List of Israeli settlements

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This is a list of Israeli settlements in the Israeli-occupied territories of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights. Israel had previously established settlements in both the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula; however, the Gaza settlements were dismantled in the Israeli disengagement from Gaza in 2005, and the Sinai settlements were evacuated with the Egypt–Israel peace treaty and the return of the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt. This list does not include West Bank settlements that were dismantled or Israeli outposts.

Israel in effect annexed East Jerusalem with the Jerusalem Law and considers settlements in the expanded boundaries of East Jerusalem to be neighborhoods of Jerusalem and not settlements. The United Nations Security Council ruled that act "null and void" in United Nations Security Council Resolution 478, and the international community considers East Jerusalem to continue to be held under Israeli occupation.

Israel in effect annexed the Golan Heights with the Golan Heights Law and does not consider the localities established there to be settlements. The United Nations Security Council ruled that act "null and void" in United Nations Security Council Resolution 497 and the international community continues to view the Golan Heights to be Syrian territory held under Israeli occupation.

The international community considers Israeli settlements in the Israeli-occupied territories illegal under international law, violating the Fourth Geneva Convention's prohibition on the transfer of a civilian population to or from occupied territory, though Israel disputes this.[1][2][3][4][5][6]

West Bank


City settlements in the West Bank

Four settlements have been given city status. Their combined population is over 210,000, representing around half of the West Bank settler population outside of East Jerusalem.

More information Name, Hebrew ...
Name Hebrew Image map Population (2022)[7] Est.[7] Council
Arielאריאל Map of the area 20,520 1978 Shomron
Beitar Illitביתר עילית Map of the area 64,016 1985 Gush Etzion
Ma'ale Adumimמעלה אדומים Map of the area 38,046 1975 Gush Etzion
Modi'in Illitמודיעין עילית Map of the area 83,356 1996 Mateh Binyamin

Other settlements in the West Bank, excluding East Jerusalem

More information Name, Hebrew ...
Name Hebrew Population (2022)[7] Est.[7] Council
Adora (Adura)אדורה 515 1984 Har Hebron
Alei Zahavעלי זהב 4,647 1982 Shomron
Alfei Menasheאלפי מנשה 7,975 1983 Shomron
Almogאלמוג 236 1977 Megilot
Almon עלמון 1,467 1982 Mateh Binyamin
Alon אלון 1,031 1990 Mateh Binyamin
Alon Shvutאלון שבות 3,046 1970 Gush Etzion
Amihai עמיחי 209 2018 Mateh Binyamin
Argamanארגמן 131 1968 Bik'at HaYarden
Asfar (Metzad) מיצד 1,228 1983 Gush Etzion
Ateretעטרת 891 1981 Mateh Binyamin
Avnat (Ovnat)אבנת 249 1983 Megilot
Avnei Hefetzאבני חפץ 2,363 1990 Shomron
Barkanברקן 2,040 1981 Shomron
Bat Ayinבת עין 1,730 1989 Gush Etzion
Beit Aryeh-Ofarimבית אריה 5,517 1981 Shomron
Beit Elבית אל 6,108 1977 Mateh Binyamin
Beit HaAravaבית הערבה 508 1980 Megilot
Beit Horonבית חורון 1,442 1977 Mateh Binyamin
Beit Yatir (Metzadot Yehuda) בית יתיר 696 1983 Har Hebron
Beka'ot (Bqa'ot)בקעות 187 1972 Bik'at HaYarden
Brukhinברוכין 2,412 2012 Shomron
Carmelכרמל 465 1981 Har Hebron
Dolevדולב 1,613 1983 Mateh Binyamin
Efrat (Efrata)אפרת 11,853 1980 Gush Etzion
Elazarאלעזר 2,615 1975 Gush Etzion
Eliעלי 4,701 1984 Mateh Binyamin
Elkanaאלקנה 4,301 1977 Shomron
Elon Morehאלון מורה 2,105 1979 Shomron
Einav (Enav)ענב 1,062 1981 Shomron
Eshkolotאשכולות 623 1982 Har Hebron
Etz Efraimעץ אפרים 1985 Shomron
Ganei Modi'in גני מודיעין 2,603 1985 Mateh Binyamin
Geva Binyamin גבע בנימין 5,913 1984 Mateh Binyamin
Gilgalגלגל 229 1970 Bik'at HaYarden
Gititגיתית 502 1973 Bik'at HaYarden
Giv'at Ze'evגבעת זאב 21,097 1983 Mateh Binyamin
Giv'on HaHadashaגבעון החדשה 996 1980 Mateh Binyamin
Haggai (Beit Hagai) בית חגי 725 1984 Har Hebron
Halamishחלמיש 1,485 1977 Mateh Binyamin
Hamraחמרה 224 1971 Bik'at HaYarden
Har Adar הר אדר 4,065 1986 Mateh Binyamin
Har Brakha הר ברכה 3,165 1983 Shomron
Har Giloהר גילה 1,655 1972 Gush Etzion
Hashmonaimחשמונאים 2,589 1985 Mateh Binyamin
Hemdatחמדת 361 1980 Bik'at HaYarden
Hermeshחרמש 245 1982 Shomron
Hinanitחיננית 1,659 1981 Shomron
Immanuelעמנואל 4,656 1983 Shomron
Itamarאיתמר 1,470 1984 Shomron
Kalyaקלי"ה 490 1968 Megilot
Karmei Tzurכרמי צור 980 1984 Gush Etzion
Karnei Shomronקרני שומרון 9,920 1978 Shomron
Kedar (Keidar)קדר 1,649 1985 Gush Etzion
Kedumimקדומים 4,548 1977 Shomron
Kfar Adumimכפר אדומים 4,957 1979 Mateh Binyamin
Kfar Etzionכפר עציון 1,371 1967 Gush Etzion
Kfar HaOranim (Menora)כפר האורנים 2,604 1998 Mateh Binyamin
Kfar Tapuachכפר תפוח 1,639 1978 Shomron
Kiryat Arbaקרית ארבע 7,490 1972 Har Hebron
Kiryat Netafimקרית נטפים 1,009 1983 Shomron
Kokhav HaShaharכוכב השחר 2,501 1977 Mateh Binyamin
Kokhav Ya'akov כוכב יעקב 9,794 1985 Mateh Binyamin
Ma'ale Amosמעלה עמוס 906 1981 Gush Etzion
Ma'ale Efrayimמעלה אפרים 1,377 1970 Bik'at HaYarden
Ma'ale Levonaמעלה לבונה 1,018 1983 Mateh Binyamin
Ma'ale Mikhmasמעלה מכמש 1,744 1981 Mateh Binyamin
Ma'ale Shomronמעלה שומרון 1980 Shomron
Ma'onמעון 607 1981 Har Hebron
Maskiotמשכיות 343 1986 Bik'at HaYarden
Masuaמשואה 297 1970 Bik'at HaYarden
Matityahuמתתיהו 920 1981 Mateh Binyamin
Meholaמחולה 688 1968 Bik'at HaYarden
Mekhoraמכורה 179 1973 Bik'at HaYarden
Mevo Dotanמבוא דותן 612 1978 Shomron
Mevo Horonמבוא חורון 2,669 1970 Mateh Binyamin
Migdal Ozמגדל עוז 572 1977 Gush Etzion
Migdalimמגדלים 592 1983 Shomron
Mitzpe Shalemמצפה שלם 243 1971 Megilot
Mitzpe Yerihoמצפה יריחו 2,657 1978 Mateh Binyamin
Na'aleנעלה 2,839 1988 Mateh Binyamin
Na'omi (Na'ama) נעמי 165 1982 Bik'at HaYarden
Nahlielנחליאל 743 1984 Mateh Binyamin
Negohotנגוהות 514 1999 Har Hebron
Netiv HaGdudנתיב הגדוד 214 1976 Bik'at HaYarden
Neve Danielנווה דניאל 2,354 1982 Gush Etzion
Niliנילי 2,059 1981 Mateh Binyamin
Na'aran (Niran)נירן 101 1977 Bik'at HaYarden
Nofei Prat נוֹפֵי פְּרָת 1,200 1992 Mateh Binyamin
Nofimנופים 1,174 1987 Shomron
Nokdimנוקדים 3,094 1982 Gush Etzion
Ofraעפרה 3,497 1975 Mateh Binyamin
Oranitאורנית 9,295 1985 Shomron
Otnielעתניאל 1,041 1983 Har Hebron
Peduelפדואל 2,084 1984 Shomron
Pnei Hever (Ma'ale Hever) מעלה חבר 743 1982 Har Hebron
Petza'elפצאל 371 1975 Bik'at HaYarden
Psagotפסגות 2,086 1981 Mateh Binyamin
Rehelimרחלים 1,062 2013 Shomron
Reihanריחן 408 1977 Shomron
Revavaרבבה 2,950 1991 Shomron
Rimonimרימונים 707 1977 Mateh Binyamin
Ro'iרועי 170 1976 Bik'at HaYarden
Rosh Tzurimראש צורים 978 1969 Gush Etzion
Rotemרותם 275 1983 Bik'at HaYarden
Sal'itסלעית 1,450 1977 Shomron
Sansanaסנסנה 716 1997 Har Hebron
Sha'arei Tikvaשערי תקווה 1983 Shomron
Shadmot Meholaשדמות מחולה 702 1979 Bik'at HaYarden
Shakedשקד 1,128 1981 Shomron
Shani (Livne) לִבְנֶה 571 1989 Har Hebron
Shavei Shomronשבי שומרון 1,083 1977 Shomron
Shiloשילה 5,072 1979 Mateh Binyamin
Shim'aשמעה 938 1985 Har Hebron
Susiyaסוסיא 1,602 1983 Har Hebron
Talmonטלמון 5,379 1989 Mateh Binyamin
Tekoaתקוע 4,326 1977 Gush Etzion
Telemתלם 540 1982 Har Hebron
Teneh Omarimטנא עומרים 985 1983 Har Hebron
Tomerתומר 310 1978 Bik'at HaYarden
Tzofimצופים 2,553 1989 Shomron
Vered Yerihoורד יריחו 377 1980 Megilot
Yafitיפית 225 1980 Bik'at HaYarden
Yakirיקיר 2,586 1981 Shomron
Yitav ייט"ב 261 1970 Bik'at HaYarden
Yitzharיצהר 2,093 1983 Shomron

Several former Israeli outposts have been retroactively "legalized" under Israeli law as "neighborhoods" of formerly existing Israeli settlements:

East Jerusalem

Following the capture and occupation of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem in 1967, the Israeli government effectively annexed the formerly Jordanian occupied territory and extended the Jerusalem municipality borders by adding 70,500 dunams of land with the aim of establishing Jewish settlements and cementing the status of a united city under Israeli control. The Jerusalem Master Plan 1968 called for increasing the Israeli population of Arab East Jerusalem, encircling the city with Israeli settlements and excluding large Palestinian neighborhoods from the expanded municipality.[8] Jerusalem was effectively annexed by Israel in 1980, an act that was internationally condemned and ruled "null and void" by the United Nations Security Council in United Nations Security Council Resolution 478. The international community continues to regard East Jerusalem as occupied territory and Israel's settlements there illegal under international law.[1]

More information Name, Hebrew ...
Name Hebrew Population (2019)[9][10] Est.
East Talpiotתלפיות מזרח 15,104 1967
French Hill (Giv'at Shapira)הגבעה הצרפתית 8,826 1969
Giloגילֹה 30,820 1973
Giv'at Hamivtarגבעת המבתר 2,944 1970
Har Homaהר חומה 19,950 1997
Ma'alot Dafnaמעלות דפנה 3,260 1972
Neve Yaakovנווה יעקב 21,780 1972
Pisgat Ze'evפסגת זאב 44,512 1985
Ramat Eshkolרמת אשכול 3,573 1970
Ramat Shlomoרמת שלמה 15,070 1995
Ramot Alonרמות אלון 41,410 1974
Total: 207,249

Smaller Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem include Beit Orot, Givat HaMatos, Ma'ale HaZeitim, and Nof Zion.

Golan Heights


In 1967, construction of Israeli settlements began in the portion of the Golan Heights held by Israel. That area remained under military administration until 1981 when Israel passed the Golan Heights Law extending Israeli law and administration throughout the territory.[11] That 1981 decision was condemned by the United Nations Security Council in UN Resolution 497,[12][13] which stated that "the Israeli decision to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights is null and void and without international legal effect." Israel maintains it has a right to retain the Golan, citing the text of UN Resolution 242, which calls for "safe and recognised boundaries free from threats or acts of force".[14] However, the international community rejects Israeli claims to title to the territory and regards it as sovereign Syrian territory.[15][16][17]

More information Name, Hebrew ...
Population of Israeli settlements in the Golan Heights
Name Hebrew Population 2022.[7] Est.[7]
Katzrinקַצְרִין 7,876 1977
Afikאֲפִיק 387 1972
Ein Zivanעֵין זִיוָן 462 1968
El Romאֶל רוֹם 470 1971
Geshurגְּשׁוּר 321 1971
Kfar Haruvכְּפַר חָרוּב 492 1974
Merom Golanמְרוֹם גּוֹלָן 741 1967
Metzarמֵיצָר 336 1981
Mevo Hamaמְבוֹא חַמָּה 481 1968
Naturנָטוּר 958 1980
Ortalאוֹרְטַל 376 1978
Alonei HaBashanאַלּוֹנֵי הַבָּשָׁן 518 1981
Ani'amאֲנִיעָם 499 1978
Avnei Eitanאַבְנֵ"י אֵיתָ"ן 876 1973
Bnei Yehudaבְּנֵי יְהוּדָה 1,152 1972
Eliadאֵלִי עַד 496 1968
Givat Yoavגִּבְעַת יוֹאָב 723 1968
Haspinחַסְפִּין 2,175 1978
Kanafכָּנָף 486 1985
Keshetקֶשֶׁת 878 1974
Kidmat Tzviקִדְמַת צְבִי 578 1981
Ma'ale Gamlaמַעֲלֵה גַּמְלָא 596 1975
Neot Golanנְאוֹת גּוֹלָן 713 1968
Neve Ativנְוֵה אַטִי"ב 140 1972
Novנוֹב 1,059 1974
Odemאֹדֶם 192 1975
Ramat Magshimimרָמַת מַגְשִׁימִים 820 1968
Ramotרָמוֹת 572 1969
Sha'alשַׁעַל 343 1980
Yonatanיוֹנָתָן 860 1975
Kela Alonקלע אלון 404 1981, 1991
Had Nessחַד נֵס 889 1989


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