The New Testament: A Translation. 2nd Edition. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. 2023.
The Mystery of the Green Star. David Bentley Hart and Patrick Robert Hart. Brooklyn, NY: Angelico Press. 2023.
You Are Gods: On Nature and Supernature. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2022.
Tradition and Apocalypse: An Essay on the Future of Christian Belief. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic. 2022.
Plough Quarterly No. 32 – Hope in Apocalypse. David Bentley Hart, Mindy Belz, Peter J. Leithart, Shira Telushkin, Joseph Julián González, Cardinal Peter Turkson, Eleanor Parker, Lyman Stone, Anika T. Prather, Brandon McGinley, Joel Clarkson, Peter Mommsen. 2022.
Kenogaia (A Gnostic Tale). Brooklyn, NY: Angelico Press. 2021.
The Beauty of the Infinite: The Aesthetics of Christian Truth. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans: 2003.
The New Testament: A Translation. Yale University Press: 2017 (2nd edition in 2023).
Erich Przywara, Analogia Entis: Metaphysics: Original Structure and Universal Rhythm. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans: 2014. In collaboration with John R. Betz.
"Was liegt jenseits des Kapitalismus? Eine christliche Untersuchung" in Pflug Magazin 3 (Sommer 2019).[1]
"The Peach Blossom Spring: A Translation (and apologia)"] by Tao Yuanming (Tao Qian—Tao the Recluse). Leaves in the Wind. October 31, 2021.[2]
Articles and printed interviews (selected)
"What we think we know about God" in The Christian Century (online 24 August 2023 and printed September 2023 issue)[3]
"How to Write English Prose" in The Lamp Magazine (Christmas 2022)[4]
"Tsunami and Theodicy" in First Things 151 (March 2005): 6–9.[29]
"The Laughter of the Philosophers" in First Things 149 (January 2005): 31–38. A review loosely structured around The Humor of Kierkegaard by Thomas C. Oden, containing a long excursus on Johann Georg Hamann.[30]
"God or Nothingness" in I Am the Lord Your God: Christian Reflections on the Ten CommandmentsCarl E. Braaten and Christopher Seitz, eds. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2005: 55–76.
"The Offering of Names: Metaphysics, Nihilism, and Analogy" in Reason and the Reasons of Faith.Reinhard Hütter and Paul J. Griffiths, eds. London: T. & T. Clark, 2005: 55–76.
"Tremors of Doubt" in The Wall Street Journal (December 31, 2004). This article was the seed for the book The Doors of the Sea.[31]
"Ecumenical Councils of War" in Touchstone (November 2004).[32]
"Religion in America: Ancient & Modern", The New Criterion (March 2004).
"A Most Partial Historian" in First Things 138 (December 2003): 34–41. A review of Religion and Public Doctrine in Modern England Volume III: Accommodations by Maurice Cowling.[36]
"Christ and Nothing" in First Things 136 (October 2003): 47–57.[37]
"The Bright Morning of the Soul: John of the Cross on Theosis", Pro Ecclesia (Summer 2003): 324–45.
"Thine Own of Thine Own: the Orthodox Understanding of Eucharistic Sacrifice" in Rediscovering the Eucharist: Ecumenical Considerations Roch A. Kereszty, ed. (Paulist Press, 2003): 142–169.
"The Mirror of the Infinite: Gregory of Nyssa on the Vestigia Trinitatis", Modern Theology 18.4 (October 2002): 542–56.
"No Shadow of Turning: On Divine Impassibility", Pro Ecclesia (Spring 2002): 184–206.
Contribution to "The Future of the Papacy: A Symposium" in First Things (March 2001): 28–36.[38]
"The 'Whole Humanity': Gregory of Nyssa's Critique of Slavery in Light of His Eschatology", Scottish Journal of Theology 54.1 (2001): 51–69.
"Analogy" in Elsevier Concise Encyclopaedia of Religion and Language (Elsevier Press, 2001).
"The Writing of the Kingdom: Thirty-Seven Aphorisms towards an Eschatology of the Text", Modern Theology (Spring 2000): 181–202.
"A Gift Exceeding Every Debt: An Eastern Orthodox Appreciation of Anselm's Cur Deus Homo", Pro Ecclesia 7.3 (1998): 333–348.
"Matter, Monism, and Narrative: An Essay on the Metaphysics of Paradise Lost" Milton Quarterly (Winter 1996): 16–27.
Book reviews (selected)
"Mind Over Matter" in Commonweal (January 2019). A review of Lloyd P. Gerson's translation of The Enneads by Plotinus.[39]
"Shock of the Real" in First Things (November 2017). A long essay-review of Natasha Lehrer's translation of "Équipée" by Victor Segalen.[40]
"Empson in the East" in First Things (May 2017). A review of "The Face of the Buddha" by William Empson.[41]
"Our Atheism is Different" in Commonweal (June 2016). A review of Battling the Gods by Tim Whitmarsh.[42]
"Dante Decluttered: A review of The Divine Comedy" in First Things (November 2013). A review of Clive James' translation of "The Divine Comedy".[43]
"Inside the mind of the Archbishop of Canterbury" in The Times Literary Supplement (March 2008). A review of Rowan Williams's "Wrestling with Angels," edited by Mike Higton.[44]
"Con Man" in The New Criterion (September 2006): 124. A review of "The Theocons: Secular America under Siege" by Damon Linker.[45]
"Beyond Disbelief" in The New Criterion (June 2005): 78–81. A review of "The Twilight of Atheism" by Alister McGrath.[46]
"The Laughter of the Philosophers" in First Things 149 (January 2005): 31–38. A review loosely structured around The Humor of Kierkegaard by Thomas C. Oden, containing a long excursus on Johann Georg Hamann.[48]
"When the Going was Bad" in First Things 143 (May 2004): 50–53. A review of Waugh Abroad: Collected Travel Writing by Evelyn Waugh.[49]
"A Most Partial Historian" in First Things 138 (December 2003): 34–41. A review of Religion and Public Doctrine in Modern England Volume III: Accommodations by Maurice Cowling.[51]
Review of Gianni Vattimo's Belief, The Journal of Religion 82.1 (Jan. 2002): 132–133.
"Israel and the Nations" in First Things 105 (August/September 2000): 51–54. A review of Church and Israel After Christendom: The Politics of Election by Scott Bader–Saye.[52]
"Review Essay: On Catherine Pickstock's After Writing", Pro Ecclesia (Summer 2000): 367–372.
"Beyond Reductionism" in First Things 87 (November 1998): 55–57. A review of Religious Mystery and Rational Reflection by Louis Dupre.[53]
Recordings (selected)
"Ep. 108 David Bentley Hart responds to claims of heresy by Fr. James Dominic Rooney regarding the necessity of all being saved." on the Grace Saves All podcast with David Artman. January 2023.[54]
"David Bentley Hart on Grace, with Jennifer Newsome Martin."[55]