COVID-19 clusters in Australia

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The following table outlines the COVID-19 clusters detected in Australia from the start of the pandemic until 5 November 2021, when Australia entered the consolidation phase of its COVID-19 transition plan by reaching an 80 percent vaccination target of the eligible Australian population.[1][2] COVID-19 clusters are cases that are known to be related by close contacts. A single cluster may have cases in multiple locations. Some smaller clusters are known to be linked to larger clusters. A cluster may be investigated for days before being announced for the first time. The table may include clusters that originated after 5 November 2021, however, these are a narrow rather than a near-exhaustive subset of the total clusters in the Australian community.

The table uses a combination of reporting from official state and territory government publications as well as media sources where appropriate. Reporting from state and territory governments has varied depending on the severity of outbreaks, as larger periods of community transmission make it less practical to provide details on every outbreak. The Victorian Government did not report breakdowns of individual clusters on 10 July 2020 due to widespread community transmission becoming entrenched in the Melbourne metropolitan area.[3] On 8 September 2020, the Victoria Government published numbers relating to all aged care clusters. The NSW Government significantly scaled down reporting of individual clusters on 10 July 2021 due to the widespread community transmission in the Sydney metropolitan area.[4] Additionally, the Victorian government scaled down their daily reporting on individual clusters on 21 August 2021; as a result the highest concurrent active case numbers may be cited for some clusters in the absence of complete case numbers.[5][6]

Furthermore, apart from instances that a cluster has particular notoriety, the table does not regularly report on clusters originating from jurisdictions once their government abandoned a COVID-zero target, as clusters became too numerous and their reporting became significantly less comprehensive. This occurred in New South Wales in mid-August 2021 and in Victoria on 1 September 2021.[7][8][9] On 14 September 2021, while not officially abandoning a COVID-zero target, the ACT government conceded it was unlikely that COVID-19 would be eliminated from the territory.[10]

More information Cluster, Location ...
COVID-19 clusters in Australia
ClusterLocationState / TerritoryCases in clusterFrom dateAs at dateDetails
Flemington public housing apartmentsFlemingtonVictoria310[a]4 July 2020[11]3 August 2020[12]
North Melbourne public housing outbreakNorth MelbourneVictoria3 July 2020[13]
Baptcare Wyndham LodgeWerribeeVictoria30122 July 2020[14]10 October 2020[15]30 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Bondi clusterBondiNew South Wales285[b]19 June 2021[16]9 July 2021[17]
St Basil's Homes for the AgedFawknerVictoria25015 July 2020[18]26 September 2020[15]45 deaths have been associated with this cluster.[19]
Epping Gardens Aged CareEppingVictoria24021 July 2020[20]18 October 2020[15]38 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Bertocchi SmallgoodsThomastownVictoria21123 July 2020[21]23 August 2020[22]
Al-Taqwa College, first outbreakTruganinaVictoria21029 June 2020[23]18 August 2020[24]
The Argyle HouseNewcastleNew South Wales2008 December 2021[25]14 December 2021[25]
Estia Health Aged Care, ArdeerArdeerVictoria19714 July 2020[26]26 September 2020[15]17 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Somerville Meats Retail ServicesTottenhamVictoria16711 July 2020[27]20 August 2020[28]
Royal Melbourne Hospital, first outbreakParkvilleVictoria16421 June 2020[29]31 August 2020[30]
1st JBS abattoir outbreakBrooklynVictoria1606 July 2020[31]29 August 2020[32]
Kirkbrae Presbyterian HomesKilsythVictoria15622 July 2020[14]4 October 2020[15]21 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Avalon clusterAvalon BeachNew South Wales15116 December 2020[33]11 January 2021[34]
BlueCross Ruckers Hill Aged Care FacilityNorthcoteVictoria1475 September 2020[35]25 September 2020[36]12 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Indooroopilly State High School outbreakIndooroopillyQueensland14631 July 2021[37]24 August 2021[38]Additional case reported in the media.[39]
Shepparton Community ClusterSheppartonVictoria143[c]21 August 2021[5]3 September 2021[40]Includes the Royal Melbourne Hospital, second outbreak.[40] Additional cases reported in daily updates.[41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50]
Twin Parks Aged Care CentreReservoirVictoria1411 August 2020[51]24 September 2020[52]22 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Outlook Gardens Aged CareDandenong NorthVictoria13724 July 2020[53]16 September 2020[15]13 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Cumberland Manor Aged Care FacilitySunshine NorthVictoria13217 August 2020[54]13 September 2020[55]11 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Al-Taqwa College, second outbreakTruganinaVictoria132[d]4 August 2021[56]21 August 2021[57]
Japara Goonawarra Aged Care FacilitySunburyVictoria13016 August 2020[58]19 October 2020[15]20 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
North West Regional Hospital (NWRH) and the North West Private Hospital (NWPH)BurnieTasmania12727 March 202030 April 2020Probably originating from two patients from the Ruby Princess cruise ship.[59][60][61][62]
Estia Health Aged Care, HeidelbergHeidelbergVictoria12718 July 2020[63]25 October 2020[15]10 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
MyCentre ChildcareBroadmeadowsVictoria127[d]20 August 2021[64]3 September 2021[41]
Kalyna Care Aged Care, DelaheyDelaheyVictoria1268 September 2020[15]1 November 2020[15]26 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Mecwacare John Atchison CentreHoppers CrossingVictoria11817 July 2020[65]14 September 2020[15]19 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Thai Rock Restaurant, Wetherill ParkWetherill ParkNew South Wales11617 July 2020[66]12 August 2020[67]Includes at least 11 cases associated with Our Lady of Lebanon Church. This is currently not linked to the cluster at another Thai Rock restaurant in Potts Point.
Mercy Place Aged Care, ParkvilleParkvilleVictoria1158 September 2020[15]19 October 2020[15]22 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Aurrum Aged Care, PlentyPlentyVictoria11317 July 2020[68]14 September 2020[15]13 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Glendale Aged Care FacilityWerribeeVictoria1138 July 2020[69]19 October 2020[15]17 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Doutta Galla Aged Care, YarravilleYarravilleVictoria1138 September 2020[15]4 October 2020[15]17 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Arcare Aged Care, CraigieburnCraigieburnVictoria11213 July 2020[70][71]5 November 2020[15]16 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Cedar Meats meatworksBrooklynVictoria1112 May 2020[72]22 May 2020[73][74]
CraigCare Aged Care FacilityPascoe ValeVictoria11126 July 2020[75]26 September 2020[15]16 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
BlueCross The BoulevardMill ParkVictoria1018 September 2020[15]19 October 2020[15]14 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
The Metro Theatre Sydney New South Wales 97 16 December 2021[76] 16 December 2021[76]
Menarock Life Aged Care RosehillHighettVictoria968 September 2020[15]15 September 2020[15]17 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Bupa Aged Care, EdithvaleEdithvaleVictoria948 September 2020[15]4 October 2020[15]18 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Princeton View Aged CareBrighton EastVictoria948 September 2020[15]27 September 2020[15]9 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
City of Hobsons Bay outbreakCity of Hobsons BayVictoria93[d]5 August 2021[57]30 August 2021[77]This cluster was originally the parent cluster of the Al-Taqwa College second outbreak; the CS Square cluster in Caroline Springs and the Newport Football Club outbreak, which began being classified as their own separate clusters from 8 August.[78][79] The cluster still encompasses among other outbreaks, the Newport community cluster.
Embracia Aged Care, Moonee ValleyAvondale HeightsVictoria9115 July 2020[18]19 October 2020[15]9 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Frankston Hospital, Peninsula HealthFrankstonVictoria9024 August 2020[80]13 September 2020[55]
Royal Freemasons Gregory LodgeFlemingtonVictoria898 September 2020[15]15 September 2020[15]15 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Australian Lamb CompanyColacVictoria8819 July 2020[81]28 August 2020[82]
Sutton Park McKenzie Aged Care, Melton SouthMelton SouthVictoria878 September 2020[15]23 September 2020[15]7 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Regis Aged Care, BrightonBrightonVictoria8624 July 2020[53]14 September 2020[15]11 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Japara Elanora Aged CareBrightonVictoria838 September 2020[15]19 October 2020[15]12 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Glenlyn Aged Care FacilityGlenroyVictoria778 September 2020[15]14 September 2020[15]4 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Multiple funeral and church servicesBankstown
Fairfield East
Mount Pritchard
New South Wales7624 July 2020[83]22 August 2020[84]Linked to a woman who attended five different funeral and church services in these suburbs between 16 and 19 July. This includes at least 15 cases associated with the Mounties Club in Mount Pritchard.
St Georges Benetas Organisation Aged Care FacilityAltona MeadowsVictoria768 September 2020[15]19 October 2020[15]12 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Jewish Care Hannah and Daryl Cohen Centre Windsor Aged Care FacilityWindsorVictoria758 September 2020[15]23 September 2020[15]2 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Parklea Correctional CentreParkleaNew South Wales7518 August 2021[85]31 August 2021[85]
Grace Of Mary Greek Cypriot Elderly HostelEppingVictoria728 September 2020[15]21 September 2020[15]12 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Anglicare Newmarch HouseKingswoodNew South Wales7111 April 202019 May 202034 staff and 37 residents infected as at 19 May 2020. 19 residents died.[86][87]
Doutta Galla Aged Care, FootscrayFootscrayVictoria718 September 2020[15]14 September 2020[15]9 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Sydney CBD clusterSydneyNew South Wales6926 August 2020[88]11 September 2020[89]First reported case at the City Tattersalls Club gym
Menarock Life Aged Care, EssendonEssendonVictoria699 July 2020[90]8 September 2020[15]7 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Carlton public housing towersCarltonVictoria6812 July 2020[91]4 August 2020[92]
Opal South Valley, HightonHightonVictoria658 September 2020[15]18 September 2020[15]8 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Linfox Distribution Centre / WarehouseTruganinaVictoria6512 July 2020[91]21 August 2020[93]
Arcare Aged Care, SydenhamSydenhamVictoria658 September 2020[15]28 September 2020[15]6 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Woolworths Distribution CentreMulgraveVictoria6418 July 2020[63]18 August 2020[24]
Vawdrey AustraliaDandenong SouthVictoria6423 August 2020[22]16 September 2020[94]
Doutta Galla Aged Service WoornackSunshineVictoria648 September 2020[15]27 September 2020[15]8 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
BlueCross AutumdaleCheltenhamVictoria608 September 2020[15]14 September 2020[15]13 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Crossroads HotelCasulaNew South Wales5810 July 2020[95]2 August 2020[96]
Golden Farms PoultryBreakwaterVictoria5531 July 2020[97]21 August 2020[93]
Estia Health Aged Care, Keilor second outbreakKeilorVictoria5515 September 2020[15]28 October 2020[15]6 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Japara Central Park Aged CareWindsorVictoria5313 July 2020[98]23 September 2020[15]3 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Glenroy West Primary SchoolGlenroyVictoria53[d]12 August 2021[99]25 August 2021[100]
Meriton Suites partyWaterlooNew South Wales5026 June 2021[101]12 July 2021[102]
Ms. Frankie Restaurant clusterCremorneVictoria5018 July 2021[103]1 August 2021[104]Additional cases reported in daily updates.[105][106][107][108][109][110][111]
City of Wyndham community clusterCity of WyndhamVictoria49[d]28 August 2021[44]1 September 2021[44]
Brisbane Youth Detention CentreWacolQueensland4822 August 2020[112]12 September 2020[113]This includes at least 18 cases linked to the Queensland Corrective Services (QCS) Academy also in Wacol and at least 7 cases linked to the Ipswich Hospital.
Florence Aged Care Facility, Altona NorthAltona NorthVictoria488 September 2020[15]14 September 2020[15]8 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Japara Millward Residential Aged CareDoncaster EastVictoria488 September 2020[15]19 October 2020[15]4 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Nino Early Learning AdventuresBundooraVictoria4630 July 2020[114]19 August 2020[115]
Casey community outbreakCity of CaseyVictoria4517 September 2020[116]30 September 2020[117]
Japara the Regent Aged Care HomeMount WaverleyVictoria458 September 2020[15]21 September 2020[15]3 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
West Hoxton birthday partyWest HoxtonNew South Wales4523 June 2021[118]5 July 2021[119]
Catholic Regional CollegeSydenhamVictoria4425 July 2020[120]18 August 2020[24]
Opal Hobsons BayAltona NorthVictoria4414 September 2020[15]30 October 2020[15]9 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Stamford Plaza HotelLittle Collins Street, MelbourneVictoria4317 June 2020[121]8 July 2020[69]Hotel was used to quarantine overseas travellers, however, the outbreak is connected to the security staff, not those quarantined.
Clever Kids ChildcareAshburtonVictoria4318 July 2020[63]20 August 2020[28]
Lyneham High SchoolLynehamAustralian Capital Territory419 August 2021[122]26 August 2021[123]
North Metro Region communityNorthern Melbourne suburbsVictoria4219 October 2020[124]29 October 2020[125]
CS Square Shopping CentreCaroline SpringsVictoria41[e]7 August 2021[78]27 August 2021[79]Additional cases reported in daily updates.[126][127][128][99][129][100][130][131][132][133][134][43]
Two separate clusters including Lyndoch Hill wineryBarossa ValleySouth Australia4014 March 20209 April 2020[135][136]
Hazeldean Transition Care, Western HealthWilliamstownVictoria4030 July 2020[114]29 August 2020[32]
BlueCross WestgarthNorthcoteVictoria408 September 2020[15]18 September 2020[15]6 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Norwood clusterNorwoodSouth Australia4027 November 2021[137] 15 December 2021[138]
Village Glen Aged Care Residences, MorningtonMorningtonVictoria398 September 2020[15]8 September 2020[15]5 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Chadstone Shopping CentreChadstoneVictoria391 October 2020[139]20 October 2020[140]First case linked to The Butcher Club.
Thai Rock Restaurant, Potts PointPotts PointNew South Wales3826 July 2020[141]23 August 2020[142]This includes at least 29 cases that are linked to the Apollo Restaurant. This is currently not linked to the cluster at another Thai Rock restaurant in Wetherill Park.
Hazeldene's Chicken FarmBendigoVictoria379 August 2020[143]21 August 2020[93]
Liverpool Hospital second outbreakLiverpoolNew South Wales36[f]26 July 2021[144]10 August 2021[145]Eleven deaths have been associated with this cluster.[146]
Fitzroy St Precinct, St KildaSt KildaVictoria3618 August 2021[132]24 August 2021[40]
Werribee Mercy HospitalWerribeeVictoria358 August 2020[147]23 August 2020[22]
AusfreshBroadmeadowsVictoria351 August 2020[51]23 August 2020[22]
"Boogie Wonderland" party at the Bucket List and "Kode" party at Club 77BondiNew South Wales3415 March 202015 April 2020[148]
InghamsThomastownVictoria344 August 2020[92]19 August 2020[115]
Southern Cross Basketball StadiumTuggeranongAustralian Capital Territory3411 August 2021[149]26 August 2021[123]
Adelaide Airport baggage handling areaAdelaide AirportSouth Australia3317 March 20209 April 2020[136]
Respite Services AustraliaMoonee PondsVictoria3324 July 2020[53]8 August 2020[147]
Diamond Valley PorkLaverton NorthVictoria3326 July 2020[75]25 August 2020[150]
Estia Health Aged Care, KeysboroughKeysboroughVictoria338 September 2020[15]19 September 2020[15]3 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Parafield clusterParafield GardensSouth Australia3315 November 2020[151]28 November 2020[152]
Fiction NightclubCanberraAustralian Capital Territory337 August 2021[153]26 August 2021[123]
LaManna SupermarketEssendon FieldsVictoria3212 July 2020[91]2 August 2020[154]
City of Whittlesea community outbreakCity of WhittleseaVictoria3224 May 2021[155]8 June 2021[156]
Port Melbourne workplace outbreakPort MelbourneVictoria3227 May 2021[157]9 June 2021[158]
Woolworths Millers JunctionAltona NorthVictoria32[d]29 August 2021[45]3 September 2021[45]
Stanwell Tops weddingWollongongNew South Wales3116 March 2020[159]19 March 2020[160]
Brunswick Private HospitalBrunswickVictoria318 July 2020[69]16 August 2020[58]
Northern HospitalEppingVictoria313 July 2020[13]17 August 2020[54]
Trinity Grammar outbreakKewVictoria3118 July 2021[103]30 July 2021[104]Additional cases reported in daily updates.[105][107][108][109][110][161]
St Vincent's HospitalFitzroyVictoria3017 July 2020[68]3 August 2020[12]
Bingo RecyclingWest MelbourneVictoria3025 July 2020[120]17 August 2020[54]
Coles distribution centreLavertonVictoria2823 June 2020[162]21 August 2020[93]
BWS liquor clusterBeralaNew South Wales282 January 2021[163]13 January 2021[164]
Lyfe CaféBondi BeachNew South Wales2830 June 2021[165]2 July 2021[166]
Black Rock restaurant outbreakBlack RockVictoria271 January 2021[167]5 January 2021[168]Also known as the Mitcham and Mentone communities outbreak. Believed to have originated from the Avalon cluster in NSW.
Great Ocean FoodsMarrickvilleNew South Wales2726 June 2021[169]4 July 2021[170]
Melbourne CBD/Carlton/North Melbourne clusterCity of MelbourneVictoria2724 August 2021[40]24 August 2021[40]
Multiplex Premier Tower construction siteMelbourneVictoria2610 August 2020[171]11 August 2020[172]
Tangara School for GirlsCherrybrookNew South Wales269 August 2020[173]22 August 2020[84]
Rose of Sharon ChildcareBlacktownNew South Wales2530 March 2020[174]4 April 2020[175]
Mercy Place Aged Care, DandenongDandenongVictoria258 September 2020[15]8 September 2020[15]3 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Oran Park community clusterOran ParkNew South Wales2517 October 2020[176]27 October 2020[177]
Portuguese Family Centre clusterEllen GroveQueensland2520 June 2021[178]8 July 2021[179]Includes the downstream Greek Orthodox Community Centre cluster.[179] Two further cases, reported on 8 July, were close contacts of a case from the Greek Orthodox Community Centre cluster.[180]
Churches of Christ Care Arcadia Aged CareEssendonVictoria248 September 2020[15]23 September 2020[15]4 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Holiday Inn Melbourne Airport outbreakMelbourne AirportVictoria2410 February 2021[181]26 February 2021[182]
Bupa Aged Care, TraralgonTraralgonVictoria238 September 2020[15]14 September 2020[15]2 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Edenvale Manor Aged Care FacilityKeilor EastVictoria2314 September 2020[15]30 September 2020[117]4 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Baptcare Brookview CommunityWestmeadowsVictoria238 September 2020[15]19 October 2020[15]1 death has been associated with this cluster.
AAMI Park clusterMelbourneVictoria2318 July 2021[103]2 August 2021[104]Additional cases reported in daily updates.[105][106][107][109][111][183]
Modbury clusterModburySouth Australia2219 July 2021[184]4 August 2021[185]
Dorothy Henderson LodgeMacquarie ParkNew South Wales2124 February 202015 April 2020
JaycoDandenong SouthVictoria218 August 2020[147]15 August 2020[186]
Austin HospitalHeidelbergVictoria2116 August 2020[58]16 August 2020[58]
Concord Repatriation General Hospital and Liverpool Hospital (first outbreak)Concord
New South Wales217 September 2020[187]17 September 2020[188]First case reported in a health care worker who worked shifts at both hospitals whilst infectious.
Villa Maria Catholic Homes St Bernadette'sSunshine NorthVictoria218 September 2020[15]18 September 2020[15]3 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
Newport football club outbreakNewportVictoria21[d]7 August 2021[78]21 August 2021[126]
Regents Park Christian School Regents Park New South Wales 21 3 December 2021[189] 8 December 2021[190] Also linked to the Sydney Indoor Climbing Gym in Villawood, St Peter Chanel Catholic Primary School in Regents Park, and one case in the ACT.[191]
Footscray HospitalFootscrayVictoria2015 September 2020[192]26 September 2020[193]
Al Kuwait live export shipFremantle PortWestern Australia2025 May 202029 May 2020[194][195]
Bulla Dairy FoodsColacVictoria206 September 2020[196]13 September 2020[55]
Wyoming Residential Aged Care FacilitySummer HillNew South Wales2029 July 2021[197]3 August 2021[197]Four deaths associated with this cluster.[198]
St Kilda East community outbreakSt KildaVictoria20[d]16 August 2021[131]28 August 2021[199]
Royal Melbourne Hospital, second outbreakParkvilleVictoria20[d]23 August 2021[77]1 September 2021[77]
Church meetingRydeNew South Wales198 March 202015 April 2020
Serco, Mill ParkMill ParkVictoria1918 July 2020[63]2 August 2020[154]
St Vincent's Private Hospital MelbourneUnspecifiedVictoria193 September 2020[200]3 September 2020[200]
The Granites gold mineTanami DesertNorthern Territory1925 June 2021[201]8 July 2021[202]Nineteen cases include 17 cases recorded up to 3 July.[203]
Bacchus Marsh Grammar SchoolMaddingleyVictoria1915 July 2021[204]30 July 2021[104]Additional cases reported in daily updates.[105][106][107][108][205][161]
City of Hume outbreakCity of HumeVictoria1915 July 2021[204]3 August 2021[104]Also known as the Coolaroo cluster.[206] Additional cases reported in daily updates.[105][108][109][207]
Dowell WindowsBayswaterVictoria1831 July 2020[97]1 August 2020[51]
Caroline Chisholm Catholic CollegeBraybrookVictoria1812 August 2020[208]12 August 2020[208]
St Pauls Catholic CollegeGreystanesNew South Wales181 September 2020[209]13 September 2020[210]
Dandenong Police StationDandenongVictoria187 September 2020[211]23 September 2020[212]
Bupa Aged Care, TemplestoweTemplestoweVictoria188 September 2020[15]14 September 2020[15]2 deaths have been associated with this cluster.
The Sails RestaurantNoosa HeadsQueensland1714 March 202026 March 2020[213]
Wollert outbreakWollertVictoria1724 June 2020[214]4 July 2020[11]This cluster was first detected at St Monica's College, Epping.
Docklands Studios MelbourneDocklandsVictoria1725 August 2020[150]26 August 2020[215]
Patricia Oldendorff vesselPort of Port HedlandWestern Australia1726 September 2020[216]29 September 2020[217]
A2Z Medical ClinicLakembaNew South Wales1713 October 2020[218]28 October 2020[219]
Rydges on SwanstonSwanston Street, CarltonVictoria1627 May 2020[220]13 June 2020[221]This is one of the hotels in which overseas travellers are quarantined. This outbreak is connected to the security staff, not those quarantined. On 6 June, a man who was a close contact of this cluster was announced as a new case in Queensland,[222] having travelled to Brisbane on 1 June, then to Bundaberg on 2 June.[223]
The Alfred Hospital first outbreakMelbourneVictoria166 July 2020[31]16 July 2020[224]
St Joseph's Primary SchoolQuarry Hill, BendigoVictoria1611 August 2020[172]11 August 2020[172]
Wydinia KindergartenColacVictoria1612 September 2020[225]16 September 2020[94]
Young & Jackson HotelMelbourneVictoria1616 July 2021[226]3 August 2021[104]Additional cases reported in daily updates.[105][106][107][108][109][110][111][207]
Maroubra gatheringMaroubraNew South Wales1621 August 2021[227]21 August 2021[227]
Albanvale Primary SchoolAlbanvaleVictoria1520 June 2020[228]3 July 2020[13]
Box Hill Hospital second outbreakBox HillVictoria158 October 2020[229]23 October 2020[230]
North Melbourne Primary School outbreak / West Melbourne outbreakNorth Melbourne
West Melbourne
Victoria153 June 2021[231]8 June 2021[156]
Lennock Car DealershipPhilipAustralian Capital Territory1517 August 2021[232]26 August 2021[123]
Bondi Hardware RestaurantBondiNew South Wales1415 March 202015 April 2020[148]
Arcare Aged Care, Maidstone first outbreakMaidstoneVictoria1414 September 2020[15]19 October 2020[15]
Joh Bailey Hair SalonDouble BayNew South Wales1424 June 2021[233]2 July 2021[166]
MCG Melbourne Cricket Club Members' ReserveEast MelbourneVictoria1415 July 2021[204]22 July 2021[104]
Assembly BarBraddonAustralian Capital Territory148 August 2021[153]26 August 2021[123]
Sunnybank clusterSunnybankQueensland1411 September 2021[234]25 September 2021[235]Additional cases reported in the media.[236][237][238]
McDonald's, FawknerFawknerVictoria139 May 2020[239]7 June 2020[240]On 7 June, a new case was announced. There had been no increase since 18 May 20 days before.[241]
Goodman Fielder PampasWest FootscrayVictoria1314 July 2020[26]20 July 2020[242]
Bluebird Early EducationSouth MorangVictoria139 August 2020[143]9 August 2020[143]
Liverpool private clinic clusterLiverpoolNew South Wales139 October 2020[243]22 October 2020[244]
Downer Community CentreDownerAustralian Capital Territory138 August 2021[153]26 August 2021[123]
Deer Park gatheringDeer ParkVictoria124 July 2020[11]4 July 2020[11]
Western HealthUnspecifiedVictoria1217 July 2020[68]17 July 2020[68]
The Alfred Hospital second outbreakMelbourneVictoria1219 September 2020[245]3 October 2020[246]
Princess Alexandra Hospital nurse cluster / Byron Bay Hen's PartyWoolloongabba / Byron BayQueensland / New South Wales1230 March 2021[247]1 April 2021[248]This cluster is believed to not be connected to the other ongoing cluster at the same hospital. This cluster is also linked to a Hen's Party held in Byron Bay, New South Wales.
Southbank outbreakSouthbankVictoria1221 June 2021[249]26 June 2021[250]
Crossways HotelStrathfield SouthNew South Wales1230 June 2021[165]2 July 2021[166]
St Patricks Primary SchoolMurrumbeenaVictoria1221 July 2021[251]28 July 2021[104]Additional cases reported in daily updates.[105][109][110]
KFC, PunchbowlPunchbowlNew South Wales1227 July 2021[252]6 August 2021[252]
MV Stolt SakuraFremantle PortWestern Australia123 October 2021[253]4 October 2021[254]
My Moovers call centreDocklandsVictoria1131 July 2020[97]31 July 2020[97]
Batemans Bay Soldiers ClubBatemans BayNew South Wales1119 July 2020[255]12 August 2020[67]
Allied Pinnacle BakeryAltona NorthVictoria118 August 2020[147]16 August 2020[58]
Estia Health Aged Care, Glen WaverleyGlen WaverleyVictoria118 September 2020[15]14 September 2020[15]
Menarock Life Aged Care McGregor GardensPakenhamVictoria118 September 2020[15]8 September 2020[15]
Inner West / Croydon clusterCroydonNew South Wales1130 December 2020[256]8 January 2021[257]
Arcare Aged Care, Maidstone second outbreakMaidstoneVictoria1130 May 2021[15]13 June 2021[258]
SummitCare, Baulkham HillsBaulkham HillsNew South Wales114 July 2021[170]8 July 2021[259]
Bright Bees Early LearningNichollsAustralian Capital Territory118 August 2021[260]26 August 2021[123]
Aviation trainer clusterEatons HillQueensland1128 September 2021[261]5 October 2021[262]First case detected was an Eatons Hill resident who works in an aviation training facility. Additional cases reported in the media.[263][264][265][266]
Aitken Hill PrimaryCraigieburnVictoria1029 June 2020[23]7 July 2020[267]
StarTrackLavertonVictoria1025 July 2020[120]25 July 2020[120]
Don KR CastlemaineCastlemaineVictoria1024 July 2020[53]28 July 2020[268]
Aruma Disability ServicesPascoe ValeVictoria1028 July 2020[268]28 July 2020[268]
Rathdowne Place Aged CareCarltonVictoria108 September 2020[15]14 September 2020[15]
Hoxton Park clusterHoxton ParkNew South Wales1031 October 2020[269]4 November 2020[270]
BBC California VesselFremantle PortWestern Australia1019 July 2021[271]20 July 2021[272]
Nepean Mental Health CentreKingswoodNew South Wales1012 August 2021[273]12 August 2021[273]
Cenvic Construction Riverina ApartmentsFootscrayVictoria911 July 2020[27]14 July 2020[26]
Melbourne City Mission, AlbionAlbionVictoria921 July 2020[20]21 July 2020[20]
AMSSANorth MelbourneVictoria924 July 2020[53]24 July 2020[53]
BlackwoodsScoresbyVictoria929 July 2020[65]29 July 2020[65]
Maculata Place Shepparton Village Aged CareSheppartonVictoria98 September 2020[15]8 September 2020[15]
Eastern Suburbs Legion ClubWaverleyNew South Wales917 September 2020[188]17 September 2020[188]
South Eastern community outbreakSouth Eastern Melbourne suburbsVictoria913 October 2020[274]14 October 2020[275]
Bondi Junction apartment block outbreakBondi JunctionNew South Wales910 July 2021[276]13 July 2021[277]
Fairfield Hospital
Royal North Shore Hospital
St Leonards
New South Wales91 July 2021[278]2 July 2021[166]A student nurse worked while infectious from 24 to 28 June.
MV Darya KrishnaFremantle PortWestern Australia926 July 2021[279]29 July 2021[280]
Hugo Boss storeCollins Street, MelbourneVictoria830 June 2020[281]9 July 2020[90]
Marley Spoon packaging and distribution facilityAltona NorthVictoria810 August 2020[171]10 August 2020[171]
Assisi Centre Aged CareRosannaVictoria88 September 2020[15]14 September 2020[15]
Villa Maria Catholic Homes Aged Care Residence, BerwickBerwickVictoria88 September 2020[15]8 September 2020[15]
James Barker House Aged CareFootscrayVictoria82 August 2020[154]8 September 2020[15]
Springvale shared accommodationSpringvaleVictoria825 September 2020[36]2 October 2020[282]
Princess Alexandra Hospital doctor clusterWoolloongabbaQueensland826 March 2021[283]1 April 2021[248]The first case of this cluster was detected on 12 March, with the second case of this cluster being detected 13 days later on 25 March through genomic testing.
Phillip Island clusterPhillip IslandVictoria818 July 2021[103]23 July 2021[104]Additional case reported on 23 July.[105]
Moonee Valley Racecourse testing siteMoonee PondsVictoria828 July 2021[110]5 August 2021[57]Additional cases reported in daily updates and in the media.[284][183][207][57]
City of Maribyrnong outbreakCity of MaribyrnongVictoria85 August 2021[57]7 August 2021[78]Additional cases reported in daily updates.[285][78]
Mount Alexander CollegeFlemingtonVictoria810 August 2021[127]11 August 2021[128]
Lygon Street Housing Tower outbreakCarltonVictoria816 August 2021[131]20 August 2021[199]Additional cases reported in daily updates.[132][133][64] Distribution CentreTruganinaVictoria79 July 2020[90]11 July 2020[27]
Fresh PlusCraigieburnVictoria726 July 2020[75]26 July 2020[75]
2nd JBS abattoir outbreakBrooklynVictoria79 August 2020[143]9 August 2020[143]
Our Lady of Mercy College, ParramattaParramattaNew South Wales714 August 2020[286]25 August 2020[287]
BlueCross Aged Care, IvanhoeIvanhoeVictoria78 September 2020[15]14 September 2020[15]
Arcare Aged Care, BurnsideBurnsideVictoria78 September 2020[15]8 September 2020[15]
Bupa Aged Care, WoodendWoodendVictoria714 September 2020[15]14 September 2020[15]
Ariele Apartments outbreakMaribyrnongVictoria715 July 2021[204]15 July 2021[204]
Central Park PizzaMalvern EastVictoria719 August 2021[133]20 August 2021[64]
Belconnen Basketball StadiumBelconnenAustralian Capital Territory717 August 2021[288]26 August 2021[123]
Opal Aged Care, BankstownBankstownNew South Wales625 March 202015 April 2020
HWL Ebsworth LawyersMelbourneVictoria616 July 2020[224]16 July 2020[224]
Warringal HospitalHeidelbergVictoria618 July 2020[63]19 July 2020[81]
Malmsbury Youth Justice CentreMalmsburyVictoria624 July 2020[53]24 July 2020[53]
Parkville Youth JusticeParkvilleVictoria627 July 2020[289]27 July 2020[289]
Centrelink officeEppingVictoria631 July 2020[97]31 July 2020[97]
Capral AluminiumCampbellfieldVictoria631 July 2020[97]31 July 2020[97]
Aurrum Aged Care, ReservoirReservoirVictoria68 September 2020[15]8 September 2020[15]
Electra Park Medical CentreAshwoodVictoria64 October 2020[290]4 October 2020[290]
Oddfellows CaféKilmoreVictoria69 October 2020[291]10 October 2020[292]
Hotel Grand ChancellorSpring HillQueensland611 January 2021[293]13 January 2021[294]Hotel used for mandatory quarantining of returning travellers. These cases are infected with the Variant of Concern 202012/01 from the United Kingdom and have spread to a cleaner from the hotel (and her partner) and another pair of returning travellers in the same hotel.
BlueCross Chelsea ManorChelseaVictoria68 September 2020[15]8 September 2020[15]
Mercy Place Aged Care, WerribeeWerribeeVictoria68 September 2020[15]8 September 2020[15]1 death has been associated with this cluster.
Northern suburbs clusterPerthWestern Australia627 June 2021[295]4 July 2021[296]
Optus head officeMelbourneVictoria54 July 2020[11]4 July 2020[11]
Sunshine Hospital, Western Health first outbreakSt AlbansVictoria518 May 2020[241]9 July 2020[90]
Croydon Family PracticeCroydonVictoria513 June 2020[221]18 June 2020[297]
Debney Meadows Primary SchoolFlemingtonVictoria54 July 2020[11]11 July 2020[27]
Steel MainsSomertonVictoria515 July 2020[18]15 July 2020[18]
Australian Pharmaceutical IndustriesDandenong SouthVictoria519 July 2020[81]20 July 2020[242]
KFC, TruganinaTruganinaVictoria525 July 2020[120]25 July 2020[120]
Probe GroupMelbourneVictoria525 July 2020[120]25 July 2020[120]
Laverton Cold StorageTruganinaVictoria528 July 2020[268]28 July 2020[268]
Victoria Police sitesDocklandsVictoria531 July 2020[97]31 July 2020[97]
Thebarton Senior CollegeTorrensvilleSouth Australia56 August 2020[298]6 August 2020[298]
Chopstix Asian Cuisine, Smithfield RSLSmithfieldNew South Wales517 August 2020[299]17 August 2020[299]
Doutta Galla Lynch's BridgeKensingtonVictoria58 September 2020[15]8 September 2020[15]
Bupa Aged Care, SunshineSunshineVictoria58 September 2020[15]8 September 2020[15]
Bill Crawford LodgeBallarat CentralVictoria58 September 2020[15]8 September 2020[15]
Estia Health Aged Care, Keilor first outbreakKeilorVictoria58 September 2020[15]16 September 2020[15]
Little Sisters of the PoorNorthcoteVictoria58 September 2020[15]16 September 2020[15]
Regis Aged Care, FawknerFawknerVictoria58 September 2020[15]14 September 2020[15]1 death has been associated with this cluster.
Uniting AgeWell, PrestonPrestonVictoria511 October 2020[300]15 October 2020[301]
Zeus Street restaurant clusterChermsideQueensland53 July 2021[302]7 July 2021[302]Originating from a Prince Charles Hospital worker in the second of two outbreaks at the hospital in the late June/early July 2021 period.[302]
Mildura outbreakMilduraVictoria518 July 2021[103]28 July 2021[104]Additional case reported on 28 July.[110]
West Gate Tunnel workplace outbreakWest Gate TunnelVictoria421 July 2021[251]25 July 2021[107]Additional cases reported in daily updates.[105][107]
Camberwell Grammar SchoolCamberwellVictoria420 June 2020[228]6 July 2020[31]
Woolworths Online Fulfillment CentreFootscrayVictoria46 July 2020[31]8 July 2020[69]
Waste Equipment and Hiab ServicesArdeerVictoria415 July 2020[18]15 July 2020[18]
TD CabinetsDandenong SouthVictoria415 July 2020[18]15 July 2020[18]
Nestlé, CampbellfieldCampbellfieldVictoria420 July 2020[242]20 July 2020[242]
Royal Children's HospitalParkvilleVictoria427 July 2020[289]27 July 2020[289]
Eastern HealthUnspecifiedVictoria47 August 2020[303]7 August 2020[303]
Knox InternationalBrooklynVictoria49 August 2020[143]9 August 2020[143]
PGG Wrightson SeedsTruganinaVictoria49 August 2020[143]9 August 2020[143]
Elwood communityElwoodVictoria415 October 2020[301]15 October 2020[301]
Hoppers Crossing community outbreakHoppers CrossingVictoria419 October 2020[124]19 October 2020[124]
Christo's PizzeriaPaddingtonNew South Wales424 June 2021[233]30 June 2021[165]
South Coogee Public SchoolSouth CoogeeNew South Wales428 June 2021[304]28 June 2021[304]
Beenleigh clusterBeenleighQueensland42 September 2021[305]9 September 2021[306]Outbreak initiated by an infected truck driver returning from NSW. Additional cases reported in the media.[307][308]
Goondiwindi clusterGoondiwindiQueensland44 November 2021[309]6 November 2021[310]Cluster is linked to a known cluster in Moree, in northern NSW.
Katherine outbreak, initial clusterKatherineNorthern Territory44 November 2021[311]9 November 2021[312]The cluster represents Northern Territory's first confirmed case of community transmission. The cluster is genomically linked to the wider Northern Territory outbreak that was first detected on November 15.[313][314]
Hampstead DentalMaidstoneVictoria320 June 2020[228]24 June 2020[214]
Springside Primary SchoolCaroline SpringsVictoria320 June 2020[228]2 July 2020[315]
Orygen Youth Health facilityFootscrayVictoria326 June 2020[316]3 July 2020[13]
Villa BambiniEssendonVictoria32 July 2020[315]3 July 2020[13]
PM Fresh facilityBroadmeadowsVictoria38 July 2020[69]11 July 2020[27]
Ilim CollegeDallasVictoria311 July 2020[27]11 July 2020[27]
Bell Collision Repair CentrePrestonVictoria315 July 2020[18]15 July 2020[18]
Dairy CountryTullamarineVictoria319 July 2020[81]19 July 2020[81]
Sims Metal ManagementBrooklynVictoria324 July 2020[53]24 July 2020[53]
Base BackpackersSt KildaVictoria326 July 2020[75]26 July 2020[75]
Impact English CollegeMelbourneVictoria324 July 2020[53]26 July 2020[75]
Staines Memorial CollegeRedback PlainsQueensland31 September 2020[317]2 September 2020[318]
Sunshine Hospital, Western Health second outbreakSt AlbansVictoria33 October 2020[246]3 October 2020[246]
iMedic iCare Medical CenterFairfieldNew South Wales312 July 2021[102]12 July 2021[102]
Keilor Downs Secondary CollegeKeilor DownsVictoria221 June 2020[29]24 June 2020[214]
Ascot Vale Primary SchoolAscot ValeVictoria228 June 2020[319]4 July 2020[11]
StarTrack facilityTullamarineVictoria230 June 2020[281]30 June 2020[281]
Moreland Primary SchoolCoburgVictoria230 June 2020[281]30 June 2020[281]
Maple Early Learning CentreMerndaVictoria21 July 2020[320]1 July 2020[320]
Joan Kirner Women's and Children's HospitalSt AlbansVictoria21 July 2020[320]5 July 2020[321]
Preston MarketPrestonVictoria24 July 2020[11]4 July 2020[11]
Box Hill Hospital first outbreakBox HillVictoria212 July 2020[91]12 July 2020[91]
Mercy Hospital for WomenHeidelbergVictoria217 July 2020[68]17 July 2020[68]
Kmart, Endeavour HillsEndeavour HillsVictoria217 July 2020[68]17 July 2020[68]
Serco, Box HillBox HillVictoria218 July 2020[63]18 July 2020[63]
Grand Chancellor HotelMelbourneVictoria225 July 2020[120]25 July 2020[120]
D'Orsogna MeatsMicklehamVictoria225 July 2020[120]25 July 2020[120]
Uniting AgeWell, KingsvilleKingsvilleVictoria21 August 2020[51]1 August 2020[51]
Polytrade RecyclingDandenong SouthVictoria27 August 2020[303]7 August 2020[303]
Ballarat Health ServicesBallaratVictoria28 August 2020[147]8 August 2020[147]
Ambassador HotelFrankstonVictoria28 August 2020[147]8 August 2020[147]
Dooleys Lidcombe Catholic ClubLidcombeNew South Wales214 August 2020[286]14 August 2020[286]
Prince Charles HospitalChermsideQueensland229 June 2021[322]1 July 2021[322]First of two Prince Charles Hospital outbreaks detected in the late June/early July 2021 period.[302]
Brisbane International Airport outbreakBrisbane AirportQueensland21 July 2021[322]2 July 2021[302]
Commonwealth Bank, Roselands Shopping CentreRoselandsNew South Wales27 July 2021[16]7 July 2021[16]
Canberra Institute of TechnologyReidAustralian Capital Territory29 August 2021[153]26 August 2021[123]
Gold Creek SchoolNichollsAustralian Capital Territory210 August 2021[153]26 August 2021[123]

See also


  1. This is the combined figure for both outbreaks. The North Melbourne and Flemington clusters were last reported with separate figures on 5 July.
  2. NSW Health ceased reporting the number of cases directly linked to the Bondi index case on 10 July.
  3. The Victorian Government ceased providing a separate breakdown of this cluster on 4 September.
  4. Case numbers are based on the peak of active cases as daily reporting did not always provide a cluster breakdown. As a result, the total number of cases in this cluster may be higher.
  5. May be understated due to incomplete reporting on 22 August.
  6. Case numbers may be underestimated as NSW Health do not provide regular updates of case numbers for this outbreak.


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