Index of branches of science

Alphabetical list of scientific disciplines From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The following index is provided as an overview of and topical guide to science: Links to articles and redirects to sections of articles which provide information on each topic are listed with a short description of the topic. When there is more than one article with information on a topic, the most relevant is usually listed, and it may be cross-linked to further information from the linked page or section.

Science (from Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge") is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.[1][2]

The branches of science, also referred to as scientific fields, scientific disciplines, or just sciences, can be arbitrarily divided into three major groups:

Disciplines that use science, such as engineering and medicine, are described as applied sciences.


  • Abiology study of inanimate, inorganic, or lifeless things.[3]
  • Abiophysiology The study of non-organic biological processes[4]
  • Acanthochronology – Study of cactus spines and the chronology of their growth
  • Acanthology study of spined things, in particular sea urchins, and the resultant impact on taxonomy[5]
  • Acarology – Study of mites and ticks
  • Aceology – The study of therapies science of remedies, or of therapeutics; iamatology.
  • Acology – Science of medical remedies, or of therapeutics.
  • Acoustics – Branch of physics involving mechanical waves – the branch of physics studying the properties of sound.
  • Actinobiology – Study of effects of radiation on living things synonymous with radiobiology.
  • Adenology – Branch of medicine dealing the endocrine system
  • Aerobiology – Study of airborne organisms
  • Aerodonetics Science or study of gliding flight.[6]
  • Aerodynamics – Branch of dynamics concerned with studying the motion of air
  • Aerolithology – Science of meteorites study of aerolites; meteorites.[7]
  • Aerology – Synonym for atmospheric science
  • Aeronautics – Science involved with the study, design, and manufacturing of airflight-capable machines
  • Aeropalynology study of pollens and spores in atmosphere.[8]
  • Aerospace engineering – Branch of engineering
  • Aerostatics – Study of gases that are not in motion
  • Agnoiology – Study of ignorance
  • Agonistics – Chemical which binds to and activates a biochemical receptor
  • Agricultural chemistry – Agricultural sub-discipline of applied chemistry study of influence in chemical processes in plants.
  • Agriology comparative study of primitive peoples.
  • Agrobiology – Interdisciplinary studies of the interactions between plants and soil
  • Agroecology – Study of ecological processes in agriculture
  • Agrogeology – Study of origins and applications of minerals important to farming
  • Agrology Soil science, study of soils, especially agricultural soils.[9]
  • Agronomics – Branch of economics about distribution, management, and productivity of land.
  • Agronomy – Science of producing and using plants
  • Agrostology – Scientific study of the grasses
  • Algebra – Branch of mathematics
  • Algedonics – Branch of psychology that deals with pleasant and unpleasant states of consciousness
  • Algology – Branch of biology concerned with the study of algae (botany)
  • Algology – Medical treatment of pain as practiced in Greece and Turkey
  • Allergology – Study of the causes and treatment of allergies - study of causes and treatment of allergies
  • Anaesthesiology – Medical specialty concerned with anesthesia and perioperative care
  • Anatomy – Study of the structure of organisms
  • Andragogy – Methods and principles in adult education
  • Andrology – Medical specialty study of men's physiology.
  • Anemology – Study of winds study of wind.
  • Angiology – Branch of internal medicine, which deals with vascular disease
  • Anthropobiology – Biological study of the human species study of human biology.
  • Anthropology – Scientific study of humans, human behavior, and societies study of human cultures.
  • Anthrozoology – Subset of ethnobiology study of human-animal interaction.
  • Apiology – Scientific study of bees
  • Aquatic ecology – The study of interactions between organisms and the environment in water
  • Arachnology – Scientific study of arachnides such as spiders, ticks and mites
  • Archaeology – Study of human activity based on materials left behind
  • Archelogy study of first principles.[10]
  • Archival science – Science of storage, registration and preservation of historical data
  • Archology – study of the nature of government science of the origins of government.
  • Areology – Scientific study of the surface, crust, and interior of the planet Mars
  • Aristology – the art or science of cooking and dining science or art of dining.[relevant?]
  • Aromachology – Study of the influence of odors on human behavior
  • Arthrology – Scientific study of joints and articulations
  • Arthropodology – Study of arthropods
  • Astacology – Scientific study of crayfish
  • Asteroseismology – Study of oscillations in stars
  • Astheniology study of diseases of weakening and aging.
  • Astrobotany – Study of plants grown in spacecraft
  • Astrobiology – Science concerned with life in the universe
  • Astrodynamics – Field of classical mechanics concerned with the motion of spacecraft
  • Astrogeology – Geology of astronomical objects apparently in orbit around stellar objects
  • Astronautics – Theory and practice of navigation beyond the Earth's atmosphere
  • Astronomy – Scientific study of celestial objects
  • Astrophysics – Subfield of astronomy study of behaviour of interstellar matter.
  • Atmology the science of aqueous vapor.[11]
  • Audiology – Branch of science that studies hearing, balance, and related disorders
  • Autecology – Study of interactions of individual organisms with the environment
  • Autology – Word that expresses a property it also possesses scientific study of oneself.[citation needed]
  • Automata theory – Study of abstract machines and automata
  • Auxology – Study of all aspects of human physical growth


  • Bacteriology – Subdiscipline of microbiology that studies bacteria
  • Ballistics – Science of the motion of projectiles
  • Balneology – Method of treating diseases by bathing science of the therapeutic use of baths.
  • Barodynamics science of the support and mechanics of heavy structures[12]
  • Barology study of gravitational force.[13]
  • Bathymetry – Study of underwater depth of lake or ocean floors
  • Batology – Study of brambles
  • Batrachology – Branch of herpetology that studies amphibians
  • Behavioural genetics – Study of genetic-environment interactions influencing behaviour
  • Behavioral neuroscience – Study of biological and neural mechanisma in behaviour
  • Bibliology – Organized listing of books and the systematic description of them as objects
  • Bibliotics study of documents to determine authenticity.
  • Bioecology – Study of interrelations of plants and animals with their environment
  • Biogeochemistry – Study of chemical cycles of the earth that are either driven by or influence biological activity
  • Biology – Science that studies life
  • Biochemistry – Study of chemical processes in living organisms
  • Biomechanics – Study of the mechanics of biological systems
  • Biometrics – Metrics related to human characteristics
  • Bionomics – Term with different meanings in ecology or economics study of organisms interacting in their environments.
  • Biophysics – Study of biological systems using methods from the physical sciences study of physics of biological phenomena.
  • Biopsychology – Study of biological and neural mechanisma in behaviour application of the science of biology to the study of psychology.
  • Biotribology – Study of friction, wear and lubrication in biological systems study of friction, wear and lubrication of biological systems.
  • Botany – Study of plant life
  • Bromatology – Applied science devoted to the study of food study of food.
  • Bryology – Branch of botany concerned with the study of bryophytes study of mosses and liverworts.


  • Cacogenics – Decrease in genetic traits deemed desirable and study thereof
  • Caliology – Place where a bird broods its eggs study of bird's nests.
  • Calorifics study of heat – relating to the production of heat [14]
  • Cambistry science of international exchange.[15]
  • Campanology – Scientific and musical study of bells
  • Carcinology – Study of crustaceans
  • Cardiology – Branch of medicine dealing with the heart
  • Caricology – Study of sedges
  • Carpology – Study of seeds and fruit
  • Cartography – Study and practice of making maps science of making maps and globes.
  • Castrametation – Roman term for a fortified military base art of designing a camp.[citation needed]
  • Catacoustics science of echoes or reflected sounds.[citation needed]
  • Catallactics – Theory about the free market system in economies science of commercial exchange.
  • Catechectics art of teaching by question and answer.[citation needed][relevant?]
  • Celestial mechanics – Branch of astronomy study of motion of objects in outer space.
  • Cell biology – Branch of biology that studies cells study of the different structures and functions of both eukaryote and prokaryote cells.
  • Cetology – The study of whales, dolphins, porpoises, and other cetaceans study of whales and dolphins.
  • Chaology – Field of mathematics and science based on non-linear systems and initial conditions
  • Chaos theory – Field of mathematics and science based on non-linear systems and initial conditions
  • Characterology – The study of character study of development of character.
  • Chemistry – Scientific field of study study of properties and behaviours of substances.
  • Chirography – Study of penmanship and handwriting in all of its aspects study of handwriting or penmanship.
  • Chiropody – Medicine branch focusing on the human lower extremities
  • Chorology – either the study of the causal relations between geographical phenomena occurring within a particular region, or the study of the spatial distribution of organisms (biogeography) science of the geographic description of anything.
  • Chrematistics – Economics theory studying money study of wealth; political economy.
  • Chromatics – Technique to quantify and describe physically the human color perception study of color.
  • Chronobiology – Study of rhythms in biological processes of living organisms study of biological rhythms.
  • Chrysology study of precious metals.[citation needed]
  • Classical mechanics – Description of large objects' physics study of motion of macroscopic objects.
  • Climatology – Scientific study of climate, defined as weather conditions averaged over a period of time study of climate.
  • Clinology study of aging or individual decline after maturity.[citation needed]
  • Codicology – Study of codices or manuscript books
  • Cognitive science – Interdisciplinary scientific study of cognitive processes
  • Coleopterology – Branch of entomology studying beetles
  • Cometology study of comets.[16]
  • Computer science – Study of computation study of processes that interact with data.
  • Conchology – Study of mollusc shells
  • Coniology – Study of atmospheric dust and its effects
  • Connectomics – Study of mapping wiring diagrams
  • Contact mechanics – Study of the deformation of solids that touch each other
  • Coprology – Study of faeces
  • Cosmetology – Study and application of beauty treatment study of cosmetics.[relevant?]
  • Cosmochemistry – Study of the chemical composition of matter in the universe
  • Cosmology – Scientific study of the origin, evolution, and eventual fate of the universe
  • Craniology – Pseudoscientific study of human characteristics according to shape of the skull study of the skull.
  • Criminology – Study of crime and criminal actions/behavior
  • Cryobiology – Study of effects of extreme low temperatures on life
  • Cryptography – Practice and study of secure communication techniques
  • Cryptology – Practice and study of secure communication techniques study of codes.
  • Ctetology study of the inheritance of acquired characteristics.[citation needed]
  • Cybernetics – Transdisciplinary field concerned with regulatory and purposive systems
  • Cyclonology study of tropical cyclones, e.g. hurricanes.[citation needed]
  • Cynology – Study of canines or domestic dogs
  • Cytology – Study of cells in terms of structure, function and chemistry


  • Dactyliology study of finger rings.[17][relevant?]
  • Dactylography – Scientific study of fingerprints
  • Dactylology – Form of communication using one or both hands study of sign language.[citation needed]
  • Data science – Field of study to extract knowledge from data – study of analyzing, processing, interpreting and extracting data.
  • Demography – Science that deals with populations and their structures, statistically and theoretically
  • Demology study of human populations and behaviour.[18]
  • Dendrochronology – Method of dating based on the analysis of patterns of tree rings
  • Dendrology – Science and study of woody plants
  • Dermatoglyphics – Scientific study of finger- and toeprints
  • Dermatology – Field of medicine dealing with the hair, nails, skin, and its diseases
  • Desmology – Study of ligaments
  • Dialectology – Scientific study of linguistic dialect
  • Dietetics – Study of diet and nutrition in relation to health and disease
  • Dioptrics – Science of light and lenses
  • Diplomatics – Academic study of the protocols of documents science of deciphering ancient writings and texts.[citation needed]
  • Dosiology study of dosage of drugs.[19]
  • Dynamics – Study of forces and their effect on motion
  • Dysgenics – Decrease in genetic traits deemed desirable and study thereof.


  • Eccrinology – Sweat gland distributed almost all over the human body study of excretion.
  • Ecology – Study of organisms and their environment
  • Economics – Social science study of material wealth (production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services).
  • Edaphology – Science concerned with the influence of soils on living beings
  • Egyptology – Scientific study of ancient Egypt study of ancient Egypt.
  • Eidology study of mental imagery.[20]
  • Ekistics – Science of human settlements
  • Electrochemistry – Branch of chemistry study of relations between electricity and chemicals.
  • Electrodynamics – Fundamental interaction between charged particles study of the effects arising from the interactions of electric currents with magnets, with other currents, or with themselves.
  • Electrohydrodynamics – Study of electrically conducting fluids in the presence of electric fields the study of dynamics of electrically charged fluids.
  • Electrology – Method of hair removal study of electricity.[citation needed][relevant?]
  • Electrostatics – Study of stationary or slow-moving electric charges study of static electricity.
  • Electromagnetism – Fundamental interaction between charged particles study of electromagnetic force.
  • Embryology – Branch of biology studying prenatal biology
  • Emetology – Involuntary, forceful expulsion of stomach contents, typically via the mouth study of vomiting.[citation needed]
  • Emmenology study of menstruation.[21]
  • Endemiology study of local diseases.[citation needed]
  • Endocrinology – Branch of medicine pertaining to the endocrine system
  • Energetics – study of energy under transformation study of energy under transformation within various fields.
  • Engineering studies – Academic field study of engineering.
  • Enigmatology – Problem or enigma that tests study of enigmas (puzzles).[relevant?]
  • Entomology – Scientific study of insects
  • Entozoology study of parasites that live inside larger organisms.[22]
  • Enzymology – Large biological molecule that acts as a catalyst study of enzymes.
  • Ephebiatrics – Medical subspecialty for adolescents branch of medicine dealing with adolescence.
  • Epidemiology – Study of health and disease within a population
  • Epileptology – Physician specializing in epileptology study of epilepsy.
  • Eremology study of deserts.[23]
  • Ergology study of effects of work on humans.[citation needed]
  • Ergonomics – Designing systems to suit their users study of people at work.
  • Escapology – Practice of escaping from restraints study of freeing oneself from constraints.[relevant?]
  • Ethnobiology – Study of how living things are used by human cultures study of dynamic relationships between peoples.
  • Ethnobotany – Study of traditional plant use study of a region's plants and their practical uses through the traditional knowledge of a local culture and people.
  • Ethnogeny study of origins of races or ethnic groups.[24]
  • Ethnochoreology – Field of dance study study of dances and its implication in culture.[relevant?]
  • Ethnomusicology – Study of the cultural aspects of music – study of comparative musical systems.[relevant?]
  • Ethnology – Branch of anthropology study of cultures.
  • Ethnomethodology – Study of how social order is produced study of everyday communication and social interaction.
  • Ethology – Scientific objective study of non-human animal behaviour study of natural or biological character.
  • Ethonomics – Personal value, basis for ethical action study of economic and ethical principles of a society.
  • Etiology – Study of causation, or origination
  • Etymology – Study of the origin and evolution of words study of origins of words.
  • Euthenics – Study of improving living conditions to increase well-being science concerned with improving living conditions.
  • Exobiology – Science concerned with life in the universe study of extraterrestrial life.
  • Exoplanetology study of exoplanets.


  • Felinology – Study of cats study of felines.
  • Finance – Academic discipline studying businesses and investments science or study of money management.[relevant?]
  • Fluid dynamics – Aspects of fluid mechanics involving fluid flow
  • Fluid mechanics – Branch of physics concerned with the mechanics of fluids (liquids, gases, and plasmas) study of fluids behaviour at rest and in motion.
  • Fluid statics – Branch of fluid mechanics that studies fluids at rest study of fluids behaviour at rest.
  • Fluviology study of watercourses.[25]
  • Folkloristics – Branch of anthropology study of folklore and fables.[relevant?]
  • Forestry – Science and craft of managing woodlands study of the creation, management, use, conservation, and repair of forests and associated resources.
  • Fracture mechanics – Study of propagation of cracks in materials
  • Futurology – Study of postulating possible, probable, and preferable futures
  • Forensic science – Application of science to criminal and civil laws the use of scientific methods or expertise to investigate crimes or examine evidence that might be presented in a court of law


  • Garbology – Study of modern refuse
  • Gastroenterology – Branch of medicine focused on the digestive system and its disorders
  • Gemmology – Science dealing with natural and artificial gemstone materials study of gems and jewels
  • Gender Studies – Interdisciplinary field of study study of gender
  • Genealogy – Study of individual descent and bloodline study of descent of families
  • Genesiology study of reproduction and heredity [citation needed]
  • Genetics – Science of genes, heredity, and variation in living organisms
  • Geochemistry – Science that applies chemistry to analyze geological systems study of chemistry of the Earth's crust
  • Geochronology – Science of determining the age of rocks, sediments and fossils study of measuring geological time
  • Geography – Study of lands and inhabitants of Earth study of surface of the earth and its inhabitants
  • Geology – Scientific study of Earth's physical composition study of the rocks of a planet
  • Geometry – Branch of mathematics study the sizes, shapes, positions, angles and dimensions of things.
  • Geomorphogeny study of the characteristics, origins, and development of land forms[citation needed]
  • Geomorphology – Scientific study of landforms study of landforms and landform evolution
  • Geoponics – Science of cultivating the earth study of agriculture
  • Geotechnics – Scientific study of earth materials in engineering problems study of increasing habitability of the Earth
  • Geratology – Study of the social, psychological and biological aspects of aging study of decadence and decay
  • Gerocomy study of old age[citation needed]
  • Gerontology – Study of the social, psychological and biological aspects of aging
  • Gigantology study of giants[citation needed][relevant?]
  • Glaciology – Scientific study of ice and natural phenomena involving ice
  • Glossology – Scientific study of language study of language; study of the tongue
  • Gnomonics – science that studies sundials the art of measuring time using sundials
  • Gnotobiology – Organism with fully-known microorganisms study of life in germ-free conditions
  • Googology – Numbers significantly larger than those used regularly study of large numbers
  • Graminology – Scientific study of the grasses
  • Grammatology – Study of graphemes and writing systems study of systems of writing
  • Graphemics – Study of graphemes and writing systems study of systems of representing speech in writing
  • Graphology – Pseudoscientific analysis of handwriting study of handwriting [relevant?]
  • Gromatics – Ancient Roman land surveyors science of surveying
  • Gynaecology – Medical area for women's reproductive health study of women's physiology
  • Gyrostatics study of rotating bodies[citation needed]


  • Haemataulics study of movement of blood through blood vessels[citation needed]
  • Halieutics study of fishing[26]
  • Harmonics – Science of musical sounds
  • Helcology study of ulcers[27]
  • Heliology – Scientific study of the sun
  • Helioseismology – Study of the structure and dynamics of the Sun through its oscillation
  • Helminthology – Study of parasitic worms (helminths)
  • Hematology – Study of blood and blood diseases
  • Hemodynamics – Dynamics of blood flow study of the dynamics behind blood circulation
  • Hepatology – Medical specialty study of liver, gallbladder, biliary tree, and pancreas
  • Heredity – Passing of traits to offspring from the species' parents or ancestor study of passing of traits from parents to offspring [citation needed]
  • Hermeology – study of Mercury
  • Herpetology – Study of amphibians and reptiles
  • Hippiatrics study of diseases of horses[citation needed]
  • Hippology – Study of horses
  • Histology – Study of the microscopic anatomy of cells and tissues of plants and animals
  • Histopathology – Microscopic examination of tissue in order to study and diagnose disease study of changes in tissue due to disease
  • Historiography – Study of the methods used by historians
  • Historiology – The study of history.
  • Home economics – Study of household management
  • Hoplology – The study of human combative behavior and performance
  • Horography art of constructing sundials or clocks [citation needed]
  • Horology – Art or science of measuring time science of time measurement [citation needed]
  • Horticulture – Small-scale cultivation of plants study of gardening [citation needed]
  • Hydraulics – Applied engineering involving liquids – study of application of engineering, chemistry and other fields of science involving the use of liquids [citation needed]
  • Hydrobiology – Science of life and life processes in water study of aquatic organisms
  • Hydrodynamics – Study of liquids in motion
  • Hydrogeology – Study of the distribution and movement of groundwater
  • Hydrography – Measurement of bodies of water
  • Hydrokinetics study of motion of fluids
  • Hydrology – Science of the movement, distribution, and quality of water on Earth study of water resources
  • Hydrometeorology – Branch of meteorology and hydrology study of atmospheric moisture [citation needed]
  • Hydrostatics – Branch of fluid mechanics that studies fluids at rest
  • Hyetology science of rainfall[citation needed]
  • Hygiastics science of health and hygiene [citation needed]
  • Hygienics – Practices performed to preserve health study of sanitation; health [citation needed]
  • Hygiology hygienics; study of cleanliness [citation needed]
  • Hygroscopy – Phenomenon of attracting and holding water molecules study of humidity[citation needed]
  • Hygrometry – Study of gas-vapor mixtures science of humidity[citation needed]
  • Hypnology – Study of sleep and hypnotic phenomena study of sleep; study of hypnosis.[28]
  • Hypsography – Measurement of the elevation and depth of features on Earth's surface relative to mean sea level. science of measuring heights[citation needed]


  • Iamatology – Obsolete synonym for the study of therapies.
  • Iatrology treatise or text on medical topics; study of medicine [citation needed]
  • Ichnography – Architectural diagram showing interior layout of a building art of drawing ground plans; a ground plan
  • Ichnology – Study of trace fossils
  • Ichthyology – Branch of zoology devoted to the study of fish
  • Iconography – Branch of art history study of drawing symbols [citation needed]
  • Iconology – Method of interpretation in cultural history study of icons; symbols [citation needed]
  • Ideogeny study of origins of ideas [citation needed]
  • Ideology – Set of beliefs or values science of ideas; system of ideas used to justify behaviour [citation needed]
  • Idiomology study of idiom, jargon or dialect [citation needed][relevant?]
  • Idiopsychology study of the psychology of one's own mind [citation needed]
  • Immunochemistry – Study of the chemistry of the immune system.
  • Immunogenetics – Branch of medical genetics that studies genetic interactions related to the immune system study of genetic characteristics of immunity
  • Immunology – Branch of medicine studying the immune system
  • Immunopathology – Branch of medicine that deals with immune responses associated with disease
  • Information science – Academic field concerned with collection and analysis of information
  • Information technology (IT) – Computer-based technology
  • Insectology – Scientific study ofi insects, or relationships between insects and humans
  • Irenology – Social science study of peace study of peace [citation needed]



  • Kalology study of beauty [relevant?]
  • Karstology – Scientific study of the various aspects of karst regions
  • Karyology – Photographic display of total chromosome complement in a cell study of cell nuclei
  • Kinematics – Branch of physics describing the motion of objects without considering forces study of motion
  • Kinesics – Interpretation of body motion communication study of gestural communication
  • Kinesiology – Study of human body movement study of human movement and posture
  • Kinetics – Subfield of physics study of forces producing or changing motion
  • Koniology – Study of atmospheric dust and its effects study of atmospheric pollutants and dust
  • Ktenology – Scientific study of killing
  • Kymatology – Branch of physics concerned with the mechanics of fluids (liquids, gases, and plasmas) study of wave motion


  • Larithmics study of population statistics [citation needed]
  • Laryngology – Medical specialty that deals with the larynx
  • Lepidopterology – Branch of entomology that studies moths and butterflies
  • Leprology – The study of leprosy and its treatment
  • Lexicology – Linguistic discipline studying words study of words and their meanings
  • Lexigraphy – Grapheme which represents a word or a morpheme art of definition of words [relevant?]
  • Library science – Branch of academic disciplines – study of collection of information [citation needed]
  • Lichenology – Branch of mycology that studies lichens
  • Library and information science – Branch of academic disciplines study of organization, access, collection, and protection/regulation of information, whether in physical or digital forms.[citation needed]
  • Limacology – The study of slugs
  • Limnobiology study of freshwater ecosystems [citation needed]
  • Limnology – Science of inland aquatic ecosystems
  • Linguistics – Scientific study of language
  • Loimology study of plagues and epidemics [citation needed]
  • Logics – Study of correct reasoning
  • Loxodromy study of sailing along rhumb-lines[citation needed][relevant?]
  • Ludology – Study of games and the act of playing them


  • Macroeconomics – Study of an economy as a whole branch of economics dealing with the performance, structure, behavior, and decision-making of the whole economy[citation needed][relevant?]
  • Magnetics – Class of physical phenomena study of magnetism[citation needed]
  • Magnetohydrodynamics – Model of electrically conducting fluids study of electrically conducting fluids
  • Magnetostatics – Branch of physics about magnetism in systems with steady electric currents study of magnetic fields in systems where the currents are steady
  • Malacology – Study of molluscs
  • Malariology – Study of the mosquito borne disease, malaria
  • Mammalogy – Study of mammals
  • Marine biology – Scientific study of organisms that live in the ocean study of the ocean's ecosystem
  • Mastology – Study of mammals study of mammals [citation needed]
  • Mathematics – Area of knowledge study of magnitude, number, and forms
  • Mazology mammalogy; study of mammals [citation needed]
  • Mechanics – Science concerned with physical bodies subjected to forces or displacements
  • Meconology study of or treatise concerning opium [citation needed][relevant?]
  • Media studies – Field of study that deals with media[relevant?]
  • Medicine – Diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of illness[relevant?]
  • Melissopalynology – The study of pollen contained in honey
  • Melittology – Scientific study of bees
  • Melology – Scholarly study of music study of music; musicology [relevant?]
  • Mereology – Study of parts and the wholes they form study of part-whole relationships
  • Mesology – Study of organisms and their environment ecology [citation needed]
  • Metallogeny – Study of the genesis and geographic distribution of mineral deposits study of the origin and distribution of metal deposits
  • Metallography – Study of metals using microscopy study of the structure and constitution of metals
  • Metallurgy – Field of science that studies the physical and chemical behavior of metals
  • Metaphysics – Study of fundamental reality study of principles of nature and thought [relevant?]
  • Metapolitics – Political discourse about politics itself study of politics in theory or abstract
  • Metapsychology – Psychological aspect study of nature of the mind [citation needed][relevant?]
  • Metascience – Scientific study of science
  • Meteoritics – Scientific study of meteors, meteorites and meteoroids
  • Meteorology – Interdisciplinary scientific study of the atmosphere focusing on weather forecasting
  • Methodology – Study of research methods
  • Methyology study of alcohol [citation needed]
  • Metrology – Science of measurement and its application
  • Microanatomy – Study of the microscopic anatomy of cells and tissues
  • Microbial ecology – Study of the relationship of microorganisms with their environment
  • Microbiology – Study of microscopic organisms (microbes)
  • Microclimatology – Local set of atmospheric conditions that differ significantly from the surrounding area study of local climates [citation needed]
  • Microeconomics – Behavior of individuals and firms branch of economics that studies the behavior of individual households and firms in making decisions on the allocation of limited resources [citation needed][relevant?]
  • Micrology study or discussion of trivialities [citation needed][relevant?]
  • Micropalaeontology – Branch of paleontology that studies microfossils
  • Microphytology study of very small plant life [citation needed]
  • Military science – Theory, method, and practice of producing military capability
  • Mineralogy – Scientific study of minerals and mineralised artifacts
  • Molecular biology – Branch of biology that studies biological systems at the molecular level
  • Molinology – Study of devices which use energy for mechanical purposes
  • Momilogy study of mummies [citation needed]
  • Morphology study of forms and the development of structures [relevant?]
  • Morphometrics – Quantitative study of size and shape – study of size and shape
  • Muscology – Branch of botany concerned with the study of bryophytes study of mosses
  • Museology – Study of museums[relevant?]
  • Musicology – Scholarly study of music study of music [relevant?]
  • Mycology – Branch of biology concerned with the study of fungi
  • Myology – Study of the muscular system study of muscles
  • Myrmecology – Study of ants
  • Mythology – Type of traditional narrative study of myths; fables; tales[citation needed][relevant?]


  • Naology study of church or temple architecture [citation needed]
  • Nautics study and art of navigation[citation needed]
  • Navigation – Process of monitoring and controlling the movement of a craft or vehicle from one place to another – study of controlling a movement of a vehicle from one place to another[relevant?]
  • Necroplanetology – Study of the process of planetary destruction study of the destruction of planets[30]
  • Nematology – Scientific study of roundworms
  • Neonatology – Medical care of newborns, especially the ill or premature
  • Neossology study of nestling birds [citation needed]
  • Nephology – Scientific study of clouds
  • Nephrology – Medical study concerned with the kidneys
  • Neurobiology – Scientific study of the nervous system
  • Neuroeconomics – Interdisciplinary field study of human decision making and the ability to process multiple alternatives and to choose an optimal course of action
  • Neurology – Medical specialty dealing with disorders of the nervous system
  • Neuropsychology – Study of the brain related to specific psychological processes and behaviors
  • Neuroscience – Scientific study of the nervous system study of development, work and structure of nervous system
  • Neurypnology study of hypnotism [citation needed]
  • Neutrosophy study of the origin and nature of philosophical neutralities [citation needed][relevant?]
  • Nomology – Science of laws in philosophy
  • Noology – Spanish philosopher (1898–1983) science of the intellect [citation needed]
  • Nosology – Branch of medicine that deals with classification of diseases
  • Nostology study of senility [citation needed]
  • Notaphily – Study of paper currency study and collecting of bank-notes and cheques [relevant?]
  • Numismatics – Study of currencies, coins and paper money
  • Nymphology study of nymphs[citation needed]
  • Nanotechnology – Technology with features near one nanometer[relevant?]


  • Obstetrics – Medical specialty concerning pregnancy and childbirth
  • Oceanography – Study of physical, chemical, and biological processes in the ocean
  • Oceanology – Scientific study of the ocean
  • Odontology – Scientific study of teeth
  • Odonatology – Study of dragonflies and damselflies
  • Oenology – Study of wine and winemaking
  • Oikology science of housekeeping [citation needed]
  • Olfactology study of the sense of smell[31]
  • Ombrology study of rain[32]
  • Oncology – Branch of medicine dealing with, or specializing in, cancer
  • Oneirology – Scientific study of dreams
  • Onomasiology – Branch of linguistics concerned with how to express a given concept study of nomenclature [citation needed]
  • Onomastics – Study of proper names[relevant?]
  • Ontology – Philosophical study of being science of pure being; the nature of things [relevant?]
  • Oology – Branch of ornithology studying bird eggs, nests and breeding behavior
  • Ophiology, also known as ophidiology – Branch of herpetology that studies snakes
  • Ophthalmology – Field of medicine treating eye disorders
  • Optics – Branch of physics that studies light
  • Optology study of sight [citation needed]
  • Optometry – Field of medicine treating eye disorders science of examining the eyes
  • Orbital mechanics – Field of classical mechanics concerned with the motion of spacecraft
  • Orchidology – Scientific study of orchids
  • Ornithology – Study of birds
  • Organology – Collection of tissues with similar functions (biology) study of form, structure, development, and functions of plant or animal organs
  • Organology – Science of musical instruments and their classifications (musicology) study of musical instruments in relation to history, culture, construction, acoustic properties and classification
  • Orology, also known as Mountain research – Study of mountain environments
  • Orthoepy – Correct pronunciation of a language [relevant?]
  • Orthography – Set of conventions for written language [relevant?]
  • Orthopterology – Study of grasshoppers and related insects
  • Oryctology mineralogy or paleontology[33]
  • Osmics scientific study of smells[34]
  • Osmology study of smells and olfactory processes [citation needed]
  • Osphresiology study of the sense of smell[35]
  • Osteology – Scientific study of bones
  • Otology – Branch of medicine for the ear
  • Otorhinolaryngology – Medical specialty of the head and neck


  • Paedology – Study of children's behavior and development
  • Paidonosology study of children's diseases; pediatrics[citation needed]
  • Palaeoanthropology – Study of ancient humans
  • Palaeobiology – Study of organic evolution using fossils
  • Palaeoclimatology – Study of changes in ancient climate
  • Palaeoichthyology study of ancient fish
  • Palaeolimnology – Scientific study of ancient lakes and streams
  • Palaeontology – Study of life before the Holocene epoch
  • Palaeopedology – Discipline studying soils of the past eras
  • Paleobotany – Study of organic evolution of plants based on fossils
  • Paleo-osteology study of ancient bones [citation needed]
  • Paleoseismology – Study of earthquakes that happened in the past
  • Palynology – Study of pollen and other acid-resistant microoscopic organic material
  • Papyrology – Scientific study of ancient manuscripts
  • Paradoxology – Logically self-contradictory statement study of paradoxes [citation needed]
  • Parapsychology – Study of paranormal and psychic phenomena [relevant?]
  • Parasitology – Study of parasites, their hosts, and the relationship between them
  • Paroemiology study of proverbs[citation needed]
  • Parthenology study of virgins [citation needed]
  • Particle physics – Study of subatomic particles and forces
  • Pathology – Study of disease
  • Pedagogics – Theory and practice of education [relevant?]
  • Pedology – Study of soils in their natural environment
  • Pelology study of mud[36]
  • Penology – Subfield of criminology study of crime and punishment [citation needed]
  • Periodontology, also known as Periodontics – Field of dentistry
  • Pestology – Scientific study of insects science of pests [citation needed]
  • Petrology – Branch of geology that studies the formation, composition, distribution and structure of rocks
  • Pharmacognosy – Study of drugs obtained from natural sources
  • Pharmacology – Science of drugs and medications and their effects
  • Pharology – Scientific study of lighthouses and signal lights
  • Pharyngology study of the throat[37]
  • Phenology – Study of periodic events in biological life cycles
  • Phenomenology – Philosophical method and schools of philosophy study of phenomena [citation needed][relevant?]
  • Philology – Study of language in historical sources
  • Philosophy – Study of general and fundamental questions science of knowledge or wisdom [citation needed][relevant?]
  • Phoniatrics – Sudy and treatment of organs involved in speech production
  • Phonetics – Study of how humans produce and perceive sounds
  • Phonology – Study of sound organization in languages
  • Photobiology – Scientific study of light's effect on living organisms
  • Photonics – Technical applications of optics study of photons
  • Phraseology – Linguistic study of phrases[relevant?]
  • Phycology – Branch of biology concerned with the study of algae
  • Phylogenetics, also known as Phylogeny – Study of evolutionary relationships between organisms
  • Physics – Scientific field of study
  • Physiology – Science regarding functions in organisms or living systems
  • Phytology, also known as Botany – Study of plant life
  • Piscatology study of fishes[citation needed]
  • Pisteology science or study of faith [citation needed][relevant?]
  • Planetary science, also known as Planetology – Science of planets and planetary systems
  • Plumology – Study of feathers
  • Plutology political economy; study of wealth [citation needed]
  • Pneumatics – Use of pressurised gas in mechanical systems study of mechanics of gases [citation needed][relevant?]
  • Pneumonology – Study of respiratory diseases
  • Podiatry, also known as Podology – Medicine branch focusing on the human lower extremities
  • Political science – Scientific study of politics
  • Polemology – Multidisciplinary study of war
  • Pomology – Study of fruits and their cultivation
  • Pogonology – Hair that grows on the lower part of the face study of beards[citation needed]
  • Posology – Study of dosage of medicines
  • Potamology – Study of rivers
  • Pragmatics – Branch of linguistics and semiotics relating context to meaning
  • Praxeology – Theory of human action
  • Primatology – Scientific study of primates
  • Proctology – Study of the structure and diseases of the anus, rectum, and sigmoid colon
  • Protistology – Scientific discipline devoted to the study of protists study of protists
  • Proxemics – Study of human use of space and the effects that population density has on behavior
  • Psephology – Quantitative scientific analysis of elections and balloting (within political science) study of election results and voting trends
  • Pseudology art or science of lying [citation needed][relevant?]
  • Pseudoptics study of optical illusions[38]
  • Psychobiology – Neuroscience of behaviour
  • Psychogenetics – Study of genetic-environment interactions influencing behaviour study of internal or mental states
  • Psychognosy study of mentality, personality or character
  • Psycholinguistics – Study of relations between psychology and language
  • Psychology – Study of mental functions and behaviors
  • Psychopathology – Scientific study of mental disorders
  • Psychophysics – Branch of knowledge relating physical stimuli and psychological perception
  • Pteridology – Class of vascular plants study of ferns
  • Pterylology study of distribution of feathers on birds
  • Punnology study of puns[39]
  • Pyretology study of fevers
  • Pyrgology study of towers
  • Pyroballogy study of artillery
  • Pyrography – Art or decoration made from burn marks study of woodburning
  • Pyrotechnics – Science of creating combustibles and explosives for entertainment study of combustion through fire or explosions


  • Quantum computing – Computer hardware technology that uses quantum mechanics the exploitation of collective properties of quantum states, such as superposition and entanglement, to perform computation.[citation needed]
  • Quantum mechanics – Description of physical properties at the atomic and subatomic scale a fundamental theory in physics which describes nature at the smallest scales of energy levels of atoms and subatomic particles[citation needed]
  • Quantum physics – Description of physical properties at the atomic and subatomic scale the study of matter and energy at the most fundamental level[citation needed]
  • Queer theory – Field of critical theory study of issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity[citation needed][relevant?]
  • Quinology study of quinine.[citation needed]


  • Radiobiology – Study of effects of radiation on living tissues study of the scientific principles, mechanisms, and effects of the interaction of ionizing radiation with living matter
  • Radiochemistry – Chemistry of radioactive materials study of ordinary chemical reactions under radioactive circumstances[citation needed]
  • Radiology – Branch of medicine specialising in medical imaging
  • Rheology – Study of the flow of matter, primarily in a fluid state
  • Rheumatology – Medical speciality of inflammatory diseases
  • Rhinology – Study of the nose and sinuses
  • Rhochrematics science of inventory management and the movement of products[citation needed]
  • Robotics – Design, construction, use, and application of robots
  • Runology – Study of Runic alphabets


  • Sarcology study of fleshy parts of the body [citation needed]
  • Scatology – Study of faeces study of excrement or obscene literature [citation needed]
  • Schematonics art of using gesture to express tones [citation needed][relevant?]
  • Sciagraphy – Study of perspective shadow projection art of shading
  • Scientific modelling – Scientific activity that produces models – study of application of models to understand a particular problem [citation needed]
  • Scientific programming – Language for communicating instructions to a machine – study of programming [citation needed][relevant?]
  • Scripophily – Study and collection of stock and bond certificates[relevant?]
  • Sedimentology – Study of natural sediments and their formation processes
  • Seismology – Scientific study of earthquakes and propagation of elastic waves through a planet
  • Selenodesy – Study of the surface and shape of the Moon
  • Selenology – Structure and composition of the Moon study of the Moon [citation needed]
  • Semantics – Study of meaning in language
  • Semantology science of meanings of words [citation needed]
  • Semasiology – Branch of linguistics about what words mean
  • Semiology – Study of signs and sign processes study of signs and signals [citation needed]
  • Semiotics – Study of signs and sign processes
  • Serology – Scientific study of serum and other bodily fluids
  • Sexology – Scientific study of human sexuality
  • Siderology study of iron and its alloys, including steel [citation needed]
  • Significs – Linguistic and philosophical term science of meaning[citation needed] [relevant?]
  • Silvics – Practice of controlling forests for timber production study of tree's life[citation needed]
  • Sindonology – Scientific analysis of the Shroud.of Turin
  • Sinology – Area studies focused on China
  • Sitology – Expert in nutrition and malnutrition dietetics [citation needed]
  • Sociobiology – Subdiscipline of biology regarding social behavior study of biological basis of human behaviour [citation needed]
  • Socioeconomics – Branch of sociology – study of the relationship between economy and society [citation needed]
  • Sociolinguistics – Study of how society affects language
  • Sociology – Social science that studies human society and its development
  • Solid mechanics – Branch of mechanics concerned with solid materials and their behaviors
  • Somatology – Branch of anthropology that studies the physical development of the human species science of substances [citation needed]
  • Snow hydrology – Field of snow science concerning its composition and dispersion
  • Spectrology – Study involving matter and electromagnetic radiation
  • Spectroscopy – Study involving matter and electromagnetic radiation study of spectra
  • Speleology – Science of cave and karst systems
  • Spermology – Embryonic plant enclosed in a protective outer covering study of seeds[citation needed]
  • Sphagnology study of peat moss[citation needed]
  • Sphygmology – Study of the pulse
  • Splanchnology – Study of the visceral organs
  • Spongology study of sponges [citation needed]
  • Stasiology study of political parties [citation needed]
  • Statics – Branch of mechanics concerned with balance of forces in nonmoving systems
  • Stellar astronomy – Study of stars and stellar evolution
  • Stemmatics, also known as Stemmatology – Identification of textual variants study of relationships between text[citation needed]
  • Stereochemistry – Subdiscipline of chemistry study of chemistry of the relative spatial arrangement of atoms that form the structure of molecules and their manipulation. [citation needed]
  • Stoichiology science of elements of animal tissues [40]
  • Stomatology – Study of oral medicine study of the mouth[citation needed]
  • Storiology study of folk tales [citation needed]
  • Stratigraphy – Study of rock layers and their formation
  • Stratography art of leading an army [citation needed][relevant?]
  • Stylometry – Study of writing style studying literature by means of statistical analysis [citation needed]
  • Suicidology – Scientific study of suicide and self-destructive behaviors
  • Supramolecular chemistry – Branch of chemistry study of the chemistry of assembled molecular sub-units[citation needed]
  • Symbology – Something that represents an idea, process, or physical entity study of symbols
  • Symptomatology – Indications of a specific illness, including psychiatric study of symptoms of illness
  • Synecology – Associated populations of species in a given area study of ecological communities
  • Synectics – Thought process for making the strange familiar and the familiar strange study of processes of invention
  • Syntax – System responsible for combining morphemes into complex structures study of sentence structure
  • Syphilology – Sexually transmitted infection study of syphilis
  • Systematics – Branch of biology study of the diversification of living forms, both past and present
  • Systems science – Study of the nature of systems study of systems


  • Taxidermy – Stuffing and mounting dead animals for display art of curing and stuffing animals [relevant?]
  • Taxonomy – Science of naming, defining and classifying organisms
  • Tectonics – Process of evolution of the Earth's crust
  • Teleology – Thinking in terms of destiny or purpose study of final causes; analysis in terms of purpose[citation needed][relevant?]
  • Telmatology – Branch of physical geography concerned with the study of wetlands
  • Tempestology – The study of cyclones, hurricanes and similar extreme weather events
  • Teratology – Study of developmental anomalies
  • Terrestrial ecology – Study of terrestrial ecosystems and the biotic and abiotic things that occupy them.
  • Teuthology – Study of cephalopods
  • Textology – Identification of textual variants study of the production of texts [citation needed]
  • Thalassography science of the seas and gulfs [41]
  • Thanatology – Scientific study of death and its aspects
  • Thaumatology – The study of miracles – study of miracles[citation needed][relevant?]
  • Theology – Study of the nature of deities and religious beliefs - study of religion[citation needed][relevant?]
  • Theoretical computer science – Subfield of computer science and mathematics
  • Theriogenology – Veterinary specialty concerning reproduction
  • Thermodynamics – Physics of heat, work, and temperature
  • Thermokinematics study of motion of heat [citation needed]
  • Thermology – thermography used for medical diagnosis study of heat [citation needed]
  • Therology – Study of mammals
  • Thremmatology science of breeding domestic animals and plants[42]
  • Threpsology science of nutrition [citation needed]
  • Tidology study of tides
  • Timbrology study of postage stamps [citation needed]
  • Tocology – Medical specialty encompassing two subspecialties obstetrics; midwifery[citation needed]
  • Tokology – Medical specialty encompassing two subspecialties study of childbirth[citation needed]
  • Tonetics – Use of pitch to distinguish lexical or grammatical meaning
  • Topography – Study of the forms of land surfaces
  • Topology – Branch of mathematics study of places and their natural features[citation needed]
  • Toponymy, also known as Toponymics – Study of place names
  • Toxicology – Study of substances harmful to living organisms
  • Traumatology – Medicine branch study of wounds and their effects [citation needed]
  • Tribology – Science and engineering of interacting surfaces in relative motion
  • Trichology – The study of the hair and scalp
  • Trophology – Science of nutrition
  • Tsiganology study of gypsies[citation needed]
  • Turbology study of tornadoes [citation needed]
  • Typhlology study of blindness and the blind [43]
  • Typography – Art of arranging type art and technique of arranging type[citation needed]
  • Typology – System of classification study of types of things[citation needed]


  • Uranography – Part of astronomy concerned with mapping of stars
  • Uranology – Science of the heavens (historical)
  • Urbanology – Study dealing with specialized problems of cities
  • Urenology study of rust molds[citation needed]
  • Urogynecology – Sub-specialty of urology and gynecology
  • Urology – Medical specialty on the urinary and reproductive systems


  • Vaccinology – Science of vaccine development and production
  • Valeology study of healthy living[44]
  • Venereology – Branch of medicine dealing with the study and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases
  • Venology The study of veins.[45]
  • Veterinary medicine – Branch of medicine for non-human animals
  • Vexillography – Art and practice of designing flags the art and practice of designing flags
  • Vexillology – Study of flags
  • Victimology – Study of victimization
  • Vinology scientific study of vines and winemaking [46]
  • Virology – Study of viruses
  • Vitaminology The study of vitamins.[47]
  • Vitrics study, art and technology of glassy materials; glassware [citation needed][relevant?]
  • Volcanology – Study of volcanoes





  • Zenography – The study of the planet Jupiter
  • Zooarchaeology – Analysis of animal remains found in archaeological sites
  • Zoochemistry study of chemistry of animals
  • Zoogeography – Science of the geographic distribution of animal species
  • Zoogeology study of fossil animal remains [citation needed]
  • Zoology – Scientific study of animals
  • Zoonomy study of animal physiology[citation needed]
  • Zoonosology study of animal diseases [citation needed]
  • Zoopathology – Study and diagnosis of disease in animals
  • Zoophysics Study of physics relating to structure and function of animal organs and bodies.[49]
  • Zoophysiology study of physiology of animals [citation needed]
  • Zoophytology study of plant-like animals [citation needed]
  • Zoosemiotics – Study of the use of signs among animals study of animal communication [citation needed]
  • Zootaxy – Scientific classification of animals.
  • Zootechnics – Science of managing domestic or captive animals
  • Zygology science of joining and fastening [50]
  • Zymology – Study of fermentation and its uses
  • Zymurgy – Applied chemistry of fermentation processes
  • Zythology – Study of beer and beer-brewing.

See also


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