No. |
Original release date |
Original ISBN |
English release date |
English ISBN |
1 | September 18, 2019[4] | 978-4-09-129310-7 | September 14, 2021[8] | 978-1-9747-2052-1 |
- "Nanoka" (菜花)
- "Mao" (摩緒)
- "The Other Side of the Gate" (ゲートの向こう, Gēto no Mukō)
- "The Faceless Viscount" (顔のない子爵, Kao no Nai Shishaku)
- "Spider Lady" (蜘蛛女, Kumo On'na)
- "The Accursed" (呪われた者, Norowareta Mono)
- "The Sinkhole" (陥没事故, Kanbotsu Jiko)
- "Power Over Life and Death" (寿命を操る, Jumyō wo Ayatsuru)
2 | November 18, 2019[10] | 978-4-09-129446-3 | November 9, 2021[11] | 978-1-9747-2058-3 |
- "Origin of the Demon" (鬼神の出処, Kishin no Shussho)
- "Behind the Cult" (教団の裏側, Kyōdan no Uragawa)
- "Reverse Curse" (呪い返し, Noroi Gaeshi)
- "The Prophecy of Lady Shoko" (鐘呼さまの予言, Shouko-sama no Yogen)
- "Keystone" (要石, Kanameishi)
- "Guardian of the Barrier" (結界の守人, Kekkai no Moribito)
- "Decoy" (囮, Otori)
- "Water Jaw" (水の顎, Mizu no Agito)
- "Memories of that Day" (あの日の記憶, Ano hi no Kioku)
- "The Beginning" (始まり, Hajimari)
3 | January 17, 2020[12] | 978-4-09-129547-7 | January 11, 2022[13] | 978-1-9747-2082-8 |
- "Byoki" (猫鬼, Byōki)
- "Seven-Branched Tails" (七又の尾, Nanamata no o)
- "New Vessel" (新しい器, Atarashī utsuwa)
- "The Protection Shikigami" (守護の式神, Shugo no Shikigami)
- "Lady Uozumi" (魚住さん, Uozumi-san)
- "Ryōunkaku" (凌雲閣)
- "Senior Apprentice Hyakka" (兄弟子百火, Anideshi Hyakka)
- "Sword of Bad Omen" (不吉の太刀, Fukitsu no Tachi)
- "Haimaru" (灰丸)
- "Kuchinawa" (朽縄)
4 | May 18, 2020[14] | 978-4-09-850078-9 | March 8, 2022[15] | 978-1-9747-2353-9 |
- "The Man's Name" (男の名は, Otoko no na wa)
- "The Shikigami from the West" (西から来た式神, Nishi kara kita Shikigami)
- "Soil and a Paper Doll" (土と形代, Tsuchi to Katashiro)
- "The Shikigamis' Master" (式神の主, Shikigami no Aruji)
- "Mokuzu" (藻久不)
- "The Kodoku Hole" (蟲毒の穴, Kodoku no Ana)
- "Taizan Fukun" (泰山府君)
- "Visitor in the Rain" (雨の訪問者, Ame no Hōmon-sha)
- "The Kodoku Jar" (蠱毒の壺, Kodoku no Tsubo)
- "Mixing of Blood" (血の交わり, Chi no Majiwari)
5 | August 18, 2020[16] | 978-4-09-850174-8 | May 10, 2022[17] | 978-1-9747-2452-9 |
- "Masago" (真砂)
- "Shiranui" (不知火)
- "Warning" (警告, Keikoku)
- "Three Men Talk" (鼎談, Teidan)
- "The One Who Gives" (与える者, Ataerumono)
- "Misunderstandings" (すれ違い, Sure Chigai)
- "Iron Mask" (鉄仮面, Tekkamen)
- "Yurako" (幽羅子)
- "Sana's End" (沙那の最期, Sana no Saigo)
- "The Gold Shikigami" (金の式神, Kin no Shikigami)
6 | October 16, 2020[18] | 978-4-09-850266-0 | July 12, 2022[19] | 978-1-9747-2453-6 |
- "White Bone Cave" (白骨洞, Byakkoddō)
- "Shiranui's Legs" (不知火の足, Shiranui no Ashi)
- "Nanoka's Doubts" (菜花の疑念, Nanoka no Ginen)
- "House of Curses" (呪いの家, Noroi no Ie)
- "Under the Mask" (仮面の下, Kamen no Shita)
- "Hakubi" (白眉)
- "The Woman of the Kou Clan" (御降家の女, Go Kou ke no Onna)
- "Beyond the Rivalry" (相剋の外, Sōkoku no Soto)
- "Don't Wake Up" (覚めない, Samenai)
- "Maogui" (マオグイ, Maogui)
7 | January 18, 2021[20] | 978-4-09-850385-8 | September 13, 2022[21] | 978-1-9747-3004-9 |
- "The Orphanage" (捨童子の家, Sutedōji no ie)
- "Dirt Medicine" (土薬, Tsuchi kusuri)
- "Natsuno" (夏野)
- "Daigo's Death" (大五の死, Daigo no Shi)
- "Spirit Channeling" (魂おろし, Tama Oroshi)
- "The Underwater Shrine" (海底の社, Kaitei no Sha)
- "Five-Color Shrine Ring" (五色堂の輪, Goshikidō no Wa)
- "Amidst the Evil Aura" (邪気の中, Jyaki no Naka)
- "Divine Protection" (加護, Kago)
- "Undecaying Corpse" (朽ちない亡骸, Kuchinai Nakigara)
8 | March 17, 2021[22] | 978-4-09-850395-7 | November 8, 2022[23] | 978-1-9747-3005-6 |
- "Sana's Heart" (紗那の心臓, Sana no Shinzō)
- "Possession" (憑きもの落とし, Tsukimono Otoshi)
- "Slasher" (通り魔, Tōrima)
- "Beast" (獣, Kemono)
- "The Kagami Clan's Heirloom" (加神家の家宝, Kagamike no Kahō)
- "Sōma's Desire" (双馬の望み, Soma no Nozomi)
- "The Puppet Needle" (傀儡の針, Kugutsu no Hari)
- "Slay the Beast" (獣を斬る, Kemono wo Kiru)
- "Sacrifice" (捨て身, Sutemi)
- "The Sleepwalking Patient" (夜歩く患者, Yoru-Aruku Kanja)
9 | July 16, 2021[24] | 978-4-09-850531-9 | January 10, 2023[25] | 978-1-9747-3006-3 |
- "100th year" (百年目, Hyakunenme)
- "Hidenin" (悲田院, Hidenin)
- "Agreement" (契約, Keiyaku)
- "Village Play Troupe" (村芝居の一座, Murashibai no Ichiza)
- "Right Hand" (右手, Migite)
- "Curse Play" (呪い遊び, Noroi Asobi)
- "Kagari" (かがり, Kagari)
- "Needle Marks" (針の跡, Hari no Ato)
- "Ghost and Rakshasa" (幽鬼と羅刹, Yūki to Rasetsu)
- "Yurako's World" (幽羅子の世界, Yurako no Sekai)
10 | October 18, 2021[26] | 978-4-09-850723-8 | March 14, 2023[27] | 978-1-9747-3402-3 |
- "Sympathy" (いたわり, Itawari)
- "Words are a Curse" (言葉は呪い, Kotoba wa Noroi)
- "Fiery Insect" (苛火虫, Kakachu)
- "Renji" (漣次, Renji)
- "Life or Death Choice" (生死の選択, Seishi no Sentaku)
- "Life Extension Garden" (延命の庭, Enmei no Niwa)
- "Ambition" (野望, Yabō)
- "Hakubi's Intentions" (白眉の胸中, Hakubi no Kyōchū)
- "Family Matters" (家の事情, Ke no jijō)
- "The First Victim" (最初の被害者, Saisho no Higaisha)
11 | January 18, 2022[28] | 978-4-09-850867-9 | May 9, 2023[29] | 978-1-9747-3645-4 |
- "The Protective Sword" (護り刀, Mamori Katana)
- "Curse Transfer" (呪い移し, Noroi Utsushi)
- "Meimeido" (冥命堂, Meimeido)
- "Soma's Mission" (双馬の使命, Soma no Shimei)
- "Ready to Kill" (殺す覚悟, Korosu Kakugo)
- "Akanemaru" (地血丸, Akanemaru)
- "The Katana's Master" (刀の主, Katana no Aruji)
- "Bargaining" (駆け引き, Kakehiki)
- "Mao's Impatience" (魔緒の焦り, Mao no Aseri)
- "Philanthropic Couple" (慈善家夫婦, Jizenkafufuu)
12 | March 17, 2022[30] | 978-4-09-851008-5 | July 11, 2023[31] | 978-1-9747-3646-1 |
- "Yueqin" (月琴, Gekkin)
- "The Human Poison Jar" (人間の蟲毒, Ningen no Kodoku)
- "Massive Cursing Tool" (巨大な呪具, Meimeido)
- "Weak Point" (弱点, Jakuten)
- "Bag's Hand" (鞄の手, Kaban no Tei)
- "The Western-style Pharmacy" (西洋館の薬局, Seiyō-kan no Yakkyoku)
- "Workplace" (作業場, Sagyouba)
- "Bloody Blow" (血の一撃, Chi no Ichi Geki)
- "Ceramic Bell" (土鈴, Dorei)
- "Under the Floor" (床下, Yugashita)
13 | June 17, 2022[32] | 978-4-09-851151-8 | September 12, 2023[33] | 978-1-9747-4046-8 |
- "Empty Husk" (抜け殻, Nuke Gara)
- "Glaring Fire" (睨み火, Nirami hi)
- "The Real Thing" (本物, Honmono)
- "The Blue Ball of Light" (青い光の玉, Aoi Hikari no Tama)
- "Praying for Rain" (雨乞い, Amakoi)
- "The Hijacker" (乗っ取り屋, Nottoriya)
- "Soul's Seed" (魄の種, Haku no Tane)
- "Mitazono Village" (御手園村, Mitazono Mura)
- "Mei's Decision" (芽生の決意, Mei no Ketsui)
- "The Wrath of the Deserted House" (廃屋の祟り, Haioku no Tatari)
14 | October 12, 2022[34] | 978-4-09-851262-1 | November 14, 2023[35] | 978-1-9747-4125-0 |
- "The Well's Miasma" (井戸の邪気, Ido no Jaki)
- "Cursed God" (祟り神, Tatari Gami)
- "Earth Spirit" (地の気, Chi no Ki)
- "Straight Talk" (まっすぐ言葉, Massugu Kotoba)
- "The Curse Shop Sisters" (呪い屋の姉妹, Noroi ya no Shimai)
- "The Needle and the Sword" (針と刀, Hari to Katana)
- "The Difference in Power" (力の差, Chikara no Sa)
- "Older Sister's Point-of-View" (姉の立場, Ane no Tachiba)
- "The Mask of Judgement" (裁きの面, Sabaki no Men)
- "Threat of Fire" (火脅, Hi Odoshi)
15 | January 18, 2023[36] | 978-4-09-851534-9 | January 9, 2024[37] | 978-1-9747-4293-6 |
- "Sasuga" (流石, Sasuga)
- "Dealing With the Mask" (面の始末, Men no Shimatsu)
- "The Strange Occurrence at the Hideout" (隠れ家の異変, Kakure ka no Ihen)
- "The True Face" (本当の顔, Hanto no Kao)
- "Twin Roles" (双子の役割, Futago no Yakuwari)
- "The Medicine Dispenser" (配剤し, Haizaishi)
- "A Gift from Heaven" (天からの授かりもの, Ten Kara no Sazukarimono)
- "Controlling Life and Death" (生死を握る, Seishi o Nigiru)
- "Cat Monster" (化け猫, Bake Neko)
- "The Imprisoned Man" (囚われた男, Torawareta Otoko)
16 | April 18, 2023[38] | 978-4-09-852029-9 | March 12, 2024[39] | 978-1-9747-4365-0 |
- "Chance Meeting" (邂逅, Kaigō)
- "Byoki's Plan" (猫鬼の企み, Byoki no Takurami)
- "Missing Person" (尋ね人, Tazune Bito)
- "Hazuki" (羽月, Hazuki)
- "The Otori Prayer Hall" (鳳家の祈祷所, Otori-ke no Kitōjo)
- "Uncle" (おじさん, Ojisan)
- "The Suzaku Stone" (朱雀石, Suzaku Ishi)
- "Replacement" (代替わり, Daigawari)
- "The Predecessor's Curse" (先代の呪い, Sendai no Noroi)
- "Descendant" (末裔, Matsuei)
17 | August 18, 2023[40] | 978-4-09-852614-7 | June 11, 2024[41] | 978-1-9747-4599-9 |
- "Official Work" (正式な仕事, Seishikina Shigoto)
- "Pretext for Preparedness" (覚悟の理由, Kakugo no Riyū)
- "The Life and Death of Natsuno" (夏野の生死, Natsuno no Seishi)
- "Gift of the Soul" (魂の礼物, Tamashī no Reimotsu)
- "Request for Treatment" (治療の依頼, Chiryō no Irai)
- "Poisoned Words" (言葉の毒, Kotoba no Doku)
- "Light" (光, Hikari)
- "The Chest of Metamorphosis" (化生の匣, Kasei no Hako)
- "The Whereabouts of the Chest" (匣の行方, Hako no Yukue)
- "The Moving Curse" (移動する呪具, Idōsuru Jugu)
18 | November 17, 2023[42] | 978-4-09-853012-0 | September 10, 2024[43] | 978-1-9747-4884-6 |
- "Endless Tragedy" (終わらぬ惨劇, Owaranu Sangeki)
- "Siege" (包囲, Hōi)
- "The Chest's Master" (匣の主, Kushige no Omo)
- "Growing Up" (成長, Seichō)
- "Paper Fox" (紙の狐, Kami no Kitsune)
- "The Black Needle" (黒い針, Kuroi Hari)
- "The Pain of the Curse" (呪いの痛み, Noroi no Itami)
- "Kagari's Choice" (かがりの選択, Kagari no Seitaku)
- "The Village of Human Sacrifice" (人身御供の村, Hitomigoku no Mura)
- "The Ritual" (儀式, Gishiki)
19 | February 16, 2024[44] | 978-4-09-853112-7 | January 14, 2025[45] | 978-1-9747-5158-7 |
- "Water Current" (水流, Suiryu)
- "Condemnation" (断罪, Danzai)
- "The Chosen Path" (選んだ道, Eranda Michi)
- "Shinobazu Pond" (不忍池, Shinobazu no Ike)
- "Source of Life" (命の出処, Inochi no Shussho)
- "Blue Eyes" (青い瞳, Aoi Hitomi)
- "Neumaru Mound" (鵺丸塚, Neumaru Tsuka)
- "Sokushinbutsu" (即身仏, Sokushinbutsu)
- "The Guidance of the Ceramic Bell" (土鉿の導き, Tsuchi no Michibiki)
- "The Symbol of Anger" (怒りの象徴, Ikari no Shocho)
20 | May 17, 2024[46] | 978-4-09-853294-0 | May 13, 2025[47] | 978-1-9747-5494-6 |
- "Claw Marks" (爪跡, Tsumeato)
- "Face of a Beast" (獣の顔, Kemono no Kao)
- "The Price of Regeneration" (修復の代償, Shūfuku no Daishō)
- "Human Heart" (人の心, Hito no Kokoro)
- "Beyond Admiration" (その先, Sono Saki)
- "The Power to Exorcise" (祓う力, Harau Chikara)
- "Byoki and Yurako" (猫鬼と幽羅子, Byoki to Yurako)
- "Yurako's Wish" (幽羅子の望み, Yurako no Nozomi)
- "Whereabouts of the Soul" (魂の在所, Tamashī no Zaisho)
- "Dark Shadow" (暗い影, Kurai Kage)
21 | August 17, 2024[48] | 978-4-09-853545-3 | — | — |
- "The Reason Behind the Curse" (呪った理由, Norotta Wake)
- "The Determination to Curse" (呪う覚悟, Narau Kakugo)
- "The Bewitching Flute" (子寄せの笛, Koyose no Fue)
- "The Flute Player" (笛使い, Fuetsukai)
- "The Curse of the Flute's Tune" (笛の音の呪縛, Fue no ne no Jubaku)
- "The Living Doll" (生人形, Ikiningyō)
- "Dollmaker" (人形師, Ningyōshi)
- "Doll Workshop" (人形工房, Ningyō Kōbō)
- "Power Source" (動力, Dōryoku)
- "A Fitting Punishment" (耐えがたい罰, Taegatai Batsu)
22 | November 18, 2024[49] | 978-4-09-853679-5 | — | — |
- "Metal Vanquishes Wood" (金尅木, Kin Koku Moku)
- "Made an Example of Him" (見せしめ, Miseshime)
- "Black Snakes" (黒い蛇, Kuroi Hebi)
- "Separated" (分離, Bunri)
- "Anxiety" (不安, Fuan)
- "The Oni's Arm" (鬼の腕, Oni no Ude)
- "Sacrifice" (身代わり, Migawari)
- "Praying" (祈り, Inori)
- "Nightmare" (悪夢, Akumu)
- "Blood and Fragrant Wood" (血と香木, Chi to Kōboku)
23 | February 18, 2025[5] | 978-4-09-854009-9 | — | — |
- "Daigo's Divine Protection" (大五の加護, Daigo no Kago)
- "Warning" (警告, Keikoku)
- "Parting Words" (別れの言葉, Wakare no Kotoba)
- "Where It All Began" (始まりの場所, Hajimari no Basho)
- "Curse of Immortality" (不死の呪い, Fushi no Noroi)
- "The Spell of Pot Binding" (壺結の術, Koketsu no Jutsu)
- "Shiranui's Sin" (不知火の罪, Shiranui no Tsumi)
- "The Goko Clan's Boat" (御降家の舟, Gokoke no Fune)
- "Unkillable" (不死身の化け物, Fujimi no Bakemono)
- "Family Ties" (身内の情, Miuchi no Jō)