphisShelbyTennesseeSeptember 28, 1927Attacking a fifty-year old white womanShot
Choate, Henry18African AmericanColumbiaMauryTennesseeNovember 13, 1927Assaulting a white girlKilled with a hammer, dragged by automobile and hanged at the County Courthouse in Columbia.
Woods, Leonard30African AmericanPound GapLetcherKentuckyNovember 30, 1927MurderHanged
Ratliff, Marshall26WhiteCiscoEastlandTexasDecember 23, 1927Bank robberyRobbed a bank with three accomplices while dressed as Santa Claus. Ensuing shootout(s), manhunt, capture, and lynch mob. His hands and feet were bound, and he was hanged with rope thrown over a guy-wire between two telephone poles in a vacant lot behind a movie theater.
Bearden, James25African AmericanBrookhavenLincolnMississippiJune 29, 1928Argued with white men over debtDragged behind car, hanged[480]
Bearden, Stanly24
Benavides, RafaelLatinoFarmingtonSan JuanNew MexicoNovember 16, 1928Attacking a white man's wifeBenavides was a Mexican shepherd who was accused by the police to have attacked a white man's wife. The police then went to arrest Benavides and shot him for resisting arrest. They rushed him to the hospital; three men then called the hospital asking if the Mexican was being guarded by authorities which the nurse confirmed he wasn't. The three men later on snuck into the hospital, kidnapped Benavides and hung him from a tree near an abandoned ranch.[481]
Seeman, Louis "Slim"30sAfrican AmericanNorth PlatteLincolnNebraskaJuly 13, 1929Murder of police officer Ed GreenShot


More information Name, Age ...
Unknown maleAfrican AmericanMarionCrittendenArkansas1930sTeaching the black children of Marked Tree, Arkansas to readBurned, sign posted "run niggers run!".[482]
Wilkins, John H.45African AmericanLocust GroveHenryGeorgiaApril 18, 1930Smiling at a white womanWilkins, a pullman porter, was dragged off his train and lynched.[483] A protest manifesto mentioning his lynching and two others had a cropped picture of a lynched African American.[484] This cropped photograph is taken from one of an African American lynched/hanged from a telephone pole in a railyard (Georgia(?);[409] it is unknown if the original photo is of Wilkins.
Green, Allen50African AmericanWalhalla vicinityOconeeSouth CarolinaApril 24, 1930Allegedly criminally assaulted white womanAfter severely injuring the sheriff, the victim was taken from the county jail, tied to a tree outside the city, and shot multiple times by a crowd of about 100 men.[485]
Hughes, George41African AmericanShermanGraysonTexasMay 9, 1930Pled guilty to criminal assault.Courthouse stormed (during trial), burned down with Hughes locked in vault, fire hoses cut. Body then dragged behind car and hanged, and fire lit under it. Followed by riot and destruction of black businesses. Two persons received two-year sentences for violence.[486]
Johnson, George30African AmericanHoney GroveFanninTexasMay 16, 1930MurderShot by a sheriff’s posse
Argo, HenryAfrican AmericanChickashaGradyOklahomaMay 30, 1930 AssaultShot
Roan, WilliamAfrican AmericanBryanBrazosTexasJune 18, 1930Attempted rapeShot
Jenkins, Dan22African AmericanUnion vicinityUnionSouth CarolinaJune 21, 1930Allegedly raped a white womanCaptured by local citizens and identified by the woman, he was shot by a mob of about 150. The governor had been notified of the potential lynching and ordered out the National Guard, which arrived twenty minutes too late.[487]
Robertson, JackAfrican AmericanRound RockWilliamsonTexasJune 28, 1930Attempted murderShot
Shipp, Thomas18African AmericanMarionGrantIndianaAugust 7, 1930Robbery of white couple, homicide, rapeLynch mob of thousands broke into jail and took Thomas Shipp, Abram Smith and James Cameron. The mob hung the first two up in a tree. Cameron was released by the mob but was convicted of accessory and served time, later becoming an activist and founding the America's Black Holocaust Museum.[488]
Smith, Abram19
Moore, Oliver29African AmericanEdgecombeNorth CarolinaAugust 19, 1930Alleged sexual improprieties with two young white girlsHanged and shot by mob who broke into jail[489]
Grant, George40African AmericanDarienMcIntoshGeorgiaSeptember 8, 1930Killing a police officer, and wounding three other peopleSheriff: "I don't know who killed the nigger and I don't give a damn."[397]:10
Parker, JohnAfrican AmericanConwayFaulknerArkansas1931Stealing some peaches[397]:4
Wise, Mrs.African AmericanFrankfort (Frankford?)Virginia (West Virginia?)1931Objected to her daughter being taken out for "rides" with white Klansmen.[397]:8
Gunn, Raymond27African AmericanMaryvilleNodawayMissouriJanuary 12, 1931Murdering a white womanBurned to death. National Guard stood by and watched.[397]:10
Bannon, Charles22WhiteSchaferMcKenzieNorth DakotaJanuary 29, 1931Murdering his employer and familyMob broke into jail and hung him from a bridge[490]
Williams, Matthew23African AmericanSalisburyWicomicoMarylandDecember 4, 1931Killing his employerTaken forcibly from hospital. No indictment despite numerous witnesses.[397]:9–10
Mendiola, Higinio46LatinoEdinburgHildalgoTexasDecember 29, 1931NoneA mob of 7 people hung Higinio from a tree near his home to make it appear that he had committed suicide in order to collect insurance for his death.[491]
Tillis, Dave52African AmericanCrockettHoustonTexas1932"Demanded an accounting from his landlord. Charged with 'entering the bedroom of a white woman'".[397]:4–5
Thompson, Shedrick39African AmericanruralFauquierVirginia1932Assault and rape.
Micou, Reuben65African AmericanLouisvilleWinstonMississippiApril 2, 1933Accused of getting into an altercation with a white man.Abducted from jail by a mob. Micou's injuries suggested he was whipped before being shot multiple times.[492]
Dendy, Norris33African AmericanClintonLaurensSouth CarolinaJune 4–5, 1933Striking a white man following an argumentBroken out of jail by a group of men; five white men named in an indictment but none were convicted
Lawrence, ElizabethAfrican AmericanruralJeffersonAlabamaJune/July 1933Reprimanding a group of white children who threw stones at her[493]
Armwood, George23African AmericanPrincess AnneSomersetMarylandOctober 18, 1933Attempted assault and rapeGrand jury declined to indict any of the lynchers identified by State Police. Last lynching in Maryland.
Holmes, John M.29WhiteSan JoseSanta ClaraCaliforniaNovember 26–27, 1933Kidnapping and murder of department store heir Brooke HartAn estimated 10,000 people witnessed the lynching. California Governor James Rolph called the act "a fine lesson for the whole nation."[494]
Thurmond, Thomas Harold27
Gregory, David 25[495] African American Kountze Hardin Texas December 7, 1933 Murder of a white woman; likely falsely accused. Shot and burned at the stake. Upon hearing he was wanted for the Dec. 2 rape and shotgun murder of a white woman, he fled to a church and hid in its belfry, where a white mob, including several law enforcement officials, cornered him on Dec. 7. When Gregory refused to come down, a member of the mob shot him. The shot rendered him unconscious, and the county sheriff moved him to a local hospital before sneaking him out after hearing word of a lynch mob heading to the hospital. Gregory died in the sheriff's car. Soon after, a mob surrounded the sheriff's car, removed Gregory's body, mutilated him, tied him behind a car, and dragged him around town before depositing his body at his mother's doorstep. When she refused to entertain the mob, the mob set a bonfire and burned Gregory's remains at the stake. Years after Gregory's lynching, a white man allegedly admitted to the white woman's rape and murder on his deathbed.[496][497]
Cheek, James Cordie17African AmericanMauryTennesseeDecember 15, 1934Attempted rapeMutilated and hanged
Johnson, Robert40African AmericanTampaHillsboroughFloridaJanuary 30, 1934Assault on white womanInvestigators determined charges against Johnson were meritless, then released him to a lynch mob.[498][499]
Neal, Claude23African AmericanGreenwoodJacksonFloridaOctober 26, 1934Rape and murder of 19 year old white femaleLynchers said he "didn't deserve a trial". Castrated, forced to consume his genitals, stabbed, burned with hot irons, toes and fingers removed, hanged, body tied behind automobile. Followed by Marianna riots. Important case in helping to bring lynching to an end.
Moore, Bert26African AmericanColumbusLowndesMississippiJuly 13, 1935[500]
Morton, Dooley17
Stacey, Reuben
(also found as Rubin Stacy)
37African AmericanFort LauderdaleBrowardFloridaJuly 19, 1935Threatening and frightening a white woman with a pen knifeLaw enforcement officer; grand jury refused to indict.[501][502][503] In 2022, a two-mile stretch of Davie Boulevard in Fort Lauderdale was renamed Rubin Stacy Memorial Boulevard.[504][505]
Johnson, Clyde L.24WhiteYrekaSiskyouCaliforniaAugust 3, 1935Killing of Police Chief Frank R. Daw[506]Dunsmuir Police Chief Frank Daw was shot and killed on July 29, 1935, when he confronted an armed robbery suspect. Johnson, the alleged perpetrator, was removed from the Siskiyou County Jail and was hung from a tree near Yreka.[507][508]
Higginbotham, Elwood28African AmericanOxfordLafayetteMississippiSeptember 17, 1935Killed in self-defense a white man that attacked him after he complained about the white man's cattle running over his field.Killed when jury did not bring back guilty verdict promptly. Widow and extended family immediately left Mississippi.[509]
Townes, Roosevelt26African AmericanDuck HillMontgomeryMississippiApril 13, 1937Pair suspected in the robbery and shooting of a shopkeeper.Tied to a tree and tortured with blowtorches to extract a confession. McDaniels shot, Townes burned alive. Photos of the lynching made the national media.[510]
McDaniels, Robert20
Hawkins, Richard16African AmericanTallahasseeLeonFloridaJuly 19, 1937Broke into a store, accused of attacking a police officer with a knifeLocked up in Leon County Jail after confessing to breaking and entering; four masked men kidnapped the two from the jail, shot them dozens of times, and put warnings to other African Americans where the bodies laid.[511]
Ponder, Ernest14–18
Goodin, Albert35African AmericanCovingtonTiptonTennesseeAugust 16, 1937Shooting a police officerTaken from sheriff by 100 men and lynched from bridge over Beaver Creek; body recovered from river by Sheriff Deputies.[512]
Williams, Elbert31African AmericanBrownsvilleHaywoodTennesseeJune 20, 1940Registering to vote and starting an NAACP chapter.Last reported lynching in Tennessee.[513]
Thornton, Jesse26African AmericanLuverneCrenshawAlabamaJune 22, 1940Failure to address a white cop as "Mr."Shot and thrown into the Patsaliga River
Callaway, AustinAfrican AmericanLaGrangeTroupGeorgiaSeptember 8, 1940Assaulting a white womanShot
Hall, Felix19African AmericanFort BenningChattahoocheeGeorgiaFebruary 1941UnknownHanged from a tree in a ravine.
Wright, Cleo26African AmericanSikestonScottMissouriJanuary 25, 1942Home invasion, attempted murder, attempted rape, resisting arrestAround 100 black people left Sikeston and never returned.[514]
Green, Ernest14African AmericanShubuta ("hanging bridge")ClarkeMississippiOctober 11, 1942Attempted rape.[515]:101
Lang, Charlie15
Hall, RobertAfrican AmericanNewtonBakerGeorgiaJanuary 30, 1943Alleged tire theftBeaten to death by law enforcement
Harrison, Cellos31African AmericanMariannaJacksonFloridaJune 16, 1943Murder of a white man.Awaiting new trial after conviction overturned on appeal.
Kunze, Johannes39White (German)Camp TonkawaKayOklahomaNovember 4, 1943Spying for the United StatesBeaten to death by fellow German POWs following a kangaroo court
Howard, Willie James15African AmericanLive OakSuwanneeFloridaJanuary 2, 1944Sending Christmas card with "a note expressing his affection" to a white girl.Forced to jump to his death in the Suwanee River. Grand jury refused to indict.[516]
Drechsler, Werner27White (German)Camp Papago ParkMaricopaArizonaMarch 12, 1944Spying for the United StatesHanged by fellow German POWs following a kangaroo court
Günther, Horst23White (German)Camp AikenAikenSouth CarolinaApril 6, 1944Suspected of collaborating with the American authoritiesStrangled by fellow German POWs and hanged from a tree
Dorsey, George W.28African AmericanWaltonGeorgiaJuly 25, 1946Stabbing of a white man (Roger Malcom)Huge investigation. 2003 and 2016 books on this investigation. No one charged.
Dorsey, Mae Murray23
Malcom, Roger24
Malcom, Dorothy Dorsey20
Collier, Alton26African AmericanCoronadoSan DiegoCaliforniaApril 27, 1946Alleged stabbing of a white sailor (Freddie Leroy Johnson) who was part of a crowd already chasing him with weapons to the bow of the boat shouting racial slurs.Forced off a ferry and left to drown. Ruled a suicide until 2024 when the Equal Justice Initiative declared it a lynching.[517][518][519]
Jones, John Cecil31African Americannear MindenWebsterLouisianaAugust 8, 1946Peering into a white woman's house through the windowBeaten, tortured and mutilated along with his cousin Albert Harris, Jr.
Earle, Willie24African AmericanGreenvilleGreenvilleSouth CarolinaFebruary 16, 1947Killing of taxi driver31 suspects charged; all acquitted.
Gilbert, Henry "Peg"42African AmericanHarrisGeorgiaMay 22, 1947Hiding Gus Davidson, accused of killing a white farmerShot and killed by Police Chief W. H. Buchanan in Harris County Jail[520]
Mallard, Robert38African AmericanLyonsToombsGeorgiaNovember 20, 1948Voting and prosperityCar surrounded by 20 Ku Klux Klan members. Car was shot at with pistols.


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Council, Lynn19African Americannear RaleighWakeNorth CarolinaNovember 1952RobberyHe survived. Newspapers treat it as a lynching. Council has received apologies from the law enforcement agencies involved.
Banks, Isadore59African AmericanMarionCrittendenArkansasJune 1954Being prosperous[521]
Till, Emmett14African AmericanMoneyLeFloreMississippiAugust 28, 1955Flirting with white womanBeaten and mutilated before shooting him in the head and sinking his body in the Tallahatchie River. Perpetrators acquitted by all-white jury, then openly admitted they did it. Historical markers shot and defaced 2006–2018.[522]
Parker, Mack Charles22African AmericanBridge over Pearl River between Mississippi and LouisianaPearl RiverMississippiApril 24, 1959Rape and kidnapping of a white woman; charges possibly fabricated.No one indicted.
Chaney, James21African AmericanPhiladelphiaNeshobaMississippiJune 21, 1964Civil rights workerA federal jury in 1967 convicted the sheriff and six others of conspiracy to violate civil rights; they received minor punishment. A state jury in 2005 found the Ku Klux Klan organizer, Edgar Ray Killen, guilty of three counts of manslaughter; he died in prison. National outrage contributed to passage of Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Goodman, Andrew20White
Schwerner, Michael24White
Penn, Lemuel Augustus48African AmericanMadisonGeorgiaJuly 11, 1964Shot by members of the Ku Klux Klan[523]
Morris, Frank50African AmericanFerridayConcordiaLouisianaDecember 14, 1964"Flirting" with white females[524]:152
Rembert, Winifred19African AmericanCuthbertRandolphGeorgia1967Fighting with deputy while in jail for stealing car to get away from two men shooting at him.Survived. Rembert became a successful leatherwork artist and had at least two documentary films made about his story. He died in 2021.[525][526][527][528][529]
Pyszko, Marian54Polish JewDetroitWayneMichiganJuly 28, 1975None.Killed by a group of black youths with concrete block during riot. Four of his killers were charged with first-degree murder.


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Gardner, Betty33African AmericanSt. Helena IslandBeaufortSouth CarolinaApril 12, 1978None (one of the perpetrators hated black people).Two white men (cousins John Arnold and John Plath) were convicted of Gardner's murder. Arnold and Plath were sentenced to death and executed via lethal injection in 1998.
Higdon, Benny21WhiteMiamiMiami-DadeFloridaMay 17, 1980Killed by African American mob during the 1980 Miami riots.
Owens, Robert15
Barreca, Charles15
Donald, Michael19African AmericanMobileMobileAlabamaMarch 21, 1981None (Klan looked to kill a black man because accused killer of white policeman got mistrial).Three Klansmen (Henry Hays, James Knowles, and Benjamin Cox) were convicted of Donald's murder. Henry Hays was sentenced to death and executed in the electric chair in 1997. James Knowles and Benjamin Cox were sentenced to life in prison. A civil suit against the United Klans of America caused their bankruptcy.
Turks, Willie34African AmericanNew York CitySheepshead Bay, BrooklynNew YorkJune 22, 1982Drove through a majority-white neighborhood between his subway maintenance shifts.Turks and two other black subway employees were attacked by 15 to 20 assailants who shouted racial epithets. Gino Bova, 18 at the time, was sentenced to 5 to 15 years in prison for manslaughter. Justice Sybil Hart Kooper said at the sentencing: "There was a lynch mob on Avenue X that night. The only thing missing was a rope and a tree."[530][531]
Chin, Vincent Jen27Chinese AmericanHighland ParkWayneMichiganJune 23, 1982Being Asian during a time when Japan was cutting into the profits of Detroit automakers.Two white men working for the Chrysler plant, supervisor Ronald Ebens and his stepson Michael Nitz assaulted Chin outside of a McDonald's with a baseball bat following a brawl that took place at a strip club. A witness described them using anti-Asian racial slurs as they attacked him, ultimately beating him to death.
Hawkins, Yusef16African AmericanNew York CityEast New York, BrooklynNew YorkAugust 23, 1989Believed to be attending a party held by a white girl.Mob of 10 to 30, at least seven with baseball bats chased and beat Hawkins and friends. Hawkins was ultimately shot by Joseph Fama, who was convicted of second-degree murder in 1990. Keith Mondello, was acquitted on murder charges but convicted for 12 lesser offenses. Three other men were convicted of crimes while three were charged but not convicted.[532][533]
Rosenbaum, Yankel29Australian JewNew York CityCrown Heights, BrooklynNew YorkAugust 19, 1991Being Jewish.Rosenbaum, a student from Australia, was stabbed to death by a mob as part of the Crown Heights riot.[534] Both New York Senator Daniel Moynihan and New York City Mayor David N. Dinkins called the killing a lynching. Dinkins said: "I think that the death of Yankel Rosenbaum was a lynching, as was Yusuf Hawkins. No question. Whatever term one gives to these kinds of vicious murders, that's what it is."[535]
Wilson, Christopher32African AmericanValricoHillsboroughFloridaJanuary 1, 1993None.Three white men kidnapped Wilson and set him on fire.[536] Wilson survived.
Byrd Jr., James49African AmericanJasperJasperTexasJune 7, 1998None (white supremacists).Dragged to death behind a car, until his head hit a culvert. Perpetrators convicted; two executed, one to life imprisonment.

21st century

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James Craig Anderson47African AmericanJacksonHindsMississippiJune 26, 2011Grand theft auto (falsely accused, James owned the car)Beaten, run over with a truck. Driver convicted of murder, ten convicted of hate crimes. Main perpetrator sentenced to life in prison.
Ahmaud Arbery25African AmericanSatilla ShoresGlynnGeorgiaFebruary 23, 2020Burglary (falsely accused)Chased down and shot. Perpetrators convicted of felony murder and one with malice murder. All perpetrators sentenced to life in prison.
Rasheem Carter 25 African American Fayette Jefferson Mississippi October 2, 2022 Unknown Reported being chased by white men in trucks to police, who refused to help. Body found scattered, decapitated with skull split in twain. Despite overwhelming evidence of murder, police did not attempt to investigate for perpetrator.[537]

See also


  1. Briscoe was seized at the New Bridge over the Magothy River while being transported from Jacobsville to Annapolis, and was hanged beside the road. The place was said to be "very lonely and far from any habitation."[73]




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