List of biology awards

Awards for work in biological sciences From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of biology awards

This list of biology awards is an index to articles about notable awards for biology. It includes a general list and lists of ecology, genetics and neuroscience awards. It excludes awards for biochemistry, biomedical science, medicine, ornithology and paleontology, which are covered by separate lists.

Bronwyn Gillanders (right), former Australian Society for Fish Biology President and 2016 K. Radway Allen Award winner

General awards


More information Country, Award ...
InternationalAlexander von Humboldt Medal (IAVS)International Association for Vegetation ScienceVegetation scientist for an outstanding body of work[1]
InternationalCarlos J. Finlay Prize for MicrobiologyUNESCOOutstanding contributions to microbiology (including immunology, molecular biology, genetics, etc.) and its applications[2]
International Edison Award Edison Awards Honoring excellence in innovation
InternationalHarrison PrizeInternational Society of Developmental BiologistsDevelopmental biology[3]
InternationalRedi AwardInternational Society on Toxinology Significant contributions in toxinology, the scientific study of venoms, poisons and toxins[4]
InternationalUNESCO-Equatorial Guinea International Prize for Research in the Life SciencesUNESCOScientific research in the life sciences leading to improving the quality of human life[5]


More information Country, Award ...
CanadaFlavelle MedalRoyal Society of CanadaOutstanding contribution to biological science[6][7]
CanadaFry MedalCanadian Society of ZoologistsCanadian zoologist who has made an outstanding contribution to knowledge and understanding of an area in zoology[8]
ChileNational Prize for Natural SciencesNational Prize of ChileNatural sciences[9]
United StatesAlexander Hollaender Award in BiophysicsNational Academy of SciencesOutstanding contributions in biophysics[10]
United StatesAsa Gray AwardAmerican Society of Plant TaxonomistsLiving botanist for career achievements[11]
United StatesBenjamin Franklin Award (Bioinformatics)Bioinformatics OrganizationIndividual who has, in his or her practice, promoted free and open access to the materials and methods used in the life sciences[12]
United StatesBiotechnology Heritage AwardBiotechnology Innovation Organization and Science History InstituteSignificant contributions to the development of biotechnology through discovery, innovation, and public understanding[13]
United StatesBreakthrough Prize in Life SciencesMark Zuckerberg, Priscilla Chan, Sergey Brin, Yuri Milner and Anne WojcickiDiscoveries that extend human life[14]
United StatesC. Hart Merriam AwardAmerican Society of MammalogistsOutstanding research in mammalogy[15]
United StatesC. W. Woodworth AwardEntomological Society of AmericaAchievement in entomology in the Pacific region of the United States[16]
United StatesDaniel Giraud Elliot MedalNational Academy of SciencesMeritorious work in zoology or paleontology study[17]
United StatesDeLano Award for Computational BiosciencesAmerican Society for Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyMost accessible and innovative development or application of computer technology to enhance research in the life sciences at the molecular level[18]
United StatesE.B. Wilson MedalAmerican Society for Cell BiologySignificant and far-reaching contributions to cell biology over the course of a career[19]
United StatesEarly Career Life Scientist AwardAmerican Society for Cell BiologyOutstanding scientist early in their career[20]
United StatesEdwin Grant Conklin MedalSociety for Developmental BiologyMember of the society who has carried out distinguished and sustained research in developmental biology[21]
United StatesFASEB Excellence in Science AwardFederation of American Societies for Experimental BiologyOutstanding achievement by women in biological science[22]
United StatesGilbert Morgan Smith MedalNational Academy of SciencesExcellence in published research on marine or freshwater algae[23]
United StatesISCB Innovator AwardInternational Society for Computational BiologyLeading scientists who are within two decades post-degree, who consistently make outstanding contributions to the field, and who continue to forge new directions[24]
United StatesJosé Cuatrecasas Medal for Excellence in Tropical BotanySmithsonian National Museum of Natural HistoryBotanist and scholar worldwide of international stature who has contributed significantly to advancing the field of tropical botany[25]
United StatesKeith R. Porter LectureAmerican Society for Cell BiologyEminent cell biologist[26]
United StatesLarry Sandler Memorial AwardDrosophila Research Conference : Genetics Society of AmericaBest dissertation of the preceding year[27]
United StatesLeidy AwardAcademy of Natural Sciences of Drexel UniversityExcellence in publications, explorations, discoveries or research in the natural sciences[28]
United StatesLouisa Gross Horwitz PrizeColumbia UniversityOutstanding contribution in basic research in the fields of biology or biochemistry[29]
United StatesMBC Paper of the YearAmerican Society for Cell Biology : Molecular Biology of the CellPaper judged to be the best of the year in the field of molecular biology[30][31]
United StatesMarch of Dimes Prize in Developmental BiologyMarch of DimesInvestigator whose research brings us closer to the day when all babies will be born healthy[32]
United StatesMargaret Oakley Dayhoff AwardBiophysical SocietyWoman who holds very high promise or has achieved prominence while developing the early stages of a career in biophysical research[33][34]
United StatesMary Soper Pope Memorial AwardCranbrook Institute of ScienceNotable achievement in plant sciences[35][36]
United StatesMax Delbruck PrizeAmerican Physical SocietyRecognize and encourage outstanding achievement in biological physics research[37]
United StatesMerton Bernfield Memorial AwardAmerican Society for Cell BiologyOutstanding graduate student or postdoctoral fellow who has excelled in research[38]
United StatesMethuselah Mouse PrizeMethuselah FoundationWorld record for the oldest-ever mouse; Most successful late-onset rejuvenation strategy[39][40]
United StatesMichelson Prize and Grants in Reproductive BiologyFound Animals FoundationSafe and effective, single-dose, nonsurgical sterilant for male and female cats and dogs[41]
United StatesNAS Award in Molecular BiologyNational Academy of SciencesRecent notable discovery in molecular biology by a young scientist who is a citizen of the United States[42]
United StatesOverton PrizeInternational Society for Computational BiologyOutstanding accomplishment by a scientist in the early to mid stage of his or her career[43][44]
United StatesPearl Meister Greengard PrizeRockefeller UniversityWomen scientists in biology[45]
United StatesRomer-Simpson MedalSociety of Vertebrate PaleontologySustained and outstanding scholarly excellence and service to the discipline of vertebrate paleontology[46]
United StatesSelman A. Waksman Award in MicrobiologyNational Academy of SciencesExcellence in the field of microbiology[47]
United StatesSewall Wright AwardAmerican Society of NaturalistsFundamental contributions to the conceptual unification of the biological sciences[48]
United StatesW. Alden Spencer AwardCollege of Physicians and Surgeons, the Department of Neuroscience and The Kavli Institute for Brain Science at Columbia UniversityOutstanding research contributions[49][50]
United StatesWICB Junior and Senior AwardsAmerican Society for Cell Biology, Women In Cell Biology CommitteeOutstanding achievements by women in cell biology[51]
United StatesWiley PrizeWiley FoundationBreakthrough research in pure or applied life science research that is distinguished by its excellence, originality and impact on our understanding of biological systems and processes[52]
United StatesWilliam C. Rose AwardAmerican Society for Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyOutstanding contributions to biochemical and molecular biological research and a demonstrated commitment to the training of younger scientists[53]


More information Country, Award ...
IndiaNational Bioscience Award for Career DevelopmentGovernment of IndiaRecognizing excellence and promoting research in bio-sciences disciplines[54][55]
IndiaOm Prakash Bhasin AwardShri Om Prakash Bhasin FoundationResearch in science in India (biotechnology)[56]
IndiaVASVIK Industrial Research AwardVASVIKExcellence in industrial research in the areas of science and technology
IndiaInfosys Prize in Life SciencesInfosys Science FoundationAwards outstanding achievements of contemporary researchers and scientists across six categories, including Life Sciences
IranIranian Biology OlympiadInternational Biology OlympiadCompetition for Iranian high school students of the age of 17-18 in the field of biology[57]
IsraelSackler PrizeTel Aviv UniversityPhysical principles of biological systems[58]
JapanInternational Prize for BiologyJapan Society for the Promotion of ScienceOutstanding contribution to the advancement of research in fundamental biology[59]
JapanKihara Memorial Foundation Academic AwardKihara Memorial Yokohama FoundationOutstanding original research in life sciences[60][61]
JapanKyoto Prize in Basic SciencesInamori FoundationGlobal achievement in Basic Sciences[62][63]
PakistanAbdus Salam AwardInternational Centre for Theoretical Physics, Pakistan chapterYoung Pakistani scientists for their research in chemistry, mathematics, physics or biology[64][65]
South KoreaDonghun AwardKorean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyMembers of who made creative research achievements in biochemistry and applied fields[66]
South KoreaKorean Biology OlympiadKorean Biology Educational SocietyFinalists become eligible to join the International Biology Olympiad[67]


More information Country, Award ...
AustriaInternational Birnstiel AwardResearch Institute of Molecular PathologyDoctoral Research in Molecular Life Sciences[68]
AustriaErzherzog Rainer-MedailleKaiserlich-königlichen zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in WienScientist in commemoration of Archduke Rainer of Austria[69]
AustriaLieben PrizeAustrian Academy of SciencesYoung scientists working in the fields of molecular biology, chemistry, or physics[70]
BelgiumGolden Eurydice AwardInternational Forum for BiophilosophyOutstanding contribution, or contributions over a period, in the field of biophilosophy[71]
EuropeEMBO Gold MedalEuropean Molecular Biology OrganizationYoung scientists for outstanding contributions to the life sciences in Europe[72]
EuropeEMBO MembershipEuropean Molecular Biology OrganizationResearch excellence and the outstanding achievements made by a life scientist[73]
EuropeJohn Maynard Smith PrizeEuropean Society for Evolutionary BiologyOutstanding young researcher[74]
FranceGrand Prix Charles-Leopold MayerFrench Academy of SciencesOutstanding work in the biological sciences; especially in the areas of cell or molecular biology[75]
FranceHFSP Nakasone AwardHuman Frontier Science ProgramFrontier-moving research, including technological breakthroughs, which has advanced biological research[76]
FranceLeconte PrizeFrench Academy of SciencesImportant discoveries in mathematics, physics, and biology[77][78][79][80]
GermanyErnst Schering PrizeErnst Schering FoundationOutstanding basic research in the fields of medicine, biology or chemistry[81]
GermanyInternational Biology OlympiadLeibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics EducationScience olympiad for high school students[82][83]
GermanyOtto Warburg MedalGerman Society for Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyImportant work in the field of biological chemistry[84]
GermanySchleiden MedalAcademy of Sciences LeopoldinaOutstanding achievements in the field of cellular biology[85]
NetherlandsLeeuwenhoek MedalRoyal Netherlands Academy of Arts and SciencesScientist judged to have made the most significant contribution to microbiology[86]
RussiaA.O. Kovalevsky MedalSt. Petersburg Society of NaturalistsContributions in the fields of evolutionary developmental biology and comparative zoology[87]
RussiaDemidov PrizeRussian Academy of SciencesMembers of the Russian Academy of Sciences for outstanding achievements in natural sciences and humanities[88][89]
SlovakiaMiroslav Zei AwardNational Institute of BiologyOutstanding scientific achievements in biology[90]
SwedenAcharius MedalInternational Association for LichenologyLife work of distinguished lichenologists[91]
United KingdomBeverton MedalFisheries Society of the British IslesLifelong contribution to all aspects of the study of fish biology and/or fisheries science, with a focus on ground-breaking research[92]
United KingdomBicentenary Medal of the Linnean SocietyLinnean Society of LondonWork done by a biologist under the age of 40 years[93][94]
United KingdomChatt LectureJohn Innes CentrePlant science and microbiology[95]
United KingdomCopley MedalRoyal SocietyOutstanding achievements in research in any branch of science[96]
United KingdomDarwin MedalRoyal SocietyWork of acknowledged distinction in the broad area of biology in which Charles Darwin worked, notably in evolution, population biology, organismal biology and biological diversity[97]
United KingdomDarwin–Wallace MedalLinnean Society of LondonMajor advances in evolutionary biology[98][99]
United KingdomFSBI MedalFisheries Society of the British IslesScientist in the earlier stages of his or her career for exceptional advances in fish biology and/or fisheries science[100]
United KingdomFrink MedalZoological Society of LondonSignificant and original contributions by a professional zoologist to the development of zoology[101]
United KingdomH. H. Bloomer AwardLinnean Society of LondonAmateur naturalist who has made an important contribution to biological knowledge[102]
United KingdomIrene Manton PrizeLinnean Society of LondonBest thesis in botany examined for a doctorate of philosophy in the United Kingdom[103]
United KingdomLinnean MedalLinnean Society of LondonAwarded annually to alternately a botanist or a zoologist[104][105]
United KingdomLinnean Tercentenary MedalLinnean Society of LondonOutstanding contributions to natural history[106]
United KingdomMarjory Stephenson PrizeMicrobiology SocietyOutstanding contribution of current importance in microbiology[107]
United KingdomRoyal Botanic Garden Edinburgh MedalRoyal Botanic Garden EdinburghOutstanding individual contribution in any field related to the work of the RBGE[108]
United KingdomRoyal Society Africa PrizeRoyal SocietyResearchers at the start of their career who are making innovative contributions to the biological sciences in Africa[109]
United KingdomStamford Raffles AwardZoological Society of LondonDistinguished contributions to zoology by amateur zoologists or professional zoologists in recognition of contributions which are outside the scope of their professional activities[110]
United KingdomTrail-Crisp AwardLinnean Society of LondonOutstanding contribution to biological microscopy that has been published in the UK[111][112]
United KingdomWaddington MedalBritish Society for Developmental BiologyOutstanding research performance as well as services to the developmental biology community[113]
United KingdomWilliam Bate Hardy PrizeCambridge Philosophical SocietyOriginal memoir, investigation or discovery by a member of the University of Cambridge in connection with Biological Science[114]


More information Country, Award ...
AustraliaClarke MedalRoyal Society of New South WalesDistinguished work in the Natural Sciences (geology, botany and zoology) done in the Australian Commonwealth and its territories[115]
AustraliaK. Radway Allen AwardAustralian Society for Fish BiologyOutstanding contribution in fish or fisheries science[116]
AustraliaMacfarlane Burnet Medal and LectureAustralian Academy of ScienceOutstanding scientific research in the biological sciences[117]
AustraliaSuzanne Cory Medal for Biomedical SciencesAustralian Academy of ScienceBiomedical or biological research [118]
AustraliaWhitley AwardsRoyal Zoological Society of New South WalesOutstanding publications, either printed or electronic, that contain new information about the fauna of the Australasian region[119][120]


More information Country, Award ...
GermanyECI PrizeInternational Ecology Institute, Otto Kinne FoundationEcologist distinguished by outstanding and sustained scientific achievements[121]
United StatesEminent Ecologist AwardEcological Society of AmericaOutstanding contribution to the science of ecology[122]
SwedenKempe Award for Distinguished EcologistsKempe Foundations, Umeå University and the Swedish University of Agricultural SciencesOutstanding individuals within the science of ecology[123]
United StatesLExENNational Science FoundationResearch into life-supporting environments in the polar regions[124]
United KingdomMarsh Ecology AwardMarsh Christian Trust and British Ecological SocietyOutstanding recent discovery or development which has had a significant impact on the development of the science of ecology or its application[125]
SpainRamon Margalef Prize in EcologyGeneralitat de CatalunyaExceptional scientific career or discovery in the field of ecology or other environmental science[126]
United StatesRobert H. MacArthur AwardEcological Society of AmericaEstablished ecologist in mid-career for meritorious contributions to ecology[127]



Genetics is a branch of biology concerned with the study of genes, genetic variation, and heredity in organisms.[128][129][130]

More information Country, Award ...
United StatesArchon X PrizeX Prize FoundationFirst team to rapidly, accurately and economically sequence 100 whole human genomes to an unprecedented level of accuracy[131]
United KingdomBateson LectureJohn Innes CentreGenetics lecture[132]
United KingdomBiffen LectureJohn Innes CentreGenetics lecture[133]
United KingdomCrick LectureRoyal SocietyBiology, particularly the areas which Francis Crick worked (genetics, molecular biology and neurobiology)[134][135]
United StatesCurt Stern AwardAmerican Society of Human Genetics Outstanding scientific achievements in human genetics[136]
United KingdomDarlington LectureJohn Innes CentreGenetics lecture [137][138]
United StatesEdward Novitski PrizeGenetics Society of AmericaExtraordinary level of creativity and intellectual ingenuity in solving significant problems in genetics research[139]
United StatesElizabeth W. Jones Award for Excellence in EducationGenetics Society of AmericaNoteworthy contributions to genetics education[140][141]
United KingdomGenetics Society MedalThe Genetics SocietyOutstanding research contributions to genetics[142]
United StatesGenetics Society of America MedalGenetics Society of AmericaOutstanding contributions to the field of genetics[143]
United StatesGeorge W. Beadle AwardGenetics Society of AmericaOutstanding contributions to genetics[144]
United StatesGruber Prize in GeneticsGruber FoundationDistinguished contributions in any realm of genetics research[145]
United KingdomHaldane LectureJohn Innes CentreGenetics lecture[146]
United KingdomJBS Haldane LectureThe Genetics SocietyOutstanding ability to communicate topical subjects in genetics research, widely interpreted, to an interested lay audience[147]
United StatesMcClintock PrizeMaize Genetics Executive CommitteePlant genetics and genomics[148][149]
United KingdomMendel MedalThe Genetics SocietyOutstanding contributions to research in any field of genetics[150]
AustraliaRuth Stephens Gani MedalAustralian Academy of ScienceResearch in human genetics[151]
United StatesThomas Hunt Morgan MedalGenetics Society of AmericaLifetime contributions to the field of genetics[152]
United StatesWilliam Allan AwardAmerican Society of Human GeneticsSubstantial and far-reaching scientific contributions to human genetics carried out over a sustained period of scientific inquiry and productivity[153]


More information Country, Award ...
United StatesEppendorf & Science Prize for NeurobiologyAmerican Association for the Advancement of SciencePromising new neurobiologists[154]
United StatesGolden Brain AwardMinerva FoundationFundamental contributions to research in vision and the brain[155]
United StatesGruber Prize in NeuroscienceGruber FoundationDiscoveries that have advanced the understanding of the nervous system[156][157]
United StatesKarl Spencer Lashley AwardAmerican Philosophical SocietyResearch on the integrative neuroscience of behavior[158]
NorwayKavli Prize Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Ministry of Education and Research (Norway), Kavli FoundationOutstanding scientific work in the fields of astrophysics, nanoscience and neuroscience[159][160]
IsraelMathematical Neuroscience PrizeIsrael Brain TechnologiesResearchers who have significantly advanced the understanding of the neural mechanisms of perception, behavior and thought through the application of mathematical analysis and modeling[161]
United StatesMetlife Foundation Award for Medical Research in Alzheimer's DiseaseMetLife FoundationScientific contributions toward a better understanding of the underlying causes, prevention, and treatments of Alzheimer's disease[162]
United StatesNAS Award in the NeurosciencesNational Academy of SciencesExtraordinary contributions to progress in the fields of neuroscience, including neurochemistry, neurophysiology, neuropharmacology, developmental neuroscience, neuroanatomy, and behavioral and clinical neuroscience[163]
ChileNational Prize for Natural SciencesNational Prize of ChileNatural sciences[164]
InternationalOHBM Replication AwardOrganization for Human Brain MappingConducting and disseminating the results of a neuroimaging replication study of exceptional quality and impact[165][166]
United StatesPerl-UNC PrizeUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel HillOutstanding discoveries and seminal insights in neuroscience[167][168]
United StatesPotamkin PrizePotamkin Foundation, American Academy of NeurologyAchievements in emerging areas of research in Pick's disease, Alzheimer's disease and other dementias[169]
United StatesRalph W. Gerard Prize in NeuroscienceSociety for NeuroscienceScientist who has made significant contributions to neuroscience throughout his or her career[170][171]
United StatesSwartz PrizeSociety for NeuroscienceIndividual whose activities have produced a significant cumulative contribution to theoretical models or computational methods in neuroscience or who has made a particularly noteworthy recent advance in theoretical or computational neuroscience[172]
DenmarkThe Brain PrizeLundbeck FoundationScientists who have distinguished themselves by an outstanding contribution to neuroscience and who are still active in research. (Previously Grete Lundbeck European Brain Research Prize)[173]
United StatesW. Alden Spencer AwardColumbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and SurgeonsOutstanding research contributions[174][175]

See also


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