List of United States magazines
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This is a list of United States magazines.
Business and finance
- 3-2-1 Contact, Sesame Workshop (1979–2001)
- Academy Earth
- Action, Scholastic (19??–19??)
- American Girl (defunct)
- Bananas, Scholastic (1975–1984)
- Scout Life (Formerly Boys' Life)
- Children's Digest, Parents Magazine Press (1950-2009)
- Contact Kids, Sesame Workshop (1979–2001)
- Cricket
- Discovery Girls (defunct)
- Disney Adventures (defunct)
- Dynamite, Scholastic (1974–1992)
- The Electric Company Magazine, Scholastic (1972–1987)
- Enter, Sesame Workshop (1983–1985)
- Highlights for Children
- Hot Dog!, Scholastic (1979–199?)
- Jack and Jill, The Saturday Evening Post (1938-2009)
- Lego Magazine (defunct)
- Muse
- National Geographic Kids Magazine
- Nickelodeon Magazine (defunct)
- The Open Road for Boys (defunct)
- Peanut Butter, Scholastic (19??–19??)
- Ranger Rick
- Scope, Scholastic (19??–19??)
- Sesame Street Magazine, Sesame Workshop (1970–2008; continues online)
- Sesame Street Parents, Sesame Workshop (1981–2001)
- Spider
- Sports Illustrated Kids
- Sprint, Scholastic (197?–19??)
- Stone Soup
- SuperMag (1976-198?)
- Wow, Scholastic (1977–19??)
- Zoobooks
Entertainment and art
- Amazing Heroes (defunct)
- Architectural Digest
- Art in America
- ArtAsiaPacific
- Artforum
- ArteFuse
- Art Spiel
- The Artist's Magazine
- The Arts Fuse
- The Boulevard
- Castle of Frankenstein (defunct)
- Cinefantastique
- Comics Buyer's Guide (defunct)
- Comics Journal
- Cultbytes
- Details (defunct)
- Disney Magazine (defunct)
- Dwell
- Entertainment Weekly
- Famous Monsters of Filmland
- The Feet, a dance magazine (1970–1973)
- Film Threat
- Flux (defunct)
- The Hollywood Reporter
- Home Media Magazine (defunct)
- IMPULSE Magazine
- Media Play News
- Modern Screen (defunct)
- Moving Pictures (defunct)
- The Pastel Journal
- People
- Photoplay (defunct)
- Popular Photography (defunct)
- Premiere (defunct)
- Sculptural Pursuit
- Shonen Jump (defunct)
- Soap Opera Digest (defunct)
- Soaps In Depth (defunct)
- Southwest Art
- Sports Illustrated
- TeRra Magazine
- TV Guide
- Video Watchdog (defunct)
- Visionaire
- Watercolor Artist
- Wizard (defunct)
- Whitehot Magazine
- Variety
Food and cooking
Gay interest
- The Advocate
- Curve
- Genre
- Girlfriends (defunct)
- GO (formerly GO NYC)
- Hello Mr.
- Instinct
- MetroSource
- Out
- Out Traveler (defunct)
- XY (defunct)
General interest
- The Believer
- Collier's (defunct)
- Coronet
- The Drift (magazine)
- Good
- Harper's Magazine
- Interview
- Latterly (defunct)
- The Liberator Magazine
- Life
- McClure's (defunct)
- McSweeney's
- National Geographic
- New York Magazine
- The New York Review of Books
- The New Yorker
- Nuestro
- People
- Reader's Digest
- The Saturday Evening Post
- Smithsonian
- Vanity Fair
- Vanity Fair (1913–1936)
- Details (defunct)
- Esquire
- GQ
- Men's Fitness
- Men's Health
- Men's Journal
Hobby and interest
- Airliners
- Autograph Collector Magazine
- Backpacker
- Birds & Blooms
- Card Player
- Cigar Aficionado
- Kitelife
- Lapidary Journal Jewelry Artist
- Make Magazine
- Model Aviation
- Model Railroader
- Railroad Model Craftsman (formerly known as Model Craftsman)
- Scrye
- Sports Collectors Digest
- Tall Timber Short Lines
- ToyFare (defunct)
- Trains
- Wizard (defunct)
Home and garden
Amateur radio
Animals and pets
- Aquarium Fish International (defunct)
- Backyard Poultry
- Bird Talk (defunct)
- Freshwater and Marine Aquarium (defunct)
- Horse & Rider
- Reptiles
- Tropical Fish Hobbyist
Board games
- American Chess Magazine
- Ares (defunct)
- Chess Life
- Fire & Movement (defunct)
- Games (defunct)
- The General (defunct)
- Knucklebones (defunct)
- Moves (defunct)
- Strategy & Tactics
Numismatics/Coin Collecting
- Civil War Era Numismatics
- COINage
- Coins (defunct)
- Coin World
- Numismatic News
- The Numismatist
- Penny-Wise
- TEC News
- TAMS Journal
Stamp collecting
Tabletop roleplaying games
- Dragon (defunct)
- Dungeon (defunct)
- The Excellent Prismatic Spray
- Pyramid (defunct)
- Warpstone (defunct)
- Bananas (defunct)
- College Humor (defunct)
- Cracked (defunct)
- Crazy (defunct)
- Fusion (defunct)
- Harvard Lampoon
- Help! (defunct)
- Humbug (defunct)
- Mad
- National Lampoon (defunct)
- Plop! (defunct)
- Radar
- Sick (defunct)
- Stanford Chaparral
- Trump (defunct)
- The Wittenburg Door (defunct)
- Cigar Aficionado
- Country Living
- Departures
- Domino
- Ebony
- Essence
- GRIT Magazine
- Hello Mr.
- Inked
- Jet
- Jetset Magazine
- Lucky
- Martha Stewart Living
- MaryJanesFarm
- Mi Gente Hispana Magazine
- Mother Earth News
- O: The Oprah Magazine
- Paper
- Playboy
- Real Simple
- Robb Report
- Southern Living
- Sunset
- Swindle
- Two Mundos Magazine
- Wine Spectator
- Y'all
- Arts & Letters
- Bookmarks
- Space and Time
- The Midland (defunct)
Men's interest
- Alternative Press
- Bass Player
- Beyond Race Magazine
- Billboard
- Blender (defunct)[1]
- CCM Magazine
- Decibel
- Dirty Linen (defunct)
- Down Beat
- Drum!
- The Fader
- Filter (defunct)
- Flux (defunct)
- Global Rhythm (defunct)
- Goldmine
- Guitar Player
- Guitar World
- Hit Parader (defunct)
- HM
- Keyboard
- Living Blues
- Maximum RocknRoll
- Modern Drummer
- Paste
- Pulse! (defunct)
- Punk Planet (defunct)
- Revolver
- Rolling Stone
- Sentimentalist Magazine (defunct)
- Sing Out! (defunct)
- The Source
- Spin
- TeRra Magazine
- Trouser Press (defunct)
- Vibe
- WESU Magazine
- Who Put the Bomp (defunct)
- Family Life (defunct)
- Mothering (defunct)
- Parenting (defunct)
- Parents (defunct)
Pharmaceuticals and pharmacies
- The American Conservative (right)
- The American Interest
- The American Prospect (liberal, 1990, 100,000)
- The American Spectator (conservative, 1967, 50,000)
- The Atlantic (liberal, 1857, n/a)
- The Brown Spectator (conservative and libertarian, founded 2002, n/a)
- Campaigns & Elections (non-partisan, 1980)
- Commentary (neoconservative, 1945, 25,000)
- Commonweal (liberal Catholic, founded 1924, 20,000)
- Democracy (progressive/liberal, 2006, n/a)
- First Things (Christian conservative, 1990, n/a)
- Foreign Affairs (statist, 1922, 181,519)
- Foreign Policy (1970, 101,054)
- The Freeman (libertarian, 1946, defunct)
- Harper's Magazine (liberal, 1850, 220,000)
- Human Events (conservative, 1944, 75,000)
- Human Rights Quarterly (liberal, 1979, 1,533)
- The Imaginative Conservative (conservative, 2010, n/a)
- In These Times (liberal, 1976, 20,000)
- Jacobin (democratic socialist, 2011, 15,000)
- Jewish Currents (Jewish left, 1947, n/a)
- Liberation (pacifist, 1956, n/a)
- Liberty (libertarian, 1987, n/a)
- Lilith (Jewish feminist, 1976, n/a)
- Lumpen (arts, 1991, n/a)
- Moment (Jewish-diverse, 1975, n/a)
- Monthly Review (socialist, 1949, 8,500)
- Mother Jones (left, 1976, 201,233)
- Multinational Monitor (liberal, 1980, n/a )
- The Nation (left, 1865, 139,612)
- National Review (conservative, 1955, 162,091)
- The New Republic (center-left, 1914, 90,826)
- New York (liberal, 1968, 406,237)
- The New York Review of Books (liberal-left, 1963, 140,000)
- The New Yorker (liberal and non-partisan, 1925, 1,062,310)
- Policy Review (center-right, 2001, 6,000)
- The Progressive (left, 1909, 68,000)
- The Progressive Populist (liberal, 1995, 20,000)
- Reason (libertarian, 1968, 52,000)
- Sojourners (Christian, 1971, n/a)
- Tikkun (Jewish-left, 1971, 20,000)
- Utne Reader (liberal, 1984, n/a)
- Washington Examiner (conservative, 2005, 68,650)
- Washington Monthly (center-left, 1969, 18,000)
- YaleGlobal Online (international, globalization and anti-globalization, 2002, n/a)
- Z Magazine (left, 1987, 20,000)
Regional interest
- Adventist Review
- Adventist World
- America
- Awake!
- Back to Godhead
- Campus Life, now Ignite Your Faith
- The Caribbean Pioneer
- Catholic Digest
- The Christadelphian Tidings of the Kingdom of God
- The Christian Century
- Christian Science Sentinel
- Christianity Today
- Commonweal
- Ensign
- Family Life
- The Friend
- The Good News
- Gospel Advocate
- Guide
- Guideposts
- Heeb
- Herald
- Hinduism Today
- The Humanist
- Improvement Era
- The Lamp
- Latin Mass Magazine
- Liahona
- Liberty
- The Living Church
- The New Era
- Parabola
- Rays from the Rose Cross
- St. Anthony Messenger
- Signs of the Times
- Sojourners
- Tikkun
- Tricycle: The Buddhist Review
- The Watchtower
Science and technology

- Aeon
- American Scientist
- Archaeology
- Astronomy
- Chemical & Engineering News
- Discover
- Flying
- Infinite Energy
- National Geographic
- Nature
- Nautilus
- New Scientist
- Omni (defunct)
- Popular Mechanics
- Popular Science
- Quanta Magazine
- Science News
- Scientific American
- Scientific American Mind (defunct)
- The Scientist
- Seed
- Skeptic
- Skeptical Inquirer
- Sky & Telescope
- TeRra Magazine
- Weatherwise
Science fiction and fantasy
- Amazing Stories
- Analog Science Fiction and Fact
- Apex Digest
- Asimov's Science Fiction
- Astounding Magazine
- Doctor Who Magazine
- Fantasy and Science Fiction
- Galaxy Science Fiction (defunct)
- Heavy Metal (defunct)
- If (defunct)
- Imagination (defunct)
- Oceans of the Mind (defunct)
- Omni (defunct)
- Seed (defunct)
- Space Science Fiction (defunct)
- Star Trek: The Magazine (defunct)
- Star Wars Insider
Spanish language
- Latina (defunct)
- El Nuevo Cojo Ilustrado
- Two Mundos Magazine
- Athletics Weekly
- Athlon Sports
- Baseball Digest
- Bicycling
- Dime Magazine
- ESPN The Magazine (defunct)
- Field & Stream
- Frequency: The Snowboarder's Journal
- Golf Digest
- Golf Magazine
- Inside Sports (defunct)
- Island Sports Media
- KO Magazine (defunct)
- Lindy's Sports
- Pro Football Weekly
- Pro Wrestling Illustrated
- The Ring
- Runner's World
- SLAM Magazine
- Snowboard Magazine
- Soccer America
- Sport (defunct)
- Sporting News
- Sports Illustrated
- Tae Kwon Do Times
- Tennis
- Track & Field News
- WWE Magazine (1983-2014)
Computing and electronics
- 2600: The Hacker Quarterly
- Antic (defunct)
- Byte (defunct)
- CIO magazine
- Dr. Dobb's Journal (defunct)
- Kilobaud Microcomputing (defunct)
- Linux Journal
- Linux Magazine
- MacLife
- Macworld
- Maximum PC
- MIT Technology Review
- Modern Electrics (defunct)
- Nuts and Volts
- PC Magazine
- PCWorld
- RUN (defunct)
- SERVO Magazine
- Wired
Teen interest
- 16 (magazine)
- 20 Ans
- American Cheerleader
- Bananas (discontinued)
- Bis
- Bliss
- Bop
- Boys' Life
- Bravo (Germany)
- Brio
- Cicada
- The Contributor
- Cosmogirl (discontinued)
- Cricket
- Dolly
- Dynamite (discontinued)
- Elle Girl (discontinued)
- Expreszo
- Faze
- Frida
- Gadis (Indonesia)
- Girlfriend
- Girls' Life
- Hai (Indonesia)
- Imagine
- J-14
- JVibe
- K-Zone
- Kishor Alo
- Kishore Bangla
- Logan
- M Magazine (discontinued)
- Mad About Boys
- MensEGG
- MH-18
- Muslim Girl
- New Era
- Nicola
- niNe. magazine
- Otaku USA
- Petticoat
- Płomyk
- Popstar!
- Popteen
- Pravda
- Ranzuki
- Right On!
- Sassy
- Seventeen
- Shameless
- Shojo Beat
- Shout
- Smile
- Sports Illustrated Kids
- Teen (discontinued)
- Teenage Survival Handbook
- Teen Beat
- Teen Ink
- Teen Now (UK)
- Teen People
- TeenSet
- Teen Vogue
- Teen Voices
- Tiger Beat (discontinued)
- Twist
- Unish-Kuri
- Vervegirl
- Vivi
- Wave
- Yes!
- YM (discontinued)
- Young Woman's Journal
Video games
- Electronic Gaming Monthly
- Game Informer (defunct)
- GameFan (defunct)
- Nintendo Force
- Nintendo Power (defunct)
- Official Xbox Magazine (defunct)
- PC Gamer
- PlayStation: The Official Magazine (defunct)
See also
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