Laureate |
Discipline |
Year of award |
Affiliation |
Daron Acemoglu |
Economics |
2024 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Alexei Abrikosov |
Physics |
2003 |
Argonne National Laboratory |
Edgar Adrian |
Physiology or Medicine |
1932 |
University of Cambridge |
Pierre Agostini |
Physics |
2023 |
Ohio State University |
Peter Agre |
Chemistry |
2003 |
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine |
Isamu Akasaki |
Physics |
2014 |
Meijo University |
Nagoya University |
George Akerlof |
Economics |
2001 |
University of California, Berkeley |
Kurt Alder |
Chemistry |
1950 |
University of Cologne |
Zhores Alferov |
Physics |
2000 |
Ioffe Institute |
Hannes Alfvén |
Physics |
1970 |
KTH Royal Institute of Technology |
Maurice Allais |
Economics |
1988 |
Mines ParisTech |
James P. Allison |
Physiology or Medicine |
2018 |
MD Anderson Cancer Center |
Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy |
Harvey J. Alter |
Physiology or Medicine |
2020 |
National Institutes of Health |
Sidney Altman |
Chemistry |
1989 |
Yale University |
Luis Walter Alvarez |
Physics |
1968 |
University of California, Berkeley |
Hiroshi Amano |
Physics |
2014 |
Nagoya University |
Victor Ambros |
Physiology or Medicine |
2024 |
UMass Chan Medical School |
Carl David Anderson |
Physics |
1936 |
California Institute of Technology |
Philip W. Anderson |
Physics |
1977 |
Bell Labs |
Christian B. Anfinsen |
Chemistry |
1972 |
National Institutes of Health |
Joshua Angrist |
Economics |
2021 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Edward Victor Appleton |
Physics |
1947 |
Department of Scientific and Industrial Research |
Werner Arber |
Physiology or Medicine |
1978 |
Biozentrum University of Basel |
Frances Arnold |
Chemistry |
2018 |
California Institute of Technology |
Svante Arrhenius |
Chemistry |
1903 |
Stockholm University |
Kenneth Arrow |
Economics |
1972 |
Harvard University |
Arthur Ashkin |
Physics |
2018 |
Bell Labs |
Alain Aspect |
Physics |
2022 |
École Polytechnique |
Institut d'optique Graduate School |
Paris-Saclay University |
Francis William Aston |
Chemistry |
1922 |
University of Cambridge |
Robert Aumann |
Economics |
2005 |
Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Richard Axel |
Physiology or Medicine |
2004 |
Columbia University |
Julius Axelrod |
Physiology or Medicine |
1970 |
National Institutes of Health |
Adolf von Baeyer |
Chemistry |
1905 |
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich |
David Baltimore |
Physiology or Medicine |
1975 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Abhijit Banerjee |
Economics |
2019 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Frederick Banting |
Physiology or Medicine |
1923 |
University of Toronto |
Róbert Bárány |
Physiology or Medicine |
1914 |
University of Vienna |
John Bardeen |
Physics |
1956 |
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign |
Physics |
1972 |
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign |
Barry Barish |
Physics |
2017 |
California Institute of Technology |
LIGO Scientific Collaboration |
Charles Glover Barkla |
Physics |
1917 |
University of Edinburgh |
Françoise Barré-Sinoussi |
Physiology or Medicine |
2008 |
Pasteur Institute |
Derek Barton |
Chemistry |
1969 |
Imperial College London |
Nikolay Basov |
Physics |
1964 |
Lebedev Physical Institute |
Moungi Bawendi |
Chemistry |
2023 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
George Beadle |
Physiology or Medicine |
1958 |
California Institute of Technology |
Gary Becker |
Economics |
1992 |
University of Chicago |
Henri Becquerel |
Physics |
1903 |
École Polytechnique |
Georg Bednorz |
Physics |
1987 |
IBM Zurich Research Laboratory |
Emil von Behring |
Physiology or Medicine |
1901 |
University of Marburg |
Georg von Békésy |
Physiology or Medicine |
1961 |
Harvard University |
Baruj Benacerraf |
Physiology or Medicine |
1980 |
Harvard Medical School |
Paul Berg |
Chemistry |
1980 |
Stanford University |
Friedrich Bergius |
Chemistry |
1931 |
Heidelberg University |
IG Farben |
Sune Bergström |
Physiology or Medicine |
1982 |
Karolinska Institute |
Carolyn Bertozzi |
Chemistry |
2022 |
Howard Hughes Medical Institute |
Stanford University |
Hans Bethe |
Physics |
1967 |
Cornell University |
Eric Betzig |
Chemistry |
2014 |
Janelia Research Campus |
Bruce Beutler |
Physiology or Medicine |
2011 |
Scripps Research |
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center |
Gerd Binnig |
Physics |
1986 |
IBM Zurich Research Laboratory |
J. Michael Bishop |
Physiology or Medicine |
1989 |
UCSF School of Medicine |
James Black |
Physiology or Medicine |
1988 |
King's College Hospital Medical School |
Elizabeth Blackburn |
Physiology or Medicine |
2009 |
University of California, San Francisco |
Patrick Blackett |
Physics |
1948 |
Victoria University of Manchester |
Günter Blobel |
Physiology or Medicine |
1999 |
Howard Hughes Medical Institute |
Rockefeller University |
Felix Bloch |
Physics |
1952 |
Stanford University |
Konrad Emil Bloch |
Physiology or Medicine |
1964 |
Harvard University |
Nicolaas Bloembergen |
Physics |
1981 |
Harvard University |
Baruch Samuel Blumberg |
Physiology or Medicine |
1976 |
Lankenau Institute for Medical Research |
Aage Bohr |
Physics |
1975 |
Niels Bohr Institute |
Niels Bohr |
Physics |
1922 |
University of Copenhagen |
Jules Bordet |
Physiology or Medicine |
1919 |
Université libre de Bruxelles |
Max Born |
Physics |
1954 |
University of Edinburgh |
Carl Bosch |
Chemistry |
1931 |
Heidelberg University |
IG Farben |
Walther Bothe |
Physics |
1954 |
Heidelberg University |
Max Planck Institute for Medical Research |
Daniel Bovet |
Physiology or Medicine |
1957 |
Istituto Superiore di Sanità |
Paul D. Boyer |
Chemistry |
1997 |
University of California, Los Angeles |
Willard Boyle |
Physics |
2009 |
Bell Labs |
Lawrence Bragg |
Physics |
1915 |
Victoria University of Manchester |
William Henry Bragg |
Physics |
1915 |
University College London |
Walter Houser Brattain |
Physics |
1956 |
Bell Labs |
Karl Ferdinand Braun |
Physics |
1909 |
University of Strasbourg |
Sydney Brenner |
Physiology or Medicine |
2002 |
Molecular Sciences Institute |
Percy Williams Bridgman |
Physics |
1946 |
Harvard University |
Bertram Brockhouse |
Physics |
1994 |
McMaster University |
Louis de Broglie |
Physics |
1929 |
Institut Henri Poincaré |
Herbert C. Brown |
Chemistry |
1979 |
Purdue University |
Michael Stuart Brown |
Physiology or Medicine |
1985 |
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center |
Louis E. Brus |
Chemistry |
2023 |
Columbia University |
James M. Buchanan |
Economics |
1986 |
George Mason University |
Eduard Buchner |
Chemistry |
1907 |
Agricultural University of Berlin |
Linda B. Buck |
Physiology or Medicine |
2004 |
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center |
Ralph Bunche |
Peace |
1950 |
Harvard University |
Macfarlane Burnet |
Physiology or Medicine |
1960 |
Adolf Butenandt |
Chemistry |
1939 |
Humboldt University of Berlin |
Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry |
Nicholas Murray Butler |
Peace |
1931 |
Columbia University |
Melvin Calvin |
Chemistry |
1961 |
University of California, Berkeley |
William C. Campbell |
Physiology or Medicine |
2015 |
Drew University |
Mario Capecchi |
Physiology or Medicine |
2007 |
Howard Hughes Medical Institute |
University of Utah |
David Card |
Economics |
2021 |
University of California, Berkeley |
Arvid Carlsson |
Physiology or Medicine |
2000 |
University of Gothenburg |
Alexis Carrel |
Physiology or Medicine |
1912 |
Rockefeller University |
Thomas Cech |
Chemistry |
1989 |
University of Colorado Boulder |
James Chadwick |
Physics |
1935 |
University of Liverpool |
Ernst Chain |
Physiology or Medicine |
1945 |
University of Oxford |
Martin Chalfie |
Chemistry |
2008 |
Columbia University |
Owen Chamberlain |
Physics |
1959 |
University of California, Berkeley |
Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar |
Physics |
1983 |
University of Chicago |
Georges Charpak |
Physics |
1992 |
ESPCI Paris |
Emmanuelle Charpentier |
Chemistry |
2020 |
Max Planck Unit for the Science of Pathogens |
Yves Chauvin |
Chemistry |
2005 |
French Institute of Petroleum |
Pavel Cherenkov |
Physics |
1958 |
Lebedev Physical Institute |
Steven Chu |
Physics |
1997 |
Stanford University |
Aaron Ciechanover |
Chemistry |
2004 |
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology |
Albert Claude |
Physiology or Medicine |
1974 |
Université catholique de Louvain |
John Clauser |
Physics |
2022 |
J. F. Clauser and Associates |
Ronald Coase |
Economics |
1991 |
University of Chicago |
John Cockcroft |
Physics |
1951 |
Atomic Energy Research Establishment |
Stanley Cohen |
Physiology or Medicine |
1986 |
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine |
Claude Cohen-Tannoudji |
Physics |
1997 |
Collège de France |
ENS Paris |
Arthur Compton |
Physics |
1927 |
University of Chicago |
Leon Cooper |
Physics |
1972 |
Brown University |
Elias James Corey |
Chemistry |
1990 |
Harvard University |
Carl Ferdinand Cori |
Physiology or Medicine |
1947 |
Washington University in St. Louis |
Gerty Cori |
Physiology or Medicine |
1947 |
Washington University in St. Louis |
Allan MacLeod Cormack |
Physiology or Medicine |
1979 |
Tufts University |
Eric Allin Cornell |
Physics |
2001 |
John Cornforth |
Chemistry |
1975 |
University of Sussex |
André Frédéric Cournand |
Physiology or Medicine |
1956 |
Bellevue Hospital |
Donald J. Cram |
Chemistry |
1987 |
University of California, Los Angeles |
Francis Crick |
Physiology or Medicine |
1962 |
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology |
James Cronin |
Physics |
1980 |
University of Chicago |
Paul J. Crutzen |
Chemistry |
1995 |
Max Planck Institute for Chemistry |
Marie Curie |
Chemistry |
1911 |
Sorbonne University |
Pierre Curie |
Physics |
1903 |
ESPCI Paris |
Robert Curl |
Chemistry |
1996 |
Rice University |
Henry Hallett Dale |
Physiology or Medicine |
1936 |
National Institute for Medical Research |
Gustaf Dalén |
Physics |
1912 |
Henrik Dam |
Physiology or Medicine |
1943 |
Technical University of Denmark |
Jean Dausset |
Physiology or Medicine |
1980 |
University of Paris |
Raymond Davis Jr. |
Physics |
2002 |
University of Pennsylvania |
Clinton Davisson |
Physics |
1937 |
Bell Labs |
Angus Deaton |
Economics |
2015 |
Princeton University |
Gérard Debreu |
Economics |
1983 |
University of California, Berkeley |
Peter Debye |
Chemistry |
1936 |
Humboldt University of Berlin |
Max Planck Institute for Physics |
Hans Georg Dehmelt |
Physics |
1989 |
University of Washington |
Johann Deisenhofer |
Chemistry |
1988 |
Howard Hughes Medical Institute |
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center |
Max Delbrück |
Physiology or Medicine |
1969 |
California Institute of Technology |
Douglas W. Diamond |
Economics |
2022 |
University of Chicago |
Peter Diamond |
Economics |
2010 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Otto Diels |
Chemistry |
1950 |
University of Kiel |
Paul Dirac |
Physics |
1933 |
University of Cambridge |
Peter C. Doherty |
Physiology or Medicine |
1996 |
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital |
Edward Adelbert Doisy |
Physiology or Medicine |
1943 |
Saint Louis University |
Gerhard Domagk |
Physiology or Medicine |
1939 |
University of Münster |
Jennifer Doudna |
Chemistry |
2020 |
University of California, Berkeley |
Jacques Dubochet |
Chemistry |
2017 |
University of Lausanne |
Esther Duflo |
Economics |
2019 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Renato Dulbecco |
Physiology or Medicine |
1975 |
Imperial Cancer Research Fund |
Christian de Duve |
Physiology or Medicine |
1974 |
Rockefeller University |
Université catholique de Louvain |
Philip H. Dybvig |
Economics |
2022 |
Washington University in St. Louis |
John Eccles |
Physiology or Medicine |
1963 |
Australian National University |
Gerald Edelman |
Physiology or Medicine |
1972 |
Rockefeller University |
Robert Edwards |
Physiology or Medicine |
2010 |
University of Cambridge |
Paul Ehrlich |
Physiology or Medicine |
1908 |
Paul Ehrlich Institute |
University of Göttingen |
Manfred Eigen |
Chemistry |
1967 |
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry |
Christiaan Eijkman |
Physiology or Medicine |
1929 |
Utrecht University |
Albert Einstein |
Physics |
1921 |
Max Planck Institute for Physics |
Willem Einthoven |
Physiology or Medicine |
1924 |
Leiden University |
Gertrude B. Elion |
Physiology or Medicine |
1988 |
Wellcome Research Laboratories |
John Franklin Enders |
Physiology or Medicine |
1954 |
Boston Children's Hospital |
Harvard Medical School |
Robert F. Engle |
Economics |
2003 |
New York University |
François Englert |
Physics |
2013 |
Université libre de Bruxelles |
Joseph Erlanger |
Physiology or Medicine |
1944 |
Washington University in St. Louis |
Richard R. Ernst |
Chemistry |
1991 |
ETH Zurich |
Gerhard Ertl |
Chemistry |
2007 |
Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society |
Leo Esaki |
Physics |
1973 |
Thomas J. Watson Research Center |
Ulf von Euler |
Physiology or Medicine |
1970 |
Karolinska Institute |
Hans von Euler-Chelpin |
Chemistry |
1929 |
Stockholm University |
Martin Evans |
Physiology or Medicine |
2007 |
Cardiff University |
Eugene Fama |
Economics |
2013 |
University of Chicago |
John B. Fenn |
Chemistry |
2002 |
Virginia Commonwealth University |
Ben Feringa |
Chemistry |
2016 |
University of Groningen |
Enrico Fermi |
Physics |
1938 |
Sapienza University of Rome |
Albert Fert |
Physics |
2007 |
Paris-Sud University |
Unité Mixte de Physique CNRS/THALES |
Richard Feynman |
Physics |
1965 |
California Institute of Technology |
Johannes Fibiger |
Physiology or Medicine |
1926 |
University of Copenhagen |
Niels Ryberg Finsen |
Physiology or Medicine |
1903 |
Finsen Medical Light Institute |
Andrew Fire |
Physiology or Medicine |
2006 |
Stanford University School of Medicine |
Edmond H. Fischer |
Physiology or Medicine |
1992 |
University of Washington |
Emil Fischer |
Chemistry |
1902 |
Humboldt University of Berlin |
Ernst Otto Fischer |
Chemistry |
1973 |
Technical University of Munich |
Hans Fischer |
Chemistry |
1930 |
Technical University of Munich |
Val Logsdon Fitch |
Physics |
1980 |
Princeton University |
Alexander Fleming |
Physiology or Medicine |
1945 |
University of London |
Howard Florey |
Physiology or Medicine |
1945 |
University of Oxford |
Paul Flory |
Chemistry |
1974 |
Stanford University |
Robert Fogel |
Economics |
1993 |
University of Chicago |
Werner Forssmann |
Physiology or Medicine |
1956 |
University of Mainz |
William Alfred Fowler |
Physics |
1983 |
California Institute of Technology |
James Franck |
Physics |
1925 |
University of Göttingen |
Ilya Frank |
Physics |
1958 |
Lebedev Physical Institute |
Moscow State University |
Joachim Frank |
Chemistry |
2017 |
Columbia University |
Jerome Isaac Friedman |
Physics |
1990 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Milton Friedman |
Economics |
1976 |
University of Chicago |
Karl von Frisch |
Physiology or Medicine |
1973 |
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich |
Ragnar Frisch |
Economics |
1969 |
University of Oslo |
Kenichi Fukui |
Chemistry |
1981 |
Kyoto University |
Robert F. Furchgott |
Physiology or Medicine |
1998 |
SUNY Downstate Medical Center |
Dennis Gabor |
Physics |
1971 |
Imperial College London |
Daniel Carleton Gajdusek |
Physiology or Medicine |
1976 |
National Institutes of Health |
Herbert Spencer Gasser |
Physiology or Medicine |
1944 |
Rockefeller University |
Riccardo Giacconi |
Physics |
2002 |
Associated Universities, Inc. |
Ivar Giaever |
Physics |
1973 |
General Electric |
Andre Geim |
Physics |
2010 |
University of Manchester |
Murray Gell-Mann |
Physics |
1969 |
California Institute of Technology |
Pierre-Gilles de Gennes |
Physics |
1991 |
Collège de France |
Reinhard Genzel |
Physics |
2020 |
Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics |
University of California, Berkeley |
Andrea M. Ghez |
Physics |
2020 |
University of California, Los Angeles |
William Giauque |
Chemistry |
1949 |
University of California, Berkeley |
Walter Gilbert |
Chemistry |
1980 |
Harvard University |
Alfred G. Gilman |
Physiology or Medicine |
1994 |
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center |
Vitaly Ginzburg |
Physics |
2003 |
Lebedev Physical Institute |
Donald A. Glaser |
Physics |
1960 |
University of California, Berkeley |
Sheldon Glashow |
Physics |
1979 |
Harvard University |
Roy J. Glauber |
Physics |
2005 |
Harvard University |
Claudia Goldin |
Economics |
2023 |
Harvard University |
Joseph L. Goldstein |
Physiology or Medicine |
1985 |
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center |
Camillo Golgi |
Physiology or Medicine |
1906 |
University of Pavia |
John B. Goodenough |
Chemistry |
2019 |
University of Texas at Austin |
Clive Granger |
Economics |
2003 |
University of California, San Diego |
Ragnar Granit |
Physiology or Medicine |
1967 |
Karolinska Institute |
Paul Greengard |
Physiology or Medicine |
2000 |
Rockefeller University |
Carol W. Greider |
Physiology or Medicine |
2009 |
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine |
Victor Grignard |
Chemistry |
1912 |
Nancy-Université |
David Gross |
Physics |
2004 |
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Robert H. Grubbs |
Chemistry |
2005 |
California Institute of Technology |
Peter Grünberg |
Physics |
2007 |
Forschungszentrum Jülich |
Charles Édouard Guillaume |
Physics |
1920 |
International Bureau of Weights and Measures |
Roger Guillemin |
Physiology or Medicine |
1977 |
Salk Institute for Biological Studies |
Allvar Gullstrand |
Physiology or Medicine |
1911 |
Uppsala University |
John Gurdon |
Physiology or Medicine |
2012 |
Gurdon Institute |
Trygve Haavelmo |
Economics |
1989 |
University of Oslo |
Fritz Haber |
Chemistry |
1918 |
Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society |
Otto Hahn |
Chemistry |
1944 |
Max Planck Institute for Chemistry |
Duncan Haldane |
Physics |
2016 |
Princeton University |
Jeffrey C. Hall |
Physiology or Medicine |
2017 |
University of Maine |
John L. Hall |
Physics |
2005 |
National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Theodor W. Hänsch |
Physics |
2005 |
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich |
Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics |
Lars Peter Hansen |
Economics |
2013 |
University of Chicago |
Arthur Harden |
Chemistry |
1929 |
University of London |
Serge Haroche |
Physics |
2012 |
Collège de France |
ENS Paris |
John Harsanyi |
Economics |
1994 |
University of California, Berkeley |
Oliver Hart |
Economics |
2016 |
Harvard University |
Haldan Keffer Hartline |
Physiology or Medicine |
1967 |
Rockefeller University |
Leland H. Hartwell |
Physiology or Medicine |
2001 |
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center |
Odd Hassel |
Chemistry |
1969 |
University of Oslo |
Klaus Hasselmann |
Physics |
2021 |
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology |
Herbert A. Hauptman |
Chemistry |
1985 |
Medical Foundation of Buffalo |
Harald zur Hausen |
Physiology or Medicine |
2008 |
German Cancer Research Center |
Norman Haworth |
Chemistry |
1937 |
University of Birmingham |
Richard F. Heck |
Chemistry |
2010 |
University of Delaware |
James Heckman |
Economics |
2000 |
University of Chicago |
Alan J. Heeger |
Chemistry |
2000 |
University of California, Santa Barbara |
Werner Heisenberg |
Physics |
1932 |
Leipzig University |
Stefan Hell |
Chemistry |
2014 |
German Cancer Research Center |
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry |
Philip Showalter Hench |
Physiology or Medicine |
1950 |
Mayo Clinic |
Richard Henderson |
Chemistry |
2017 |
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology |
Dudley R. Herschbach |
Chemistry |
1986 |
Harvard University |
Alfred Hershey |
Physiology or Medicine |
1969 |
Carnegie Institution for Science |
Avram Hershko |
Chemistry |
2004 |
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology |
Gustav Ludwig Hertz |
Physics |
1925 |
Halle University |
Gerhard Herzberg |
Chemistry |
1971 |
National Research Council Canada |
Victor Francis Hess |
Physics |
1936 |
University of Innsbruck |
Walter Rudolf Hess |
Physiology or Medicine |
1949 |
University of Zurich |
George de Hevesy |
Chemistry |
1943 |
Stockholm University |
Antony Hewish |
Physics |
1974 |
University of Cambridge |
Corneille Heymans |
Physiology or Medicine |
1938 |
Ghent University |
Jaroslav Heyrovský |
Chemistry |
1959 |
Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences |
John Hicks |
Economics |
1972 |
University of Oxford |
Peter Higgs |
Physics |
2013 |
University of Edinburgh |
Archibald Hill |
Physiology or Medicine |
1922 |
University of London |
Cyril Norman Hinshelwood |
Chemistry |
1956 |
University of Oxford |
Geoffrey Hinton |
Physics |
2024 |
University of Toronto |
George H. Hitchings |
Physiology or Medicine |
1988 |
Wellcome Research Laboratories |
Alan Hodgkin |
Physiology or Medicine |
1963 |
University of Cambridge |
Dorothy Hodgkin |
Chemistry |
1964 |
University of Oxford |
Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff |
Chemistry |
1901 |
Humboldt University of Berlin |
Jules A. Hoffmann |
Physiology or Medicine |
2011 |
University of Strasbourg |
Roald Hoffmann |
Chemistry |
1981 |
Cornell University |
Robert Hofstadter |
Physics |
1961 |
Stanford University |
Robert W. Holley |
Physiology or Medicine |
1968 |
Cornell University |
Bengt Holmström |
Economics |
2016 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Tasuku Honjo |
Physiology or Medicine |
2018 |
Kyoto University |
Gerard 't Hooft |
Physics |
1999 |
Utrecht University |
John Hopfield |
Physics |
2024 |
Princeton University |
Frederick Gowland Hopkins |
Physiology or Medicine |
1929 |
University of Cambridge |
H. Robert Horvitz |
Physiology or Medicine |
2002 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Michael Houghton |
Physiology or Medicine |
2020 |
University of Alberta |
Godfrey Hounsfield |
Physiology or Medicine |
1979 |
Central Research Laboratories |
Bernardo Houssay |
Physiology or Medicine |
1947 |
Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental |
David H. Hubel |
Physiology or Medicine |
1981 |
Harvard Medical School |
Robert Huber |
Chemistry |
1988 |
Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry |
Charles Brenton Huggins |
Physiology or Medicine |
1966 |
University of Chicago |
Russell Alan Hulse |
Physics |
1993 |
Princeton University |
Tim Hunt |
Physiology or Medicine |
2001 |
Imperial Cancer Research Fund |
Leonid Hurwicz |
Economics |
2007 |
University of Minnesota |
Andrew Huxley |
Physiology or Medicine |
1963 |
University College London |
Louis Ignarro |
Physiology or Medicine |
1998 |
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA |
Guido Imbens |
Economics |
2021 |
Stanford University |
François Jacob |
Physiology or Medicine |
1965 |
Pasteur Institute |
J. Hans D. Jensen |
Physics |
1963 |
Heidelberg University |
Niels Kaj Jerne |
Physiology or Medicine |
1984 |
Basel Institute for Immunology |
Simon Johnson |
Economics |
2024 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Frédéric Joliot-Curie |
Chemistry |
1935 |
Institut du Radium |
Irène Joliot-Curie |
Chemistry |
1935 |
Institut du Radium |
Brian Josephson |
Physics |
1973 |
University of Cambridge |
David Julius |
Physiology or Medicine |
2021 |
University of California, San Francisco |
William Kaelin Jr. |
Physiology or Medicine |
2019 |
Brigham and Women's Hospital |
Dana–Farber Cancer Institute |
Harvard Medical School |
Howard Hughes Medical Institute |
Daniel Kahneman |
Economics |
2002 |
Princeton University |
Takaaki Kajita |
Physics |
2015 |
University of Tokyo |
Eric Kandel |
Physiology or Medicine |
2000 |
Columbia University |
Leonid Kantorovich |
Economics |
1975 |
Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union |
Charles K. Kao |
Physics |
2009 |
Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Standard Telecommunication Laboratories |
Pyotr Kapitsa |
Physics |
1978 |
Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union |
Katalin Karikó |
Physiology or Medicine |
2023 |
University of Pennsylvania |
University of Szeged |
Jerome Karle |
Chemistry |
1985 |
United States Naval Research Laboratory |
Martin Karplus |
Chemistry |
2013 |
Harvard University |
University of Strasbourg |
Paul Karrer |
Chemistry |
1937 |
University of Zurich |
Alfred Kastler |
Physics |
1966 |
ENS Paris |
Bernard Katz |
Physiology or Medicine |
1970 |
University College London |
Edward Calvin Kendall |
Physiology or Medicine |
1950 |
Mayo Clinic |
Henry Way Kendall |
Physics |
1990 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
John Kendrew |
Chemistry |
1962 |
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology |
Wolfgang Ketterle |
Physics |
2001 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Har Gobind Khorana |
Physiology or Medicine |
1968 |
University of Wisconsin–Madison |
Jack Kilby |
Physics |
2000 |
Texas Instruments |
Lawrence Klein |
Economics |
1980 |
University of Pennsylvania |
Klaus von Klitzing |
Physics |
1985 |
Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research |
Aaron Klug |
Chemistry |
1982 |
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology |
Makoto Kobayashi |
Physics |
2008 |
Brian Kobilka |
Chemistry |
2012 |
Stanford University School of Medicine |
Robert Koch |
Physiology or Medicine |
1905 |
Institute for Infectious Diseases |
Emil Theodor Kocher |
Physiology or Medicine |
1909 |
University of Bern |
Georges J. F. Köhler |
Physiology or Medicine |
1984 |
Basel Institute for Immunology |
Walter Kohn |
Chemistry |
1998 |
University of California, Santa Barbara |
Tjalling Koopmans |
Economics |
1975 |
Yale University |
Arthur Kornberg |
Physiology or Medicine |
1959 |
Stanford University |
Roger D. Kornberg |
Chemistry |
2006 |
Stanford University |
Masatoshi Koshiba |
Physics |
2002 |
University of Tokyo |
Albrecht Kossel |
Physiology or Medicine |
1910 |
Heidelberg University |
J. Michael Kosterlitz |
Physics |
2016 |
Brown University |
Ferenc Krausz |
Physics |
2023 |
Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics |
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich |
Edwin G. Krebs |
Physiology or Medicine |
1992 |
University of Washington |
Hans Krebs |
Physiology or Medicine |
1953 |
University of Sheffield |
Michael Kremer |
Economics |
2019 |
Harvard University |
Herbert Kroemer |
Physics |
2000 |
University of California, Santa Barbara |
August Krogh |
Physiology or Medicine |
1920 |
University of Copenhagen |
Harry Kroto |
Chemistry |
1996 |
University of Sussex |
Paul Krugman |
Economics |
2008 |
Princeton University |
Richard Kuhn |
Chemistry |
1938 |
Heidelberg University |
Max Planck Institute for Medical Research |
Polykarp Kusch |
Physics |
1955 |
Columbia University |
Simon Kuznets |
Economics |
1971 |
Harvard University |
Finn E. Kydland |
Economics |
2004 |
Carnegie Mellon University |
University of California, Santa Barbara |
Willis Lamb |
Physics |
1955 |
Stanford University |
Lev Landau |
Physics |
1962 |
Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union |
Karl Landsteiner |
Physiology or Medicine |
1930 |
Rockefeller University |
Irving Langmuir |
Chemistry |
1932 |
General Electric |
Max von Laue |
Physics |
1914 |
Goethe University Frankfurt |
Robert B. Laughlin |
Physics |
1998 |
Stanford University |
Paul Lauterbur |
Physiology or Medicine |
2003 |
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign |
Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran |
Physiology or Medicine |
1907 |
Pasteur Institute |
Ernest Lawrence |
Physics |
1939 |
University of California, Berkeley |
Joshua Lederberg |
Physiology or Medicine |
1958 |
University of Wisconsin–Madison |
Leon M. Lederman |
Physics |
1988 |
Fermilab |
David Lee |
Physics |
1996 |
Cornell University |
Tsung-Dao Lee |
Physics |
1957 |
Columbia University |
Yuan T. Lee |
Chemistry |
1986 |
University of California, Berkeley |
Robert Lefkowitz |
Chemistry |
2012 |
Duke University Medical Center |
Howard Hughes Medical Institute |
Anthony James Leggett |
Physics |
2003 |
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign |
Jean-Marie Lehn |
Chemistry |
1987 |
Collège de France |
Louis Pasteur University |
Luis Federico Leloir |
Chemistry |
1970 |
University of Buenos Aires |
Philipp Lenard |
Physics |
1905 |
University of Kiel |
Wassily Leontief |
Economics |
1973 |
Harvard University |
Rita Levi-Montalcini |
Physiology or Medicine |
1986 |
Institute of Cell Biology of the C.N.R. |
Michael Levitt |
Chemistry |
2013 |
Stanford University School of Medicine |
W. Arthur Lewis |
Economics |
1979 |
Princeton University |
Edward B. Lewis |
Physiology or Medicine |
1995 |
California Institute of Technology |
Willard Libby |
Chemistry |
1960 |
University of California, Los Angeles |
Tomas Lindahl |
Chemistry |
2015 |
Clare Hall laboratories |
Francis Crick Institute |
Fritz Albert Lipmann |
Physiology or Medicine |
1953 |
Harvard Medical School |
Massachusetts General Hospital |
Gabriel Lippmann |
Physics |
1908 |
Sorbonne University |
William Lipscomb |
Chemistry |
1976 |
Harvard University |
Benjamin List |
Chemistry |
2021 |
Max Planck Institute for Coal Research |
Anne L'Huillier |
Physics |
2023 |
Lund University |
Otto Loewi |
Physiology or Medicine |
1936 |
University of Graz |
Hendrik Lorentz |
Physics |
1902 |
Leiden University |
Konrad Lorenz |
Physiology or Medicine |
1973 |
Konrad Lorenz Institute of Ethology |
Robert Lucas Jr. |
Economics |
1995 |
University of Chicago |
Salvador Luria |
Physiology or Medicine |
1969 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
André Michel Lwoff |
Physiology or Medicine |
1965 |
Pasteur Institute |
Feodor Lynen |
Physiology or Medicine |
1964 |
Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry |
Alan MacDiarmid |
Chemistry |
2000 |
University of Pennsylvania |
Roderick MacKinnon |
Chemistry |
2003 |
Howard Hughes Medical Institute |
Rockefeller University |
John Macleod |
Physiology or Medicine |
1923 |
University of Toronto |
David MacMillan |
Chemistry |
2021 |
Princeton University |
Syukuro Manabe |
Physics |
2021 |
Princeton University |
Peter Mansfield |
Physiology or Medicine |
2003 |
University of Nottingham |
Guglielmo Marconi |
Physics |
1909 |
Marconi Company |
Rudolph A. Marcus |
Chemistry |
1992 |
California Institute of Technology |
Harry Markowitz |
Economics |
1990 |
City University of New York |
Barry Marshall |
Physiology or Medicine |
2005 |
NHMRC Helicobacter pylori Research Laboratory |
University of Western Australia |
Archer Martin |
Chemistry |
1952 |
National Institute for Medical Research |
Toshihide Maskawa |
Physics |
2008 |
Kyoto Sangyo University |
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Eric Maskin |
Economics |
2007 |
Institute for Advanced Study |
John C. Mather |
Physics |
2006 |
Goddard Space Flight Center |
Maria Goeppert Mayer |
Physics |
1963 |
University of California, San Diego |
Michel Mayor |
Physics |
2019 |
University of Geneva |
Barbara McClintock |
Physiology or Medicine |
1983 |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
Arthur B. McDonald |
Physics |
2015 |
Queen's University at Kingston |
Daniel McFadden |
Economics |
2000 |
University of California, Berkeley |
Edwin McMillan |
Chemistry |
1951 |
University of California, Berkeley |
James Meade |
Economics |
1977 |
University of Cambridge |
Peter Medawar |
Physiology or Medicine |
1960 |
University College London |
Simon van der Meer |
Physics |
1984 |
Morten P. Meldal |
Chemistry |
2022 |
University of Copenhagen |
Craig Mello |
Physiology or Medicine |
2006 |
University of Massachusetts |
Robert Bruce Merrifield |
Chemistry |
1984 |
Rockefeller University |
Robert C. Merton |
Economics |
1997 |
Harvard University |
Élie Metchnikoff |
Physiology or Medicine |
1908 |
Pasteur Institute |
Otto Fritz Meyerhof |
Physiology or Medicine |
1922 |
University of Kiel |
Hartmut Michel |
Chemistry |
1988 |
Max Planck Institute of Biophysics |
Albert A. Michelson |
Physics |
1907 |
University of Chicago |
Paul Milgrom |
Economics |
2020 |
Stanford University |
Merton Miller |
Economics |
1990 |
University of Chicago |
Robert Andrews Millikan |
Physics |
1923 |
California Institute of Technology |
César Milstein |
Physiology or Medicine |
1984 |
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology |
George Minot |
Physiology or Medicine |
1934 |
Harvard University |
James Mirrlees |
Economics |
1996 |
University of Cambridge |
Peter D. Mitchell |
Chemistry |
1978 |
Glynn Research Laboratories |
Franco Modigliani |
Economics |
1985 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Paul L. Modrich |
Chemistry |
2015 |
Duke University School of Medicine |
Howard Hughes Medical Institute |
William E. Moerner |
Chemistry |
2014 |
Stanford University |
Henri Moissan |
Chemistry |
1906 |
Sorbonne University |
Mario Molina |
Chemistry |
1995 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
António Egas Moniz |
Physiology or Medicine |
1949 |
Neurological Institute, Lisbon |
University of Lisbon |
Jacques Monod |
Physiology or Medicine |
1965 |
Pasteur Institute |
Luc Montagnier |
Physiology or Medicine |
2008 |
World Foundation for AIDS Research and Prevention |
Stanford Moore |
Chemistry |
1972 |
Rockefeller University |
Thomas Hunt Morgan |
Physiology or Medicine |
1933 |
California Institute of Technology |
Dale T. Mortensen |
Economics |
2010 |
Aarhus University |
Northwestern University |
Edvard Moser |
Physiology or Medicine |
2014 |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
May-Britt Moser |
Physiology or Medicine |
2014 |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
Rudolf Mössbauer |
Physics |
1961 |
California Institute of Technology |
Technical University of Munich |
Nevill Francis Mott |
Physics |
1977 |
University of Cambridge |
Ben Roy Mottelson |
Physics |
1975 |
Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Gérard Mourou |
Physics |
2018 |
École Polytechnique |
University of Michigan |
Hermann Joseph Muller |
Physiology or Medicine |
1946 |
Indiana University Bloomington |
K. Alex Müller |
Physics |
1987 |
IBM Zurich Research Laboratory |
Paul Hermann Müller |
Physiology or Medicine |
1948 |
J. R. Geigy AG |
Robert S. Mulliken |
Chemistry |
1966 |
University of Chicago |
Robert Mundell |
Economics |
1999 |
Columbia University |
Ferid Murad |
Physiology or Medicine |
1998 |
University of Texas Medical School at Houston |
William P. Murphy |
Physiology or Medicine |
1934 |
Harvard University |
Peter Brent Brigham Hospital |
Joseph Murray |
Physiology or Medicine |
1990 |
Brigham and Women's Hospital |
Roger Myerson |
Economics |
2007 |
University of Chicago |
Shuji Nakamura |
Physics |
2014 |
University of California, Santa Barbara |
Yoichiro Nambu |
Physics |
2008 |
Enrico Fermi Institute |
John Forbes Nash Jr. |
Economics |
1994 |
Princeton University |
Daniel Nathans |
Physiology or Medicine |
1978 |
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine |
Giulio Natta |
Chemistry |
1963 |
Polytechnic University of Milan |
Louis Néel |
Physics |
1970 |
Grenoble Alpes University |
Ei-ichi Negishi |
Chemistry |
2010 |
Purdue University |
Erwin Neher |
Physiology or Medicine |
1991 |
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry |
Walther Nernst |
Chemistry |
1920 |
Humboldt University of Berlin |
Charles Nicolle |
Physiology or Medicine |
1928 |
Pasteur Institute |
Marshall Warren Nirenberg |
Physiology or Medicine |
1968 |
National Institutes of Health |
William Nordhaus |
Economics |
2018 |
Yale University |
Ronald George Wreyford Norrish |
Chemistry |
1967 |
University of Cambridge |
Douglass North |
Economics |
1993 |
Washington University in St. Louis |
John Howard Northrop |
Chemistry |
1946 |
Rockefeller University |
Konstantin Novoselov |
Physics |
2010 |
University of Manchester |
Ryōji Noyori |
Chemistry |
2001 |
Nagoya University |
Paul Nurse |
Physiology or Medicine |
2001 |
Imperial Cancer Research Fund |
Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard |
Physiology or Medicine |
1995 |
Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology |
Severo Ochoa |
Physiology or Medicine |
1959 |
New York University College of Medicine |
Bertil Ohlin |
Economics |
1977 |
Stockholm School of Economics |
Yoshinori Ohsumi |
Physiology or Medicine |
2016 |
Tokyo Institute of Technology |
John O'Keefe |
Physiology or Medicine |
2014 |
University College London |
George Andrew Olah |
Chemistry |
1994 |
University of Southern California |
Satoshi Ōmura |
Physiology or Medicine |
2015 |
Kitasato University |
Heike Kamerlingh Onnes |
Physics |
1913 |
Leiden University |
Lars Onsager |
Chemistry |
1968 |
Yale University |
Douglas Osheroff |
Physics |
1996 |
Stanford University |
Elinor Ostrom |
Economics |
2009 |
Arizona State University |
Indiana University Bloomington |
Wilhelm Ostwald |
Chemistry |
1909 |
Leipzig University |
Svante Pääbo |
Physiology or Medicine |
2022 |
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology |
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology |
George Emil Palade |
Physiology or Medicine |
1974 |
Yale School of Medicine |
Giorgio Parisi |
Physics |
2021 |
Sapienza University of Rome |
Ardem Patapoutian |
Physiology or Medicine |
2021 |
Howard Hughes Medical Institute |
Scripps Research |
Wolfgang Paul |
Physics |
1989 |
University of Bonn |
Wolfgang Pauli |
Physics |
1945 |
Princeton University |
Linus Pauling |
Chemistry |
1954 |
California Institute of Technology |
Peace |
1962 |
California Institute of Technology |
Ivan Pavlov |
Physiology or Medicine |
1904 |
S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy |
Charles J. Pedersen |
Chemistry |
1987 |
DuPont |
Jim Peebles |
Physics |
2019 |
Princeton University |
Roger Penrose |
Physics |
2020 |
University of Oxford |
Arno Allan Penzias |
Physics |
1978 |
Bell Labs |
Martin Lewis Perl |
Physics |
1995 |
Stanford University |
Saul Perlmutter |
Physics |
2011 |
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
University of California, Berkeley |
Jean Baptiste Perrin |
Physics |
1926 |
Sorbonne University |
Max Perutz |
Chemistry |
1962 |
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology |
Edmund Phelps |
Economics |
2006 |
Columbia University |
William Daniel Phillips |
Physics |
1997 |
National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Christopher A. Pissarides |
Economics |
2010 |
London School of Economics |
Max Planck |
Physics |
1918 |
Humboldt University of Berlin |
John Polanyi |
Chemistry |
1986 |
University of Toronto |
Hugh David Politzer |
Physics |
2004 |
California Institute of Technology |
John Pople |
Chemistry |
1998 |
Northwestern University |
George Porter |
Physics |
1967 |
Royal Institution |
Rodney Robert Porter |
Physiology or Medicine |
1972 |
University of Oxford |
C. F. Powell |
Physics |
1950 |
University of Bristol |
Fritz Pregl |
Chemistry |
1923 |
University of Graz |
Vladimir Prelog |
Chemistry |
1975 |
ETH Zurich |
Edward C. Prescott |
Economics |
2004 |
Arizona State University |
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis |
Ilya Prigogine |
Chemistry |
1977 |
Université libre de Bruxelles |
University of Texas at Austin |
Alexander Prokhorov |
Physics |
1964 |
Lebedev Physical Institute |
Stanley B. Prusiner |
Physiology or Medicine |
1997 |
UCSF School of Medicine |
Edward Mills Purcell |
Physics |
1952 |
Harvard University |
Didier Queloz |
Physics |
2019 |
University of Cambridge |
University of Geneva |
Isidor Isaac Rabi |
Physics |
1944 |
Columbia University |
James Rainwater |
Physics |
1975 |
Columbia University |
Venki Ramakrishnan |
Chemistry |
2009 |
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology |
C. V. Raman |
Physics |
1930 |
University of Calcutta |
Santiago Ramón y Cajal |
Physiology or Medicine |
1906 |
Complutense University of Madrid |
William Ramsay |
Chemistry |
1904 |
University College London |
Norman Foster Ramsey Jr. |
Physics |
1989 |
Harvard University |
Peter J. Ratcliffe |
Physiology or Medicine |
2019 |
Francis Crick Institute |
University of Oxford |
Tadeusz Reichstein |
Physiology or Medicine |
1950 |
University of Basel |
Frederick Reines |
Physics |
1995 |
University of California, Irvine |
Louis Renault |
Peace |
1907 |
Sorbonne University |
Charles M. Rice |
Physiology or Medicine |
2020 |
Rockefeller University |
Dickinson W. Richards |
Physiology or Medicine |
1956 |
Columbia University |
Theodore William Richards |
Chemistry |
1914 |
Harvard University |
Owen Willans Richardson |
Physics |
1928 |
University of London |
Robert Coleman Richardson |
Physics |
1996 |
Cornell University |
Charles Richet |
Physiology or Medicine |
1913 |
Sorbonne University |
Burton Richter |
Physics |
1976 |
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Adam Riess |
Physics |
2011 |
Johns Hopkins University |
Space Telescope Science Institute |
Frederick Chapman Robbins |
Physiology or Medicine |
1954 |
Case Western Reserve University |
Richard J. Roberts |
Physiology or Medicine |
1993 |
New England Biolabs |
James A. Robinson |
Economics |
2024 |
University of Chicago |
Robert Robinson |
Chemistry |
1947 |
University of Oxford |
Martin Rodbell |
Physiology or Medicine |
1994 |
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences |
Heinrich Rohrer |
Physics |
1986 |
IBM Zurich Research Laboratory |
Paul Romer |
Economics |
2018 |
New York University Stern School of Business |
Wilhelm Röntgen |
Physics |
1901 |
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich |
Michael Rosbash |
Physiology or Medicine |
2017 |
Brandeis University |
Howard Hughes Medical Institute |
Irwin Rose |
Chemistry |
2004 |
University of California, Irvine |
Ronald Ross |
Physiology or Medicine |
1902 |
University of Liverpool |
Alvin E. Roth |
Economics |
2012 |
Harvard Business School |
Harvard University |
James Rothman |
Physiology or Medicine |
2013 |
Yale University |
Francis Peyton Rous |
Physiology or Medicine |
1966 |
Rockefeller University |
F. Sherwood Rowland |
Chemistry |
1995 |
University of California, Irvine |
Carlo Rubbia |
Physics |
1984 |
Ernst Ruska |
Physics |
1986 |
Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society |
Ernest Rutherford |
Chemistry |
1908 |
Victoria University of Manchester |
Gary Ruvkun |
Physiology or Medicine |
2024 |
Massachusetts General Hospital |
Harvard Medical School |
Leopold Ružička |
Chemistry |
1939 |
ETH Zurich |
Martin Ryle |
Physics |
1974 |
University of Cambridge |
Paul Sabatier |
Chemistry |
1912 |
University of Toulouse |
Bert Sakmann |
Physiology or Medicine |
1991 |
Max Planck Institute for Medical Research |
Abdus Salam |
Physics |
1979 |
Imperial College London |
International Centre for Theoretical Physics |
Paul Samuelson |
Economics |
1970 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Bengt I. Samuelsson |
Physiology or Medicine |
1982 |
Karolinska Institute |
Aziz Sancar |
Chemistry |
2015 |
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
Frederick Sanger |
Chemistry |
1958 |
University of Cambridge |
Chemistry |
1980 |
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology |
Thomas J. Sargent |
Economics |
2011 |
New York University |
Jean-Pierre Sauvage |
Chemistry |
2016 |
University of Strasbourg |
Andrew Schally |
Physiology or Medicine |
1977 |
Veterans Administration Hospital, New Orleans |
Arthur Leonard Schawlow |
Physics |
1981 |
Stanford University |
Randy Schekman |
Physiology or Medicine |
2013 |
Howard Hughes Medical Institute |
University of California, Berkeley |
Thomas Schelling |
Economics |
2005 |
University of Maryland, College Park |
Brian Schmidt |
Physics |
2011 |
Australian National University |
Myron Scholes |
Economics |
1997 |
Long-Term Capital Management |
John Robert Schrieffer |
Physics |
1972 |
University of Pennsylvania |
Richard R. Schrock |
Chemistry |
2005 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Erwin Schrödinger |
Physics |
1933 |
Humboldt University of Berlin |
Theodore Schultz |
Economics |
1979 |
University of Chicago |
Melvin Schwartz |
Physics |
1988 |
Digital Pathways |
Julian Schwinger |
Physics |
1965 |
Harvard University |
Glenn T. Seaborg |
Chemistry |
1951 |
University of California, Berkeley |
Emilio Segrè |
Physics |
1959 |
University of California, Berkeley |
Reinhard Selten |
Economics |
1994 |
University of Bonn |
Gregg L. Semenza |
Physiology or Medicine |
2019 |
Johns Hopkins University |
Nikolay Semyonov |
Chemistry |
1956 |
Institute for Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR |
Moscow State University |
Amartya Sen |
Economics |
1998 |
University of Cambridge |
Lloyd Shapley |
Economics |
2012 |
University of California, Los Angeles |
Phillip Allen Sharp |
Physiology or Medicine |
1993 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
William F. Sharpe |
Economics |
1990 |
Stanford University |
Karl Barry Sharpless |
Chemistry |
2001 |
Scripps Research |
Chemistry |
2022 |
Scripps Research |
Dan Shechtman |
Chemistry |
2011 |
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology |
Charles Scott Sherrington |
Physiology or Medicine |
1932 |
University of Oxford |
Robert J. Shiller |
Economics |
2013 |
Yale University |
Osamu Shimomura |
Chemistry |
2008 |
Boston University School of Medicine |
Marine Biological Laboratory |
Hideki Shirakawa |
Chemistry |
2000 |
University of Tsukuba |
William Shockley |
Physics |
1956 |
Beckman Instruments |
Clifford Shull |
Physics |
1994 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Kai Siegbahn |
Physics |
1981 |
Uppsala University |
Manne Siegbahn |
Physics |
1924 |
Uppsala University |
Herbert A. Simon |
Economics |
1978 |
Carnegie Mellon University |
Christopher A. Sims |
Economics |
2011 |
Princeton University |
Jens Christian Skou |
Chemistry |
1997 |
Aarhus University |
Richard Smalley |
Chemistry |
1996 |
Rice University |
George E. Smith |
Physics |
2009 |
Bell Labs |
George P. Smith |
Chemistry |
2018 |
University of Missouri |
Hamilton O. Smith |
Physiology or Medicine |
1978 |
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine |
Michael Smith |
Chemistry |
1993 |
University of British Columbia |
Vernon L. Smith |
Economics |
2002 |
George Mason University |
Oliver Smithies |
Physiology or Medicine |
2007 |
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
George Smoot |
Physics |
2006 |
University of California, Berkeley |
George Davis Snell |
Physiology or Medicine |
1980 |
Jackson Laboratory |
Frederick Soddy |
Chemistry |
1921 |
University of Oxford |
Robert Solow |
Economics |
1987 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Hans Spemann |
Physiology or Medicine |
1935 |
University of Freiburg |
Michael Spence |
Economics |
2001 |
Stanford University |
Roger Wolcott Sperry |
Physiology or Medicine |
1981 |
California Institute of Technology |
Wendell Meredith Stanley |
Chemistry |
1946 |
Rockefeller University |
Johannes Stark |
Physics |
1919 |
University of Greifswald |
Hermann Staudinger |
Chemistry |
1953 |
University of Freiburg |
William Howard Stein |
Chemistry |
1972 |
Rockefeller University |
Ralph M. Steinman |
Physiology or Medicine |
2011 |
Rockefeller University |
Jack Steinberger |
Physics |
1988 |
Thomas A. Steitz |
Chemistry |
2009 |
Howard Hughes Medical Institute |
Yale University |
Otto Stern |
Physics |
1943 |
Carnegie Mellon University |
George Stigler |
Economics |
1982 |
University of Chicago |
Joseph Stiglitz |
Economics |
2001 |
Columbia University |
Fraser Stoddart |
Chemistry |
2016 |
Northwestern University |
Richard Stone |
Economics |
1984 |
University of Cambridge |
Horst Ludwig Störmer |
Physics |
1998 |
Columbia University |
Donna Strickland |
Physics |
2018 |
University of Waterloo |
John William Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh |
Physics |
1904 |
Royal Institution |
Thomas C. Südhof |
Physiology or Medicine |
2013 |
Howard Hughes Medical Institute |
Stanford University |
John Sulston |
Physiology or Medicine |
2002 |
Wellcome Sanger Institute |
James B. Sumner |
Chemistry |
1946 |
Cornell University |
Earl Wilbur Sutherland Jr. |
Physiology or Medicine |
1971 |
Vanderbilt University |
Akira Suzuki |
Chemistry |
2010 |
Hokkaido University |
Theodor Svedberg |
Chemistry |
1926 |
Uppsala University |
Richard Laurence Millington Synge |
Chemistry |
1952 |
The Rowett Institute |
Albert Szent-Györgyi |
Physiology or Medicine |
1937 |
University of Szeged |
Jack W. Szostak |
Physiology or Medicine |
2009 |
Harvard Medical School |
Howard Hughes Medical Institute |
Massachusetts General Hospital |
Igor Tamm |
Physics |
1958 |
Lebedev Physical Institute |
Moscow State University |
Koichi Tanaka |
Chemistry |
2002 |
Shimadzu |
Edward Tatum |
Physiology or Medicine |
1958 |
Rockefeller University |
Henry Taube |
Chemistry |
1983 |
Stanford University |
Joseph Hooton Taylor Jr. |
Physics |
1993 |
Princeton University |
Richard E. Taylor |
Physics |
1990 |
Stanford University |
Howard Martin Temin |
Physiology or Medicine |
1975 |
University of Wisconsin–Madison |
Richard Thaler |
Economics |
2017 |
University of Chicago |
Max Theiler |
Physiology or Medicine |
1951 |
Rockefeller Foundation |
Hugo Theorell |
Physiology or Medicine |
1955 |
Karolinska Institute |
E. Donnall Thomas |
Physiology or Medicine |
1990 |
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center |
George Paget Thomson |
Physics |
1937 |
University of London |
J. J. Thomson |
Physics |
1906 |
University of Cambridge |
Kip Thorne |
Physics |
2017 |
California Institute of Technology |
LIGO Scientific Collaboration |
David J. Thouless |
Physics |
2016 |
University of Washington |
Jan Tinbergen |
Economics |
1969 |
Netherlands School of Economics |
Nikolaas Tinbergen |
Physiology or Medicine |
1973 |
University of Oxford |
Samuel C. C. Ting |
Physics |
1976 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Jean Tirole |
Economics |
2014 |
Toulouse School of Economics |
Arne Tiselius |
Chemistry |
1948 |
Uppsala University |
James Tobin |
Economics |
1981 |
Yale University |
Alexander R. Todd |
Chemistry |
1957 |
University of Cambridge |
Shin'ichirō Tomonaga |
Physics |
1965 |
University of Tsukuba |
Susumu Tonegawa |
Physiology or Medicine |
1987 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Charles H. Townes |
Physics |
1964 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Roger Y. Tsien |
Chemistry |
2008 |
Howard Hughes Medical Institute |
University of California, San Diego |
Daniel C. Tsui |
Physics |
1998 |
Princeton University |
Harold Urey |
Chemistry |
1934 |
Columbia University |
John Vane |
Physiology or Medicine |
1982 |
Wellcome Research Laboratories |
Harold E. Varmus |
Physiology or Medicine |
1989 |
UCSF School of Medicine |
William Vickrey |
Economics |
1996 |
Columbia University |
Vincent du Vigneaud |
Chemistry |
1955 |
Cornell University |
Artturi Ilmari Virtanen |
Chemistry |
1945 |
University of Helsinki |
John Hasbrouck Van Vleck |
Physics |
1977 |
Harvard University |
Johannes Diderik van der Waals |
Physics |
1910 |
University of Amsterdam |
Julius Wagner-Jauregg |
Physiology or Medicine |
1927 |
University of Vienna |
Selman Waksman |
Physiology or Medicine |
1952 |
Rutgers University |
George Wald |
Physiology or Medicine |
1967 |
Harvard University |
John E. Walker |
Chemistry |
1997 |
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology |
Otto Wallach |
Chemistry |
1910 |
University of Göttingen |
Ernest Walton |
Physics |
1951 |
Trinity College Dublin |
Otto Heinrich Warburg |
Physiology or Medicine |
1931 |
Max Planck Institute for Biology |
Arieh Warshel |
Chemistry |
2013 |
University of Southern California |
James Watson |
Physiology or Medicine |
1962 |
Harvard University |
Steven Weinberg |
Physics |
1979 |
Harvard University |
Rainer Weiss |
Physics |
2017 |
LIGO Scientific Collaboration |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Drew Weissman |
Physiology or Medicine |
2023 |
University of Pennsylvania |
Thomas Huckle Weller |
Physiology or Medicine |
1954 |
Boston Children's Hospital |
Alfred Werner |
Chemistry |
1913 |
University of Zurich |
M. Stanley Whittingham |
Chemistry |
2019 |
Binghamton University |
George Whipple |
Physiology or Medicine |
1934 |
University of Rochester |
Heinrich Otto Wieland |
Chemistry |
1927 |
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich |
Carl Wieman |
Physics |
2001 |
Wilhelm Wien |
Physics |
1911 |
University of Würzburg |
Eric F. Wieschaus |
Physiology or Medicine |
1995 |
Princeton University |
Torsten Wiesel |
Physiology or Medicine |
1981 |
Harvard Medical School |
Eugene Wigner |
Physics |
1963 |
Princeton University |
Frank Wilczek |
Physics |
2004 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Maurice Wilkins |
Physiology or Medicine |
1962 |
University of London |
Geoffrey Wilkinson |
Chemistry |
1973 |
Imperial College London |
Oliver E. Williamson |
Economics |
2009 |
University of California, Berkeley |
Richard Willstätter |
Chemistry |
1915 |
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich |
Charles Thomson Rees Wilson |
Physics |
1927 |
University of Cambridge |
Kenneth G. Wilson |
Physics |
1982 |
Cornell University |
Robert B. Wilson |
Economics |
2020 |
Stanford University |
Robert Woodrow Wilson |
Physics |
1978 |
Bell Labs |
Adolf Windaus |
Chemistry |
1928 |
University of Göttingen |
David J. Wineland |
Physics |
2012 |
National Institute of Standards and Technology |
University of Colorado Boulder |
Gregory Winter |
Chemistry |
2018 |
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology |
Georg Wittig |
Chemistry |
1979 |
Heidelberg University |
Robert Burns Woodward |
Chemistry |
1965 |
Harvard University |
Kurt Wüthrich |
Chemistry |
2002 |
ETH Zurich |
Scripps Research |
Rosalyn Sussman Yalow |
Physiology or Medicine |
1977 |
James J. Peters VA Medical Center |
Shinya Yamanaka |
Physiology or Medicine |
2012 |
Gladstone Institutes |
Kyoto University |
Chen-ning Yang |
Physics |
1957 |
Institute for Advanced Study |
Ada Yonath |
Chemistry |
2009 |
Weizmann Institute of Science |
Akira Yoshino |
Chemistry |
2019 |
Asahi Kasei |
Meijo University |
Michael W. Young |
Physiology or Medicine |
2011 |
Rockefeller University |
Tu Youyou |
Physiology or Medicine |
2015 |
China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine |
Hideki Yukawa |
Physics |
1949 |
Columbia University |
Kyoto University |
Pieter Zeeman |
Physics |
1902 |
University of Amsterdam |
Anton Zeilinger |
Physics |
2022 |
University of Vienna |
Frits Zernike |
Physics |
1953 |
University of Groningen |
Ahmed Zewail |
Chemistry |
1999 |
California Institute of Technology |
Karl Ziegler |
Chemistry |
1963 |
Max Planck Institute for Coal Research |
Rolf M. Zinkernagel |
Physiology or Medicine |
1996 |
University of Zurich |
Richard Adolf Zsigmondy |
Chemistry |
1925 |
University of Göttingen |