2012 Czech regional elections

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2012 Czech regional elections

The 2012 Regional Council Elections (cz. Volby do krajských zastupitelstev) were held on the 12th and 13th of October in all administrative regions (cz. Kraje) of the Czech Republic, with the exception of Prague.[1] The election was won by the Czech Social Democratic Party (ČSSD), which received the most votes in 9 of the 13 regions despite experiencing a significant drop in voter share overall.[2]

Quick Facts Turnout, First party ...
2012 Czech regional elections

 2008 12–13 October 2012 2016 

  First party Second party Third party
  Thumb Thumb Thumb
Leader Bohuslav Sobotka Vojtěch Filip Petr Nečas
Seats won 205 182 102
Popular vote 621,961 538,953 324,081
Percentage 23.58% 20.43% 12.28%
Swing 11.27% 5.40% 12.29%

Chairman of Regional Association before election

Michal Hašek

Elected Chairman of Regional Association

Michal Hašek



The previous regional election in 2008 had been won by the ČSSD, who had received the most votes in all participating regions.[3] In the months leading up to the 2012 election support for them decreased, though according to polls they still remained in the lead. Similarly, the center right Civic Democratic Party (ODS) had decreased in popularity. This is likely the result of increasing loss of confidence in the traditional established parties that led to more voters choosing to support non-parliamentary, less powerful parties. Perhaps as a result of this trend, the Czech Communist Party (KSČM), which had been largely politically marginalized since the Velvet Revolution, had seen an increase in support according to polls.[4]


More information Party, Votes (+in coalition) ...
Party Votes
(+in coalition)
(+in coalition)
Number of regions contested
(+in coalition)
(+in coalition)
2008 2012 2008 2012 2008 2012 2008 2012
ČSSD 1 044 719 621 961 35,85 23,58 13 13 280 205
KSČM 438 024 538 953 15,03 20,43 13 13 114 182
ODS 687 005 324 081 23,57 12,28 13 13 180 102
KDU-ČSL 193 911
(+82 566)
153 510
(+80 623)
TOP 09+STAN 35 584
(+19 505)
175 089 1,22
6,63 3
13 7 (+2) 44
SZ 92 057 46 401
(+76 462)
3,15 1,75
13 8
0 0
SPOZ - 81 344
(+8 744)
- 3,08
- 12
- 7
Piráti - 57 805 - 2,19 0 13 - 0

Jihočeský kraj (South Bohemian region)


ČSSD won the 2008 election in the region with 33.80% of the vote and formed a coalition with ODS.[5]



More information Published, 18 Oct 2008 ...
Published 18 Oct 2008 [6] 3 Sep 2012 [7] 19 Sep 2012 [8] 21 Sep 2012 [9] 13 Oct 2012 [10]
Company Previous election ppm factum SC&C, STEM/MARK Sanep Election
ČSSD 33.80 19.4 21.0 21.1 27.99
KSČM 15.94 18.6 17.5 17.2 19.37
JIHOČEŠI 2012 - 6.8 9.0 6.9 14.57
ODS 29.63 19.3 21.0 19.1 12.56
KDU-ČSL 6.95 5.1 6.5 7.1 6.43
TOP 09 and STAN - 12.2 10.0 7.9 5.00
SPOZ - 3.1 2.5 5.0 2.17
Svobodní - 2.1 1.93
DSSS 1 1.20 0.7 2.0 1.81
Piráti - 1.2 2.5 1.79
SZ 3.40 3.9 3.0 4.1 1.67
SNK ED and SsČR 2
4.92 1.4 1.55
SBB 3 0.97 1.5 1.02
Others 0.7 4.4
Turnout 40.78 43 38.59


More information Party, Change ...
Party 2008 2012 Change
votes percent seats votes percent seats percent seats
Czech Social Democratic Party 68 856 33.80 22 53 736 27.99 18 -5.81 -4
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia 32 484 15.94 10 37 187 19.37 13 +3.43 +3
JIHOČEŠI 2012 - - - 27 972 14.57 9 +14.57 +9
Civic Democratic Party 60 349 26.39 19 24 110 12.56 8 -13.83 -11
Christian and Democratic Union – Czechoslovak People's Party 14 170 6.95 4 12 341 6.43 4 -0.52 0
TOP 09 and Mayors for South bohemian region - - - 9 614 5.00 3 +5.00 +3
votes total/turnout/seats 207 867 40,78 55 199 113 38,59 55 -2.19


Jihomoravský kraj (South Moravian region)


Czech Social Democratic Party won the 2008 election in the region with 34.84% of votes and formed a coalition with ODS.[12]



More information Published, 18 Oct 2008 ...
Published 18 Oct 2008 [13] 1 Oct 2012 [14] 8 Oct 2012 [15] 13 Oct 2012 [16]
Company Previous election SC&C, STEM/MARK ppm factum Election
ČSSD 34.84 30.0 26.4 27.01
KSČM 14.41 17.5 13.9 18.65
KDU-ČSL 23.89 10.5 11.2 17.03
ODS 15.88 14.5 11.6 9.21
TOP09 and STAN - 7.5 8.9 5.86
"SN" * - 0.6 3.89
SZ 3.64 3.5 3.9 3.68
Piráti - 2.5 1.5 2.49
SPOZ - 4.6 2.45
Nezávislí 1.89 3.0 4.1 2.40
Moravané 0.89 2.5 2.1 1.75
Svobodní - 1.9 1.35
Others 6.5
Turnout 41.05 45 37.76
  • "Sdružení nestraníků"


More information Party, Change ...
Party 2008 2012 Change
votes percent seats votes percent seats percent seats
Czech Social Democratic Party 131 615 34.84 26 93 843 27.01 23 -7.83 -3
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia 54 443 14.41 10 64 805 18.65 16 +4.24 +6
Christian and Democratic Union – Czechoslovak People's Party 90 254 23.89 18* 59 159 17.03 14 -6.86 -4
Civic Democratic Party 60 005 15.88 11* 32 004 9.21 7 -6.67 -4
TOP 09 and Mayors for South Moravian region - - - 20 379 5.86 5 +5.86 +5
votes total/turnout/seats 377 706 41.05 65 347 336 37.76 65 -3.29
  • In summer 2010 the coalition collapsed and ODS was replaced by KDU-ČSL.[17]


Karlovarský kraj (Karlovy Vary region)


ČSSD won the 2008 election in the region with 31.39% of votes and formed a coalition with the Communist Party and Doktoři (za uzdravení společnosti).[19]


More information Published, 18 Oct 2008 ...
Published 18 Oct 2008 [20] 27 Aug 2012 [21] 29 Aug 2012 [22] 23 Sep 2012 [23] 13 Oct 2012 [24]
Company Previous election SC&C, STEM/MARK Sanep ppm factum Election
KSČM 17.45 23.5 24.1 16.7 22.98
ČSSD 31.39 26.5 24.0 22.9 22.73
ODS 18.08 15.0 14.3 18.5 9.79
TOP09 and STAN - 8.0 7.1 11.1 7.38
Alternativa *1 9.94 2.0 3.5 5.4 6.70
HNHRM *2 5.93 3.5 3.9 1.3 9.09
Koalice *2 5.0 7.5 4.5 4.66
SZ *2 2.64
Doktoři *3 9.56 -
DSSS *4 1.23 2.5 1.3 3.34
SPOZ - 3.0 4.2 5.3 2.83
Svobodní - 2.4 2.44
Piráti - 3.0 3.2 1.8 2.44
LEV 21 - 2.5 2.0 2.05
PB *5 0.33 1.4 1.18
Turnout 35.01 45 31.57
  • 1 Alternativa pro kraj (Alternative for the region)
  • 2 Koalice pro kraj (Coalition for the region) is a coalition of the KDU-ČSL, Greens and the movement "O Co Jim Jde?!". In the 2008 election a coalition of the same name consisted of KDU-ČSL and Hnutí nezávislých za harmonický rozvoj obcí a měst (Movement of independents for the harmonic development of municipalities) which did not join the 2012 coalition.
  • 3 Doktoři (za uzdravení společnosti) (Doctors for restoration of society)
  • 4 Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti - STOP NEPŘIZPŮSOBIVÝM! is coalition of Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti and Strana pro Evropu, in 2008 election as Dělnická strana - za zrušení poplatků ve zdravotnictví
  • 5 Volte Pravý Blok - www.cibulka.net


More information Party, Change ...
Party 2008 2012 Change
votes percent seats votes percent seats percent seats
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia 14 443 17.45 8 16 580 22.98 14 +5.53 +6
Czech Social Democratic Party 25 977 31.39 16 16 402 22.73 13 -8.66 -3
Civic Democratic Party 14 967 18.80 9 7 062 9.79 5 -9.01 -4
Movement of Independents for Harmonic Development of Municipalities 4 909 5.93 3 6 558 9.09 5 +3.16 +2
TOP 09 and Mayors for Karlovy Vary region - - - 5 326 7.38 4 +7.38 +4
Alternative 8 228 9.94 5 4 837 6.70 4 +3.24 +1
Doktoři (za uzdravení společnosti) 7 918 9.56 4* - - - - -4
votes total/turnout/seats 82 742 35,01 45 72 130 31.57 45 -3.48
  • until November 2009 [25]


Královéhradecký kraj (Hradec Králové region)


Czech Social Democratic Party won 2008 election in region with 31.94% of votes and formed coalition with Coalition for Hradec Hrálové region and SNK ED.[27]


More information Published, 18 Oct 2008 ...
Published 18 Oct 2008 [28] 6 Sep 2012 [29] 10 Sep 2012 [30] 12 Sep 2012 [31] 13 Oct 2012 [32]
Company Previous election ppm Invenio SC&C, STEM/MARK Sanep Election
ČSSD 31.94 19.9 25.5 22.8 19.73
KSČM 13.47 12.0 17.0 17.4 19.39
Koalice *1 7.68 5.4 7.0 6.5 12.07
VPK *1 4.95
ODS 24.33 23.0 18.0 16.7 10.62
TOP09 a STAN - 13.4 13.0 8.0 8.25
Východočeši - 3.7 2.0 7.69
Změna *2 3.97 3.6 3.0 3.5 4.09
Patrioti - 0.4 3.97
SPOZ - 2.2 3.5 4.6 2.76
SNK ED 6.02 1.1 2.23
Piráti - 2.7 2.4 1.90
Svobodní - 3.8 2.0 3.1 1.79
DSSS *3 1.02 1.1 1.51
SBB 0.81 1.7 1.09
PB *4 1.28 0.4 1.05
Turnout 41.72 41 38.43
  • 1 Koalice pro Královéhradecký kraj is coalition of KDU-ČSL, Hradecký demokratický klub (Democratic club of Hradec) and Volba pro město (Vote for the City), in 2008 election of KDU-ČSL and Nestraníci (Non-partisans)
  • 2 Změna pro Královéhradecký kraj is a coalition of Greens and political movement Změna (Change)
  • 3 Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti - STOP NEPŘIZPŮSOBIVÝM! is coalition of Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti and Strana pro Evropu, in 2008 election as Dělnická strana - za zrušení poplatků ve zdravotnictví
  • 4 Volte Pravý Blok - www.cibulka.net


More information Party, Change ...
Party 2008 2012 Change
votes percent seats votes percent seats percent seats
Czech Social Democratic Party 57 351 31.94 18 32 248 19.73 12 12.21 -6
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia 24 189 13.47 7 31 685 19.39 11 +5.92 +4
Coalition for Hradec Králové region 13 794 8.89 4 19 721 12.07 7 +3.1 +3
Civic Democratic Party 43 688 24.33 13 17 366 10.62 6 -13.71 -7
TOP 09 and Mayors for Hradec Králové region - - - 13 483 8.25 5 +8.25 +5
Východočeši - - - 12 577 7.69 4 +7.69 +4
SNK European Democrats 10 824 6.02 3 3 648 2.23 - -3.79 -3
votes total/turnout/seats 179 522 41.72 45 163 374 38.43 45 -3.29


Liberecký kraj (Liberec region)


Czech Social Democratic Party won 2008 election in region with 26.79% of votes and formed coalition with Mayors and independents for Liberec region and Party for the Open Society.[34]


More information Published, 18 Oct 2008 ...
Published 18 Oct 2008 [35] 29 Aug 2012 [36] 31 Aug 2012 [37] 25 Sep 2012 [38] 13 Oct 2012 [39]
Company Previous election SC&C, STEM/MARK Sanep ppm Factum Election
SLK 13.78 11.0 11.9 8.5 22.21
KSČM 13.89 15.5 17.1 19.2 17.89
Změna *1 4.94 10.0 7.5 5.7 16.85
ČSSD 26.79 17.5 20.2 19.1 13.05
ODS 22.50 15.0 13.4 14.9 9.26
TOP09 a STAN - 12.0 8.7 8.4 3.52
NBPLK *2 - 3.0 3.2 2.5
SOS 6.12 2.0 1.0 2.42
Piráti - 2.0 2.22
SPOZ - 3.0 5.2 4.1 1.71
ČSSR *4 - 1.8 1.70
KDU-ČSL + SsČR *4 3.84 2.5 4.8 1.8 1.69
DSSS *5 0.89 2.0 0.9 1.61
Turnout 38.08 43 38.55
  • 1 Změna pro Liberecký kraj (Change for Liberec region) is coalition of movement Změna (Change) and Greens, 2008 election result is that of Green Party
  • 2 Nová budoucnost pro Liberecký kraj (New Future for Liberec region)
  • 3 Česká strana selského rozumu
  • 4 result of 2008 election is for Koalice pro Liberecký kraj, which KDU-ČSL was part of
  • 5 Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti - STOP NEPŘIZPŮSOBIVÝM! is coalition of Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti and Strana pro Evropu, in 2008 election as Dělnická strana - za zrušení poplatků ve zdravotnictví


More information Party, Change ...
Party 2008 2012 Change
votes percent seats votes percent seats percent seats
Mayors for Liberec Region 17 878 13.78 7 28 763 22.21 13 +8.43 +5
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia 18 018 13.89 8 23 167 17.89 10 +4.00 +2
Change for Liberec region 6 415 4.94 - 21 829 16.85 10 +9.91 +10
Czech Social Democratic Party 34 749 26.79 15 16 900 13.05 7 -13.74 -8
Civic Democratic Party 29 187 22.50 12 11 993 9.26 5 -13.24 -7
Party for the Open Society 7 937 6.12 3 3 146 2.42 - -3.70 -3
votes total/turnout/seats 129 668 38.08 45 129 482 38.55 45 +0.47


Moravskoslezský kraj (Moravian-Silesian region)


Czech Social Democratic Party won 2008 election in region with 42.63% of votes and formed coalition with Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia.[41]



More information Published, 18 Oct 2008 ...
Published 18 Oct 2008 [42] 27 Aug 2012 [43] 3 Oct 2012 [44] 5 Oct 2012 [45] 13 Oct 2012 [46]
Company Previous election ppm Factum SC&C, STEM/MARK Sanep Election
ČSSD 42.63 27.3 33.0 28.2 27.40
KSČM 15.92 17.1 23.5 20.3 22.78
ODS 24.90 17.1 14.5 12.7 9.92
KDU-ČSL 7.10 8.0 6.5 7.3 8.60
Nezávislí - 4.9 4.0 4.3 5.72
SPOZ - 3.7 2.5 7.1 4.56
TOP09 a STAN MSK - 7.7 4.0 4.2 4.32
SZ 2.14 2.3 3.0 2.1 2.79
Piráti - 1.0 2.0 2.17
DSSS*1 1.00 1.5 2.0 2.15
KSČ - 0.6 2.05
SNK*2 2.96 1.8 1.58
SBB *3 0.27 0.8 2.3 1.15
Protest *4 - 0.5 1.12
Turnout 38.6 41 33.17
  • 1 Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti - STOP NEPŘIZPŮSOBIVÝM! is coalition of Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti and Strana pro Evropu, in 2008 election as Dělnická strana - za zrušení poplatků ve zdravotnictví
  • 2 SNK is coalition of SNK ED and Město lidem (City to the people), in 2008 election of SNK ED and Coexistentia
  • 3 SUVERENITA - Blok Jany Bobošíkové pro MORAVSKOSLEZSKÝ KRAJ is coalition of SUVERENITA - Blok Jany Bobošíkové and SUVERENITA - STRANA DŮSTOJNÉHO ŽIVOTA, in 2008 election as Strana důstojného života
  • 4 Protest - nevolím parlamentní strany is coalition of Občané 2011, Strana práce and Občané.cz


More information Party, Change ...
Party 2008 2012 Change
votes percent seats votes percent seats percent seats
Czech Social Democratic Party 162 410 42.63 31 87 688 27.40 24 -15.23 -7
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia 60 672 15.92 11 72 912 22.78 20 +6.86 +9
Civic Democratic Party 94 869 24.90 18 31 744 9.92 9 -14.98 -9
Christian and Democratic Union – Czechoslovak People's Party 27 053 7.10 5 27 536 8.60 7 +1.50 +2
Independents - - - 18 311 5.72 5 +5.72 +5
votes total/turnout/seats 380 896 38.60 65 319 979 33.17 65 -5.43


Olomoucký kraj (Olomouc region)


Czech Social Democratic Party won the 2008 election in this region with 39.78% of votes and formed a coalition with Civic Democratic Party and KDU-ČSL.[48]


More information Published, 18 Oct 2008 ...
Published 18 Oct 2008 [49] 26 Sep 2012 [50] 26 Sep 2012 [51] 2 Oct 2012 [52] 13 Oct 2012 [53]
Company Previous election SC&C, STEM/MARK Sanep ppm Factum Election
ČSSD 39.78 27.5 26.6 24.3 26.70
KSČM 15.80 20.5 21.1 16.3 22.82
Koalice (KDU-ČSL
and SZ)*1
8.75 4.5 5.5 5.0 11.00
ODS 20.34 16.5 13.1 17.7 10.91
TOP09 and STAN*2 3.32 10.5 5.9 10.4 6.16
Nezávislí 2.21 4.5 5.4 8.4 4.95
SPOZ - 4.0 6.1 4.9 3.30
NV*3 - 1.2
SBB*4 0.37 5.3 1.1 2.13
SDŽ*4 0.56
Piráti - 2.0 2.3 2.5 2.11
Moravané 0.94 2.0 2.6 3.7 1.92
Svobodní - 2.0 1.49
Turnout 38.50 39 35.67
  • 1 Koalice pro Olomoucký kraj společně se starosty (Coalition for Olomouc region together with Mayors) is coalition of SZ and KDU-ČSL, in 2008 election the parties ran independently.
  • 2 in 2008 election as Nezávislí starostové pro kraj (Independent Mayors for region)
  • 3 Nezávislá volba
  • 4 SUVERENITA - Blok Jany Bobošíkové - ZMĚNA PRO OLOMOUCKÝ KRAJ is coalition of SUVERENITA - Blok Jany Bobošíkové and SUVERENITA - STRANA DŮSTOJNÉHO ŽIVOTA, in 2008 independently as Strana zdravého rozumu and Strana důstojného života


More information Party, Change ...
Party 2008 2012 Change
votes percent seats votes percent seats percent seats
Czech Social Democratic Party 77 556 39.78 27 47 238 26.70 19 -13.08 -8
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia 30 809 15.80 10 40 379 22.82 16 +6.98 +6
Coalition for Olomouc region with Mayors
(KDU-ČSL and SZ)
17 076 8.75 5 19 459 11.00 8 -0.48 +3
5 341 2.73 -
Civic Democratic Party 39 656 20.34 13 19 308 10.91 8 -9.43 -5
TOP 09 and Mayors for Olomouc region 6 475 3.32 - 10 905 6.16 4 +2.84 +4
votes total/turnout/seats 194 946 38.50 55 176 884 35.67 55 -2.83


Pardubický kraj (Pardubice region)


Czech Social Democratic Party won 2008 election in region with 35.73% of votes and formed coalition with Coalition for Pardubice region.[55]



More information Published, 18 Oct 2008 ...
Published 18 Oct 2008 [56] 27 Aug 2012 [57] 5 Sep 2012 [58] 9 Sep 2012 [59] 13 Oct 2012 [60]
Company Previous election ppm Invenio SC&C, STEM/MARK Sanep Election
ČSSD 35.73 17.6 23.5 22.4 21.31
KSČM 13.00 10.7 18.0 20.8 18.86
Koalice*1 18.59 10.7 8.5 9.2 17.74
ODS 20.80 20.8 16.0 16.8 10.90
TOP09 a STAN*2 3.66 12.4 11.4 6.0 6.25
SPOZ - 5.3 4.5 6.2 5.31
Nezávislí - 4.0 5.0 4.2 3.76
Východočeši - 3.3 2.0 2.1 3.20
SsČR - 1.6 2.20
Piráti - 0.5 2.5 2.2 1.84
SZ 2.40 3.3 2.0 2.4 1.66
Svobodní - 2.0 1.52
DSSS*3 1.28 1.4 1.43
SBB 1.00 2.6 1.25
PB *4 0.83 0.3 1.10
Turnout 42.61 39 39.47
  • 1 Koalice pro Pardubický kraj is coalition of KDU-ČSL, SNK ED and Nestraníci
  • 2 in 2008 as Nezávislí starostové pro kraj
  • 3 Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti - STOP NEPŘIZPŮSOBIVÝM! is coalition of Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti and Strana pro Evropu, in 2008 election as Dělnická strana - za zrušení poplatků ve zdravotnictví
  • 4 Volte Pravý Blok - www.cibulka.net


More information Party, Change ...
Party 2008 2012 Change
votes percent seats votes percent seats percent seats
Czech Social Democratic Party 61 900 35.73 19 33 130 21.31 12 -14.42 -7
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia 22 524 13.00 6 29 332 18.86 11 +5.86 +5
Coalition for Pardubice region 32 219 18.59 9 27 582 17.74 10 -0.85 +1
Civic Democratic Party 36 042 20.80 11 16 953 10.90 6 -9.90 -5
TOP 09 and Mayors for Pardubice region 6 342 3.66 - 9 722 6.25 3 +2.59 +3
Party of Civic Rights - Zemanovci - - - 8 256 5.31 3 +5.31 +3
votes total/turnout/seats 173 233 42.61 45 155 464 39.47 45 -3.14


Plzeňský kraj (Plzeň region)


Czech Social Democratic Party won 2008 election in region with 36.37% of votes and formed coalition with support of communists.


More information Published, 18 Oct 2008 ...
Published 18 Oct 2008 [62] 12 Sep 2012 [63] 14 Sep 2012 [64] 26 Sep 2012 [65] 13 Oct 2012 [66]
Company Previous election SC&C, STEM/MARK Sanep ppm Factum Election
ODS 26.76 20.0 19.8 25.0 26.48
ČSSD 36.37 23.5 25.4 24.6 24.89
KSČM 17.53 16.5 18.3 13.6 20.93
STAN a TOP09 - 14.0 8.2 9.5 5.50
Koalice*1 7.21 4.5 5.4 3.1 4.65
SPOZ - 5.0 6.5 6.7 3.42
SNK*2 - 0.9 2.86
Piráti - 2.5 2.5 3.9 2.68
SZ 3.81 2.8 2.7 3.9 2.09
DSSS*3 1.47 4.0 3.3 1.7 1.56
SSO - 1.9 2.3 0.9 1.26
"SN"*4 - 2.3 1.16
Turnout 40.28 42 38.21
  • 1 Koalice pro Plzeňský kraj is coalition of KDU-ČSL, SsČR and Nezávislí, in 2008 election of KDU-ČSL and SNK ED
  • 2 Sdružení pro náš kraj - SNK
  • 3 Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti - STOP NEPŘIZPŮSOBIVÝM! is coalition of Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti and Strana pro Evropu, in 2008 election as Dělnická strana-Ne americkému radaru
  • 4 "Sdružení nestraníků"


More information Party, Change ...
Party 2008 2012 Change
votes percent seats votes percent seats percent seats
Civic Democratic Party 47 879 26.76 14 44 160 26.48 15 -0.28 +1
Czech Social Democratic Party 65 066 36.37 19 41 519 24.89 15 -11.48 -4
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia 31 369 17.53 9 34 919 20.39 12 +2.86 +3
TOP 09 and Mayors for Plzeň region - - - 9 175 5.5 3 +5.5 +3
Coalition for Plzeň region (KDU-ČSL and SNK ED) 12 899 7.21 3 7 758 4.65 - -2.56 -3
votes total/turnout/seats 178 865 40.28 45 166 758 38.21 45 -2.07


Středočeský kraj (Central Bohemian region)


Czech Social Democratic Party won 2008 election in region with 35.16% of votes and formed a government with support of communists.[68]



More information Published, 18 Oct 2008 ...
Published 18 Oct 2008 [69] 4 Oct 2012 [70] 7 Oct 2012 [71] 9 Oct 2012 [72] 13 Oct 2012 [73]
Company Previous election ppm Factum SC&C, STEM/MARK Sanep Election
ČSSD 35.16 20.5 24.5 20.3 21.79
KSČM 13.75 9.4 17.0 14.3 20.57
ODS 32.81 20.2 20.0 21.1 18.32
TOP09 and STAN*1 5.73 12.8 11.5 11.8 11.71
"SN"*2 - 2.1 2.0 2.0 3.17
KDU-ČSL and SNK ED*3 3.44 2.9 3.0 3.2 3.07
Piráti - 3.0 2.5 2.1 3.03
SZ 3.00 2.4 4.5 3.0 2.59
SPOZ and Češi - 6.2 2.5 5.3 2.49
Svobodní - 1.8 2.0 2.35
HNPD*4 - 1.0 1.64
PB*5 0.88 1.2 1.55
SBB*6 0.82 3.0 1.51
UNP-STŘČ*7 - 0.6 2.0 1.42
Turnout 41.05 42 36.45
  • 1 in 2008 as Nezávislí starostové pro Středočeský kraj
  • 2 "Sdružení nestraníků"
  • 3 Koalice KDU-ČSL, SNK ED a nezávislých, in 2008 election as Koalice pro Středočeský kraj
  • 4 Hnutí na podporu dobrovolných hasičů a dalších dobrovolníků
  • 5 Volte Pravý Blok - www.cibulka.net
  • 6 SUVERENITA - blok Jany Bobošíkové, Strana zdravého rozumu, in 2008 as Strana zdravého rozumu
  • 7 UNP - Středočeši 2012


More information Party, Change ...
Party 2008 2012 Change
votes percent seats votes percent seats percent seats
Czech Social Democratic Party 139 564 35.16 26 76 225 21.79 20 -13.37 -6
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia 54 594 13.75 10 71 975 20.57 19 +6.82 +9
Civic Democratic Party 130 242 32.81 25 64 101 18,32 16 -14,49 -9
TOP 09 and Mayors for Central Bohemian region 22 767 5.73 4 40 981 11.71 10 +5.98 +6
votes total/turnout/seats 396 873 42.14 65 349 796 36.45 65 -5.69


Ústecký kraj (Ústí region)


Czech Social Democratic Party won 2008 election in region with 32.78% of votes and formed coalition with Civic Democratic Party and Mirko Bernas who left Severočeši.cz.[75]


More information Published, 18 Oct 2008 ...
Published 18 Oct 2008 [76] 17 Sep 2012 [77] 24 Sep 2012 [78] 29 Sep 2012 [79] 13 Oct 2012 [80]
Company Previous election ppm Factum SC&C, STEM/MARK Sanep Election
KSČM 18.39 16.2 22.0 19.4 25.26
ČSSD 32.78 21.4 20.5 21.0 16.13
Severočeši.cz 13.20 8.5 11.5 8.3 12.02
ODS 20.57 15.1 14.5 13.4 9.68
PRO! kraj*1 4.29 1.3 2.5 4.2 8.15
TOP09 and STAN - 7.4 5.5 5.0 4.67
DSSS*2 1.19 1.3 4.0 2.2 4.37
SNK ED and SZSP*3 1.54+3.07 0.6 3.63
LEV 21 - 3.6 3.0 8.1 2.79
SPOZ - 6.0 2.5 5.2 2.32
KSČ - 0.9 2.21
NO!*4 1.06 3.6 2.5 2.8 1.93
Piráti - 2.8 2.0 2.1 1.88
Svobodní - 2.8 2.5 1.55
Sovereignty*5 0.39 3.0 1.22
Turnout 37.44 42 33.94
  • 1 PRO! kraj is coalition of SZ, KDU-ČSL, HNHRM, Koalice pro Benešov and B10, in 2008 election as SZ
  • 2 Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti - STOP NEPŘIZPŮSOBIVÝM! is coalition of Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti and Strana pro Evropu, in 2008 election as Dělnická strana - za zrušení zdravotnických poplatků
  • 3 Koalice SNK Evropští demokraté a Strana Zdraví, Sportu a Prosperity, in 2008 election ran independently
  • 5 in 2008 as Party of Common Sense


More information Party, Change ...
Party 2008 2012 Change
votes percent seats votes percent seats percent seats
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia 44 459 18.39 12 53 819 25.26 20 +6.87 +8
Czech Social Democratic Party 79 219 32.78 22 34 360 16.13 13 -16.65 -9
Severočeši.cz 31 910 13.20 8 25 617 12.02 9 -1.18 +1
Civic Democratic Party 49 715 20.57 13 20 635 9.68 7 -10.89 -4
For Region! 10 374 4.29 - 17 372 8.15 6 +3.86 +6
votes total/turnout/seats 241 643 37.44 55 213 000 33.94 55 -3.50


kraj Vysočina (Vysočina region)


Czech Social Democratic Party won 2008 election in region with 39.87% of votes and formed coalition with support of communists.[82]


More information Published, 18 Oct 2008 ...
Published 18 Oct 2008 [83] 3 Sep 2012 [84] 5 Sep 2012 [85] 12 Sep 2012 [86] 13 Oct 2012 [87]
Company Previous election SC&C, STEM/MARK Sanep ppm Factum Election
ČSSD 39.87 27.5 23.4 23.1 29.26
KSČM 15.72 19.0 21.8 14.8 19.57
KDU-ČSL 10.81 10.0 9.6 12.2 12.33
ODS 21.01 13.0 12.6 17.7 10.29
PRO VYS*1 3.79 5.0 6.1 5.9 6.38
TOP09 a STAN - 8.0 5.6 10.9 5.05
STO*2 - 2.0 0.7 4.46
SPOZ - 6.0 10.1 4.5 4.26
SZ 2.65 2.5 3.1 2.04
Piráti - 1.6 1.59
Svobodní - 2.0 2.1 1.3 1.28
Turnout 44.88 45 41.05
  • 1 Pro Vysočinu is coalition of SNK ED and Nestraníci, result of 2008 election is of SNK ED only
  • 2 Starostové pro občany


More information Party, Change ...
Party 2008 2012 Change
votes percent seats votes percent seats percent seats
Czech Social Democratic Party 72 004 39.87 21 48 022 29.26 17 -10.61 -4
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia 28 394 15.72 8 32 119 19.57 11 +3.85 +3
Christian and Democratic Union – Czechoslovak People's Party 19 534 10.81 5 20 243 12.33 7 +1.48 +2
Civic Democratic Party 37 946 21.01 11 16 888 10.29 5 -10.72 -6
For Vysočina 6 847 3.79 - 10 476 6.38 3 +2.59 +3
TOP 09 and Mayors for Vysočina - - - 8 302 5.09 2 +5.09 +2
votes total/turnout/seats 180 556 44,88 45 164 072 41.05 45 -3.83


Zlínský kraj (Zlín region)


Czech Social Democratic Party won 2008 election in region with 35.40% of votes and formed coalition with Civic Democratic Party and Christian Democrats.[89]


More information Published, 18 Oct 2008 ...
Published 18 Oct 2008 [90] 27 Aug 2012 [91] 17 Sep 2012 [92] 19 Sep 2012 [93] 13 Oct 2012 [94]
Company Previous election ppm Factum SC&C, STEM/MARK Sanep Election
ČSSD 35.40 21.2 23.0 22.3 21.73
KDU-ČSL 13.35 12.5 11.5 12.1 18.31
KSČM 11.18 11.6 16.0 15.5 16.08
STAN a TOP09*1 10.08 12.1 7.5 9.0 10.09
ODS 21.96 20.6 15.5 16.4 9.49
SPOZ - 4.3 6.0 7.9 7.21
LOOK*2 - 0.8 2.59
ZVUK 2012 - 0.4 2.16
Nezávislí*3 3.18 4.6 4.0 3.5 1.69
SZ 2.07 3.0 2.0 2.1 1.57
Piráti - 2.1 3.5 2.3 1.41
Moravané 0.89 1.6 2.0 1.25
MOR*4 - 0.6 1.22
SSO - 0.4 2.5 1.16
HOZK*5 - 1.9 1.09
Turnout 41.13 42 40.34
  • 1 Starostové a TOP 09 pro Zlínský kraj, in 2008 election as Starostové a nezávislí pro Zlínský kraj
  • 2 Lékaři a odborníci za ozdravení kraje
  • 3 in 2008 election as part of Koalice nestraníků
  • 4 Za Morální Očistu Regionu
  • 5 Hnutí odborníků za Zlínský kraj


More information Party, Change ...
Party 2008 2012 Change
votes percent seats votes percent seats percent seats
Czech Social Democratic Party 68 452 35.40 18 40 620 21.73 12 -13.67 -6
Christian and Democratic Union – Czechoslovak People's Party 25 824 13.35 6 34 231 18.31 10 +4.96 +4
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia 21 626 11.18 5 30 074 16.08 9 +4.90 +4
Mayors and Independents and TOP 09 for Zlín region 19 505 10.08 5 18 863 10.09 5 +0.01 0
Civic Democratic Party 42 460 21.96 11 17 757 9.49 5 -12.47 -6
Party of Civic Rights - Zemanovci - - - 13 488 7.21 4 +7.21 +4
votes total/turnout/seats 193 328 41.13 45 186 923 40.34 45 -0.79



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