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The Food Bank Singapore Ltd. was founded in 2012,[2] and is a registered Charity and Institution of a Public Character (IPC) in Singapore.[1] It operates as a foodbank that collects excess food from food suppliers and re-distributes them to organisations such as old folks' homes, family service centres and soup kitchens.[3] As of 2019, it also distributes food through Food Pantry 2.0, vending machines at various locations which are accessible 24/7 to those with a special food credit card.[2] Food Bank Singapore is a member of the Global Foodbanking Network.[4]

Quick Facts Formation, Founder ...
The Food Bank Singapore
FormationAugust 2012 (2012-08)
FounderNichol Ng
Nicholas Ng
Founded atSingapore
TypeCompany Limited by Guarantee
Registration no.201200654E[1]
Legal statusCharity, Institutions of a Public Character (IPC)[1]
FieldsSocial and Welfare
AffiliationsThe Global Foodbanking Network
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In Singapore the National Environment Agency publishes annual statistics, they show there are 788,600 Tonnes of food is wasted annually in Singapore, the recycling rate is only 13% (where as the overall recycling rate is 60%).[5]


The Food Bank Singapore provides various types of food donations to beneficiaries by collecting excess non-perishables from Food Industry Donors, Food Drives, and through their Bank Boxes located island-wide. Perishable food like fruits and vegetables from Pasir Panjang Wholesale Centre, cakes and pastries from F&B establishments and cooked food from hotels through their Food Rescue Project.[6]

See also


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