Sarduri I (also Sarduris I, Sedur I, Asiduri I) 834 BC–828 BC; known in Assyrian sources as Ishtarduri, moved the capital to Tushpa, expanded the fortress of Van, possibly established new dynasty.
Ishpuini (also Ishpuinis, Ispuini) the Establisher 828 BC–810 BC; expanded the empire and conquered Musasir.
Menua (also Menuas, Minua) the Conqueror 810 BC–785 BC; initially ruled jointly with his father Ishpuini and later jointly ruled with his son, Inushpua, greatly expanded the kingdom, organized the centralized administrative structure, fortified a number of cities and founded fortresses, developed a national canal and irrigation system.
Inushpua 788–786 BC (?); co-ruled with his father, Menua. Possibly killed in battle.
Argishti I (also Argishtis I, Argishtish I, Argisti I) 785–763 BC; fortified the empire's frontier, founded Erebuni (modern-day Yerevan).
Sarduri II 763 BC–735 BC; maximum expansion; zenith of Urartian power.
Rusa IV 595 BC–585 BC; raids of Medes and Scythians. Assyrians King Tiglath-Pileser III destroyed castle of Rusa, which has been recently discovered under Lake Van, Turkey. Archaeologists also discovered jars that once contained wheat, oil and wine, in the ruins of a castle the Turks call "Chavez Tepe", built by Uzira Sardouri II (ruled: 764–735 BC). Each buried jar with orifice covered with wedge engraved ceramic lids can hold 300 kg.[1]