2023 French Senate election

Senatorial election in France in September 2023 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2023 French Senate election

Senatorial elections took place on 24 September 2023 to renew 172 of the 348 seats in the Senate of the French Fifth Republic. The Republicans, led by Bruno Retailleau, emerged as the largest group for the fourth consecutive cycle, but lost 7 seats.[2][3]

Quick Facts 172 of 348 seats of the Senate 175 seats needed for a majority, First party ...
2023 French Senate election

 2020 September 24, 2023 (2023-09-24) 2026 

172 of 348 seats of the Senate
175 seats needed for a majority
  First party Second party Third party
Bruno Retailleau.png
Patrick Kanner (cropped).jpg
Herve Marseille-IMG 4096.jpg
Leader Bruno Retailleau Patrick Kanner Hervé Marseille
Leader's seat Vendée Nord Hauts-de-Seine
Last election 146 seats 78 seats 49 seats
Seats before 145 64 57
Seats after 139 69 51
Seat change 7 9 2

  Fourth party Fifth party Sixth party
François Patriat.jpg
Leader François Patriat Cécile Cukierman Maryse Carrère
Leader's seat Côte-d'Or Loire Hautes-Pyrénées
Last election 21 seats 15 seats 21 seats
Seats before 24 15 14
Seats after 21 17 14
Seat change 2 7

  Seventh party Eighth party
Claude Malhuret, président du groupe Les Indépendants - Sénat (cropped).jpg
Guillaume Gontard.jpg
Leader Claude Malhuret Guillaume Gontard
Leader's seat Allier Isère
Last election 11 seats 12 seats
Seats before 14 12
Seats after 17 16
Seat change 6 4

Map of the departments with senators up for election

President of the Senate before election

Gérard Larcher

Elected President of the Senate

Gérard Larcher[1]




2020 senatorial elections

The 2020 senatorial elections led to a renforcement of the right-wing and centre majority. The parties making up majority of the National Assembly failed to gain ascendancy, while the Ecologist group reappeared.

Composition of the Senate after the 2020 elections

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the renewal of six senators representing French citizens living abroad was pushed back a year, while the French consular elections were themselves postponed till May 2021. As a result, their renewal took place in September 2021.[4]

In its previous configuration from the elections of 2022, the Senate was composed of three major groups (LR, UC and SER) and six minor groups. It was thus predominantly right- and centre-leaning. The Republicans and Centrist Union group had 202 out of 348 seats, forming a majority. The main force of opposition came from the Socialists with 64 senators.

2022 presidential and legislative elections

These elections took place 16 months after the 2022 presidential election, which saw the reelection of the outgoing President Emmanuel Macron, as well as 14 months after the 2022 legislative election, which marked the end of the 15th legislature of the Fifth Republic. The latter led to a recomposition of the National Assembly, the lower house of the French Parliament.

Partisan objectives

The senatorial majority of the right and centre was the favourite retain the their majority. According to senator Roger Karoutchi of Hauts-de-Seine, the prospects ranged from a loss of 5 seats to a gain of 2 seats within the Senate Republicans, the most important group in terms of the numerical strength in the Senate.

With regard to the centrists, their objective was the surpassing the Socialist group and becoming the Senate's secondary political group. Numerically, the group's prospects ranged from a loss of 4 seats to a gain of 3 seats.[5]


Detailed results

More information Departement, Outgoing senator ...
Departement Outgoing senator Party Elected senator Party
Indre-et-Loire Serge Babary LR Jean-Gérard Paumier LR
Isabelle Raimond-Pavero LR Vincent Louault HOR
Pierre Louault SE Pierre-Alain Roiron PS
Isère Michel Savin LR Michel Savin LR
Frédérique Puissat LR Frédérique Puissat LR
André Vallini PS Damien Michallet LR
Didier Rambaud RE Didier Rambaud RE
Guillaume Gontard EELV Guillaume Gontard EELV
Jura Marie-Christine Chauvin LR Clément Pernot LR
Sylvie Vermeillet PRV Sylvie Vermeillet PRV
Landes Monique Lubin PS Monique Lubin PS
Éric Kerrouche PS Éric Kerrouche PS
Loir-et-Cher Jean-Marie Janssens UDI Bernard Pillefer SE
Jean-Paul Prince PS Jean-Luc Brault SE
Loire Bernard Bonne LR Hervé Reynaud LR
Bernard Fournier LR Pierre-Jean Rochette SE
Jean-Claude Tissot PS Jean-Claude Tissot PS
Cécile Cukierman PCF Cécile Cukierman PCF
Haute-Loire Laurent Duplomb LR Laurent Duplomb LR
Olivier Cigolotti UDI Olivier Cigolotti UDI
Loire-Atlantique Laurence Garnier LR Laurence Garnier LR
Joël Guerriau HOR Joël Guerriau HOR
Yannick Vaugrenard PS Philippe Grosvalet PS
Michelle Meunier PS Karine Daniel PS
Ronan Dantec EELV Ronan Dantec EELV
Loiret Hugues Saury LR Hugues Saury LR
Jean-Noël Cardoux LR Pauline Martin LR
Jean-Pierre Sueur PS Christophe Chaillou PS
Lot Jean-Claude Requier PRV Raphaël Daubet PRV
Angèle Préville PS Jean-Marc Vayssouze-Faure PS
Lot-et-Garonne Christine Bonfanti-Dossat LR Christine Bonfanti-Dossat LR
Jean-Pierre Moga UDI Michel Masset SE
Lozère Guylène Pantel PS Guylène Pantel PS
Maine-et-Loire Stéphane Piednoir LR Stéphane Piednoir LR
Catherine Deroche LR Corinne Bourcier SE
Emmanuel Capus HOR Emmanuel Capus HOR
Joël Bigot PS Grégory Blanc SE
Manche Philippe Bas LR Philippe Bas LR
Béatrice Gosselin LR Béatrice Gosselin LR
Jean-Michel Houllegatte SE Sébastien Fagnen PS
Marne René-Paul Savary LR Christian Bruyen SE
Françoise Férat UDI Anne-Sophie Romagny UDI
Yves Détraigne UDI Cadric Chevalier HOR
Haute-Marne Bruno Sido LR Bruno Sido LR
Charles Guené LR Anne-Marie Nédélec SE
Mayenne Guillaume Chevrollier LR Guillaume Chevrollier LR
Elisabeth Doineau SE Elisabeth Doineau SE
Meurthe-et-Moselle Jean-François Husson LR Jean-François Husson LR
Véronique Guillotin PRV Véronique Guillotin PRV
Olivier Jacquin PS Olivier Jacquin PS
Véronique Del Fabro SE Silvana Silvani PCF
Meuse Gérard Longuet LR Jocelyne Antoine SE
Franck Menonville UDI Franck Menonville UDI
Morbihan Muriel Jourda LR Muriel Jourda LR
Jacques le Nay UDI Yves Bleunven SE
Joël Labbé SE Simon Uzenat PS
Moselle Jean-Louis Masson SE Khalifé Khalifé LR
Catherine Belrhiti LR Catherine Belrhiti LR
Jean-Marie Mizzon UDI Jean-Marie Mizzon UDI
Christine Herzog SE Christine Herzog SE
Jean-Marc Todeschini PS Michaël Weber PS
Nièvre Nadia Sollogoub SE Nadia Sollogoub SE
Patrice Joly PS Patrice Joly PS
Nord Brigitte Lherbier LR Joshua Hochart RN
Marc-Philippe Daubresse LR Marc-Philippe Daubresse LR
Olivier Henno UDI Olivier Henno UDI
Valérie Létard UDI Guislain Cambier UDI
Jean-Pierre Decool SE Marie-Claude Lermytte SE
Dany Wattebled SE Dany Wattebled SE
Frédéric Marchand RE Franck Dhersin HOR
Martine Filleul SE Audrey Linkenheld PS
Patrick Kanner PS Patrick Kanner PS
Eric Bocquet PCF Eric Bocquet PCF
Michelle Gréaume PCF Michelle Gréaume PCF
Oise Edouard Courtial LR Edouard Courtial LR
Jérôme Bascher LR Sylvie Valente-Le Hir SE
Olivier Paccaud SE Olivier Paccaud SE
Laurence Rossignol PS Alexandre Ouizille PS
Orne Nathalie Goulet UDI Nathalie Goulet UDI
Vincent Segouin LR Olivier Bitz HOR
Pas-de-Calais Michel Dagbert RE Christopher Szczurek RN
Jean-François Rapin LR Jean-François Rapin LR
Amel Gacquerre UDI Amel Gacquerre UDI
Jean-Marie Vanlerenberghe MoDem Jean-Marie Vanlerenberghe MoDem
Sabine Van Heghe MDC Jérôme Darras PS
Jean-Pierre Corbisez SE Jean-Pierre Corbisez SE
Cathy Apourceau-Poly PCF Cathy Apourceau-Poly PCF
Puy-de-Dôme Jean-Marc Boyer LR Jean-Marc Boyer LR
Eric Gold SE Eric Gold SE
Jacques-Bernard Magner PS Marion Canales PS
Pyrénées-Atlantiques Max Brisson LR Max Brisson LR
Denise Saint-Pé MoDem Denise Saint-Pé MoDem
Frédérique Espagnac PS Frédérique Espagnac PS
Hautes-Pyrénées Maryse Carrère PRG Maryse Carrère PRG
Viviane Artigalas PS Viviane Artigalas PS
Pyrénées-Orientales Jean Sol LR Jean Sol LR
François Calvet LR Lauriane Josende LR
Paris Catherine Dumas LR Catherine Dumas LR
Pierre Charon LR Francis Szpiner LR
Philippe Dominati SE Marie-Claire Carrère-Gée LR
Céline Boulay-Espéronnier SE Agnès Evren LR
Julien Bargeton RE Colombe Brossel PS
Rémi Féraud PS Rémi Féraud PS
Marie-Pierre de La Gontrie PS Marie-Pierre de La Gontrie PS
Bernard Jomier PS Bernard Jomier PS
David Assouline PS Yannick Jadot EELV
Esther Benbassa SE Anne Souyris EELV
Marie-Noëlle Lienemann GRS Antoinette Guhl EELV
Pierre Laurent PCF Ian Brossat PCF
Seine-et-Marne Claudine Thomas LR Aymeric Durox RN
Pierre Cuypers LR Pierre Cuypers LR
Anne Chain-Larché LR Anne Chain-Larché LR
Colette Mélot HOR Louis Vogel HOR
Vincent Eblé PS Vincent Eblé PS
Arnaud de Belenet AC Marianne Margaté PCF
Yvelines Gérard Larcher LR Gérard Larcher LR
Sophie Primas LR Sophie Primas LR
Marta de Cidrac LR Marta de Cidrac LR
Michel Laugier UDI Michel Laugier UDI
Martin Lévrier RE Martin Lévrier RE
Toine Bourrat LR Ghislaine Senée EELV
Essonne Laure Darcos LR Laure Darcos LR
Jean-Raymond Hugonet LR Jean-Raymond Hugonet LR
Vincent Delahaye UDI Vincent Delahaye UDI
Jocelyne Guidez UDI Jocelyne Guidez UDI
Daphné Ract-Madoux MoDem David Ros PS
Hauts-de-Seine Roger Karoutchi LR Roger Karoutchi LR
Christine Lavarde LR Christine Lavarde LR
Philippe Pemezec LR Marie-Do Aeschlimann LR
Hervé Marseille UDI Hervé Marseille UDI
André Gattolin RE Isabelle Florennes MoDem
Xavier Iacovelli RE Xavier Iacovelli RE
Pierre Ouzoulias PCF Pierre Ouzoulias PCF
Seine-Saint-Denis Thierry Meignen LR Thierry Meignen LR
Vincent Capo-Canellas UDI Vincent Capo-Canellas UDI
Annie Delmont-Koropoulis LR Ahmed Laouedj PRG
Gilbert Roger PS Corinne Narassiguin PS
Eliane Assassi PCF Adel Ziane PS
Fabien Gay PCF Fabien Gay PCF
Val-de-Marne Christian Cambon LR Christian Cambon LR
Catherine Procaccia LR Marie-Carole Ciuntu LR
Laurent Lafon UDI Laurent Lafon UDI
Daniel Breuiller EELV Akli Mellouli SE
Laurence Cohen PCF Laurence Rossignol PS
Pascal Savoldelli PCF Pascal Savoldelli PCF
Val-d'Oise Arnaud Bazin LR Arnaud Bazin LR
Jacqueline Eustache-Brinio LR Jacqueline Eustache-Brinio LR
Sébastien Meurant REC Daniel Fargeot SE
Rachid Temal PS Rachid Temal PS
Alain Richard RE Pierre Barros PCF
Guadeloupe Dominique Théophile GUSR Dominique Théophile GUSR
Victoire Jasmin PS Solanges Nadille GUSR
Victorin Lurel PS Victorin Lurel PS
Martinique Catherine Conconne LME Catherine Conconne LME
Maurice Antiste MPF Frédéric Buval DT
Réunion Viviane Malet LR Viviane Malet LR
Jean-Louis Lagourgue SE Stéphane Fouassin UDI
Nassimah Dindar AC Audrey Bélim PS
Michel Dennemont RE Evelyne Corbière PLR
Mayotte Thani Mohamed Soilihi RE Thani Mohamed Soilihi RE
Abdallah Hassani MDM Saïd Omar Oili NEMA
New Caledonia Pierre Frogier R-LR Georges Naturel R-LR
Gérard Poadja CE Robert Xowie UC

Senators who lost reelection

More information Senator, Party ...
Senator Party Department Since
Isabelle Raimond-Pavero LR Indre-et-Loire 2017
Angèle Préville PS Lot 2017
Jean-Pierre Moga UDI Lot-et-Garonne 2017
Brigitte Lherbier LR Nord 2017
Frédéric Marchand RE Nord 2017
Martine Filleul SE Nord 2017
Jérôme Bascher LR Oise 2017
Vincent Segouin LR Orne 2018[6]
Sabine Van Heghe MDC Pas-de-Calais 2017
Pierre Charon LR Paris 2011
Julien Bargeton RE Paris 2017
Claudine Thomas LR Seine-et-Marne 2017
Toine Bourrat LR Yvelines 2020[7]
Daphné Ract-Madoux MoDem Essonne 2022[8]
Philippe Pemezec LR Hauts-de-Seine 2017
Sébastien Meurant REC Val-d'Oise 2017
Alain Richard RE Val-d'Oise 2011
Victoire Jasmin PS Guadeloupe 2017
Nassimah Dindar AC Réunion 2017
Pierre Frogier R-LR New Caledonia 2011
Gérard Poadja CE New Caledonia 2017


See also

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