April Alliston, Associate Professor of Comparative Literature, Princeton University: Character, plausibility, and gender in French and English historical narratives, 1650-1850.
Tom Bills, Artist, Brooklyn, New York; Associate Professor of Art, Brandeis University: Sculpture.
Lisa M. Bitel, Associate Professor of History and Women's Studies and Director of Women's Studies, University of Kansas: Landscape, gender, and Christianization in Gaul and Ireland.
Stuart Blackburn, Senior Lecturer in Tamil and South Indian Studies and Chairman, Centre of South Asian Studies, University of London: The role of folklore in colonial south India.
Isidro Blasco, Artist, New York City: Sculpture and installation art.
Anne Bogart, Associate Professor of Theatre Arts, Columbia University; Artistic Director, The Saratoga International Theatre Institute (SITI), New York City: Essays on the theatre.
Lloyd Bonfield, Professor of Law, Tulane University: Litigants, lawyers, and the law in English probate courts, 1660-1700.
Nina Bovasso, Artist, New York City: Painting and drawing.
Christopher J. Cramer, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Chemical Physics, and Scientific Computation, University of Minnesota: The structure and reactivity of chemical and biological systems.
Robert S. DuPlessis, Isaac H. Clothier Professor of History and International Relations, Swarthmore College: A history of consumption in the early modern Atlantic world.
Lauren B. Edelman, Professor of Law and Sociology, University of California, Berkeley: The formation of civil-rights law in the workplace.
Rigoberto González, Poet, New York City; Literacy Teacher, Coalition for Hispanic Family Services, Brooklyn: Poetry.
Francisco Gonzalez-Crussi, Professor of Pathology, Northwestern University Medical School; Head of Laboratories, Children's Memorial Hospital, Chicago: Essays on human generation.
Thomas Head, Professor of History, Hunter College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York: Saints, relics, and patronage in Western Christendom, 200-1215.
Gerry Hemingway, Composer and Percussionist, Plainsboro, New Jersey: Music composition.
Amy Hempel, Writer, Bridgehampton, New York; Member of the Core Faculty in Writing, Bennington College: Fiction.
Alicia Henry, Artist, Nashville, Tennessee; Assistant Professor of Art, Fisk University: Painting and drawing.
Jennifer L. Hochschild, William Stewart Tod Professor of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University: The prospects for democratic pluralism in the United States.
Deborah Anne Kapchan, Associate Professor of Anthropology and Director, Center for Intercultural Studies in Folklore and Ethnomusicology, University of Texas at Austin: Self and nation in Moroccan oral poetry.
Larry Karush, Composer, Los Angeles: Music composition.
Dovid Katz, Writer, County Conway, Wales; Professor of Yiddish Language, Literature and Culture, and Director, Center for Stateless Cultures, Vilnius University, Lithuania: Fiction in Yiddish.
Jill Levine, Artist, New York City; Instructor in Studio Art, Sarah J. Hale High School, Brooklyn: Painting and sculpture.
Bernth Lindfors, Professor of English and African Literatures, University of Texas at Austin: Ira Aldridge's theatrical career in Europe.
John T. Lis, Professor of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Cornell University: Protein templating in the propagation of gene activity.
Jennie Livingston, Film Maker, Brooklyn, New York; Writer, Director, and Producer, Off White (OW!) Productions, Brooklyn: Film making.
Susanne Lohmann, Professor of Political Science and of Policy Studies and Director, Center for Comparative Political Economy, University of California, Los Angeles: Administrative rationality in the research university.
Lev Loseff, Professor of Russian, Dartmouth College: An annotated bilingual edition of Joseph Brodsky's poetry.
Scott P. Mainwaring, Eugene Conley Professor of Government and Director, Kellogg Institute for International Studies, University of Notre Dame: The durability of Latin America's post-1978 elected governments.
Thomas Mallon, Writer, Westport, Connecticut: Fiction.
Sara Shelton Mann, Choreographer, San Francisco: Choreography.
Katharine Eisaman Maus, Professor of English, University of Virginia: A history of English literature, 1603-1660.
Colleen McDannell, Professor of History and Sterling M. McMurrin Professor of Religious Studies, University of Utah: Religious America in government photography, 1935-1943.
Andrew Rimvydas Miksys, Photographer, Baton Rouge, Louisiana and Seattle, Washington; Instructor in Photography, Louisiana State University: Photography.
Stephen Orgel, Jackson Eli Reynolds Professor in the Humanities, Stanford University: The history of the relation between Shakespearean texts and productions.
Mary Sponberg Pedley, Teacher, Ann Arbor Public Schools; Adjunct Assistant Curator of Maps, William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan: Printed maps and popular taste in 18th-century France and England.
Amanda Vaill, Writer, New York City: A biography of Jerome Robbins.
David J. Vayo, Composer, Bloomington, Illinois; Associate Professor of Composition and Theory and Coordinator, New Music Activities, Illinois Wesleyan University: Music composition.
Elizabeth Vierling, Professor of Biochemistry and of Molecular and Cellular Biology, and of Plant Sciences, University of Arizona: Gene-mapping for agricultural productivity at high temperatures.
Darla Villani, Choreographer, Brooklyn, New York: Choreography.
Jennifer Widom, Associate Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, Stanford University: New query and search techniques for the Internet.
Rhodri Windsor-Liscombe, Professor of Fine Arts, University of British Columbia: Modernist architectural theory and practice in the British Empire and Commonwealth.
Shira Wolosky, Professor of English and American Literature, Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Meaning without metaphysics in Hebraic tradition.
Andrés Alsina, Writer, Montevideo, Uruguay; Editor and Executive Director, El Diario, Montevideo: Nonfiction (in collaboration with Ana Solari).
Javier Auyero, Assistant Professor of Sociology, State University of New York at Stony Brook: Forms of collective action against structural adjustment and public corruption in contemporary Argentina.
Ernesto Julio Calvo, Professor of Physical Chemistry, University of Buenos Aires: A study of self-assembled proteins at interfaces for molecular recognition and signal generation.
Ricardo Cantoral, Professor of Mathematics Education, Center for Research and Advanced Studies, National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico City: The social construction of advanced mathematical knowledge and its institutional diffusion.
Elvira Cuevas, Associate Research Professor, Venezuelan Scientific Research Institute, Caracas: Changes in peat accretion in mangrove communities as an indicator of climate change.
Julián Echave, Professor of Chemical Physics, National University of Quilmes, Buenos Aires: Structurally constrained protein evolution.
Daniel Goldberg, Film Maker, Mexico City; Director and Producer, Goldberg Lerner Productions: Film making.
Diego Golombek, Professor of Physiology, National University of Quilmes; Researcher, National Research Council of Argentina (CONICET): A study of biological timing and rhythms.
Mario Levrero, Writer, Montevideo, Uruguay: Fiction.
Eduardo Reck Miranda, Composer, Paris, France; Researcher, Sony Computer Science Laboratory, Paris: Music composition.
Carlos Newland, Rector, Argentina University of Administration Sciences, Buenos Aires: Economic growth and structural change in the Andean region, 1650-1800.
Raquel Olea Barriga, Area Coordinator of Education and Culture, La Morada Corporation for the Development of Women, Santiago: Reconfiguration of male and female identity in social and esthetic languages of the Chilean transition.
Keyla Orozco Alemán, Composer, Amsterdam, the Netherlands: Music compositions.
Alejandro Cristian Raga, Senior Scientist, Institute of Astronomy, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM): A study of collimated outflows from young stars.
Ana Solari, Writer, Montevideo, Uruguay; Professor of Expressive and Creative Workshops and Student Counselor, Communications and Design School, University ORT, Montevideo: Nonfiction (in collaboration with Andrés Alsina).
Osvaldo Tcherkaski, Journalist, Buenos Aires; Assistant Managing Editor, Clarin: A new totalitarian trend of journalism in interpretation and criticism.